Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 541 It really wasn’t me

Now the Archmage is not the only one suffering from insomnia. Some people still make loud noises, and some people are very sensitive to light, and the "sunlight" penetrating through the gaps in the curtains can wake them up.

About a quarter of an hour after entering "daylight", there was a knock on the door of the workroom, followed by a vague female voice: "Rorschach? Are you in there?"

Kano's profile picture suddenly shook: "Whose voice was that just now? Why did it sound like Caroline to me?

"I'm telling you, kid, I have no children, and Caroline is just like my daughter in my heart. How dare you?"

Rorschach immediately clarified, speaking as fast as pouring beans: "I don't know what you are rudely thinking about. I am now in the workshop of the Master Tower, not the bedroom. As a collaborator of my tower, Master Caroline has an emergency. It makes sense to come here to find me, doesn’t it?”

As he spoke, he opened the door from a distance: "Please come in." At the same time, he suggested to the archmages: "Let's interrupt the meeting first. Since a strange phenomenon has occurred, each of us can collect the intelligence around us, exchange follow-up messages, or hold an impromptu meeting. OK."

"It should be so." After saying this, Feuerbach was the first to log off. Others also cut off contact.

"I just communicated with the members of the Senate, and it seems that the sky has dawned on the entire continent." Rorschach invited Caroline in: "The reason is not yet clear."

He looked out the window. Everything was so sudden. The sudden switch to daytime made him feel like he was in another world.

It is as if God has said to the whole world, "The people are still alive".


Looking out the window at the mountains and forests and the chimneys and tall towers erected on the skyline, I feel a sudden sense of strangeness.

"There is no sun, no blue sky, only white." Caroline said and walked to the window as well.

Inexplicable depression. Facing the pure white sky with nothing else, will people lose their imagination of the height of the sky? Is it high or low? There is no way to reference or calibrate, this uniformity seems to have become a silent violence, making people think of "shrouding".

There is indeed something hanging over the earth, and people are so small that they happen to be caught in the middle.

"I don't know if Andre and the others have woken up. Please inform them." Rorschach thought for a while: "There are no other abnormal situations yet. Let the night shift team continue production and let the security check the indicators of all devices, especially It is a component involved in the magic circuit.

"Let all spell casters in the factory be prepared for emergencies, and focus on monitoring the transmutation dust collectors. The security team will maintain order in the factory and surrounding urban areas."

"Okay. What about you?"

"I will first check and confirm the situation in the three places, and then go up to the junction to have a look. If the vision really covers the whole world, there will definitely be a reaction in the symbolic world."

After saying that, Rorschach set off immediately. He toured as fast as possible, choosing the coal mine in the outer suburbs of Kempson as his first stop. He had a hunch that if the vision was related to the Earth Mother, problems would most likely occur in the facilities deepest underground.

Coal mining operations are still in the shallow ore seams, and several huge tunneling mechanisms are operating in the mine. Their huge drill bits are constantly biting the earth and rocks, producing raw ore containing a large number of dark stones.

It took nearly two hundred years and several generations to dig out the huge abandoned mine where the steel plant is located. Now the size and depth of the new mining area have caught up with the original pit.

It can also dig deeper because there are pumps that work better.

Puff puff puff. Pah.

When Rorschach arrived, he saw workers and engineers scratching their heads around the pump. Originally, what was pumped out should be infiltrated groundwater, which was mostly gray muddy water after being mixed with cinders. However, what was spit out this time was actually a viscous liquid.

Is this spitting oil?

He slowed down and slowly walked to the water pump. The master, who was covered in soot, saw a thin-skinned guy approaching and shouted, "Hey, are you an apprentice?"

"Official mage."

The people around were slightly surprised: "I actually sent an official here this time." The master changed his title, but did not become more respectful: "Look, oil suddenly came out, black and sticky, and smelly. very."

"Turn off the pump first, it will damage the machine." Sudden changes in working conditions are not a good thing for the machinery. After Rorschach gave the instructions, he used [Mage's Hand] to pick up the oily black mud pumped out. It actually had a fishy smell of algae.

He used [Arcane Vision] to examine it, and a slight light shone on it. There is a problem, but it is not certain. Sometimes the crystals containing deposited magic power in the slag also behave this way.

The apprentice who was actually sent over panted and ran to the mine: "I'm sorry, I'm late."

"Who are you?"

"Didn't your pumping team ask me to deal with emergencies?" The apprentice was a little annoyed: "Get up in the middle of the night and come here. You guys can just pretend to be confused here."

Suddenly the masters stared at Luo Xia with vigilance and suspicion: "Then who are you?"

One person suddenly remembered the content of the safety education: "You are not a spy, are you? Be honest and don't move!" A wrench weighing several kilograms was about to hit him.

Rorschach was wearing regular clothes and called the apprentice who had just woken up. He didn't react for a while. Now he recognized it clearly and stammered with his mouth wide open: "He is a mage! This lord"

"He is his teacher." Rorschach put his hand on the apprentice's shoulder and took over the conversation before the other party finished speaking: "Let's go to the water inlet at the bottom of the pit and have a look. There is no instruction for you not to start the pump again."

After saying that, he picked up his apprentice and took off into the air before diving down to the bottom of the mine.

"The official mage is just different, he can fly." The old man from the water pumping team commented as he watched the two of them go into the mine.

While grabbing the apprentice, Rorschach asked, "Now the sky suddenly brightens in advance. Did you notice anything unusual? Just like the water here suddenly turns into oil mud."

"No, no." The apprentice thought for a while and suddenly exclaimed, "Didn't you light up the sky while doing an experiment?"

? Do you think the sun and I are buddies? How can it light up just like that? Rorschach suddenly realized that the old guys on the night shift were very calm about the sudden dawn. They did what they had to do. Didn't they all think that I turned on the light?

This is not the fault of the night shift workers. First of all, it suddenly became daytime outside, which looked like magic. In addition, Rorschach had a history of calling the wind and rain before. The old guys thought: Wow, is the master doing his magic again?

What a reasonable guess!

Rorschach didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but then he thought that this was a good thing. At least the people in this area could accept it calmly, and it would not cause panic, which would facilitate the subsequent work.

Now they went down to the water inlet, the seaweed-like smell became stronger and stronger, and more oil sludge was bubbling out, as if it was going to engulf the entire mine. The person in charge of the mine also realized that something was wrong and was organizing workers and equipment to move out of the mine.

At the same time, strange phenomena appeared all over the world shrouded in daylight.

Especially in the north of the Republic and the south of the Empire, on the battlefield after the war, a group of wandering gray elves drove a caravan to "dig for treasure" and suddenly found that the remains of soldiers buried shallowly in a large pit began to move.

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