Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 516: Actual combat is the only criterion for testing theories

“The First Heavy Infantry Regiment, with giant weapons as its core, spread out laterally and moved eastward.

"The 3rd and 5th Guards Regiments obeyed the order and moved to the vicinity of Village No. 2 in the north. If there was a battle to the east, they would force the ferry to support them.

"The cavalry regiment first ascended to Highland 3, and then all the artillery regiments went to Highland 3 and 7 respectively to aim at local positions in the northeast direction and stand by in place.

"After the remaining troops arrive at the predetermined combat position, they must take cover and no open flames are allowed. All giant weapons will begin to be assembled and debugged."

Thirteen hours had passed since they detected the Imperial Army's position and completed their deployment. During this period, Paul did not sleep a wink. Energetic potion was still flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot under the [Light Technique].

Pascal did not rest all night. In order to carry out Paul's deployment in the second half of the night, the ramp to the high ground needed to be temporarily widened to allow artillery and ammunition trucks to pass. Pascal personally participated. In order to avoid excessive sound and light, the casters could only use [Soil Shaping Technique] Repair the road bit by bit to make it wider and stronger.

After finally getting all the artillery to the high ground, Pascal yawned and returned to the command tent. He was startled by Paul, who had fallen into a state of madness: "You haven't slept all night?"

"Sleep? If you dare to sleep now, many people will not have to get up soon, including me." He exhaled bloody breath. Now Paul's chest was beating, and the strong blood supply from his heart made him feel excited. : "I speculate that the enemy's actions will be advanced."


"Now we have dealt with the annoying airship, so that the other party cannot figure out our situation for the time being. The empire's garrison is also facing the same pressure as us, and the commander is impatient. Judging from the reconnaissance reports, the northern defense line has not changed. , the Imperial Army to the east was being mobilized frequently, and he was seeking to take the initiative.

"In that case, I'm ready to respond to his expectations!" Although he didn't know who the commander on the opposite side was, in Paul's eyes this was not important. Being able to read the other person's mind was the most important thing.

"Although the enemy cannot see the whole picture of our army, the previous reconnaissance has allowed the opponent to grasp our general position. The imperial army may be thinking that when we attack the northern position, the eastern army is waiting for an opportunity to attack the flank of our main force."

The northern defense line of the Imperial Army is between the main city of Sasan and the National Guard. If it were the Guard in the past, this deployment would be correct. But when the war started, the Imperial Army soon discovered that the artillery shells from the Valois were aimed at all positions and conducted short, unfocused bombardments, making it impossible for them to determine where the focus of the National Guard's attack was.

"They will be confused, they will deploy a step slower than us, and then the weak points in the defense will be exposed."

The Imperial soldiers on the position found that they had not waited for further orders, but the vanguard of the National Guard was approaching, and at the fewest points of the artillery and gun lines, billowing smoke suddenly erupted.

The smoke is not poisonous, it simply obscures sight and marks targets. Abnormally thick smoke rose to a height of more than ten meters. Under the cover of the smoke, tall steel giants stood up and rushed toward the weak points in the defense line.

Sassan did not have a long-lasting magic-forbidden device. Instead, the airship pulled an impact-type device and lowered its height all the way to prepare.

The Rat Whisperer immediately drove the birds towards the lowered airships, targeting their engines. Two of them successfully lost power on one side and began to spin uncontrollably. They obviously lost their function. Unfortunately, one device was still successful. excitation.

Suddenly the beam of light fell on the battlefield, and all the giant weapons were obviously stuck. However, the task Paul set for them was to charge and break through. These giants burst into steam and did not fall down, and continued to step forward with difficulty driven by pure fire and air. Enemy position.

"Now the empire's military mages can't cast spells to focus the cannonballs." Before Paul could finish his words, he didn't expect three machines to fall down.

"What's going on?" Pascal was very nervous when he saw the unexpected situation.

Paul put down the telescope and patted his thigh: "Chain bullet!"

When facing giant weapons, the Imperial Army did not think of using equal technology to fight. On the contrary, some clever reverse archaeologists pulled out the chain bombs that were commonly used in naval battles in the past.

The artillery fired two shells one after another, connected with each other by thick iron chains, and they flew across the legs of the striking weapon. Chain bullets have low requirements for accuracy. Once they get entangled near the joints of a giant machine, they can easily cause large-scale deformation of the skin, as well as damage and jam the transmission mechanism.

"Who said that giant weapons must be humanoid? Bring me to court-martial!" Paul was furious, but he quickly calmed down and gritted his teeth and issued the order: "The cavalry will attack according to the established plan! The reserve team enters the battle.

"The two Guards regiments acted according to my initial instructions: they forced the crossing to stop the enemy from the east. At the same time, the artillery cooperated with the Guards regiment to take the lead in attacking the Imperial Army in the east. The barrage slowly advanced with the speed and direction of the Guards regiment's movement. , strive to cause the greatest blow to the enemy!"

Regardless of whether the giant weapon can still operate, it has been deeply embedded in the Imperial Army's defense line. The National Guard infantry took this opportunity and space to rush in, cutting off the originally complete Imperial Army's northern defense line, and erecting iron plates to allow the cavalry to break through in several places. Whistling past, they divided into two groups, frantically harassing and destroying the rear of the Imperial Army's northern defense line. They then circled on horseback, bypassing the northern defense line and appearing behind the Imperial Army's eastern group.

At this time, the Imperial Army regiment in the east was hit by artillery shells above their heads. In front were the elite Guardsmen of the National Guard, and in the rear were the cavalry who did not know when they appeared.

And the gap in the defense line is also expanding, and there is a drive to be swallowed up in sections after being separated.

"It's over, it's over." The commander of the imperial army looked ashen. He originally wanted to wait for the enemy to attack in a leisurely manner. He built trenches on the north and east sides and waited for the enemy to attack. He didn't expect that the National Guard could break through the northern defense line so quickly. He didn't expect that.

The military wizard next to the commander listened attentively, and after a while, he relayed: "Convey your majesty's order: Report the current battle situation quickly. If the six corps in the east are progressing smoothly, all the soldiers deployed on the northern defense line should take the initiative to attack and annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop."

I didn't expect that these military wizards had nothing to do after eating, and made the communication technology so advanced that the great majesty had the convenience of remotely controlling the battlefield. And what about the staff? Why didn't the brain of the military connect to the front line, and let your majesty connect first? The commander was puzzled, but he had to obey the order of the highest commander of the army in theory.

Some commanders were wrong. In fact, it was not convenient for His Majesty to convey orders, because there was a magic-banning device in his palace. Every order was written by hand and then sent to the military wizard outside the palace, and then sent to the transfer wizard by [Electric Wave Communication Technique], and then amplified by the signal tower to the battlefield of Sassan.

The delay during the period was about 17 minutes.

However, it didn't matter how long the delay was. The commander had already witnessed the great defeat. He pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Report, report to his grandmother!"

The military wizard had a blank expression: "Do you have to convey this sentence too?"

For some reason, the commander of the imperial army was filled with hatred, and the nameless fire burned all over his body. When the caster was unprepared, he punched him in the face: "Fuck you!"

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