Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 485 Unexpected Guests

In view of the chaotic public security in the Kingdom of Bain, in order to ensure the safety of industrial and food production and to maintain the harmony and stability of the Special Zone, the Autonomous Committee temporarily decided to hold a large-scale mobilization exercise of "Safety Guards".

This exercise is not aimed at anyone!

The eldest prince looked at the personnel changes on the edge of Lanster City and was so angry that he wanted to smash the telescope. Those strong men are all made of iron, or at least they are iron-making-all brothers who came to support from the steel mill.

Compared with Kempson, which is located in the corner, Lanster has become the third city between Munich and Nurem in the Special Zone. The location is sensitive and awkward, so the Autonomous Committee mobilized 8,000 steel brothers to rush to help.

The vanguard arrived on the night of the turmoil, because they were mechanized troops-each with a 28-bar, riding fast on the new road.

However, the iron guys are what the First Corps fears the most. A group of constructs roam in groups on the edge of the city. They can easily climb hills and walls with their four legs standing up, and can also wade through water. Those with cannons on their heads are not easy to mess with, and those without cannons on their heads. The prince's intuition tells him that they are even harder to mess with.

It is said that they came out of the factory building of the Vox Gas Car Factory. Doesn't the Ludwig family have a stake in it? How come there is no news at all? The eldest prince can be sure that the second brother must have taken the money and left them alone, so they did a lot of bad things behind the scenes.

With the huge body of the constructs intimidating, the morale of the soldiers of the First Corps is somewhat blocked.

They have seen the power of the Empire and Valois on the battlefield. In the past, even if there were mages on both sides fighting each other and showing their unique skills, Byrne's army was just watching for fun, focusing on being flexible and mobile, relying on better guns and longer range to steal chickens on the side.

Then now it was their turn to go to the front battlefield. Seeing the several-meter-high constructs, the black muzzles turned flexibly, the First Legion was also a little confused - both the Empire and Valois had special skills, what did they have?

Well, wait, the prince immediately asked the military wizard whether he could mobilize the special force of the air knights.

Looking at the cannons of the constructs, the prince judged that it might not pose a threat to the sky. If the air knights could throw explosive packs to bomb the constructs, they could break their deterrence, and the remaining stragglers would not be a concern for the regular army's first legion.

"Your Highness." The military wizard was hesitant to speak, but after thinking about it, he understood: "Okay, as you wish."

"It's not a wish, it's a military order!"


The first and second squads of the air knights were deployed near Munich. The first squad needed to defend the palace, and the military wizard called the second squad and asked them to obey the command of His Royal Highness the Grand Prince.

The atmosphere of the third squad was completely different, and even the entire second legion did not feel nervous. The Second Corps took the initiative to send a telegram to the royal family and the headquarters, requesting that two-thirds of its troops go north to Wurzburg, and was granted permission.

His Highness the Second Prince Otto replied and praised the commander, praising him for his loyalty and ability to share the worries of the king.

But what he didn't understand was that the entire Second Corps had been stationed near the Special District for half a year, and had been corrupted and bought by the bad Rorschach. The move north was also due to the selfishness of its temporary military wizard Mr. Bart, who was afraid that his beloved wife would get into trouble in Wurzburg.

Originally, the Special District had 12,000 bicycles, enough to send all the steel brothers to Lanster by express delivery, but the majority of them were given to the Second Corps at this time.

The road to the north is not as easy as that in the Special District, but it does not prevent them from pedaling hard to maintain love and peace in the northern important town.

Perhaps the royal family knew vaguely, but the king and the second prince were thinking that as long as they had the power to stabilize the situation in Würzburg, it would be fine. If they could invite two great wizards to subdue Rorschach, everything could be settled later.

Tanya, the captain of the third squad of the air knights, did not train for the first time, but played cards with his men. This abnormality made his comrades feel uncomfortable: "Captain, is there no instruction from the corps? And the court."

Tanya's long eyelashes did not move: "No, we will not act without orders from our superiors. No one should wear mobile gear today."

At the other end of the special zone, the second squad could not hear Tanya's orders. They followed the instructions of the eldest prince and took off from the woods near Lanster carrying high-performance explosives.

"Is it really okay? Our equipment, explosives, and everything from head to toe were all given by Master Rorschach. How could he allow us to bomb the Special Zone?"

The captain of the second team tore off the navigator on his wrist: "Isn't this good? Don't forget, we are a special force directly under the royal family. If you keep talking nonsense, I will execute you now!" After that, he took the lead in taking off.

When everyone was in the sky and ready to activate the invisibility scroll, they were suddenly enveloped by the feeling of weightlessness.

It failed! The maneuvering device failed! They fell at the fastest speed, and the damn thing was that the height of the flight was not enough to open the parachute.

Not only that, the propulsion nozzle also automatically changed direction, giving them an accelerated dive, getting closer and closer to the treetops.

At the last moment when the plane was about to be destroyed and everyone was killed, the nozzle finally worked normally, giving them a thrilling buffer so that they would not fall to death.

The whole team was like this, obviously without exception. Everyone was in great shock. After touching the ground or hanging on the tree, they rushed to take off the maneuvering device and threw it as far as they could.

The stalemate and inability of the army meant that the situation in the three major cities continued to deteriorate, especially in the capitals of Nuremberg and Bain. Fortunately, when the chaos continued until the evening and both the rioters and the guards were exhausted, representatives from the city hall appeared.

"I am the governor of the City Hall, and I am here to listen to your demands on behalf of His Majesty the King!" His forehead was sweating, because he was not behind his desk, but in front of countless angry people, each holding a fire stick.

However, he still had the qualities of a professional player, and he calmed the public's emotions as soon as he came up: "Everyone present is a patriotic citizen! I know that life is not easy now, and everyone has their own difficulties, so speak out, and the royal family and the City Hall will do their best to meet everyone's reasonable demands!"

Of course, the word "reasonable" was not heard, but fortunately, at least some people really put down their guns temporarily and shouted:

"Reduce taxes!" "We want to work"

"Trade with the Empire!" "Bullshit, we want to form an alliance with Valois!"

"The price of bread cannot rise any more!" "Lift the prohibition, I want to drink!"

Obviously, many demands were contradictory, and for a while, the rioters found that they did not seem to be in the same group, and soon they became chaotic again.

Just when the situation was about to get out of control, a few horns suddenly sounded from behind the crowd, and a strange four-wheeled vehicle that almost no one had ever seen slowly drove towards the main gate of the palace.

"Make way quickly" "Why?"

"Are you an idiot? Didn't you see the flag of the Tower of Mysticism in front of the car?" "It can still move without a horse, it must be a wizard's thing!" "I know, it's a gas car."

Everyone talked about it, but they still consciously made way. After the palace gate opened and the car passed through the garden and stopped in front of the palace, a serious man in a red robe got out.

"Master Feuerbach, the Ludwig family is honored that you can still keep the appointment at this moment." The king and Prince Otto came out to greet him in person.

Feuerbach nodded silently in response. After he came out from the back seat, another young man came out from the driver's seat. His robe was also red, but brighter than Feuerbach's scarlet robe, and more aggressive visually.

"Master Feuerbach strongly requested that I accompany you. I apologize for coming here uninvited." Rorschach said this, but his expression did not show any embarrassment.

The king and the prince's faces froze instantly.

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