Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 454 Did you get the wrong script?

Summer has just entered Bain, and the temperature is alternating between cold and hot. Fortunately, there are no weird foehn winds like those in the Central Mountains. But at this time, another kind of "Foehn" was raging.

The wool and textile guild received a bolt from the blue. From the states along the Tam River to the north of the empire, all customers terminated their contracts and canceled the last batch of finished spinning orders. Even the tax rate on wool was invariably increased. The workshop owner felt confused. Before the war, the various members of the northern and southern empire had not been so in sync.

And when doing business with Valois, those people can only write free notes and can't do anything. Byrne's workshop owners are as stubborn as the Imperial people. Even in a recession, they cannot develop advanced measures such as operating at a discount and allowing employees to take loans to work.

Workshops that felt abandoned by the world first laid off workers and then went bankrupt, releasing more skilled and unstable factors into society. Just like cells rupture, the cellular fluid inside gushes out and releases inflammatory factors.

People who lost their jobs subconsciously continued to choose beer halls in the streets and alleys to pass the time. Unexpectedly, there were free entertainment activities. From time to time, young people imitate the old events of the Republic and speak passionately on the big wooden table:

"Our enemy is not the Valois, nor the Empire, nor the other states who have deserted our alliance. It is obvious that the enemy is within, among us and above us."

Incendiary speeches in Munich's beer halls are not a good thing.

Because customers don't have enough money in their pockets, they can only drink light beer that is as light as water. There is no ice. In the summer season, it is just slightly acidic horse urine.

The lukewarm the beer, the more irritating it is.

boom! The sounds of glasses being thrown and notes being kicked in coincided with each other. The drinkers ran away in a panic and escaped from the bill, but the speaker who stood on the table was chased, intercepted and caught.

Similar speeches and similar arrests gradually became more frequent, finally attracting the attention of the Byrne royal family and the city hall.

"This must be a conspiracy of the Valois people! We have to teach them a lesson, and let the imperial people know that Byrne is not easy to mess with!" The eldest prince hammered the table with one hand, and his momentum and tone were similar to those of the speakers in the beer hall. Somewhat similar.

The second prince Otto was frowning and thinking, and successfully aroused the king's interest. Albert nodded: "Otto, what do you think?"

Otto has been paying attention to his eponymous Imperial Chancellor and the trends in the Empire. He proposed a possibility that was impossible at first sight:

"Is it possible that the imperial guy is instigating this?"

This. In his brother's shock, the second prince explained: "As far as I know, the Imperial Parliament is about to start reforms. The biggest obstacle to trying to promote the small constituency system is us."

Relevant news has been circulating, many brokers with keen sense of smell are active, and many forces who want to seek seats are operating.

If so, the Empire and Byrne should cooperate internally and externally.

At first glance, the call to imitate Valois was the loudest, but in fact, large trading companies and families that controlled city hall positions were more willing to bow to the empire and return to its trading system. The former's voice may just be a way for them to use their strength to put pressure on the royal family.

Thinking that this was really possible, the eldest prince clenched his fist again and gave the table Hp-1: "They want to share our Ludwig's property!"

The king frowned and glanced at the impulsive and irritable eldest prince, then continued to ask the second prince.

Otto hesitated for a moment: "What I'm most worried about now is that if they, no, Rorschach has the will in the SAR."

The king nodded in approval: "Don't irritate them now, let's see how the delivery of spring wheat and the new batch of armaments goes."

The second prince then suggested: "You can contact the members of the Autonomous Council and free up one or two seats in the existing Imperial Parliament. Don't let them circle around that mage."


In fact, the judgments of the eldest prince and the second prince were not completely wrong. Now Byrne is being attacked by both the Empire and Valois.

Through the southwest border, also known as the special zone, printed matter and newspapers from the Republic were imported wildly, and even "dissidents" wanted by the empire and who had taken refuge in Valois were deliberately released to cause trouble.

The empire put pressure on Byrne's business. After completely gaining control of the south, it immediately launched punitive tariffs on Byrne and used various means to reduce trade with Byrne within the territory.

Until Byrne gave in and accepted the small-district plan.

In the continent of Ferolen, the boss and the second child fight, and it is a natural and beautiful thing for the third child to get beaten. In the early stage, the fight between the two was too fierce and there was no time to care. When the intensity of the two parties dropped to a low point, I found that Byrne was actually so moisturized. This can be tolerated. ?

"Empire Stern Father Flying Kick" and "Republic Sister Brainwashing Light Wave" are finally here.

So is there any impact on the Kempson-Langstead District? Yes, the impact is that the order is full.

In the Mage Tower, in Rorschach's workshop, Andre was reporting to Big Boss, who had been away for several days.

"How much?" Luo Xia thought there was something wrong with his ears after hearing this, so he repeated it again: "Want to order 50,000 tons of steel ingots? And also process it into steel bars and plates?"

If production is not expanded, one order can eat up nearly half of Rorschach's production capacity, and then his plans for a "gas car factory" and mass production of golems will be postponed. Now the SAR's labor force has reached its limit.

"It will be delivered in installments within one year. The eastern section of the Black Forest will be completed first. It is expected to use 12,000 tons of steel."

These steel materials will be used to build the strongest and most impregnable fortress defense line in the history of Floren Continent, named after the new Marshal Helmut.

Rorschach and Andre didn't know the name of the defense line, but the steel mill had been selected as one of the main suppliers, and from the news from the Bardolom Chamber of Commerce, the Empire was preparing for the construction of the defense line. The first line included the currently occupied area and the disputed area of ​​Valois, and the second line was bounded by the southern border before the war.

The specifications of the defense line were extremely high, with all the fortresses and permanent fortifications, and it was said that many mages were mobilized to build together to speed up the process. The design book even took into account the large-scale constructs that only appeared once. In order to prevent this kind of assault weapon, it was required to have a recoil slope and high barbed wire to delay their attack and ensure that they could be destroyed by artillery or spellcasters in the fortress.

Wait, this script is wrong, did I take the wrong one?

Andre integrated the known information and handed it to Rorschach. The cost of the defense line was divided into three parts, which were borne by the capital appropriation after the parliamentary audit, special bonds and local funds. Local refers to the place where the defense line is built, that is, the southern states.

Now Rorschach understood, what is the Mahlmut Line, it is clearly the "Zhengguo Canal"!

The Republic is using "terror" to rebuild the center-local system; and the Empire integrates the southern states. In addition to the small constituency reform, it also uses the Republic to intimidate these disobedient members of the Imperial Parliament, so that they will invest a lot of manpower and material resources in the future, so that they will be out of breath and have no spare energy to stir up trouble and challenge the imperial capital.

Okay, okay, the wisdom of our ancestors is a fart! Rorschach still thinks that the Empire has taken the wrong script, shouldn't he continue to work hard to create miracles?

He didn't know that the Empire's lightning conquest plan has essentially failed, and the new marshal and even the entire military have changed their thinking, and the "turtle flow" myth that played a key role has become a reality and institutional dual sense of consolidation of the results.

In theory, this can't be said to be wrong. The National Guard likes to charge in waves, so let them not rush, and then play a defensive counterattack to wait for the tired.

Rorschach suddenly thought of a key question: "How do we pay for the orders given to us by the military? Don't tell me that Byrne will also be charged."

Andre didn't know why Rorschach used "also": "Cash, all cash. If we accept it, the first phase of the advance payment and iron ore will be in place at the end of the month."

Byrne mainly produces coal, and the output of iron ore can no longer keep up with the pig iron and steel production capacity of the Special Zone. The Empire not only gives money, but also guarantees the supply of raw materials, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

Hiss. Is this buying off the Special Zone? A big deal Rorschach took a breath and began to rub his hands: "Hey!"

With money, he must expand recruitment and recruit people. The first thing he thought of was not labor: "Andre, do you think we have too few spellcasters? Can we recruit people from the Tower of Secrets?"

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