Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 426 Welcome along the road

The carriage is not as convenient as the magic energy carriage, and the horses need to rest. At night, the team on the road is highly nervous, and everyone's guns are loaded. However, the tense nerves do not trigger the next nerve chain, and the journey down is very safe.

From the afternoon to the dawn of the next day, the prime minister found that the road between the two places was extremely smooth, and his car was spacious and comfortable enough, so he simply took a nap.

When he woke up, the edges of the forest and fields were already turning white. After the doors and windows were opened, a cool breeze came in to wake the old man up. He asked the guard walking alongside the car: "Thank you for your hard work. Is there anything abnormal on the road?"

"Nothing happened, sir, except for a few strange birds that just flew by. They were quite big."

The prime minister didn't understand why birds would alert the guards: "Birds?"

"And it was relatively fast. But it didn't hover or stay over us."

"Maybe the geese in formation have warmed up faster this year?" Otto thought carefully for a moment. The secretary had already handed over the hand stove and boiled eggs. Otto gave two of them to the guard: "Eat them and you will have strength. ”

"Thank you, sir."

Except for the prime minister's carriage, the fleet was very low-key. In addition to carrying goods, a few were temporarily rented for guards and servants to take turns to rest. This team is covered with stars and moons, and the prime minister wants to give the mage a surprise attack.

The road conditions are good enough for the prime minister to rest on the road and now he can still get into working mode. He even thought about moving to a discreet car and secretly visiting Kempson and its steel plant.

But when they were about to reach Kempson, the convoy stopped. The guard with egg yolk on his beard knocked on the window, his face full of nervousness.

"what's the situation?"

"There is a large group of people ahead."

"Is it a city defense checkpoint?" The prime minister wanted his secretary to come forward to negotiate, but the guard asked the prime minister to check with his own eyes. Opening a crack in the front door and window of the carriage, the secretary took a look first, and then reported back with a strange expression: "There are really many people. Sir, you can see for yourself before making a decision."

Both of them said this, and the prime minister had to watch it even if he didn't want to. He didn't understand what the scene was, and even the secretary couldn't make up his mind.

Then he saw

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!" Both sides of the road were already lined with enthusiastic people, waving colorful artificial flowers. Although it was uncomfortable to stand on the roadside early in the morning, the factory paid off work + daily wages for extra performers + free breakfast, allowing people to get out of bed and earn extra money by dragging their families and friends around.

Rorschach naturally had selfish motives in building roads. The first ones to be connected were Kempson's new city and the steel plant. Of course, there were reasons for the slow construction to the old city. There were many buildings on the planned route, demolition was difficult, relocation costs were high, and mass work was Not easy to do

The secretary continued to observe: "The crowd is on both sides, as if they are cheering. Can we continue moving without blocking the road?"

The prime minister did not reply immediately, and his attention was attracted by the banner across the road. Two large balloons hung on both sides of a long red cloth, with a large slogan written in white letters on a red background: "Welcome Imperial Prime Minister Otto The adults and accompanying team are visiting our city!" There are small words in the lower right corner: "Kempson New District and Kempson Steel Plant Announcement." The balloons are also painted with the Kempson city emblem and the company's logo.

The prime minister was shocked: My whereabouts have been exposed? And a welcome team was arranged. He went to Kempson suddenly, and even rushed at night. There was no way this scene would not surprise him and his entourage.

Among the welcoming people, the leader was Mr. Bart, the rotating chairman of the Autonomous Committee, the temporary resident mage of Kempson, and the mage of the Second Infantry Division of the Third Army. He was wearing a robe and tie.

"How is my appearance?" He couldn't help but ask Andre.

Andre looked at it carefully: "Mr. Bart, everything is fine. Your arrangement is perfect, there is no need to be nervous." He was a little surprised that this young man who was lazy in his mage tower organized the event so neatly, even in the most inappropriate place. At the right time, the residents of the new city were mobilized as quickly as possible.

The apprentice had not realized before that it was Master Bart who led these refugees to their new home and found a new foundation for their lives. This young man was even more trusted than Rorschach in the new area. At the beginning, Rorschach promoted chemical fertilizers and agricultural machinery to the refugees who chose to open up wasteland. It is also because they value the reputation of their friends among the refugees.

In addition, resettlement and relocation, maintaining order. Bart has already developed enough abilities, launching today's "welcoming ceremony along the road" is a overkill.

"Nervous? You Valois! This is the prime minister of our empire, the greatest and most outstanding one! Now I am about to see him in person."

In Andre's mind, this kind of evaluation should belong to Duplesi. Of course, he would never argue with a mage who wants to see his idol now.

When the convoy approached and stopped, Bart fell into a new state of anxiety: "The convoy has stopped, shall we take the initiative to greet it? But what if it is not the Prime Minister's convoy? Then wouldn't it be embarrassing for me to rush up?"

Since the prime minister set off, the clerk of Bardorom Trading Company, who had been paying attention to the palace gate, immediately sent a telegram. In other words, while the prime minister was still waiting for his secretary to buy food for the journey, Rorschach and others knew that he was going to set off, although they did not understand the prime minister. The goal.

However, the prime minister's team hired a local coachman as a guide to lead them on a new road. At this point, Rorschach was sure that the convoy was coming for him.

At dawn, what the guards saw were a bunch of big birds. They were a squadron of Sky Knights flying over their heads, and they had been following them covertly among the forest canopy. If they hadn't walked into a large open area after dawn, then the guards probably wouldn't have. will find them.

It was the Sky Knight who dispelled Bart's doubts. The small female captain landed with a third-generation mobile device on her back and reported to Bart: "Sir, they are the prime minister's motorcade. They set out from the palace to purchase food in Munich. Two short breaks and one big break in the town, taking the new main road the whole way.”

"Thank you for your hard work, Tanya. There is food at the rear. You can lead the team to rest." Tanya's eyes were very big, and Bart saw that they were already bloodshot.


After receiving the confirmation, Bart clapped his palms several times and shouted: "Everyone - use your strength and shout louder! Shout louder, show the spirit of our Kempson people to the prime minister of the empire!" "Energy!" The expression "vitality-soul" was borrowed from Rorschach. Now Bart admires Rorschach very much. How did he know that the artificial flowers made of silk and paper could one day be used like this?

Seeing that everyone was not shouting hard enough, Bart added another sentence: "If your voice becomes hoarse from shouting, take three bottles of soda and go back!"

Okay, that's enough volume.

It's very vulgar, but very lively, giving a small shock wave of formalism to the other world.

Bart was so excited that he got on his horse and hurried to the front of the motorcade. Amid the wave of cheers, he had to shout at the top of his lungs: "Master Prime Minister, welcome to Kempson!"

The carriage window opened, the secretary took the scroll of [Spiritual Armor], poured the alchemy potion and added the first layer of protection to the prime minister, and prepared the shield scroll to activate at any time. After doing all this, the carriage slowly moved forward and was welcomed by the crowd.

The cheers were deafening. If it had been a month earlier, the refugees would have gnashed their teeth at one of the leaders of this enemy country, but now, they are the "New Kempsons". Residents with a new sense of identity and identity at this time, like the Prime Minister of the Empire and the people of Valois. The new consul is the same as anyone who comes - I will give you money and take care of the food, and I will welcome you wholeheartedly. I will also take a look at the excitement and see how many heads and mouths the big man has.

The empire had displaced them, and Valois had failed to protect them. Only Kempson gave them what they had lost, and even better than before.

Under his thick gray eyebrows, the Prime Minister looked past the obstructive receptionist and constantly observed the people on both sides of the road.

Regardless of whether my actions were monitored or not, I was able to deliver the news so quickly and mobilize so many people in a short period of time. Moreover, the order of the crowd and everyone's mental outlook and physique were excellent. The prime minister smiled and waved to these people. At the same time, his evaluation of Rorschach and Byrne's war potential continued to increase.

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