Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 383 Move and settle down

After the new order was issued, refugees from surrounding areas were gradually driven to Bart's side. Now he has to manage thousands of people, wandering around the camp.

Bart of You Can Do took a deep breath and began to prepare to appease these refugees and relocate.

The first is grouping. After he asked everyone to pack their belongings, he asked them to gather together according to their place of origin. The guards put up flags of different colors, and Bart shouted with a loudspeaker: "Those in the Conti region, go to the white flag! Those in Calais, the blue flag! If there is no corresponding flag in your hometown, go where there are fewer people!"

Allowing the refugees to continue migrating will cause panic and fleeing, so dividing them according to their place of origin will give people a sense of belonging and help stabilize their emotions.

However, we cannot allow township parties to completely connect with each other and make trouble together to raise demands. So the next step is to form groups of about 20 people, and each household and fellow villagers are allowed to be organized into the same group. Once the group is divided, they cannot communicate with members of other groups at will. The formed groups were immediately pulled to the edge of the camp and separated from each other by soldiers.

Finally, there is the problem of communication. Even if they are divided into groups, there are still thousands of scattered people. If everyone comes to Bart or the commander directly if they have something to do, wouldn't it be chaotic if they say "adult" at the same time? Next, he asked each group to select a group leader and give them a wooden sign to hang around their necks. Only those with the wooden sign could leave the group and report problems within the group to the guards and Bart.

Although it was a simple two-step grouping, it was almost noon. When it was time to eat, he took out the food and continued to calm the refugees' emotions: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, only those who have been divided into groups can eat! The group leader will take the food from his own group. Today there will be bread and milk porridge. If you don't see the identity card, you won't be given! "

Bread is a hard commodity that has been missing for a long time. In the past few days, the kingdom had been giving out porridge to keep these people breathless. When it came time to regain their strength and move around, they finally had black bread to eat, and even the gruel was added with milk.

It's obviously an ordinary meal, but it makes people almost cry after eating it.

According to Bart's plan, he also used the resources of his own chamber of commerce to mobilize several large vehicles. Injured or disabled persons are allowed to ride. This move aroused great favor among the refugees. The behavior of lying about illness and scrambling to get into the car that Bart was worried about did not appear. Several cars pulled up the few old and weak people left.

After being prepared in this way, everyone was able to set off and headed further north to Kempson.

During this period, he received unexpected support.

An armed force fell from the sky. There were not only female soldiers in the team, but also a short little girl at the head. However, her salute to Bart was clean and neat, more standard than Bart's military salute: "Sir, Tanya, the captain of the third team of the Sky Knight Squadron, reports to you! We are ordered to cooperate with you to escort the target!"

"Yeah." Bart was very curious about the new soldiers secretly trained by the kingdom. None of them had the ability to cast spells. Instead, they relied on the large backpack carried behind them, which was the alchemy device, to fly. Looking at the instrument tied to his wrist, Bart felt familiar.

Looking at the epaulettes, this Tanya is actually a warrant officer. She was holding a new type of shotgun, the barrel of which was almost as tall as herself.

Bart is very interested in the new equipment, and he thinks that Amelia, who loves horseback riding, will definitely like flying. But now he had the urge to ask how old the squad leader was.

What a Flying Scout.

However, Bart still resisted asking such an offensive question and took the time to get down to business: "Okay, please cooperate with us, inspect the surrounding situation of the relocation team, pay attention to the refugees who have strayed from the team, and report to our commander in a timely manner."

"Yes! The team has a supply vehicle and a passenger vehicle. Please allow the two vehicles to join the team. The supply vehicle contains spare equipment and fuel and requires ground troops to assist in protecting it."

Now the Sky Knights have initially figured out a complete organization. Each team is equipped with two to three logistics carriages - one carries parts for maintenance, mobile devices and transmutation dust, and one carries people for members to rest at the end of their shift. If there are no ground troops, add a truck for general supplies and ammunition.

In other words, they are highly mobile weapons that are infinitely close to "motorized".


Then the refugees from Valois opened their eyes. First, Bart used magic to clean up the earth, rocks and branches that had encroached on the road. There were always several people walking through the woods beside him. When passing through the forest, the sky knight flew into the sky and could only see It will be blocked and unable to monitor the refugees, and it will be consumed and turn into dust quickly, which is not cost-effective.

Therefore, in addition to the team members responsible for detecting the surrounding situation who move up and down the canopy level, the other aerial knights responsible for escorting the team use mobile devices to soar in a short time and jump quickly on thick branches from the trunk level to the lower canopy level.

The refugees in Valois were first shocked by the magic and high-demon troops of the military mages of the Kingdom of Bain, and then became numb. Except for a few Order believers with firm beliefs, they felt that they seemed to be in a devil's cave.

Of course, I believe they saw a cramped wooden house, but it was equipped with weird pipes - some valves were opened to provide clean water, some were opened to provide gas for cooking, and some were specially designed to provide The heat makes the house warm. Houses like this are neatly arranged in the newly opened area, and you will definitely exclaim what a real "magic cave" is.

The arrival of the first wave of refugees brought the first impact to Kempson, and the first to bear the brunt was Andre, who was stationed at the steel plant to "steer" Rorschach. Now he has more things to manage.

Rorschach received a letter from his good apprentice in Lanster. On the surface, it was a report of the recent situation, but in fact, the words were asking for help: If you don't come again, your students will become exhausted social animals with hairlines retreating five centimeters.

In order to prevent Andre, who worked hard, from dying, Rorschach quickly sent his clone to arrive.

At this time, Andre was as pale as a piece of paper: "Teacher, the training of interns has been completed, and they are now on duty.

"The debugging phase of all blast furnaces has ended. This is the production curve of the past twenty days. Please take a look.

"The new phase of the 'housing project' has already moved in 237 households, and there are about 300 migrant workers living in collective dormitories.

"There are refugees who want to build the chapel of the Lord of Order. The application has been submitted to the Autonomous Committee and is now waiting for your opinion.

"Because the employees in the factory are all engaged in heavy labor and need to consume more meat, the food consumption rate is faster than expected. Do we need to re-establish the food ration standards for the new population? The steel plant also wants to raise more meat livestock.

"Hannah and William (the second son of the young noble who was also discovered to have magical talent) want to see you. They have finished reading the basic tutorial and asked when you will start teaching magic. In addition, Hannah's classmate also wants to see you, saying that it is an experiment."

In fact, some problems should be handled by Hasse and others, but the old hands don't want to take responsibility when they encounter things they are not sure about, and they also bother Andre, which makes the young man exhausted.

Rorschach sighed: "I know, Andre, what you need now is sleep. "

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