Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 352 Let’s see who rushes first

"But this is not enough." Luo Xia thought of more: "If we can't guarantee that they will give in today, they will passively resist or encourage others to join forces to oppose our work after they return."

Rorschach asked Andre to record the next instructions: "When taking over the workshop, you need to pay attention to the work of the workshop master and apprentices, especially to give them better treatment. At the same time, remind them that if they do not obey the arrangements, they will be punished. Conscripted into the army.

"The above actions require the royal family to send commissioners to cooperate with us. Our humble gold coins and good-tempered persuasion may not necessarily work with someone else's noble badges and uniforms."

In short, it is to use coercion and inducement to make the apprentices and skilled masters at the middle and lower levels "voluntarily" obey the arrangements, so that no matter how troublesome the upper-level workshop owners are, they will not make waves. This strategy was proven feasible when the Glass Guild was destroyed.

"I will personally go when the blast furnace is relocated. When it is integrated into a steel plant, a supporting coking plant will be built. Is Mr. Jensen still there?"

Gas and coking coal are essential for steelmaking, but Rorschach has recently been thinking about whether it would be safer to capture a fire elemental creature and convince/hire it to be a heat source rather than building a teleportation channel to the fire elemental plane.

"Master Jason is still here. By the way, he asked me to ask you when you will build the mage tower."

I haven’t even started drawing the drawings yet! "Well, we have to put it aside for a while. We should give priority to factory construction first. Let the engineering team participate in the site selection and construction of the steel plant and coking plant." He is in short supply of a civil engineering brother, and Jason is the best engineer currently available.

"The solid reserves of Transmutation Dust must keep up, and energy is needed when dispatching the demons. By the way, have we received the final payment for the equipment and Transmutation Dust we provided to those 'sky knights'?"

"I got it, but where should I record this?" It seems inappropriate whether these "high-tech equipment" belong to the "Fangda" food factory or the "BASF" dye and ammonia factory.

"Then use this money to open a special workshop, fix the staff, and let the young man named Gopper be the chief engineer." Rorschach muttered as he walked, and Andre was miserable. He wanted to change the records as he walked. , the pen tip and paper should be wiped to avoid smoke.

They walked out of the office building and saw the large factory under construction. At this time, the original green water and green mountains were no longer visible. Andre always felt that the air was filled with the faint smell of ammonia.

He followed Rorschach towards the hill that had not yet been leveled. Andre couldn't help but ask a question: "Teacher, why don't we provide more alchemy equipment?"


Andre’s idea was not sudden, but after careful estimation and thinking: “Although the transmutation dust extractor is very expensive, the cost of the current BASF plant and the steel plant to be built in the future is also not a small amount.

“I have an immature idea. If we want to quickly arm the army of the Kingdom of Bain, building more extractors and stepping up the production of more alchemical weapons seems to be a better option.

"We can produce transmutation dust that can be carried, so ordinary people can use most scrolls or more powerful alchemical weapons."

If he were still in the Alchemy Department of the Tower of Stars, Andre would have thought that alchemy weapons were very expensive. When he was not a magic apprentice, Andre had only heard that the scrolls and potions sold by the magic guild were expensive. Sky-high price.

But assembling the "Sky Knight", he discovered that Rorschach had the technology to produce cheap scrolls. Although the effect was much worse than the scrolls painted by the mage and carried on ancient parchment, it could not withstand the large volume and low price. The transformed dust can even lower the threshold for use and increase the output power.

Rorschach looked at the results of his period from the hill and explained to Andre: "You are right."

The apprentice is all ears, because he is sure that the teacher has a "but" next.

"However, arming a special, small-scale air mobile reconnaissance force is the current limit. In fact, our behavior is to step on the red line of the Austrian Senate.

"If we go by what you said today, we will directly start large-scale manufacturing of scrolls and alchemical weapons, and then distribute transmutation dust, so that an ordinary person with a little training can defeat low-level mages with magic. Believe it or not, we will be immediately Send to the Owl Tribunal?

"There was a great mage in the Forest Tower before. Due to serious academic misconduct, he was deprived of his ability to cast spells. By destroying specific areas of the brain." Rorschach gestured, making an action of inserting into the eye socket and stirring the prefrontal lobe of the brain, causing An to Andre shuddered.

“So we are now making guns, ammunition, bombs, and other products whose production technology is mastered by ordinary people, and it is not easy to arouse the alert of the Senate.

"So far, we have just used magic and alchemy technology to make production faster and product performance better. In the Holy Kingdom, the Alchemy Department of the Tower of Stars has long been doing this, so the guild cannot stop us by talking about it."

Until other mages and elders realize that the performance and output of Rorschach Factory products have increased exponentially, they will be fooled into thinking it's no big deal. At least people from the Guild's Tower of Secrets came and confirmed that Rorschach's actions "will not threaten the interests of all mages."

"Teacher, you said 'so far'?" Andre, known as Little Watson, is good at grasping the key points.

Rorschach nodded: "Of course I have considered what you said, but not now. The war has just begun, and the magic guild still has room to maintain aloof neutrality."

He analyzed: "But there are mages in the empire's battle order! These spellcasters who are loyal to the emperor join the war. In the past, the Holy Kingdom relied on the church to achieve a balance of extraordinary power, but this reliance may be ineffective next. "

As one of the instigators, Rorschach knew that the power of the Church of Order in the Holy Kingdom was no longer what it used to be after the "religious persecution". When the National Assembly was established, the church also experienced schisms between bishops and grassroots priests. In short, the church in the Holy Kingdom is now in a state of chaos and great disability.

And he was sure that the Empire had means to target the Paladins.

"Next, no matter what the magic guild thinks, Valois will definitely find ways to recruit spellcasters to fight against the empire. The mages belonging to the guild must consider one problem. Their properties in the kingdom are about to be destroyed or plundered by the empire, even if they It will not be harmed.

“There are also mages who are influenced by progressive ideological trends and identify with the concept of ‘motherland’, and they will go to the battlefield for this concept and fight side by side with their compatriots.

"In short, the 'neutrality' of the Magic Guild will definitely fail. If the Holy Kingdom and the Empire can fight for everything, it will include the magicians of the Kingdom and the Empire. In order to defeat the enemy, more and more magic will appear on the battlefield. and alchemical weapons.

"So we can't rush. We have to wait until Valois or the Empire's magic guilds clearly decide on their side and end, before we can open up to manufacturing and selling scroll potions and alchemy weapons." Rorschach needs to wait to see who is in a hurry first. Only if you get him can you fish in troubled waters.

"Then the position of the Kingdom of Byrne is" Andre still regards Valois as his hometown. He does not want to see the kingdom be completely conquered by the empire. The current attitude of Byrne's dissociation gives him a glimmer of hope.

"As long as the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Byrne can be defended, the army should have the courage and consciousness to point its guns north." Rorschach repeated Prince Otto's words, and then continued: "This is also agreed by the Tower of Secrets."

Representatives from the Banking Association had already met Rorschach the day before the various guild representatives visited the factory, and Rorschach had seen him in the Tower of Mysteries.

This is what he said at the time: "We will provide you with an interest-free loan of 50,000 gold eagle coins in installments to fulfill the promise the guild made to you - to support you in building a personal mage tower."

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