Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 305 The Silent Holy Land

The "blue vesicle" is falling crazily.

In the pitch-black environment filled with black mud, [Levitation Technique] failed to work.

Rorschach and Caroline held on to each other to avoid getting separated during the descent. Benedy has lost his human rights and is now being squeezed so hard by the [Mage's Hand] that he is almost unconscious.

After an unknown period of time, the fall stopped. Rorschach carefully tried to expand his territory, but he did not feel any resistance, indicating that the black mud and Yin spirits surrounding them were no longer there.

However, the three of them did not feel down to earth. They just kicked their legs up and down at a rough height. Is it the feeling of weightlessness caused by the spell? Rorschach was not sure either. He and Caroline went into the [Air Filter Bubble] together and then released the protection of the bubble.

It feels like a spacewalk outside the cabin.

When the blue barrier dissipated, what appeared in front of them was boundless darkness and chaos. Under [Dark Vision], they could barely see the outlines of external things.

"Where is this?" Rorschach observed the surrounding environment. There were huge statues. Even with the blessing of magic, he could not see the bottom clearly. It seemed that something sticky was surging.

"Maybe it's the edge of the historical area or maybe it is." Caroline's voice was trembling, as if she had a phobia of giant objects. After all, the statue in front of her was far larger than the size of an ordinary person, and she still couldn't see the whole thing clearly from a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

Just standing there exudes a sense of oppression that matches his body shape.

Rorschach also felt his scalp numb. All the faces of the statues were destroyed, but from the remaining long ears, it can be seen that they are all elves.

They must be ancient existences, but they are inconsistent with Rorschach and Caroline's knowledge of natural history and history. Neither the Elf King nor the Druid faith should build such a magnificent colossus.

A tall silhouette like a skyscraper was carved out of the mountain with bold strokes, but the details were carefully crafted.

"Deep Diving Zone, we are in the Deep Diving Zone." Caroline finally determined the location. This is a place she has never been to since entering the Shadow City, and it is also the place of death described by the natives of the Shadow Land.

Benedy recovered from his dead dog-like state. After adapting to the darkness of the environment, he also saw these sky-reaching stone statues and was very excited: "The legends are all true! This is, this is the tombstone of the elves."

tombstone? Before Rorschach could say anything else, a huge black fish sprang out from between the statues. It was evenly black, and no details could be seen except for two lantern-like eyes, but it twisted as if it was really swimming in the water. Average inside.

It swung its tail and gradually accelerated. When it got closer, the three of them realized that it was extremely huge, and its eye frames could fit the entire person.

Seeing that the giant fish was about to come over like a dump truck, Rorschach took Caroline's hand and waved his cane with his free hand, hoping to activate the molten ray to cut the giant thing.

Caroline rolled her eyes and pulled Benedy closer, followed by several explosions. By the time Rorschach came to his senses, they were far away from the fish's charging route and had reached the left side of the statue.

It turned out to be a series of short-distance teleportation, which could be completed in an instant with the other two people. This shows that Caroline has great attainments in space magic.

However, the two "passengers" she brought with her were not feeling well. Rorschach felt her stomach juices boiling, and she still had heartburn after calming down.

"Why didn't you try to avoid it first?" Caroline frowned, when had her students been so reckless?

The speed of rushing over was too fast, and he subconsciously used the most convenient spell. Rorschach did not defend himself. He saw that the big fish had begun to turn, as if chasing after the intruder.

Caroline put her hand on the surface of the statue, feeling rough and uneven. There was no moss or other plants covering or corroding the statues in this area. Her palms felt like sand and gravel, as well as uneven ravines.

No, it's not a ravine, she instills magic into the lines.

"It doesn't work? Rorschach, try it."

The big fish was about to come again. Of course, Rorschach was not panicked this time, because Teacher Caroline was there, so he would have to teleport again to avoid it.

They are all statues of elves. Rorschach tried to inject Dryatz's power, and sure enough, the circuit was successfully activated this time. The blue fluorescence in the ravine seemed to have an entity, running like water in the river. When the statue left When the circuit in the chest was filled, the three of them were suddenly absorbed into the statue.


They came to a stone room, and there was a violent vibration from the outside to the inside, which should be the result of the collision of the giant fish.

"Haha, we are safe." Benedy stood up from the floor of the stone room, patted the non-existent dust, and pretended that nothing happened.

The two mages did not have amnesia. Rorschach directly pinched his slender and fragile neck with [Mage's Hand]: "Be honest, you and your organization took advantage of us, and we haven't settled the matter yet."

Caroline also said: "I just saved you because you seemed to know something about the 'deep diving zone', so tell us what you know so we can get out as soon as possible."

Caroline is now trying to find the teleportation coordinates from the outside world, but all of them have lost their accurate pointing, just like the starry sky is blocked by clouds.

Even the elemental plane can be anchored and exchange a small amount of material with magic similar to a contract. This is the case with the non-Rorschach version of [Water Creation], but it is also ineffective now.

The "deep dive zone" seems to be an artificially isolated area. There is a force blocking it, and Caroline cannot break through it with her ability.

This made Caroline, who was good at space magic and star magic, a little irritated.

Benedy no longer collapsed now. He seemed to have found something to rely on here. Although it was difficult to speak with his neck being strangled, he maintained a calm and calm tone in his words:

"Look, in this place where there has always been no return, we don't have to worry about Istany or the Virgin anymore.

"If I die now, it will take a lot of effort for the two mages to get out, and they may not be able to succeed."

"Are you sure?"

Rorschach's question made Benedy choke, but he thought of his words as soon as he rolled his eyes: "At least I recognized what it was."

In the legend of the elves, Sylvanos, the elf king and god of the forest, foresaw that the elves would encounter a huge disaster. The king woke up after a big dream and announced to his people that in order to preserve the civilization of the elves, a holy place would be built to store common memories, art, and knowledge. He even warned all of his people that he would one day leave them.

"It is said that the symbol of the Holy Land is the twelve giant statues that are the same size as the giant trees. The power of the elves is in the heart, and the wisdom of the elves is in the brain."

"Why have I never heard of these legends?" Rorschach now regards Benedy as a liar, and the Pearl of Balan is not around, so how can he guarantee whether what he is telling the truth? "Teacher Caroline, do you know [Power Word]?"

Caroline shook her head: "To learn this kind of spell, you need to apply and register with the guild. I don't think the procedure is too troublesome."

Benedy seemed to be offended: "This is a legend that all the 'actors' know! Our ancestors once were in charge of elven art and history under the throne of elves, and passed it down in the form of dance, poetry and repertoire."

As he spoke, his eyes dimmed: "We once believed that the old empire's conquest of our homeland was a predicted disaster, and believed that by finding the Holy Land, the elves would be able to overthrow human dominance and regain their glory." After speaking, he showed a confused look:

"I didn't expect it to be in the so-called deep diving zone. Hasn't any compatriot arrived here for hundreds of years?"

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