Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 299 The War Begins

The changes in the small village soon attracted the attention of other police officers. They could not see clearly at first in the darkness. As it approached, the canes waving in the firelight began to beat or entangle them.

The thick petals turn into a bloody mouth, and the stamens inside explode out of the curled mouthparts. After capturing the intruders in the village, they insert them from the top of the head, stirring and sucking the softest nutrients.

Bang bang bang!

A few sporadic gunshots hit the surface of the out-of-control plant. Although it tore part of the tissue, this damage was insignificant to the body that continued to explode and grow.

What's even more terrifying is that its root system easily develops and shuttles through the swamp. When it feels someone stepping on it, it rushes out of the ground decisively, dragging the unlucky guy into the mire from which he can't escape.

"Fire! Burn these ghosts!" Someone finally thought of a possible way to restrain themselves. They carried oil, coal, etc. with difficulty, spread them on the swamp beside the road, and lit them on fire.

They threw the oil-soaked torches as far as possible and evacuated from the small village by car or horseback under the cover of the blazing fire.

In the hills and woods not far away, the gray elves hiding gathered together. Several childlike teenagers held spears and were responsible for guarding against wild beasts. There were also female elves holding daggers and carrying bows and arrows.

The younger child became distressed and was soon covered in the darkness.

"Mom, I'm hungry"

"You can't eat it yet, be good, you will be hungry for a long time after eating it now."

"Then if I don't eat now, will I be full tomorrow?"

The mother didn't speak, she just hugged her child tightly and shed tears silently.

"Look!" The sentry who climbed high in the tree and looked into the distance was the first to notice that the village was on fire. His eyes were split, as if the billowing smoke illuminated by the fire was pouring into his body, and his chest was rising and falling painfully like burning.

They still don’t know what happened to their home, but there is no doubt that the thatched huts that could still provide shelter from the wind and rain have disappeared. There are also lambs and cattle that could not be moved in time, and some have turned into nutrients for the flowers of madness. Some of them were taken away by the police's servants and lackeys in every possible way from the beginning.

If the sun rises as usual, only charred ruins and muddy earth will be left waiting for the elves.

This is just a microcosm of the vast land of Air Island. Since the conquest, all the gray elves' workshops have been destroyed. They are only allowed to farm. All industrial products must be exchanged for food. Workshop owners on the island can use the lowest price. In exchange for the wheat, meat and milk from Air Island, the gray elves were left with only tuber food that could barely satisfy their hunger.

In the eyes of the people of the kingdom on this island, including other elves, these "mudbloods" are invisible and cannot be seen by the civilized world. Only when the resistance army has made some "achievements" will newspapers remind "civilized people" , the prosperous kingdom still has these "stains" that disobey the king.

Some of the actions of "raw lobsters" to bully the villages were successful, and some failed. Maybe there were no evil plants in the world, but there were also smart villagers who used tunnels, swamp traps, etc. to cause a lot of trouble to the intruders and sweepers.

However, these guerrilla methods are ineffective against the Burning Lion Knights. The villagers who lack iron materials only rely on stone spears and stone arrows. They can only hear a sound on their plate armor, and then the knights will laugh maniacally and slash the attackers in half with their swords. .

The troops marched to a county in the northern part of the island called Bellandst.

This town can only be regarded as a small town on the island. It once was glorious, but now both its population and its ancient buildings have been trampled over and over again by the kingdom, and not even a tenth of it remains.

The Restoration Organization of Air Island occupied this place. They killed or drove away the administrators, tax collectors and traitors among the gray elves sent by the Kingdom of Istani. Then they set up a grassroots team at the post office and contacted other areas to threaten to invade. Establish Air Island's own parliament.

Less than three days after the incident, news spread throughout Air Island.

The originally ignorant and primitive organization began to imitate the Kingdom, and its impact on other areas of Air Island will be immeasurable.

The "cooked lobsters" are the main force on the surface. They are pushing cannons and preparing to bombard the town to dampen the enthusiasm of the mudbloods, while the knights are lurking near the battlefield, waiting for bigger targets.

It is said that the confidence of the Restoration Parliament comes from the resistance troops stationed not far away. The Knights and other forces in the kingdom tried to search the rotten land for enemy forces, but these cunning opponents seemed to be as capable of hiding in the ground as the food they ate, resulting in raids that yielded nothing.

Since the scourge cannot be discovered and eradicated, then we must surround the area and provide assistance. The kingdom's army surrounded the town. Once the rebels appeared and tried to relieve the siege, the knights mixed with the ordinary lobster soldiers would quickly maneuver to eliminate these stragglers.

"Sir, will they come?" A knight was very dissatisfied with this arrangement. What he longed for was a hearty charge, rather than shrinking back in the night and passively waiting for the enemy to come.

In his opinion, the rebel army's ragtag group of mudbloods were not worthy of the Knights' tactics.

"Obey the order, Brother Henry." The knight commander explained to him: "For these weak armed forces, all they can rely on is familiarity with the terrain, and night can amplify their advantages, so the possibility of harassing our army at night is very high .”

In order to ensure the concealment of the raid, they did not carry torches, so other means were needed to ensure visibility at night.

In addition to gunpowder and other armaments, scrolls were also distributed. The knight commander mentioned: "The most advanced [Dark Vision] scroll can last up to half an hour."

There are twenty people in the first wave of teams, and one person per person is extremely luxurious.

"You must obey my orders to use it!"


On the surface, the cross-continental magic guild takes a neutral attitude towards the grudges between Istani and Air Island. Occasionally, they take the lead with the Forest Tower. In the spirit of the relationship between the gray elves and the origin of natural spells, they jump to expressed "serious concern" and "strong condemnation".

As for why the Knights were able to obtain the best spell scrolls and use them to commit violence against Al, that is something that cannot be put on the table.

A similar scene occurred at the same time in the rebel stronghold.

"Take it, don't you need me to teach you how to activate it?" The elf commander took out the scroll from the locked box, including [Invisibility], [Hypnosis], [Spiritual Armor] and some low-level illusions.

The "mysterious seller" is very detailed - whether the scrolls, potions, etc. sold to the Knights or the Resistance Army, there are no spells with obvious effects such as sound, light, and electricity.

If the two armies were fighting and there was some explosive fireball, it would be too embarrassing to see at a glance.

"We are elves, why do we use human magic?" A new recruit Danzi was unconvinced. In his simple concept, anyone without pointed ears is an enemy.

In order to cohere, many gray elves also promoted the superiority of their own race, trying to use hatred and pride to pull the team together and turn it into a force that could confront the kingdom.

The commander explained patiently: "Wouldn't it be nice to use human magic to kill humans? Besides, magic does not recognize race. Humans can turn our ancient magic into natural magic. We should also learn and use their magic."

"In order to win, we must use all means at our disposal. Every penny in our military expenditures was saved by our compatriots with great difficulty and donated to support the great cause.

"They are willing to support us even if they don't have enough to eat. The precious scrolls they get in exchange must be used well and used in key places to protect themselves and kill more enemies."

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