Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 284 The Rat Whisperer, known as the Little Druid

The next day, both the dwarf and the wizard who had not slept well yawned. Only the poet was in high spirits. He teased the maid "Little Briquette" with his piano. I don't know how Freddie did it, but he actually made her giggle. .

"Hey my teammates, how was your threesome basement night?"

Your statement sounded strange. Rorschach ignored him and took out Cropp who was sleeping soundly. The dwarf discovered a more efficient method of intoxication - drinking a whole bottle of pirate wine with the man in charge.

"I didn't sleep as well as you, great poet, but you are more generous." Rorschach, who had been watching for half the night, yawned. It was so dark outside that he couldn't tell the difference between day and night. He took out his pocket watch. It was ten o'clock in the morning.

"Did you know that the little briquette is actually the rat whisperer!" Freddy announced a big discovery, which made the maid very embarrassed. The poet continued: "The little briquettes were bought by Cropp. I have made it clear to the maid, and now the little briquettes are liberated!"

The maid had disheveled hair and looked down on her face, but she could still feel that she had become much more lively overnight. She pointed at the fainted Mr. Manager: "Old master, bad! Hit the little briquettes, kick, kick!" After saying this, she hugged the poet's thigh: "New owner, okay! Let the little briquettes eat! Sing!"

"I don't call you master, nor do you call me lord. My name is Freddy."

"You have no fighting ability, and you still want to raise a daughter?" Rorschach and the dwarf looked at Freddy jokingly. The little briquette was a rare rat whisperer with a relatively advanced language module, and now she was showing off her property - from the corner , picked up the rat skin cloak from her bed, proving to be a pure rat whisperer. "The old owner thought it was dirty and wouldn't let him wear it." After saying that, he put it on himself.

"We can go back to the garbage mountain and return the little coal ball to the Rat Whisperer tribe." Freddy shrugged.

When a group of people dragged Mr. Cropp out, the little coal ball whistled, and the sleeping bats fluttered down and circled around the little coal ball.

It turns out that Cropp's messengers were also domesticated by maids. Rorschach was somewhat interested. After all, the little coal ball spoke more clearly and communicated more efficiently than other rat whisperers. He could also communicate with bats. He was like a little druid.

"Let's go. Now that the investigation has been completed, let's say something to the count, and then we will head to the deeper area." Rorschach found that the semi-submersible area was like a novice village. The villains here were all fighting scum, and no one was seen. It doesn't look like a place where a mage would hide if there is any powerful character.

Rorschach believes that Caroline will never stop here. As long as she is a spellcaster, she will definitely be like Rorschach now. She wants to explore more areas and find out what this ghost place in the Shadow Land is like.

The level of magic in the Shadow City far exceeds that of other places. Ever since Rorschach crossed over to the continent of Feralon, in general, both the church and the spellcasters have been lawful and rational. The religious order is a little crazy, but it is not particularly outrageous.

But this place is simply a magical city. The style of the city has changed since entering. Many residents, especially the "Jiao Maoding District" that I passed when entering the city, do not look like living people, and there are also patrols from the old empire.

Entering also requires a ritual close to death, and the tragedy of the elves in the "ghost ship" is horrifying. How could Istani, one of the three great kingdoms, endure such chaos in the underground of its royal capital?

Don't be happy and find out after more than a year that I traveled through a certain hammer world. Rorschach passed through a gathering in Quick Break City and accidentally stepped on a live frog that escaped.

On the banks of the Tams River, there is a splendid and solemn building. An iron-black shield hangs high at the front door, with a crown of thorns pierced by a sharp sword painted on it. This is the headquarters of the Iron Crown Knights. Among them was an office whose windows faced the Queen's palace.

The thick velvet blanket absorbed the sound of approaching footsteps. The man stopped in front of the door and knocked regularly.

"Please come in."

With permission, Percival walked into the knight commander's office. The furnishings inside were the crystallization of Istani history and art. Classical oil paintings depicted the heroic postures of the knight commanders in the past. The largest one was of twelve knights leading people. The grand scene of overthrowing the rule of the old empire, their swords pointed at the sky, and their opponents seemed to be mythical figures.

Is this an exaggerated, symbolic expression by the artist? Or really going to war with the Lord of Order? Every time Percival saw this painting, he had questions. He was convinced that the knights were all mortals. How could they swing their swords at the gods?

But Istany did become independent, and the Twelve Knights jointly ruled the kingdom under the leadership of the king and prospered.

"Sir, there are no clues about No. 021. The second mage suspected to be related is called 'Rorschach'. He has not been removed from the list and may not have entered the Shadow Land." In the kingdom, cases involving the Shadow City will be represented by numbers, giving Those whose names have been removed will be assigned a numerical number.

Caroline is currently the 21st person who has entered the Shadow City and is eligible to be traced by the kingdom. Her information has been obscured by the expulsion curse. All the Knights can grasp is that she is a mage from the Empire who disappeared in Storm City earlier this year. The reason for the investigation was that she accidentally knew something she shouldn't have known.

If that woman had known her, she would have originally planned to "send her out as a gift" after being captured by the Knights. After all, she was a mage from the empire, but the Kingdom of Istani still had some scruples. She just wanted to meddle in other people's business!

"I understand, has the order's ship been found?"

"No, we searched the entire waterway within the jurisdiction of Storm City, and there was no sunken ship. It must have fallen."

"Those lunatics have never been reliable! The Kingdom should not cooperate with that Holy Mother Order. However, Her Majesty the Queen insists on forgetting it. If you continue to follow it, remember to go to the police station to erase the relevant case records."

"If the ship enters the Shadow City, there should be no record from the police."

"What I said was an order, not a joke, Knight Percival! You are getting more and more ineffective in doing things. Do you really need me to criticize you?" The knight captain's anger shocked Percival: "I'm sorry, sir! "

After being trained just now, Percival paused for a while, and then hesitantly asked one more question: "Do we need to track down the mage named Rorschach? He should still be in the kingdom and has not entered the shadow land."

"No, those mages can escape from the teleportation array at any time, so there is no need to spend effort to catch an eel. By the way, didn't he come into contact with that elf?"

"Benedy, an actor and detective."

"Hmph, an incredible combination." The knight commander expressed his disdain through his nose. He handed over the document: "The next energy will be focused on investigating him and his surroundings. We have to thank No. 021. Without her, we would not have been able to discover this big Fish. Recently, the Gray Elf resistance has become more and more arrogant, and there is instability overseas. It’s time for us to close the net and show Her Majesty the Queen the capabilities of the Iron Crown Knights."


"Go down. Since that elf is a detective, you must be careful and don't alert him."

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