Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 274 The Earl of Shadowland

"Is there danger in the water?"

"Hmm~ The water body is the first hurdle for those who fall. As the saying goes, 'water is the source of life,' but the water here has life itself. All water must be boiled before it can be drunk or used. Brewing.”

After speaking, the poet picked up a stone and threw it into the water, causing the water to flow. Then tentacles completely condensed by water burst out. One of the tentacles, which was three meters long and mixed with countless floating objects, rolled up the stone and spit it out. .

"How about that?" The dwarf found that the entire bridge was within the attack range of the tentacles. Rorschach then added [Arcane Vision] and found that there were countless crystal clear auras in the water, but they were not uniform.

"The entire water body is not alive." After the tentacles and waves were scattered on the water surface, Rorschach observed that the aura turned into pieces and was stirred and mixed into the water. It looked like a eutrophic water surface covered with algae.

However, he had no interest or time to do research here. Once the [Freezing Ray] hit, the entire river section around the bridge was frozen.


"The mage is good." The poet admired the ice and walked on the bridge.

After crossing the Nameless Bridge, we arrived at the city limits. Luo Xia saw a number of low houses covered with traces of smoke and fire. The roofs were all made of thatch or blackened thatch.

There were piles of ashes on both sides of the street, and when Rorschach passed by, he stirred up a breeze that actually made sparks fly. The air was filled with the smell of burned things.

Freddy was a little surprised: "You have more magic power than I thought."

The residents were wearing the same black and dirty clothes. Most of them found a piece of rag or leather to cover their faces. The exposed skin of their hands and feet were covered with granules and scars left by burns. Their eyes hiding behind the shelter looked at the three people who broke in. .

Compared to the Rat Whisperer, it is obvious that the residents do not welcome the missing person team.

"Let's go quickly, don't run into the patrol."


The poet waved his hands in disgust: "A small group of empire soldiers! Oh, it's not the thing that now occupies the northern continent, it's the old empire that spanned the continent and ocean in the old era! Those guys are unwilling to evacuate, a group of people who don't want to surrender to the rebels The old stubborn who surrendered.

"These old bones don't even have ears. No matter how hard I play, they will only be waiting for me with a spear."

No matter what, the sound of tidy footsteps sounded, and a queue approaching the skeleton emerged from the corner of the street. Their eyes were distracted, and they blindly followed the leading commander wearing a tasseled helmet. Both the armor plates and the gun tips were completely rusted. type.

Rorschach, who seemed to be an undead creature, raised his hand, pulling his own mist to make himself and the other two invisible, slowing down and passing by these things. Rorschach was originally prepared for battle, but it seemed that these soldiers did not have the undead creature's desire for living creatures, and just patrolled the streets mechanically. Wherever they went, residents consciously cleared away the bedpans, wine barrels, and children that were blocking the way. clutter.

"The burnt hut area is very large. We are going to the semi-submersible area to find my acquaintance, the Earl of Elgin. His great achievement was to pack the ruins of the temple at the southern end of the continent into Storm City in two hundred containers. If you go You can admire his masterpieces in the museum.

"The ruthless cross-sections on those stone pillars and statues are more shocking than the finely carved carvings. Of course, this also shows that he is a vulgar robber. We have to pay something to meet him." Freddy patted the dwarf. The backpack contains wine and sugar bought in Storm City. Obviously they are the hard currency of this damn place:

"With the gift for him, we can ask the Earl to issue a missing person notice for us and find out information from them themselves."

Finally walking out of the charred hut area described by the bard, we arrived at the semi-submerged area - Rorschach quickly understood the meaning of the name. Although it was still in the shadows, it overlapped with the underground buildings of Storm City.

When they entered the tunnel, the wet ground, sticky brick vault walls, and rushing sewage made Rorschach quickly realize that they had entered the sewers of the capital of Istani.

They passed by several sewer maintenance workers, who were tightly wrapped and clutching shovels, shovels and other tools. The poet walked with swagger, and the maintenance man completely ignored the strange combination of two tall and one short.

Freddy deliberately played in their ears. One person seemed to hear something and looked around, but quickly returned his attention to the work at hand and could not find the player even one step away.

"Look, no one in the upper world can find us in our current state."

"Really!" The dwarf jumped fiercely next to the construction worker, without seeing any movement from the other party.

"Can it be interactive?" Rorschach saw that the poet's performance could arouse reactions. He used [Flower in the Mirror, Water and Moon] to become invisible, and stretched out his hand to reach out to the worker. However, as he approached, it seemed as if a slippery membrane separated the two, quickly slicing it open.

"People in the cracks can do it." They arrived at the subway station - Rorschach had never tried Storm City's underground transportation system before. It ran the locomotives made by the dwarves for the kingdom. They were coal-fired, so the vents on the streets were often It emits black smoke and vibrates regularly to tell pedestrians that the subway is coming.

As a confirmation of the poet, they saw old beggars and occasionally received coins, which were broken change to buy subway tickets.

"When was the last time you passed by the Earl's palace?" the poet greeted, but the old beggar did not answer, but tipped his tattered top hat.

This shows that the old beggar can communicate with people in both worlds.

Rorschach took the initiative to throw out a shilling, but the beggar was still shaking his hat.

He had no choice but to throw out another one. The old beggar showed his rotten teeth and said nonchalantly: "Your Excellency came here a quarter of an hour ago."

"Great, we don't have to wait long."

It seems that the so-called palace is just a train. Rorschach continued to observe the beggar. He didn't look like a master with special skills: "Why can he communicate freely between the two worlds?"

"Because beggars and scavengers are completely marginalized people. Those rat whisperers can contact the upper world, but they dare not enter the semi-submerged zone."

The dwarf saw the stairs leading to the top from the subway station: "If I go up the stairs directly, wouldn't I be back on the ground?"

"I advise you not to do this, don't even think about it." The poet's expression was rare and serious: "Once you leave the 'underground' area without removing the 'removal curse', the curse will follow you forever, just like just now Likewise, you can't touch other people, and others can't find you. What's more serious is that you can't touch objects in the above world and become a complete ghost. After wandering for long enough, your spirit will collapse, and then quietly collapse. "

After saying that, an old train roared by. It was much older than the normal operating subway locomotives. It was one of the earliest ones running decades ago. At this time, it was panting, and the sound of the wheels and rails was unusually loud. .

"Please report to your lord, the bard Freddy and his friends, please see me!" Freddy shouted, and the door of the train opened for them with a spray of steam.

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