Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 253 Food Ban

Rorschach reminded the patrolling falcon: "Our ambassador can definitely inform the church and the magic guild about this matter. Isn't this the ambassador's duty?"

The patrolling falcon nodded: "It makes sense. The mission of Mr. Imperial Ambassador is not just to discuss life with the enthusiastic Mrs. Valuana at night."

Finally, the carriage stopped again, and Rorschach got out of the car at the same point where he got on.

Is this taking me through a circle? Rorschach asked uncertainly: "Is everything okay?"

"Take care." Brother Falcon lowered the curtains, and the carriage, which was simple on the outside and luxurious on the inside, started and drove to a place unknown to Rorschach.

The last drawing was completed, and Rorschach blew on the last ink, hoping it would dry faster.

During this period of calm, Rorschach used his vacation to copy many drawings and excerpts from the Tower of Stars' collection of books.

To leave the Holy Kingdom.

This is the signal sent by the patrol falcon to itself.

But now Rorschach doesn't want to return to the empire empty-handed. He is thinking about how to persuade Andre's family to go to Byrne with him. With him, he will have guaranteed talents to build a new collector and operate it.

Members of the Alchemy Department will definitely not be easily poached by Rorschach, so Andre, a prospective apprentice with internship experience, is the best "cost-effective employee".

Of course, not everyone can accept leaving home, but Rorschach believes that the Golden Eagle Coin can touch people's hearts more than the increasingly devalued banknotes of the Holy Kingdom.

What else can you take away? Rorschach had a strong premonition that this time was different from before. After leaving Valuana, he might not be able to come back for a long time.

When Rorschach wanted to talk to Andre, he was notified by Master Kano.

"You should not join the non-magic replacement technology experimental group recently." This was the order given by the Archmage immediately after seeing Rorschach.

"Why?" Rorschach's first reaction was that he had some other mission.

But Kano had more to do with other considerations. He threw out a newspaper, and the headline was occupied by the news that "the empire announced a suspension of grain exports, and many grain merchants in Valois went bankrupt."

"This year's crops have failed, and the Empire is here again. Some people who like to think blindly think that the Empire is targeting the Holy Kingdom. Your identity is a bit sensitive, so it's better not to come into contact with those hard-headed instructors."

Rorschach only received the news a few days in advance. Brother Falcon only told him that "it is not suitable to stay here for a long time" and was ordered to release a trivial signal.

In fact, the Holy Kingdom did not hear rumors about the ban at all. Strong businessmen can always get some information from the empire's business partners and checkpoint managers. Only grain merchants with promissory notes and debts will be defeated by a sudden ban.

Coupled with the poor domestic grain harvest, lords and big grain merchants are already gearing up to hoard this urgently needed commodity.

Everyone who hoards food knows that they are making ill-gotten gains, but since they have made up their mind to not be human beings, if they don’t make a fortune, wouldn’t they be living like beasts in vain?

As a result, the price of bread in Valuauna continues to take off.

"Will the magic guild reserve food?" Rorschach was a little curious about the magic tower and the guild's countermeasures.

"Maybe, the grain merchants affiliated with the guild may, I don't know much about it."

"Aren't you or the guild worried? There are rumors circulating in the capital, all about a bad year."

"For us, so what?" Kano said with a completely indifferent attitude: "The kingdom has a population of about 25 million. In previous years, it could probably produce food to feed 30 million people, part of which is used for export and Feed the livestock.

"So if the harvest is not good this year, will everyone be hungry? Assuming that there are only rations for 20 million people this year, the answer is that about 10 million people will not have enough to eat, and up to 500,000 of them will suffer misfortune.

"You, me, and all the mages will not be the hungry ones, that's all I can guarantee.

"And now, the news I got is that Duplesi still hasn't convinced the king to issue a grain export restriction order, because the royal estate also wants to use grain to make real money from Istany."

The absolute number of mages is still scarce. Compared with the massive supplies consumed by magic guilds, spellcasting and alchemy, food is not enough to cause a headache for the chief of the Tower of Stars.

After calmly stating the facts, Kano continued the topic of his interview with Rorschach: "Don't be idle after the timeout in the laboratory. Go and talk to the Star-cloak Mage.

"I have received news from the outside world that a new wave of members of the underground cult and evil objects have infiltrated into the Holy Kingdom. Since you have reported it to me, Rorschach, and since the people and objects are all from your hometown, I will assist in the operation. Let’s investigate together with the armed forces of the association.”

"Yes. After completing this mission, I want to go to Bain."


This was Rorschach's first contact with armed mages. They all wore dark blue wizard robes with star patterns, and had solemn expressions and crisp demeanor.

But Rorschach saw two familiar and identical figures: two shiny metal cans.

"Hi?" Rorschach greeted the fully armored alchemical warrior, and the two cans with 100% synchronization rate took three steps back.

"Do you know each other?"

"I'm quite familiar with the Alchemy Department." Rorschach smiled and stretched out his hand: "Intermediate Mage Rorschach."

The mage headed by the Star Robe Troop was a short-haired woman. She took off her black gloves and held them back: "Jane, the person in charge of this operation."

What Luo Xia held was not a catkin, but a hand belonging to a martial artist. It was lean and strong, and there were many calluses. Looking carefully at the equipment under their robes, all members not only have scrolls and potions, but also short muskets on their waists.

Captain Jane is special. Like the fully armored warrior, she carries a cold weapon with her - a short ax from the south of the kingdom.

"Do you need a gun?"

"No, I'm more accustomed to my own cane." A handgun will just make a sound in the hands of an untrained person, and it will be very incense if it doesn't blow up.

Rorschach raised the civilization stick. Captain Jane saw at a glance that it was a magic item and stopped insisting.

It was still afternoon, so it was not the time for the star-robed troops to dispatch, but everyone pulled up their robes to cover their weapons and took to the streets.

"After the last operation to eliminate the so-called 'Rat King', the Order of the Returned Mother of God went dormant for a while. The last time those insects appeared underground was in the eastern suburbs. Unfortunately, it was completely dominated by the church, and we didn't get much information."

Pavard, a star-robed member who participated in "Operation Mouse Hunting", said that the Magic Tower has analyzed the remaining breath of Mother Earth.

And they monitored Valuauna and found that similar smells have been emerging in recent days and tend to gather.

"How do you monitor the whole city?" Luo Xia felt a little alert.

Pavard skipped Rorschach's question: "I don't understand the technical issues! In short, they are gathering, and the center of the gathering is absolutely unexpected!"

"St. Miller's Cathedral?"

".You are right, Master Rorschach." Pavard took out a map with many green dots marked on it. They were like stars over the moon heading straight towards the cathedral, and the closer they got, the more densely they were distributed.

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