Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 214 Tuberculosis

Most of the time, Valen is a polite and decent man. He has the education and demeanor of a noble, but also has the enthusiasm and vitality of youth. This lovable guy is no matter whether he is in front of the king or under the parasol of a lady. You can always win the admiration and love of others.

But when he meets Rorschach and Pascal together, he always looks miserable and desolate.

"Cough cough cough" This man was sweating coldly, his unhealthy complexion contrasting clearly with the blood. Passers-by wisely took a detour and stayed away from him. Only Rorschach and Pascal dared to move forward despite the invisible filter bubble.

"I shouldn't be contagious. Someone help me, help me." The young man's chest felt like it was being opened. With every word he spoke, more blood and less air rushed around in the respiratory tract. Valan was on the verge of tears, his dancing eyes saw the coming person and his destined savior.

A gentle blue light was injected into his body. This light not only soothed Valang's coughing up blood, but also filled up the soul he coughed up. A born superior man was finally able to stand up again. He was surprised to recognize the two mages and spoke a little more smoothly than before: "Thank you both, you always show up when I am about to die and make it difficult for me to tell the difference. Death or an angel?"

"Maybe it's the angel who sued for death?" Pascal didn't forget to joke at this time. He saw the blood on Valen's body, the expensive custom-made coat was wrinkled and dirty, and his face was horribly pale: "I originally wanted to say that you owed Luo a debt. Xia has two lives, but now I see that you don’t have one left!” Although he said that he was not forgiving, he did not care about the other party’s dirty body and supported the weak Walang with his own hands.

Although they are miserable, senior brother, you don’t have to be so straightforward, right? Unexpectedly, Valan nodded repeatedly: "Sir, you are right, I sold my life to the devil, and there is not much left!" He took out a handkerchief and opened it layer by layer to reveal an ugly and shrunken piece of leather.

Perhaps he was too excited, so Valang took a breath and passed out.

"Your words made him faint again."

"You use that magical blue light again?"

Rorschach didn't dare to use it rashly. If the bacteria in the lungs were stimulated again, he might not be able to survive. He did not touch with his hands like Pascal, but fixed Valan with the [Mage's Hand] so that he would not collapse to the ground, and arranged:

"Brother, please continue going to the textile factory. I will take this poor guy to the clinic." He felt that the connection between the donkey skin on Valang's hand and his life was not nonsense. The last time he saw it, it was clearly a big one.

"Well, I haven't arranged anything for you at night school anyway, so I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute" Rorschach stopped Pascal and asked him to stretch out his hand and use [Water Making Technique] to clean his senior brother.

Rorschach hired a taxi and took Valan to the private hospital where he had stayed. All the people coming and going here are mages, and Rorschach needs to show his mage badge before entering. He registered and temporarily made the first payment for Valencia.

This kind of privacy made Rorschach very satisfied. He could feel that Valan would be a key and exploitable character, especially when he learned that one of the initiators of the investigation was the Earl of the secondary plane territory.

The sharp knife that reveals the truth can pierce someone's heart at the same time, provided that the knife is not buried in the ground now.

"Doctor, how is my friend?"

"I can only let your weak friend have a good sleep first." The doctor observed Valan lying on the bed, looking at his eyelids and feeling his slightly low fever: "What symptoms did he have before he fainted?"

"Cough until you bleed."

"Have you had any trauma?"

Rorschach recalled: "As far as I know, there is no such thing, but it has fallen into the water once in winter."

The doctor confirmed his diagnosis: "Then it is most likely pulmonary tuberculosis. His body is relatively weak. If he is coughing up blood, he may have reached the mid-to-late stage of the disease. Only one out of every four patients with this disease can be cured."

He glanced again to confirm that Valan was not awake before continuing: "Obviously, this gentleman's condition will not be one-quarter of the lucky ones. I am not cursing, but reminding you that as a friend, you need to take good care of yourself mentally and in other ways. Preparations must be made to give patients the final dignity.”

"How to extend the life of this poor man? He is young and has many things to do." Rorschach did not feel too much sympathy and pity for Valan. After all, he had once been a gambling dog and gave up on his own initiative once. His own life, now in this situation, is his own fault.

If you had chosen another method instead of jumping into the river to commit suicide, you would not have had such sequelae if you failed.

To find a way to extend Valen's life, Rorschach had to ensure that he lived until the day he was used.

"It's hard to say that current healing spells can delay physical damage, but experience tells us that the disease will continue to progress. My suggestions are the same as those given by most doctors in Valuauna:

"Go to a place with high altitude, good scenery, and especially fresh air to recuperate, be quiet and control your desires. In this way, even if you are not cured, you can still enjoy a peaceful time at the end of your life." This doctor seems to have dealt with mage a lot, He also speaks bluntly.

He prescribed some medicines, which were all alchemical products and could not be bought in other hospitals, but they could not cure the root cause. Before leaving, the doctor turned around and left another "interesting" idea:

"Are you an intermediate mage?"


"If you are confident in your spell-casting abilities, or can find a master in the healing field, you can try my immature idea."

"You say."

"Why not try to completely destroy this poor man's chest, and then use healing or other magic. Sorry, I don't know. In short, use magic to restore him? But this will also destroy the heart, and I'm not sure whether it will succeed. .”

Uh. It seems that there is a little bit of feasibility? But Rorschach didn't know whether the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli would enter the blood circulation or lurk in other tissues, so he couldn't just blow Valan down to the last bit, right?

Moreover, he didn't know to what extent healing spells and divine spells could be restored. According to the doctor's crazy idea, if the entire lungs and heart were to be destroyed and then rebuilt, would it count as death? This is almost the same as resurrection.

"That's what I said." The doctor left the ward, not forgetting to add before leaving: "If you plan to treat your best friend like this, you must allow me to watch from the sidelines!"

Very good, this is a doctor who does not know magic but has the heart of a mage, but his professional ethics seems to be unqualified.

Rorschach thought of writing to the Tower of the Forest again. The microbial infection in Mariano's large open chest wound had been cured by Master Humboldt.

I almost forgot to refill the air bubble. Rorschach did not forget to isolate himself from the patient and refilled his glass of [air filter bubbles]. Valan, ah Valan, I can't make para-aminosalicylic acid and isoniazid for you, can I?

It is not impossible for synthetic dye companies like BASF to produce the above drugs, but at most the purity is worrying. Impurities such as by-products may cause the patient's liver and kidney durability to decrease faster, and may cause random reactions such as nausea and gastric bleeding.

It's better than coughing to death.

"Master Rorschach." After the sun completely set, Valang finally woke up. He immediately looked for the "scale" of his life: "My donkey skin, where is the donkey skin?"

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