Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 169 Princess, Prince and Mage

"This is Rorschach, my classmate and good friend, who came from Valois to attend our wedding. He is now an intermediate mage." Bart seemed a little reluctant to say the last sentence of introduction.

I told you to spend your time hooking up with the princess!

"Nice to meet you." Unlike her treatment of Bart, Amalia treated Rorschach with the proper etiquette a princess should have. She stretched out her delicate hand, and Rorschach held her fingertips and leaned over without actually kissing her. Just a virtual kiss.

“It’s an honor to receive the invitation.”

The dignified and decent princess appeared, and the housekeeper nodded happily.

"Let's go to the restaurant and wait for your brother. Rorschach has many interesting stories in the Holy Kingdom. I can tell you about them."


No, I am not only your light bulb, but also an ambient light with playback function? Rorschach tightened his fist on the civilized stick, and then the stick was taken away by the housekeeper.

Compared with the residence of a noble, this mansion is more like a property that a wealthy businessman would buy. The restaurant, living room and other facilities are complete, but they are not big. By the standards of the nobles, it cannot even accommodate the servants.

Is this a small base for the two of them? In fact, Rorschach has always been a little confused. Before he got married, the king allowed his cabbages and pigs to meet casually. Was it too free to fall in love? Based on his history and superficial knowledge of etiquette, "marriage between noble and lowly people" is a taboo for the royal family.

In the past hundred years, there have been intermarriages between the fringe descendants of rich merchants and nobles, which often mean transactions. Bart has the status of a mage and the blessing of the son of a large chamber of commerce, but the resident mage is appointed by the Parliament and His Majesty the Emperor, which seems a bit subtle. The Byrne royal family is also an empire. A first-class noble.

If Richard is a perfect match, why should I worry about it?

Maybe Princess Sophie is really the God of War of pure love, clearing the way for the couple. This woman's status in Rorschach's heart has unconsciously increased to a higher level.

Her Royal Highness covered her mouth to express surprise: "So the king of the Holy Kingdom can still make clocks?"

"Yes." Rorschach took out the gold pocket watch: "This was given to me by His Majesty Charles XVI. I thought it was his hobby, but I didn't expect it to be very accurate."

Rorschach handed it to his friend for inspection, and then handed it to the princess through him.

Bart was a little surprised. He suddenly felt that his situation this year was still small compared to Luosha: "The king of the Holy Kingdom personally gives you a gift!"

"Because I gave him a bad idea." Then Rorschach introduced the origin of Valuana Higher Normal School.

The princess listened carefully and nodded: "Education is indeed very important. Every kingdom should build a school to train teachers. If you give your father a 'bad idea', he may give you a pure-blooded oriental horse."

"Then I have to think carefully about what bad ideas can impress His Majesty." In fact, he really had an idea to please the "pioneer of the tourism industry".

While chatting, the guest they had been waiting for finally arrived. A tall and thin young man came in. The housekeeper bowed and saluted: "Your Highness."

On the way here, Bart told Rorschach that this small private dinner was prepared for the second prince Otto. While Albert went to the palace to recuperate and the eldest prince joined the army, he could help a lot in building the factory.

He inherited the king's black hair and wore it long to cover his ears.

The princess took the lead in saluting the prince: "Brother, I am so happy that you can come."

"No, you still don't know what my sister thinks? If you come back to the palace with me tonight, you won't have to be scolded, right?"

Ignoring the little facial expression of Sister Wang, he looked past the hateful businessman boy and directly looked at Luo Xia: "Are you a mage from the Holy Kingdom?"

"I graduated from the Imperial Academy of Magic, Your Highness, but I did study at the Tower of Stars."

After everyone gathered, the table was served. The prince took the main seat as a matter of course, with the mid-level mage on his left, the princess sitting on his right, and the seat next to the princess was the young master of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce.

There was no emphasis on etiquette. The four of them ate and chatted in an ordinary way. The dishes were served in the order of cold appetizers - appetizers - main dishes - soup, and the last was red rice porridge: "It is said that the Holy Kingdom has a lot of sweets, but besides sweets, Byrne Except for the biscuits, there are all salty foods. Please let Master Rorschach try this beet porridge." It seems that Prince Otto is the owner of this place.

"Valuana's snacks are exquisite, but too sweet for me. No matter how many meals I eat, I still have a stomach from the south of the empire." It's strange, the food in the Holy Kingdom is much better than that in the empire.

"Are you from the south?" The prince said a lot more cordially: "I thought Bart's situation was an exception. The Royal Academy should be mostly composed of northerners."

Why does this prince have the consciousness of conquering the north and south? Luo Xia nodded: "You are right, but I do come from a village near the Black Forest."

Otto was strangely more enthusiastic because Rorschach was from the south of the empire. He also knew about art, especially symphony and opera: "Have you seen Mr. Franz? How is he doing? Since this talented man went to St. Kingdom, our orchestra has become lighter, but that’s not a good thing for the audience.”

"I had a brief exchange with him, and he seemed to be seeking the favor of the goddess of inspiration."

The prince also asked about popular operas in Valoisana, and Rorschach happened to have actually watched them. He also met the playwright Cuarón, and Otto was very satisfied with their exchange.

To Rorschach's surprise, Bart was able to keep up with the conversation, chatting about music, masters, and masterpieces. You must know that this guy was most bothered by these things in the academy, including etiquette classes, and he just muddled through. If you have this motivation to study, you won't need my help in the theory test.

Maybe this is the power of love.

The next night.

In the hotel at the Munik Center, Mr. Pierre was frowning and reporting to Rorschach while drinking a pint of beer:

"When Mr. Hasay was talking to me, he provided several factory sites selected by their chamber of commerce, but I was still not satisfied. I felt that the area was too small and was not conducive to the subsequent construction of the second and third phases. But when I went to the city hall today, I was They told us that if we want to buy more land, we will have to pay a large amount of tax at one time, which is beyond the budget.”

After he put down the wine glass, a white beard made of foam appeared on his round face.

Rorschach took M. Pierre's glass away and wiped the table. Without saying a word, he summoned a piece of paper with a fire seal from the storage ring.

"Land transaction charter?" It was stamped with the royal seal and signed Otto Friedrich Ludwig.

Another one.

"Commodity Circulation Tax-Free License"

"Certificate of Free Trade Membership of the Duma River Trade Federation" Pierre held up these documents tremblingly. Each of them was worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Newsingen shuddered when he heard that the orientation of the men in the Ludwig family was different from ordinary people.

"I went to the palace this morning and will attend a banquet with me tomorrow. Bardorom will send a new representative. You represent 'Hercules', Munik's executive officer, tax collector, and the three members of the Duma Alliance. Trade representatives will attend.

"We won't wait for Hasai. The day after tomorrow we will go to the handicraft area to inspect the glass factory and the wood factory." Rorschach attaches great importance to the construction of the beverage factory. It will be a preview. After revealing his intention to build a personal magic tower in Byrne, the prince talked with him for a long time.

He didn't have the chance to give bad ideas to the king, but he gave many bad ideas to His Highness Otto. His Highness finally took Rorschach's hand and said goodbye in person.

After finishing the affairs at the palace, it is time for the Chamber of Commerce of the local gangster Bart's family to work hard to establish a good relationship with the trade alliance. However, Rorschach does not intend to participate. He is a mage and not a complete businessman. His attendance tomorrow is only to calm down Pierre Neusingen and negotiate.

Facts have proved that when you have to do anything, you can't avoid the wine table. In the previous life, it was round, but in the different world of Feralon, square tables are popular. Fortunately, no one dared to force the mid-level mage to tell me not to drink. He just had to work harder for Pierre.

Thanks to book friends "Tian Mo Pi Heitong" "Book Friends 20201022181608041" "Summer Showers" "Geyou" "chunge321" "Book Friends 2020045132356567" "Book Friends 20230617003011482" "Aya Jiang" "Star Movement" "Book Friends 20220822174910394" "FUNMKER" monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "Jealous Shadow", "There is a Bear", "Blowing Clouds", "rcliu", "Summer Showers", "Shen Bing", "Little Fat Bee", "Dark Night, Wings" and "The Deficient One" for their recommendation votes. !

I feel a bit delayed after finishing the coding. The plot will speed up tomorrow.

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