Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 138 Questioning

Drouot led Rorschach into the corridor and said:

"First thing: The midterm exam is coming up. I hope you can give a test paper to the teaching and research team before next month."

"Do I want to publish a whole paper?" Luo Xia remembered that there were other basic alchemy teachers, so why did he always do things by himself?

The two of them walked straight to the office area, passing by other students in the opposite direction. Because Rorschach was too young, they all asked Drouot to say hello to the teacher.

Drouot explained to Rorschach: "Because your class scored outstandingly in the teaching evaluation, the teaching and research team hopes that you can grasp the main points." However, someone said in his heart, "You will get off work after class every day, and your colleagues will give you a living pile for discussion." Here you go."

"Okay, I'll try, but I won't be responsible for revising it if it's sent back."

"We all believe in your strength." The officer teacher continued to talk about the second thing, which turned out to be salary: "You haven't received your salary for two months. You can go to the Academic Affairs Office to get it. It's five livers per month and twelve livres." That’s eleven big bills.

Got money to take it? I thought it was only Kano's subsidy. Rorschach found that he missed a lot by returning to the Tower of Stars for the first time every day. Well, it's not a lot. Now that I have the dividends, remuneration and blue light barrier money from "Hercules", I am indeed well off.

Seeing that Rorschach had no reaction to this "huge sum of money", Drouot, a former artillery academy instructor who once ran out of food, secretly lamented that the wizard was indeed as rich as the ladies of Moulin Rouge.

"Finally, we are here. Master Rorschach, please come in. I have class to go and will leave first."

Rorschach was confused and pushed the door open. There were several chairs in this vacant office, and several teachers were already sitting there. Rorschach glanced at it. There was a natural history teacher and a grammar teacher. These teachers were either magicians or priests, sitting in a circle chatting.

"Master Rorschach?" The mage who was familiar with Rorschach explained the situation. There was a matter about the students that required the cooperation of the teachers in the investigation. The school director was asking questions. Is there school bullying? Rorschach's first reaction was this. Faces appeared and disappeared from his mind. To be honest, Rorschach was a little distressed. Although he was the same age as the students, he didn't really communicate much.

Don't let it happen because you have wronged a student or let a devil go.

"Teacher Rorschach is here? Please go to the next door." The priest-like teacher walked in and called Rorschach out.

From Rorschach's perspective, it is clear at a glance who the teachers in this school are from the church and who were former instructors at the Artillery Academy. Their temperaments all have labeled characteristics. For example, the teacher's movements have the power to calm people down, and the man who brought me here is surrounded by the smell of tobacco.

I don’t know what our mages look like in the eyes of both parties.

After knocking on the door, Rorschach was allowed to enter a small room. There were two people crowded behind the desk, both wearing purple mage robes. They were a man and a woman, both old enough that the wrinkles on their faces dropped slightly. The two of them didn't look at the young mage who came in. They just looked through a pile of papers, which was disgusting.

"Rorschach? Please sit down." The chair in front of the desk was temporarily pulled from the classroom. It was so simple that it only had a backrest that was different from a bench. Sitting on this chair, the person being questioned may wonder what mistake he or she has made and accept the question.

"You two are"

"I won't waste time introducing myself. If you are familiar with the place where you work, you will know that we are the school directors who represent the will of the guild of Normal University."

Wouldn't it be a waste of time for you to emphasize that you are a school director here? Rorschach became increasingly upset: "As far as I know, the only one that represents the will of the guild is the Arcane Senate."

The female school director did not continue, she just adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses and asked in a sticky voice: "Master Rorschach, did you have any impression of a student named Andre during your teaching?"

The male school director added: "Blonde hair, blue eyes."

"If there is not only one Andre among my students, then this gentleman's description is invalid. The school and the entire Valuauna, the blond and blue-eyed Andre, may be able to put together a group." Rorschach sarcastically said He gave an answer: "There is nothing special about him. If I had to say it, I would prefer him to be called 'Andrew'."


"Yes, we did the experiment for the third time, and he still forgot to use tweezers to move the weights."

"We want to know if student Andre has shown any magical talent in your class?"

oh? This is a bit interesting. Rorschach persisted in questioning, and the male and female school directors hesitantly revealed the truth: one of Rorschach's students had an undiscovered talent, and he actually understood a small magic spell.

Maybe it doesn't even count as a spell, just a trick: the student didn't know how, and set his textbook on fire in grammar class. This made Rorschach, who was good at [Fireball Technique], even more interested. Did he not expect that there were five Fireball Cult members?

The teacher of the grammar class was a priest. Andre succeeded in frightening this old man who could hypnotize everyone. After reporting the matter at various levels, it alarmed the school directors, especially the representatives of the church and guilds. This kid turned out to be a volunteer student in a monastery. This is very embarrassing. The church wants to ask, what kind of school are you at? Why did my student suddenly change jobs when he was doing well? Are you secretly teaching magic?

The magic guild was also confused, so this inquiry was launched. Some people suspected that the teachers had incorporated too much "magic-related content" into the teaching content.

Rorschach felt sick. You were the ones who reviewed the original textbooks and teaching plans. What does it have to do with us if students suddenly learn to play with fire? "Is there anything wrong with Andre awakening his magic talent? We can recruit him into the Tower of Stars as an apprentice." ?”

"It's not that simple! If there are students who awaken the ability to cast spells in the future, will we all accept them? What does the church think?" The male school director seemed to be irritated by Rorschach and patted the table.

"Then let the students choose whether they want to be a mage or a magician, and there is no necessary connection between being able to cast spells and being able to summon divine grace. What can their church say?" After saying this, Luo Xia also knew that this would not be the case. To be honest, you are not allowed to go to the Tower of Stars just because you can cast spells.

"Do you just want to go to the Tower of Stars? It's getting more and more outrageous now. Everyone wants to come in." The male school director's words became smaller and smaller, turning into an angry murmur.

When the female mage heard the "nonsense" from her deskmate, she quickly exposed it: "Mr. Rorschach, we have re-examined your teaching plan and found inappropriate content. I believe you don't know Andre, and his awakening has nothing to do with you. .

However, we do not rule out that your teaching content can inspire him and other students on the path to magic. We think it is not safe to continue to use this standard now. "

"I refuse." Luo Xia was very straightforward at the moment. Seeing the slightly stunned expressions of the two people opposite him, he replied categorically: "I will never modify my teaching plan. I personally do not think that my content involves magic too much." content, even if there is”

He unbuttoned his coat and revealed his badge: "I personally don't think the above is a serious problem that can make you feel like you are facing a powerful enemy."

"The current process is based on the guild's consistent policy! We insist on controlling the spread of magic technology! This has been the case for hundreds of years!"

"Stop talking about the guild. You can bluff people in front of those businessmen, but you dare to say that you represent the guild in front of us? Just because you two are so young, you are still an intermediate mage?" Rorschach's disgust To the extreme:

"I still say the same thing. I only recognize the Austrian Elders Council as a representative of the guild. It just so happens that my teacher is a committee member. I will discuss this matter with him myself."

Luo Xia stood up on his own, and the male school director also stood up: "Okay! Since you don't take the guild seriously, I order you in the name of the school director, Teacher Luo Xia, your lesson plan must be reviewed. !”

"Then I don't want to be a teacher here. The little money you get is not enough for me to have the patience to listen to your nonsense after class." The young man slammed the door and left.

Rorschach did not return to the Tower of Stars, but took a car straight to the research building. He knocked on the office door on the top floor, and sure enough, Kano was inside. Pascal was also there. He was holding a large stack of documents and was about to leave when he was startled by his junior brother with a dark face.

"So who are they?" Rorschach was drinking tea poured by Kano himself in the office, still angry.

Master Kano still smiled and said: "These two people have been living in Valuvana for so long, and there is no hope of being promoted to Archmage. We are considering arranging a place for them to retire."

After all, the mage's guild is an organization that emphasizes strength. The man and woman have neither hope of breakthrough nor research ability to make any contribution. Over time, they have become marginalized people. This time, they are ecstatic to be the school director but have to pretend to be calm. Mian Mian Kano still remembers: "Even if they are just one of the school directors, they still have to feel the taste of power."

"The boy who awakened his magic ability, Andre, what happened next?"

"Our people talked to him. He just fell asleep in grammar class and had nightmares and clicked on the book unconsciously."

"That one is talented, but it's a pity that he is old." Luo Xia took another sip of tea. Kano wanted to say how old he was, but looking at the mid-level mage who was less than two years older than the client, he had to swallow his words.

"So what is the guild going to do?" In fact, Rorschach understood that the hateful school director was right. At least in the Holy Kingdom, the guild has always been opposed to the spread of magic. The conversation I had with Kano “7 out of 10,000” during my first meeting is still vivid in my mind.

"If you don't deal with it, scare the student and tell him that he has missed the age to learn magic. Casting spells without permission will burn him to death. Tell him to attend class honestly and not to think blindly." Kano sat down and drank tea himself: "Don't argue with those two school directors. The other school directors think highly of you. You can continue to attend classes as you should."

Rorschach stared at the tea cup: "I understand Teacher Caroline more and more."

Kano stood up and patted the somewhat disappointed Rorschach: "Build your own magic tower and recruit whomever you want as an apprentice. You can find anyone without magic talent."


"Really, as I said, the guild will fully support you."

Thanks to the book friends "There is a Bear in the World" and "The People Who Eat Melons in the Nameless Fog 999" for their rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Red Blood Cells 2002", "Memories of My Dreams", "Ride Position", "Memories", "0 Book Friends Mobile Phone Number", "Tiandi 93", "Book Friends 20220916234039363", "Book Friends 2017010710718599", "Hehehe" and "Yuanzhi "Yan", "Bury Me with the Wind QD", "Twilight Knock on the Bell", "Where Will I Return", "Trial Type 4", "Green Shirt and Purple Robe", "Book Friends 20180428190753732", "Book Friends 20220806114337067" and "Learn Mathematics Every Day" monthly ticket support !

Thanks to "Unknown Hans", "Clearness of Light and Rain", "Unbiased", "Love in the Wind and Rain", "There is a Bear in the World", "The Flame of Ages", "Hands of Time", "Little Fat Bee", "Naiya" and "Red Blood Cells 2002" "Waiting for recommendation votes from book friends!

I've been waiting for a long time. Will the rounding of 3k words in this chapter count as an extra update? But there is a lot of dialogue, so let’s not forget it.

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