Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 121 The prototype of a dangerous spell

The returning panel is very gorgeous!

From Rorschach's perspective, it was no longer the tabletop in the cafeteria, but a complicated spellcasting table.

In the center of the table is a blank magic circle, waiting to be filled with spell units. There is a closed magic book in the upper left corner of it - exactly the form in which Rorschach and the panel met for the first time, except that it was open at the time. There are three circular slots in the upper right corner, each with complex patterns:

The first boy saw it when he was promoted to an intermediate mage. It was the magic circuit in the magic guild badge. Blue, purple, and red brilliance flowed in the lines. In this slot was a hexagonal amethyst;

The second one is very familiar to Rorschach. It is the totem that Rorschach recently studied that symbolizes Dryatz. It alternates between emerald green and blue fluorescence, and there is a deer skull placed in this slot;

The third slot is very strange. Rorschach cannot see the pattern. You said it is not unlocked, but you can see golden light, exuding a holy aura.

Why does this golden light remind me of the God of Light and Order? Rorschach shuddered.

It's not a problem to stare at the panel all the time in the restaurant. From the perspective of others, he is just a weirdo who reads a newspaper for a long time without turning the page. Rorschach hurried back to the dormitory and opened it again.

"After the major update, it has returned to the magical style. It still feels gaudy."

As if sensing Rorschach's voice, the casting table flickered, then flickered again, and finally broke into light points and reorganized, forming a CAD-style interface again: low-key and luxurious dark theme color and frosted texture, simple and elegant flat design and clarity The lists and windows are much more intuitive than any "magic book".

The window flickered at the end, as if it had given up the struggle and stabilized. Rorschach felt that the panel was aggrieved inexplicably.

Except for the return of spells to the list-style sidebar, the bottom column still contains entries, while the top column has three more runes, and the last one is a golden mosaic. These should correspond to the three slots from the previous fantasy style. Rorschach tried it, but the three runes could not be dragged, and there were no additional comments.

The middlemost operating area is no longer a box, but an area with only auxiliary lines. The auxiliary lines are different from the default orthogonal grid of computer drawing software. They are polar coordinate networks with intersection points in the center.

No operating instructions? So unfriendly to users! Rorschach couldn't find anything to complain about, so he clicked on the spells he had mastered to check the situation.

Starting from the fireball spell at the beginning of the dream, Rorschach clicked on it. "Magic Control" was in the core, and then "Element Conversion" and "Projectile" were both on the same ring. The three entry boxes were linked by orange pathways. Together.

Rorschach observed carefully. The three simple blocks and connecting lines began to slowly twist and transform, and overlapping curves and straight lines appeared. Finally, the geometric units filled the magic circle to form a magic circle.

The [Fireball] magic circle appeared.

Hiss - Rorschach felt that he suddenly lost a lot of energy during the transformation process. Not only was he very tired, but his temples also had a dull swelling and pain. This feeling was like having just finished a math test paper, going from a particularly focused and brain-burning state to Zhonggang broke free.

Co-authored This is processed with my own brain? Rorschach feels that this function of the panel is very useful, but it is a bit unnatural.

He drew the magic circle on the panel into a scroll and walked out of his dormitory. Rorschach now needs to verify one thing.

"Do you want to buy a scroll of [Fireball]?" The alchemy shop in the Tower of Stars is similar to that of a magic guild. In addition to general consumables, it also sells alchemy potions, scrolls, and the most popular product right now: Hercules. Energy potion.

"Yes, it's not a learning scroll." Rorschach pointed to the nameplate on his chest: He is a faculty member!

The clerk was still hesitant: "Sir, the [Fireball Technique] scroll is a lethal and destructive controlled scroll. It needs to be registered and guaranteed not to be used by you."

Any professor here is much more lethal and destructive than a scroll, including Rorschach himself. But now he is a little dizzy and doesn't want to use the panel to draw the magic circles of other spells - who wants to take the physical chemistry test immediately after taking the high-level math test? "I need it for research, and I will use it in the practice room of the Tower of Stars."

Rorschach handed over his identity certificate, and the clerk took it and started to register: "Sorry, Master Rorschach, we are just following the rules. You are too young. I thought it was an apprentice who wanted to buy it. In short, Chenghui 62 Lang."

The [Fireball Spell] scrolls are all under control in the Tower of Stars. On the contrary, the Imperial Academy of Magic encourages its apprentices to learn destructive spells. Therefore, it has produced a number of "Energy Barbarians" like Yuan Rorschach. It's very useful in the army.

Scrolls are expensive enough. Rorschach paid and asked Taling to reserve a practice room. It was class time now. The large practice room was requisitioned for practical teaching. The small practice room was still free, so Rorschach went in directly.

First, comparing the purchased scroll with the one drawn by Rorschach himself, the geometric units were basically the same. With Rorschach's current level, he could fully understand the function of each geometric unit and the entire design idea. He could still see that the difference between the two was The relative sizes of the excitation unit and the conversion energy gathering unit are different, and the relative positions of each geometric unit are different.

Inciting the purchase of the scroll, a fireball gathered on top of the parchment as the magic circle was charged. After growing to a certain size, it flew out and hit the practice target.

Rorschach observed its size and speed, and estimated that it was slightly above the passing mark in the Imperial College examination.

Surprisingly, the materials used for this scroll were pretty good. After being activated, the circuit was still intact. Only the core area showed traces of overload burning on the parchment surface. According to the young man's judgment, it could be used again.

Try your own. Rorschach charged the second self-made scroll, and the ether instantly filled the circuit. The fireball condensed much faster than the former. The color of the fireball was closer to yellow-white than the orange-red of the first one. .

When it was shot out, it not only destroyed the target, but also exploded on the wall of the practice room. The heated and expanded gas turned into hot wind and blew across the front of Rorschach.

The practice room was too small. Looking at the protective arrays that were activated layer by layer, Rorschach judged that if the self-made scroll was charged enough, its power would be equivalent to the effect he exerted. However, the raw materials of the self-made scroll were not specially processed, and the parchment became brittle, burned through and shattered along the magic circuit.

"Master Rorschach, please control the power of your spells and take good care of the facilities in this tower. If the test environment cannot meet your needs, for safety reasons please go to an empty and uninhabited area to conduct it." Because he penetrated two layers of protection, Rorschach ate the tower spirit. A "yellow card" warning was issued.

The panel-structured magic circle can restore its normal spell-casting effect. After being verified, Rorschach began to try other functions, and he decided to construct a new spell.

The core is still "Magic Control". In the first ring, Rorschach puts "Dissociation (Purple)" and "Frequency Vibration (Blue)". The latter comes from the communication technique, and then in the second ring, "Projectile" is put. Connect all the diagrams.

Rorschach noticed before that [Primary Decomposition Technique] seems to be stuck in the "primary stage". From the decomposition scale, it can only cut off the intermolecular interaction of matter like macroscopic shearing, and divide an object into multiple pieces, but cannot Tear chemical bonds with your hands and break apart neutrons and protons.

From a metaphysical point of view, it has no effect on substances or biological tissues that have traces of magic and strong vitality. It can only bully flowers, plants, and pieces of meat.

Regarding the second angle, Rorschach had an idea. Regardless of the ether or the so-called "life force", the premise of resistance to decomposition is that these energies move in a certain order within the target to be decomposed. It is likely that this "orderly movement" hinders decomposition. Effect.

Therefore, following the idea of ​​[Forbidden Demon Scream], Rorschach planned to disrupt the order of the target's ether movement while "decomposing" it, relying on the random "frequency vibration" accompanied by magic power to complete it.


However, when he completed the construction and cast the spell, he felt that the condensed ether collapsed with a tremor, and nothing happened after that.

Sorry for being late, because I caught a cold again, so I lay in bed all morning and started typing after eating. Book friends, please take care of your body.

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