Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 116 Dispute

Of course, Du Plessis would not be as idle as Cano said, just hanging around the school, but the dispute between him and Necker had indeed been put on the table.

Not only is the financial market in the Holy Kingdom currently active, but the real industry is also expanding rapidly. New workshops are either under construction or have already started construction. The unemployed population continues to decrease, which has improved public security a lot. Except for the fact that banknotes have been depreciating and prices have resumed their upward trend, everything is prosperous, so that the voices of people complaining about the rising price of bread have become quieter.

Charles XVI relied more and more on Necker. The cardinal certainly would not be jealous of the king's partiality, and even if he were, he would have no time for such boring emotions.

On the contrary, Du Plessis could feel that the Minister of Finance was indulged in a game of luxury and wealth - before becoming a minister, he was a player, or banker, and now that he became a banker, he was playing with the fate of the kingdom and the reputation of the royal family. Mortgage, pursuing the satisfaction of a certain desire.

Necker Jean was enjoying, enjoying wealth, power and everything, but not out of any responsibility to His Majesty and this country. It was precisely because of his keen awareness of this that Du Plessis disliked the Minister of Finance. In Du Plessis' view, even a fool like the captain of the guard who was tied to honor was much better than him.

In the morning, the bishop and the finance minister met with His Majesty. Although Charlie XVI didn't want to get up early, he was the same as most of the time last night. Even if he didn't stay late at night with the queen or his lover, he could still get up and cooperate with the two busy beauties.

At this time, there were three reports on the recent economic situation of Valois in the king's study: the prime minister was studying it carefully, the finance minister was rubbing the gilded vellum and the growing figures, and finally, His Majesty the King, who used the report he made last night. Xin Miao pressed the file on the table, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the clicking hands.

"The situation in the Kingdom has improved unprecedentedly recently, which is due to the new measures taken by the Minister of Finance." The cardinal threw out a top hat first, and before Necker could be polite, he immediately changed the subject: "Your Majesty, Minister of Finance, I think This is a precious opportunity.”

"What time?" Charles XVI broke away from the graceful movement of the movement. He was somewhat impressed by the proposal of Sir Duplesi, but he couldn't say the words.

Necker knew what the prime minister wanted, and he was already prepared: "Collect taxes, Your Majesty. I think the prime minister wants a vigorous tax rate reform."

Necker had his own little idea. "Dignity" and "reform" were definitely not good words in the palace. They were the antonyms of "stability".

Sure enough, His Majesty the King's expression changed and he looked at the Prime Minister.

The archbishop said firmly: "Now is the best time! I advocate raising taxes on nobles, churches and magic guilds in the kingdom! Now that they are full of fat, your majesty will be tougher and attack them. At least the pain will be greater than in the past few years." If they are much smaller, the resistance will be much smaller. We can start with a blunt knife and remove their privileges in financial and economic activities step by step.

On the contrary, if we miss this period and the Kingdom’s public debt is now tied to stocks, I don’t think the market will continue to pursue it.

Secondly, due to unfair tax rates, the strongest expansion in this round is the trading companies affiliated to the magic guild, followed by the properties dedicated to the nobles, and finally, even the church is enclosing land, all of which are squeezing the common people with normal tax rates. Squeeze the kingdom's tax base.

I am assuming the worst here. If we miss this tax increase on the privileged class, the kingdom’s tax revenue will continue to deteriorate! "

The king became serious after listening to the bishop's fierce speech. He was still very afraid of the lack of funds for the palace, so he turned to his financial controller: "Sir Necker, do you agree with Mr. Duplesi's opinion? "

"I object!" What a joke! The key to maintaining finances now is to continuously absorb wealth. Compared with taxation, direct plunder is much faster!

The process of sucking blood from the kingdom's body cannot be interrupted. On the one hand, Necker needs to continue to replace the kingdom's precious metal-denominated debt; on the other hand, he needs to attract hot money to the stock exchange and the public bond market to absorb the over-issuance of paper. money to suppress the current intensity of inflation.

It’s not time to explode the bubble and clear out the bond market.

"Your Majesty the King, I must explain to you that today's prosperity is first brought about by the activity of the financial market, and the bishop may not have a deep understanding of the financial market. He does not know how much shock a sudden increase in tax rates will cause. Once our If the exchange becomes deserted, Your Majesty and the Kingdom will receive much less money, and the prosperity we see today will be destroyed by the Prime Minister’s proposal.”

“Doesn’t that mean that the current prosperity is fragile and false?”

"You are severely accusing me! Could it be that the gold and silver wealth I have gathered for Your Majesty and the Kingdom is also false? Your Majesty has vouched for me!" Necker showed his banker's skills and took a half step back: "I did not I’m not opposed to raising taxes, but I want them to be raised after all the new factories are completed and the gains we’ve made today have been transformed into a solid industry.”

"Yes, you have collected a lot for His Majesty, but let me ask you, how are you going to cash in the year-end dividends to the shareholders of the mining company, and how are you going to repay the maturing public debt, when there is a second piece of gold produced in that damn secondary plane? "?" Du Plessis caught Necker's weakness, which is also the key to the entire game - the dream promised by this "alchemist" is about to expire in half a year.

In Necker's eyes, this game will last for half a year before the cards can be played. It is also necessary to suppress the doubts of the bettors: "Since the bishop has doubts, then I will prove it to you! Prove it to everyone. !”

The focus of the palace's dispute is now the "Sareana Mining Company", but the general manager Valan himself does not know it.

A green-white finger drew circles on the young man's chest, finally waking him up.

"what time is it?"

"Thirteen minutes until nine, honey."

"Damn it, damn it!" After working hard last night and the big silk bed being too comfortable, Valang overslept. How long would it be? He remembered that there were still forty-three minutes left before the meeting with His Royal Highness, during which time he had to get dressed and travel through half the city.

"Stupid servant, why didn't you come and call me!"

The lady who was still lying on the big bed felt aggrieved: "My little Valang slept so soundly that I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I kicked her out. I was so tired yesterday, and I wanted you to sleep a little longer, and then put her out myself." You wake up.”

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it! Oh my God! Dear Madam, why are you so unbearable! Your kindness makes me grateful and makes me tremble. I can't bear it!" Valan's mood became more and more excited, and his voice became louder and louder. It got bigger and bigger, causing him to cough.

You can't have an attack here! He grabbed the powder on the bedside and didn't have time to put it on the handkerchief. He directly held it in the palm of his hand and inhaled it.

He felt much better, and with the purple light liquor entering his throat, Valang woke up completely.

The lady was already sobbing. She also had to use her annuity and property assets to buy stocks before her Marquis husband returned to Valois, so he couldn't fall short at this time: "Sorry, madam, I just woke up and lost my temper for no reason. My anger accidentally hurt you. Your crying broke my heart."

The lady was still hiding her face, and Valen could only say in a gentler tone: "As compensation, how about inviting the beautiful lady to dine at the Starlight Torch restaurant tonight, and then watch the evening show of "Edmund and Catherine"?"

"Aren't you saying you're afraid of being seen?"

“This time we have tickets to a small box, so it’s absolutely private.”

Upon hearing "private", a blush appeared on the lady's face that could not be seen, and she replied in a voice as thin as a gossamer: "Okay Valan."

When Valen walked to the house, his driver and secretary had been waiting for a long time.

"You don't call me either! Forget it, let's inform Miss Fudori that tonight's appointment is postponed until when I'm free. You can make up the reason. Go to the Prince's Mansion."


The prince actually wanted to sell the stocks and exchange them for gold coins. Valan tried his best to stop it, and he even planned to persuade the dim old man to buy more.

Thanks to book friend "Riyue Yuanche" for the reward!

Thanks to book friends "Gui Gui", "There is a Bear in the World", "linmu123" and "book friends 20170222153928242" for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to "Little Fat Bee", "SEERS", "Book Friends 20190130183837374", "Riyue Yuanche", "Yize Ruimiao" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

There is a small car at the end of the chapter. I don’t know if I can drive it out.

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