110. auction house

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com


While eating at the restaurant, I briefly exclaimed exclamation at a fact that suddenly came to my mind.


“what’s the matter?”

Richie asked what was going on.

She joined us last night and behaves naturally with us, but it felt strange to suddenly become four people after going together for a long time.

“Should I go to the auction house?”

“Auction house?”


A place where an auction is held.

The auction house we think of, which is common in novels, is correct.

I didn’t forget it, but the reason I remembered it belatedly was because we had nothing to do.

Like all auction houses, they sell cheap, good, and unknown items.

The important thing here is that there are good things and unknown things, and the good things and unknown things that come up in the original auction house mean that most of them are good things.

“Are you talking about the auction house hosted by the imperial family?”


The Imperial Auction House, as Liche refers to, is a place where artifacts and magical tools that adventurers and nobles are seeking are auctioned off in a fair manner hosted by the Imperial Family.

The Yangji Auction House, where the imperial family is involved to prevent all sorts of tricks and corruption, has the best reliability and security, but the types of items that are put up for auction are not that diverse.

It is a place used only by those who need urgent money or who want to sell goods for the exact price without greed.

“Is there another auction house besides that in the empire?”


But what I’m talking about is the negative, not the positive.

It is an auction house in the back world that only greedy, pot-bellied aristocrats know about.

Richie tilted his head at my answer. I can’t seem to understand it.

“Isn’t that illegal?”

“On the surface.”

Except for the auction house run by the empire, all other auction houses are illegal.

Only superficially, of course.

Even the empire knows. That there are no good artifacts or magic tools on their auction house.

That’s why even knowing that there is a shadowy auction house, they condone it.

“Because they have to use it too.”

In the first place, the Empire side is also aware of the need for an auction house in the shadows, as they try to bid on good artifacts with their eyes on.

An empire deliberately hidden from the general public to obtain good artifacts, a shadowy auction house where the land of the empire can be used openly.

In fact, they are mutually reinforcing.

“It means that only they know each other and use it.”

“I didn’t even know there was such a thing…”

“Because I hid it so I didn’t know.”

The state was trying to hide it, but if anyone knows, that’s even weirder.

The phrase “it is dark under the lamp” is used in just such a case.

“Do you have anything to buy?”

“You have to see.”

There are a lot of artifacts and magic tools that increase magic power in the shadow auction house.

Other than that, there are a lot of good things coming up in general. Weapons used by old heroes, materials for A-class monsters.

This is the information that we had stuck in a corner of our heads because there was no reason for us to go.

I also check to see if there are any good things.

“Anyway, I also had to get new weapon materials, and shouldn’t you, Luna, also make new weapons?”

“I guess so.”

When Luna picked it up, it was the first two iron daggers she bought at the time.

I know how to handle mana, so I think I’ve used it well somehow.

Now, weapons can’t keep up with Luna’s skills. If I inject too much mana into it, the weapon won’t last and will break.

Besides, the time when iron was applied to the monsters to be hunted in the future has passed.

Starting from A grade, no matter how hard you hit it with a railroad track, it won’t work.

In the first place, the material from monsters is better than steel.

That’s why iron became the price of shit and monster materials became filthy expensive.

“Let’s eat and go.”





After the meal, we headed straight to the back alleys where all sorts of ugliness of the empire were gathered.

The reason is, of course, that there are no roads that ordinary people can walk on, as it is in the shade.

So I came to the back alley and wandered around for about 30 minutes.

“Luke, didn’t you know the way?”

Luna, who had been quietly following her until now, asked a question as if she couldn’t stand the question.



Isn’t it natural that you don’t know?

Even in the original work, what happens is that it is an auction house.

As such, the detailed location is not described, so it is inevitable to get lost.

“Then why don’t we gather information first instead of going around like this?”

“That’s why you’re going around like this to gather information.”

“In a place where there is no one…?”

It’s strange that there are people in the back alley.

“It’s right to gather information here. There’s someone we’re looking for right now.”

“Who is that?”


At the word noble, Luna and Yui’s eyes naturally turn to Riche.

Well, even if he was abandoned by his family, Richie is still a duke.

“I don’t know anything…”

“If Richie knew, I would have been lost here?”

“But, do we really have to find nobles here? Even if we go to the plaza, there are nobles everywhere, right?”

“Then it would take too long.”

If you’re lucky, you might meet a noble you know, but if you’re not lucky, it’s a waste of time more than what you’re doing now.

In the first place, not everyone knows that they are nobles like Richie, and even if they do, how will we know if he hides it?

“Why am I looking here?”

“Well…? We don’t know.”

“What is the reason noble and neat nobles come to such a shady and dirty back alley?”

“…Auction house?”


Of course, I’m coming to the auction house.

Otherwise, there’s no way people who become aristocrats would lead their precious bodies to a back alley that even common people don’t go to, right?

That’s why I’m looking for a nobleman here.

Unlike the nobles outside, there are only two types of nobles here: those who are plotting something, or those who want to go to the auction house.

And it’s funny to hear information from someone and move based on that.

Just grab someone like me who wants to go to the auction house, beat him up, and guide him.

“And for the ticket, I have no choice but to find it here.”

“There’s also a ticket… I didn’t know that.”

“I’ll say it again, it’s normal if you don’t know.”

Unlike the Sun Auction House, you need a ticket to enter the Shadow Auction Hall.

But did any of us have tickets?

Of course there can be no So, there was no choice but to find a noble in the back alley.

Even if I happened to find a noble who knew the information about the auction house outside, I wouldn’t carry the ticket unless they were going to use the auction house today.

On the other hand, the kids I met here were going to the auction house, so they must be holding their tickets unconditionally.

100% drop event for admission tickets by name. If you just skip this, you’re not a gamer.

“I heard it, and you’re right.”

“Oh, just passing over there.”

When I point with my finger, the eyes of the three turn to my fingertips.

A man in a sloppy suit was walking there.

“Isn’t that just someone who lives here?”

“No, look closely.”

Her clothes and face were well-dressed like a beggar living in a back alley, but her gait showed off her aristocratic appearance.

How can a beggar living in a back alley walk around with his back straight like that? He doesn’t have the strength to walk because he can’t eat, and it’s a back alley person who has a bent back or a turtle neck as a basic passive.

If you’re going to camouflage, you have to do it right. Just changing the appearance is camouflage.

“That’s why I call nobles stupid.”

I immediately approached the noble with a straight back.


“Hmm? Not who… but who are you…?”

“It’s already been caught, you asshole.”

– Kwajik!

A blow to the face.

He made the face of an aristocrat into a depressed face. Then, the nobleman who had never trained before collapsed like a puppet whose thread had been cut.

Being a shadowy auction house is so dangerous. To such an extent that such a powerless aristocrat had to enter a back alley alone without an escort.

Even if you only have one ticket, you can enter with an escort, but it must be that you don’t want to let the escort know where you are.

In the end, this is all self-inflicted.

“I’m a noble, so I’m saying this, but is it okay to beat a noble like this…?”

“Get used to it. If you go around with me, you’ll be able to see a lot of nobility games.”

Originally, I used to stomp, but now that I go with Richie, I can carry the Duke of Winchester on my back.

If there is a problem later, I will go and think about it then.

“Anyway, it seems like he’s thinking of making fun of it, so let’s make some threats.”

“It’s not a negotiation…?”

Riche, it’s been a while since you joined, so I don’t know, but we don’t normally negotiate.

As proof of that, can’t you see that Luna and Yui aren’t saying anything as if they’re used to it?

In the first place, negotiations are for the weak.

We don’t negotiate because we’re strong.

“Let’s wake him up first.”


“Wouldn’t it wake up if I burned my face?”

“…Don’t you usually spray water?”

“Because I don’t have any water right now.”

And we should save water.

The country I lived in was a water-scarce country?

It’s too wasteful to pour water on a guy like this.

“Eat quickly.”


Richie made fire with his hand and burned the face of the fainting man.

Chiik, just before I heard the sound of burning flesh.


The man barely came to his senses.

“Are you out of your mind?”


“100 million!”

I gave him a slap on the cheek to make sure he was awake.

“Shouldn’t you have done that first before being burned?”

“What we’re doing now is the process of making sure we’re awake.”



“Now, which hand did I hit? Tell me.”


“Look at this, Richie. You haven’t come to your senses yet.”


“Ah! That, stop! Are you doing this knowing who I am!”

“You don’t know?”

“What, what?”

you came in disguise

Even if he had dressed up like an aristocrat, he would have beaten him, but if he came dressed like a commoner and asked if he knew who he was, who would know?



“You answer to the question.

I slapped the nobleman on the cheek with my right hand.

“Oh, right hand! Right hand!”

“No? Wrong.”


“Isn’t it right handed?”

“What are you talking about, Richie. If I hit with my right hand, it’s with my left hand by her standards.”



“Where are you this time! Tell me!”

For reference, this time I hit with my left hand.

“Oh, right hand!”

“You don’t have eyes, bastard?! How can this be your right hand!”



Then he looked at me as if he was unfair.

What are you complaining about?

If you have any complaints, you can bring some mind reading.

The reason you’re right is because there is no mind reading.

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