107. crucible of chaos


Ice and all kinds of magic are scattered everywhere.

Despite the unfavorable battle of 1 vs 3, the demonized Daio was competing equally.

Well, it has to be. The main character’s position as a rival suddenly became a mine and powered up, but you can’t be weak if you try to be weak.

Well, leave Daio to the toilet.

“Huh—I know it wasn’t like this originally, but I had a lot of trouble when it came out about how much magical power I had.”

Hex, whose seal was released, stretched as if he was feeling refreshed.

Originally, the body, which should not have been much different from when he was enrolled, had a sudden growth and increased magical power, so it must have been quite difficult for him to come out.

“Is that the hex that Mr. Riche has been looking for so much?”

“The mask looks really bad.”

“Ah, are you guys going to see it for the first time?”

This is the second time I’ve seen it, but there must be a difference between seeing it once and not seeing it at all.

At that time, he fully stretched and looked in the exact direction we were in and said.

“Rather than that, the one over there. How long will you be hiding?”

I was watching from a distance, but Ganghwa somehow noticed that it wasn’t a pointless remark.

“That’s what you’re saying to us, right?”

“Luke. I think we were caught?”


Even if you get caught, you have to pretend you’re not there until the end.

“Hmm… I know it’s there, but it doesn’t come out until the end, right?”

Hex raised his foot and trampled on Leechee.

To be precise, I pretended to trample.

“I’ve done this far, but there’s no reaction… Are you really human?”



“Mr. Luke…”

I couldn’t see it, but I could feel that they were looking at me with their ax eyes open.

“No, I was inadvertently asking if a non-human is a human.”

this guy! Higher than expected! To say a line that makes you want to tackle it unintentionally!

Hex looked directly in the direction of my voice.

“This voice…”

I couldn’t see it because of the mask, but when I heard his voice, I could feel that he was frowning.

You don’t really need a last name.

It’s not even like that, because Hex and I are old friends in the first place.

“Hey, if you’re going to run away, just go. That’s what you meant anyway.”

“Originally I thought so, but… seeing you changed my mind.”

Hostility is no joke.

Even though it’s quite a distance, I can feel the living piercing my skin.

“Luke. What shall we do?”

“Can’t you just kill that thing for me?”

“…they don’t seem to want to deal with us.”

so fuck it

I just want to sit on a soft chair and eat some popcorn.

Why are you unnecessarily burning up your will?

What kind of guts is it for a guy who lost once to attack again?

“Ehh. You guys do it yourself. Whether you level up by catching mines or just take a look around.”

“Then we will be waiting.”

“Are you done with the conversation? Then, I’ll pay you back the debt of the last time!”

After saying that, Hex immediately threw himself away.

Dash much faster than before.

If a normal person saw it, it would have looked like a hallucination as if only a smiling mask was flying.


Hex’s fist flew toward my face.


Afterwards, he hit my temple.

A weakness that has the greatest effect when hitting the face with a strike system.

I guess it wasn’t as reckless a fight as I thought.



The sound was loud because I hit it, but that’s it.

To compare the pain now, it is the pain of an adult man who has been punched by a five-year-old child.

The bottom line is that it doesn’t hurt that much.

Hex, who was not taken aback by my lackluster appearance, pulled back naturally like water flowing.

“Whoa… I’ve felt it before, but you’re really strong. I thought only the dean would have to be careful, but where the hell did a monster like you come from?”

“There are things I’m strong, but there are things you’re fucking weak at.”

“Ha… ha ha ha…! It’s not like before, it’s really strange to hear that I’m weak now!”

Fake hexes are weak and body hexes are not strong.

The red moon that is currently floating is like a kind of buff that increases the strength of all demons and demons.

Hex’s point of view is that he has nothing to say, since he is said to be weak as fuck to a guy who has been strengthened like that.

“That’s right. I’ll give up trying to beat you in the usual way.”

Afterwards, Hex lifted Liche, who was lying next to him, with one hand.

Then, he put his fingers straight up in front of Richie’s neck.

“You know what it is? It’s a hostage. If you surrender, I’ll spare you.”

“Lu, Mr. Luke! What should we do?! Shall we sneak up and attack from behind?!”

Rather, it was Yui who still hadn’t undone her bracelet, who was flustered.

Luna didn’t say anything for some reason, but it seems she was predicting what I would do next.

“Uh~ hoo~♡ It doesn’t matter.”

“I beg your pardon······?”

It doesn’t matter.

Why do you think playing hostages like kids will work?

What am I doing? You cowardly child! Fight fair and square!’

Also, a hostage is said to be a hostage when you take something like a hostage. It would be better to hold my popcorn hostage and say, ‘If you don’t surrender, I’ll eat all of this popcorn!’

In the first place, stuffy things like hostages can’t work for me.

“Luna. Scaffolding.”

“If possible, I hope Mr. Richie can live.”

“That’s not to say to me.”

As if Luna knew this would happen, she naturally built a platform in front of me.

Even at a glance, the grown Luna’s foothold looked stronger and stronger than before, and with this level, she could get to that guy in an instant.

I left the fidgety Yui beside me and threw myself onto the scaffolding.

As if the air were like a bed, I changed my posture to an upright position and flew away, spreading my legs wide.


“Da, are you really human?!”

Then, Hex threw away the leeche he was holding and took a counterattack stance.

That’s also true, if you get hit by my attack while playing hostage, you’ll be the one who dies.

Hex must have weighed it in the moment I flew away.

Lich on the left, his life on the right. After killing Leeche like that, if he dies, he’ll think it’s a loss.

No matter how you say it, everyone’s own life is the top priority.

With death coming right under their noses, who would be foolishly playing hostages?

Why, in the Conan movie version, did not shoot the hostage and make it into a lump of luggage to embarrass the criminal?

What I do is similar. Of course, I didn’t do it for the purpose of rescuing the hostages, but if I played hostage with the lich until the end, I would kill both of them together.

I’m swimming in the sky

From Hex’s point of view, there are only two options.

evasion or counterattack.

The method Hex chose here was a counterattack.

“You flew in with such an idiotic attitude! Are you promoting it to hit me!”

Well, even if it’s like me, I’ll fight back.

The opponent flies in with the attitude of hitting me, but who doesn’t want to hit me?

That’s why my appearance now looks sloppy.

Hex threw the arm he pulled back forward.

The location is in the middle of my wide-open legs.

To be honest, that’s why I get my testicles beaten while I’m in the middle of the day.


Just before his fist touched my testicles, he summoned a shadow in front of me and changed the direction of his attack.

Then how is it?

Hex’s body is tied to my Daishuki Hold.

“What the hell are you doing?! Get off quickly!”

It’s not sex, so it’s not a daishuki hold, it’s a tightening attack.

I mimicked that amazing technique I had seen on TV before.

Hex said it was okay, but he clenched his fist and punched me in the face.

“There’s nothing wrong with a fist like that of a cotton bat! Ahhhhh!!”

hit me a hundred days Can you kill me with that power?

I tightened my lower body and made it vibrate at the same time.

“Geup?! Gahah!!”

No matter how ridiculous and insignificant it may seem, there are surprisingly painful things in the world.

For example, household anti-personnel mines Lego, or paper cuts that seem to be nothing but continue to deal continuous damage.

“You mean you don’t care what happens to the hostages?!”

“Don’t get caught up in common sense.”

Stereotypes are very dangerous creatures that eat away at your thinking and creativity.

Who the hell is that? If a hostage is taken, the rescue of the hostage should be the top priority?

police? or a hero? Do you think this is an academy that nurtures heroes?

I am neither a cop nor a hero. If you look at it closely, it’s more like a villain.

Did you see the villain fighting for the safety of the hostages first?

“You know what? Humans are better than demons, not less.”

The way demons and demons think is really funny.

Since they are villains anyway, they can kill some people, take hostages, and do garbage, but since humans have to be ethical, they have the mindset that they shouldn’t do that.

In fact, more than demons and demons, humans are creatures.

Even on Earth, I could see enough of the ugliness of humans.

However, can the ugliness of human beings be expressed in words through the ambiguous laws of the Middle Ages?

The reason why demons appear in the first place is that people who are fed up with the ugly creatures called humans become demons, but I don’t know why people think that humans are cleaner than demons.

I gave the lower body a vibration again.


“It’s impossible to get away from my technique!”

Do you think a man is telling a man to feel good when he rubs his groin and shakes his body?

Of course, it makes me feel bad.

“How is it? My tightening?”

The moment I asked because I was curious about how fucked up he was, Hex suddenly let out a sound.




Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

My legs, which were tied to Hex’s upper body, began to open little by little.

Even though I wasn’t looking after him, Hex started to free himself from my restraints.

“Keukguk… How about it! This is my ability! I don’t like it very much, so I don’t normally use it, but if I set my mind to it, I can use more ignorant power than you!”

“Really? Then your skill must be really good?!”

“···I beg your pardon?”

“Give up your skills and look around.”

He summoned a shadow behind Hex and ordered him to cut off his head.

– Poo-wook.

However, the black hex wielded by the shadow only penetrated half the depth of the hex’s neck, and it could not go beyond that.

“Kuh-kuh… that’s not enough to kill me!”

If I had done it, I think it would have been clean. I couldn’t kill him in one shot, probably because of the shadows that could only produce half my strength.

But there is such a word in my world.

“There is no tree that cannot be felled by taking 10 shots.”


If you don’t die at once, isn’t it enough to cut until you die?

– Sloppy.

The sword of shadow came out of the flesh with a sticky sound.


-Hook! hooked! hooked!


It seems that he is holding on to his neck with strength, like an oni trying not to be decapitated, but thanks to that, the strength in his arms is reduced, and the restraints return to their original state.

“This damn thing!! Get off quickly!! You leech bastard!!”

“Hey, keep the concept. Some clown in the world speaks like you. Now, try like me. Smile~”

Are you a pro? What if it is colored? You should laugh!

I raised the corners of my mouth using both arms.

I raised the corners of my mouth to the point where I felt like my mouth would tear with just a little bit of force, and I smiled heehee.

“Stop!! You won, so stop!! I’ll quietly run away as you said, so please let go!!”

“You’re going to run away because you think you’re going to die after arguing with someone who’s still? Fuck you. You can’t die gracefully.”

I was just going to kill him, but I changed my mind because the talking cod said that.

There’s no way. I’ll pay you back by pursuing the fight to the end of hell.

If the hex can get away with some way here, my priority in life will change to hunting the hex.


Doesn’t budge a finger.

I questioned what had happened in my head, and ordered me to move.

No matter how hard the brain works, it means nothing if the body doesn’t move.

‘That’s what it meant…’

I was able to find the answer to my magical exhaustion.

Why did he say he could never beat Hex?

Even now, there was no strength in the body, but a sense of exhaustion that dominated even the only intact brain came over the liche.

Are you going to die now, when you can’t resist the attack that’s coming? she felt embarrassed

Even if hex’s nature doesn’t kill him right away, he needs to be ridiculed.

strangely quiet

Fortunately, we were able to figure out what had happened.


Her ears, which should have fainted by default, took in the information at will.

“First take off the mask, you bastard. Did you fall asleep wearing a mask alone so you don’t go anywhere?”

“Now, wait! No mask!!”

“What? Did you glue it on? Doesn’t it come off your face?”

A voice came from not far away.

Both were familiar voices to Richie.

one hex. one is Luke.


Through barely lifted eyelids, I could see the cold floor.

When I rolled my eyes and checked the corner, I could barely see Luke and Hex.

“I’ll seal it once more, you bitch!”


“Oh, do you still play it like this? The more you play it, the worse it will be. If you have tens of thousands of copies, it will be difficult to get Exodia later.”

I couldn’t see the entire scene, but Hex’s arm fell to the floor.

and a gurgling sound.

Of course, if I had only seen that, I would have thought they were fighting…

– Iron puck. iron puck. iron puck.

The same arm fell to the floor again and again.

One Two Three Four Five.

In a matter of minutes, you can build a wall with only your fallen arms.

“You’re not regenerating anymore!? Then I’ll seal the other arm as well!”


“Laugh! It allows you to escape! It’s sealed with five cards?!

It was a series of battles.

The arm drops, regenerates, repeats.

‘Lu… Big…’

It was there.

Although I somehow managed to hold on while I was on the verge of losing consciousness.

That, too, was now at its limit.

Fainting in the middle of a battlefield like this would mean accepting death.

With some kind of relief.

She closed her eyes.

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