Li Yi glanced coldly at the city behind him, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and said calmly: "Is the Say Empire, I will come back in shame."

When Li Yi and his party returned to the Zhongbang Fortress, it was already two days later. It was already evening when he arrived at the fortress, and Li Yi spent a lot of saliva before getting permission to enter the fortress.

As soon as he entered the city, Li Yi was subjected to strict interrogation.


"Li Yi."


"Head of the Second Knights of the Central Army."

"The purpose of coming here."



"Well, we were instructed to station the magic crystal mine in Wu'an, but the Sai army suddenly attacked a few days ago. After two days of resistance, we couldn't resist it, so we had to withdraw our troops."

"As far as I know, our Southern Army had sent two teams of troops to support you four days ago. Why are you the only one escaping now, other troops."

"According to my estimation, all the troops of other troops should have been killed." Li Yi said indifferently, it seems that those 20,000 horses have nothing to do with them.

But hearing Li Yi's answer, the senior officer who interrogated Li Yi could not suppress the anger. "Leader Li Yi, please pay attention to your tone of voice. What is called "according to your estimation", the thirty-seven and thirty-eight teams are also regarded as elite troops in our southern army, and they are instructed to support you. I said, according to your estimates, all of them were killed, didn't you fight alongside them?"

"Sir, you are right, I did not fight alongside them." Li Yi shrugged and said meaninglessly.

"Then you say that you are a deserter. When you see your friends are trapped, do you lead your wrong escape?" The sergeant was completely furious and stood up and pointed to Li Yi's nose.

"I don’t deny that I didn’t support them, because they were all going to die, and I was also responsible for the soldiers under me. I couldn’t know that it was dangerous, and I sent my soldiers up and let the enemy beheaded. "" Li Yi did not shy away from the issue of the sir. Li Yi still said calmly in the face of the other party's rage.

Seeing Li Yi so stubborn, Alice was already stomping her feet in a hurry. Although Li Yi was right, after all, he abandoned his friendly army and evacuated alone. Faced with the questioning by the chief, not only did Li Yi not justify his own excuses, but he also admitted what the other party asked. If you are really anxious to interrogate the chief and want to convict Li Yi, then Li Yi can't make sense.

The interrogating sergeant has now gone violently. In the face of Li Yi, who is in a state of chaos, this sergeant now wants to draw a sword and behead Li Yi. He had been a soldier for so many years, and it was the first time he saw that being a deserter was so straightforward.

Unwilling to see things go on like this, Alice had to bite the bullet and said: "Report, sir, can I say a few words."

"Who are you, do you have the right to speak here." The interrogation officer was already angry, and now seeing Alice suddenly intervene, she couldn't help but spread the fire on Alice.

"She is the deputy head of the Second Knights. She has the right to speak about the specific matters of our team. Sir, is it okay for her to say a few words?" Li Yi also saw that the interrogation officer was angry at Alice. Can't help but have a temper, and in his own heart, no one should show Alice's face except himself.

"You..., you are kind, Captain Li Yi. I have been a soldier for half my life. This is the first time I have seen a soldier as arrogant as you. Well, deputy captain, what do you want to say, you can speak now. "When I saw Li Yi dare to slap my face, I was a little trembling when I interrogated the senior official even when I was talking.

Alice gave Li Yi a grudge, and motioned him to stop talking. Then he smiled and said to the interrogator: "Sir, I hope you don’t get angry. I apologize for him first. He is this temper, in fact, he didn’t think about you deliberately." After that, Alice asked Li Yi With a wink, Li Yi quickly apologized to the other party.

Seeing Alice's worried face, Li Yi didn't want to make her too embarrassed. Following the meaning of Alice, Li Yi tried hard to squeeze out a smile, and then said: "Yes, sir. Actually, I didn't want to hit you at all. It's just that I talked straighter. , I hope you won't be surprised."

Watching Alice and Li Yi sing together, and listening to the beautiful voice of Alice, the beautiful woman, the interrogation officer also sighed. Shake your hand casually and say, "Well, pay more attention to it in the future. This is also my good temper. If I change to another officer, I'll pull him out to fight 30 military sticks. Comrade Deputy Chief, you Anything you want to say, say it now."

Seeing the chief interrogator finally calmed down, Alice was relieved. After sorting out the ideas a little bit, Alice said slowly: "Our Second Army of the Central Army received the mission to station the magic crystal mine in Wu'an Kingdom more than a month ago, and then escorted the second empire of the Empire, Kevin, here. But Just a few days ago, the Sai Empire suddenly made trouble and sent 100,000 troops to attack the capital of Wu Anguo. Li Yi should have escorted the prince Kevin all the way back to the country, but because he thought of the responsibilities entrusted to him by His Majesty, he chose to stay in Wu Anguo to defend. In fact, the small city of Wu'an Guoguo was already broken when he was attacked by the Sai army on the first day. Thanks to Li Yi's idea to lead five thousand knights out of the city to rush and kill, this enabled Wu'an Guoguo to be preserved."

Alice's voice was extremely sweet, and she seemed to be singing like a bird, plus she was saying good things for Li Yi both inside and outside, so when she said that Li Yi was out of town to meet the enemy, the interrogation officer could not help but applaud Looked at Li Yi.

Seeing the chief's applauded gaze, Alice knew her speech had played a role. After a pause, he slowly stated that Pingyang and Huaning were enemies. The defeat was decided at that time, but Li Yi was unable to return to the sky with the thousands of men under his command. Finally, in order to preserve his strength, he ordered to withdraw his troops. For the defeat of Head Cheno and Head Garrick, they had no choice but to retreat.

After listening to Alice’s remarks, the Chief Interrogator also thoroughly understood the course of events. When he spoke again, the tone was not as rigid as before. "Since the course of things is like this, then Li Yi's decision is justified. In that case, even if thousands of people were brought into the battle, it would only increase the casualties."

Seeing that the interrogation chief's attitude had eased, Li Yi no longer posed with a stinky face. He stood up and said apologetically: "Thank you for your understanding of my difficulties. At that time, I was really unable to return to the sky. Even if there is a chance of victory, I will not watch the friendly army fall."

"Well, I will reasonably report this matter to the chief officer above. Commander Li Yi will also blame himself. On the battlefield, victory or defeat is a matter of the military. As long as it is not to escape without fighting, this is not a soldier’s. Disgrace. Also, you don’t have to be called by a senior officer, but I am just an inspector in the Southern Army. We are considered equal in terms of position. We can call me Gavin later."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Gavin. When I return to the Imperial Capital, I will explain to General Luo Ning clearly." Li Yi gave a military salute and said politely.

"Brother Li Yi is going to go back to the imperial capital one day. Speaking of General Luo Ning, that is the God of War in our army. I hope to have the opportunity to see the respect of the old general." Speaking of General Luo Ning, Gavin There was also a look of admiration.

"I'll bring Brother Gavin's meaning, huh, huh. I'm going to let the troops rest all night, and we will continue to set off tomorrow. After all, this time I haven't completed the task, I have to go back and be punished." Li Yi Said jokingly.

"Oh, I said it all. Leader Li Yi doesn't need to blame himself. In the face of that situation, no one can have the strength to overturn. If you say something disrespectful, it may be General Luo Ning, it is estimated that it is not possible. It’s such a small town to keep Wu’anguo.” Gavin said with relief, hoping that Li Yi wouldn’t care too much about winning or losing this war.

Li Yi smiled freely, then left, and exited the interrogation room with Alice.

That night, Li Yi fell asleep with the five thousand sergeants under his command, and even the soldiers' armour was not removed. The next day, when it was dawning, Li Yi led the cavalry of the Second Knights to set off again, marching in the direction of the imperial capital.

After all, it was necessary to **** the messengers when they came, so their speed was not at full speed. There is no burden now, and Li Yi is anxious to return to the imperial capital to report the military situation. The troops were almost combined with day and night. In just five days, the big troops returned to the capital.

Without wasting any time, after Li Yi brought the troops into the Central Military Barracks, he ordered the troops to rest together. Then he hurried to General Luo Ning's palace, hoping to tell this matter to the old general quickly.

After passing through the bulletins, Li Yi finally entered General Luo Ning's study. But just after seeing General Luo Ning, Li Yi found that the old general was actually looking sad.

"Xiaguan Li Yi, see General Luo Ning." After entering the study, Li Yi said respectfully.

"Li Yi, come back. Alas, it would be nice to come back alive." General Luo Ning, after seeing Li Yi, groaned for a while and stepped forward to lift Li Yi.

"Why is this the case? Is it possible that Wu Anguo's defiance of the magic crystal mine brought punishment to the old general?" Li Yi asked, worried about General Luo Ning's rare sadness.

"If it's just about the magic crystal mine, how could it make me sigh so badly. Li Yi, in fact, you don't have to take any responsibility for the failure of the magic crystal mine."

"What do the generals say, Li Yi knows that this time he lost his demon crystal mine, I should take full responsibility. I don't need the general to be so embarrassed and help me cover up the crime."

Hearing Li Yi's words, General Luo Ning couldn't help but smile bitterly. "Li Yi, in the days when you rushed back to the imperial capital, something big shocked the whole country."

"What's the big deal." Li Yi asked curiously.

"Speaking of this, this major event is really related to the Magic Crystal Mine. In fact, the Sai State attacked Wu Anguo a few days ago, it seems that it was for that Magic Crystal Mine, but their real purpose was to attack my God. The Lan Empire. Now that they have crossed the Wu'an Kingdom, the army continues to go north. Now they have arrived at the Chinese state fortress, and their troops have reached a horrible half a million."

General Luo Ning faced the window and told Li Yi the heavy news.

Hearing this amazing news from General Luo Ning, Li Yi was also deeply shocked. Suddenly for a long time, Li Yi woke up from the shock and said: "Are the Say Kingdom ready to attack our Tianlan Kingdom?"

"Well, yes. This is a long time they have planned, and they have made sufficient preparations for this." General Luo Ning said slightly, although he did not want to admit it, it was already a fact.

"What are they doing? Now they are sending 500,000 troops to attack the Chinese fortress. How long can the Southern Army alone support." Li Yi asked.

"Li Yi, do you remember the Duke of Vanessa."

Hearing General Luo Ning's sudden mention of the Duke of Vanessa, Li Yi couldn't help but feel strange, but he still said: "Of course I remember that he had a relationship with him when he was in Suzuran."

"The Duke of Vanessa is a secret move of the Say Empire in our country. The Say army in the south has just attacked the Chinese state fortress, and the Duke of Vanessa in the north has openly rebelled."

"What!?" Li Yi was more shocked to hear General Luo Ning's words than he was to say that Sai sent troops to siege the Chinese fortress.

"Actually, the empire had already discovered that the guy in Vanessa had a sense of disobedience, but because there was no solid evidence, the old guy was a heavy soldier, and the empire was not good to do it. Now he finally waited for the opportunity, Although the empire is able to operate, but the enemy is in the back and the empire is now struggling."

"Duke Vanesa's unwillingness has been discovered before?" Li Yi asked curiously, then remembered that when he was at Suzuran College, Dean Garr heard that he had received the Duke of Vanessa's After the invitation, his performance.

"Doesn't even President Gaal know that the Duke of Vanessa is restless?" Li Yi thought to himself.

"Although I don't know why Vanessa would take advantage of the world and raise his troops to rebel, but now that the empire has become a boat, the empire can only find ways to cope."

"What is the empire's current arrangement? There are 300,000 heavy soldiers in Vanessa's hands, and he is not guarding the Yunluo fortress in the north. He is now recruiting soldiers. Will the Atlantean empire take the opportunity to enter?" "Thinking of the terrible situation in the north, Li Yi also really squeezed sweat for Tian Lan Guo.

"Although there was no evidence to do Vanessa before the empire, after all, it was impossible to really make any preparations. In fact, as early as three years ago, the true garrison troops of the northern fortress had all been replaced by the Western Army. He Vanessa It was just behind the Yunluo fortress, and was used as a backup force for the fortress." General Luo Ning said lightly.

Hearing General Luo Ning's words, Li Yi also felt a little relieved. "So what is the empire's arrangement now? There are a half-million army of Sai in the south and 300,000 anti-armies in Vanesa in the north. Is the empire planning to go north first or go south first?" Although Li Yi did not understand military, But I also know that things need to be prioritized.

"Your Majesty had held a military meeting yesterday, and several heads of the army believed that the primary task now was to calm the civil unrest in Vanessa. After all, the 300,000 anti-military forces were in the hinterland of the empire. Infinite."

"What about the Chinese fortress, can the Southern Army alone hold the offensive of Sai's 500,000 army?" Li Yi said worriedly, but he just experienced the situation of being strong and weak.

"I can only hope that they are competent. Although the Southern Army is not as powerful as the Sai enemy, there are Chinese fortresses to guard. After all, the Chinese fortresses are not the kind of small countries like Wu'an. It's impossible to break through there in three or two days. And we need to gather heavy soldiers in our country and sweep the Vanessa rebels with thunder, and then it's not too late to pick up Say's cubs." General Luo Ning Confidently speaking, it was clear that Vanessa's 300,000 rebels were not taken by him.

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