Li Yi was very surprised by what appeared in front of him, because it wasn't anyone else that appeared, it was Dana Black.

However, the real Dana Black should be outside... Li Yi looked at this Dana Black strangely and drummed in his heart-wouldn't it be another messy trial? Do you want to test yourself on the spiritual level because of your good achievements in mind-reading?

"Young junior, presumably you have entered the fourth level of Nianshu now, change the rules..." Dai Naihe said as if he hadn't seen Li Yi.

Li Yi scratched his head. Since his spirit came to this strange place, Li Yi did not notice any danger, so he decided to look at it first, so he sat on the ground and listened to Dai Naihe's words quietly.

"Since you have reached this level, then, it is conceivable that your mental strength is already stronger, at least to the extent that it can change some small rules in nature." Dai Na continued with a blank expression. "As a department of gods, you have told you from a young age that the exercise of mental power should override the magic, that is to say, when mortals are practicing energy communication between nature and you, you are developing yourself potential……"

"This is what makes you different from mortals."

Li Yi was stunned by these words. Listening to Danahei's saying, does the spell have no power to read at all? This is just a joke! Although it is said that Nianshu will become abnormal after reaching the fourth level, how many people in this world can reach this state? A handful!

With doubts, Li Yi continued to listen.

"...The real power comes from your own. The power in nature will always follow certain laws, and the mind-reading technique is born to see through these laws, thereby changing and creating new laws... Once If you have little achievements in meditation, then you can be called a **** by mortals!"

"The definition of small achievement is to reach the fifth level of Nianshu, but this is not enough..." Dai Naihe waved his hand. "From the fifth level of Nianshu, you will be divided. The difference between each person's understanding of the rules is different, and the achievements at the fifth level are also different. Of course, we have already talked about these before, so let's go directly to the topic..."

Hearing this, Li Yi suddenly had the feeling of being robbed of the delicious chicken legs in front of him.

Worrying! Uncomfortable! Can't you finish all? Also "I've talked about it before..." I rely on!

Helpless Li Yi decided to listen to Dana Hei first.

"...We have done some experiments on spiritual power. The direction of the experiment is how to divide the spiritual power. In the aspect of spiritual power, even though we are respected as gods by mortals, we still have a weak mind..."

"It's not that we are studying in the wrong direction, but... it is much more difficult to study ourselves than to study other things. We have always been half-knowledge about everything in ourselves, and even mortals, we dare not boast Say you know them very well..." Dana Black sighed.

"The same is true in the study of spiritual power. It seems to be an innate barrier set by the Creator for us. Let us change and let us create, but it limits our ability to discover ourselves..." Danahi suddenly Fist clenched, "However, how can our gods lose to such a small limit in this way! With the joint efforts of many gods, we finally figured out some spiritual knowledge, and "knowledge", This is one of the research results!"

The key point is coming... Li Yi secretly whispered and listened carefully.

"You must be very strange now, what kind of knowledge needs us to study so hard, so difficult to understand... In fact, as long as you can understand this, you will definitely feel the so-called "difficult". "" Danahei then said a lot of nonsense and heard Li Yi yawning.

"... Each of you has broken through to the fourth level of mindfulness, that is, you can initially change some of the natural rules around you, and this is also a new starting point for you to start learning about mental power! And now you The "knowledge" you want to learn is your entry subject at this starting point!"

"As I said before, you have all entered the realm of changing the rules. So, what do you need to change the rules? You should also understand? Yes, in simple terms, it is to release the mental power outside the body and attach it to What we want to change its rules! What "knowledge" needs to do is not much different from this."

"Why is it not so much different? The main reason is that "recognition" requires not only attaching spiritual power to things, but to "cut" our huge spiritual power into a small part and put it Attach to what we want to attach..."

"Of course, the ability to "knowledge" is convenient for you to communicate on a spiritual level, so there is generally no fool who will leave mental power on a stone. In a more plain way, it is on a living being. Leave our mark, this is the first step we need to do to learn "knowledge"!"

Dana had a pause, and then said: "This first step is relatively difficult. Now we are explaining the theory of "knowledge". How to achieve this first step requires you to practice yourself. Now, remember the theory I’m talking about first..."

"... going back to the aspect of spiritual research we talked about earlier, we have made a major discovery-no matter how far you are from the target, as long as you leave a little bit of'cut' mental power on the target Then, even if you are thousands of miles apart, there will be a faint connection. It is needless to say that the two people communicate with each other. The most important thing is that you can quickly and quickly find each other... This is one of them, and its The second is that with this feature, as long as you leave your mark on each other, then you can communicate anytime, anywhere, regardless of distance!"

"Of course, if the other party resists, the process of leaving a mark will become very difficult..."

It turned out that... Li Yi thought carefully, as long as he "cuts" his spiritual power and attaches it to the spiritual power of others, he can communicate with others in consciousness. This is "knowledge"!

Nowadays, Li Yi has no patience to listen to lectures, and directly starts the great cause of "cutting" spiritual power.


Grandma's, Dana black you stinky girl! You fool me! Li Yi roared angrily.

Spiritual power is spiritual power, which is an inseparable part of life. It represents the spirituality of souls and the strength of the soul. What is the difference between letting Li Yi be schizophrenic? !

This is simply an impossible task!

Li Yi calmed down after his anger, and secretly said, if it is only for a person who does not have any knowledge of spiritual issues, it is obviously not difficult to separate the mental power, as long as the mental force is forced by mind It’s enough to separate it, but Li Yi has seen countless TV series and movies since childhood, and is familiar with the mysterious place of “psychiatric hospital”, allowing him to rashly separate his mental power...

Grandma, do you have to spend in a mental hospital for the rest of your life? Treat your own schizophrenia? !

The thought of Li Yi felt a chill.

In order to "learn the language", the ability to pull the wind, as for this... Li Yi has a thin sweat bead on his forehead, and he is anxiously looking at the Dyna black in the consciousness-really, gods and the like It's really a little neurotic...

What Li Yi does not know is that once the soul can cultivate the mind-skills to the third level, there is basically no need to worry about the spiritual problems caused by the mental damage, which is commonly known as "psychosis"-joke, How tough and powerful is the mental strength of a person who specializes in practicing spiritual strength? How can this happen?

However, Li Yi almost always walked out on his own way of meditation. He didn’t know the knowledge that these descendants of ordinary gods would understand. In his view, meditation only strengthens his spiritual power. Just like playing game upgrades to get more mana, it is just a function of making fun little things than raising mana.

But in fact, the meaning of chanting is more than that? If there is only this, then the descendants of the gods will not specialize in chanting, but will directly practice energy control.

Just when Li Yi was unaware, Danahe, who was in his consciousness, walked in front of him and looked at him with a smile. In this smile, there was a hint of contempt—contempt? !

I rely on... this stinky girl despise me! Li Yi didn't know how to get angry easily today. "Zhu" stood up suddenly, glaring at the blonde girl in front of her-no matter whether you are a **** or a person, don't underestimate the lord!

Dai Naiyan smiled and pointed at Li Yi: "You are fat, it's really funny, you can't learn such simple things as "knowledge"? Is it so difficult for you to distinguish a little bit of mental power?"

Huh? How did this girl survive? Previously, Dai Naihe in Li Yi's consciousness was like a holographic video, but he introduced and interpreted the knowledge and main points of "knowledge" for Li Yi. It didn't look like a real person at all... Uh, no, no matter what Isn't it possible that the real person of Dynamo is in his own consciousness? Her actions in the consciousness were originally recorded, it is impossible to suddenly come to laugh at herself in front of her...... Is she referring to someone else?

"Fat fat man, I'm talking about you! Li Yi!" Dai Naihe's face suddenly became as horrible as a summer storm, and he looked at Li Yi slightly, and his body was steadily pressing toward Li Yi. Come.

I rely on! Real people? ! Li Yi was shocked, and could not help but take a few steps back. He said in a daze, "How are you, how did you get here, here?"

"You're in charge!" Dai Naihe rolled his eyes, and Li Yi's heart almost jumped out-this lady, really hooked! Li Yi swallowed and calmed down.

"It's impossible to separate spiritual power! If it is separated, wouldn't I be mentally ill? Academically I call this kind of schizophrenia!" Li Yi said with a pretext.

"What kind of mental illness, schizophrenia, mess?" Dai Nai said with his hands on his hips, slightly sturdy to Li Yi. "You can relax and try! Sister I can't pit you..."

Sister... Li Yi felt cold sweat once again on her forehead. A woman with tens of thousands of years or even more than one year old who claimed to be your sister would also sweat coldly.

However, in Li Yi’s consciousness, the physical activities such as cold sweat were simply fictitious, and Li Yi just thought about it. By the way, he wiped off the sweat beads that were not on his forehead. Hippy smiled and said to Dai Naihe : "Sister...hehe, sister, you see...or we'll get rid of this...the technical work of separating spiritual power is obviously not suitable for me as a rough man..."

Dai Naihe looked at Li Yi contemptuously and said with contempt: "Do you really want me to look down on you?"

"You are a god...I'm just a human..." Li Yi mumbled.

"Huh! I'm waiting for you here. When will you separate your mental strength and attach the mark to my body? When will you let go of you! Otherwise... don't even think about it! You are in your own consciousness Stay well in the middle!" Dai took the ruthless words and looked at her expression-I rely, come true? !

Li Yi was suddenly anxious. Since coming to this strange place in his consciousness, Li Yi never thought about whether he could go out. After all, this is also in his own consciousness. Anyway, this is still his biggest?

But Dana Black's words made him desperate.

Don’t do it. You have to be trapped in your own consciousness. You are not an immortal thing like a god. You can afford consciousness, but your body can’t afford it! If Dana Black came in and locked himself for hundreds of years, would his body rot before long? ! But...if the spiritual power is separated according to the meaning of Danahi...

Li Yi felt shudder at the thought of the schizophrenic report he had seen on TV news.

Whether or not to do it is a serious question.

Get on the thief ship! Sure enough, he was on a thief ship! Li Yi sighed, looking at his Dai Naihe with contempt, a sadness in his heart.

What else can you do... or do it!

Dana Black! If my lord is really schizophrenic, I can’t spare you!

[笔趣阁] Li Yi was cautious, using his mind as a knife, and mental power as a material. He cut off the size of his fingernails on his own mental power, and suddenly felt his consciousness tremble in front of him. A blur.

Dyna black immediately put his hand on Li Yi's forehead. The spirit of the gods was so powerful, which directly stabilized Li Yi's consciousness and made Li Yi wake up instantly.

The collision between consciousness and mental power seems to be impaired mental power, cut by consciousness, but in fact the mental power will hardly suffer any harm, the real injury is the consciousness used as a sword.

Consciousness and spiritual power are originally homologous, both originate from the brain of the soul, but if strictly speaking, the spiritual power is actually a mysterious force derived from the consciousness of the soul, in other words In other words, consciousness is the mother body, and mental power is the child body.

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