Damn, the lord is just hungry to find food, and is slandered and poisoned... Li Yi thinks more and more angry, think about when he was originally in the new city, which soldiers dare to be so disrespectful to himself? Even when he arrived at the site of the Southwestern Celestial Army, he was a ten commander anyway, and he still had the birdishness of these two soldiers?

The soldier's blade lightly exerted a force on Li Yi's neck, and then a long bloodline was drawn: "Fat fat man, don't be arrogant with the people who killed the army, do you understand? Your external team The scum..."

It is unbearable!

As soon as Li Yi gritted his teeth, he let the "protective light armor" splay open desperately, and the soldier's blade on his neck was snapped open. When he hadn't responded yet, Li Yi has already put forward with a fierce foot, hitting the other party's calf. In the other party's painful cry, Li Yi jumped back and escaped the arrow shot from the dark.

"Mom, dare to be arrogant with the master!" Li Yi's heart burst into anger, and thought of it, he used thoughts to create a wooden handle grenade, opened the fuze and threw it into the dark place at the entrance of the canteen.


A quiet explosion immediately came from the dark, and then there was silence. Li Yi frowned, and found something wrong.

It stands to reason that the guy hiding in the dark and shooting a cold arrow should be killed by a grenade, but now there is no sound at all, it is really abnormal-at least, at least it will fall if it is bombed? But Li Yi couldn't hear any heavy objects falling to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed out of the darkness, and Li Yi was taken aback, throwing a whirlwind at each other without thinking.

The opponent's body shone with a dark green light, blocking Li Yi's spells. At the same time, the soldier who had previously used a sword to hold Li Yi's neck also shone with a purple light, raising the sword in his hand and attacking Li Yi. !

Contractual energy...Looking at their posture, is it the same way as me, that the contractual technique is combined with martial arts? Li Yi was shocked in his heart, and immediately set his sights on guard. The "protective light armor" on his body had not lost its function, and should be able to stop the joint blow they combined!

Thinking about this, Li Yi then used the energy of the light system to condense into a one-handed sword in his hand, jumped up and rushed towards the two sentries.

"Give me a hand!" A male voice came from behind Li Yi. Li Yi couldn't hold the castration for a while, and immediately created a strong wind in front of him, blowing himself back.

Looking back, Qi Tianzheng stood behind his back with a serious look at Li Yi.

"Fight for no reason in the army, but be blamed!" Qi Tian said with a serious expression, and at the same time said to the two sentries behind Li Yi, "You two, if you don't want to do it, hurry back to the west of the mainland Go to your hometown!"

As soon as this remark came out, the two sentries suddenly panicked and knelt on one knee to beg for mercy.

Seeing this, Li Yi was puzzled, and he tentatively asked Qi Tian: "Pray... Uncle? These two, are they, elves?!"

Qi Tian nodded and looked at Li Yi: "Remember the transaction between us?"

"I help you to contain the elves that are about to be transferred... Elves, you are responsible for teaching the elves Maid Maid Dance in my house?" Li Yi scratched his head, and the lightsaber in his hand also turned into a little golden light. Come on.

"Well... that's it. These two sentries, that is, one of the elves that were transferred out..." Qi Tian looked at the two sentries kneeling on one knee behind Li Yi, shaking his head helplessly, "In the beginning, I rescued them from the new city and let them return to their hometown, but I didn't expect..."

"Some of the elves even wanted to stay and follow me..." Qi Tian looked up at the stars in the sky and sighed silently.

"Then, you left them in the city of Lianyu where the army of the Celestial Army is located?" Li Yi asked with a frown.

"Yeah, you come with me..." Qi Tian nodded, then said to the two sentries, "You two, stand guard and inform the guards tomorrow morning to come to my room to gather!"

Qi Tian took Li Yi to the roof and walked back and forth to the tower where they talked that night. The soldiers standing guard in the tower did not dare to ask more when Qi Tian arrived, but the waist was straight.

"Sit!" Qi Tianshutan sat on the top of the tower, said to Li Yi behind him, and at the same time magically took out two jars of wine from his arms and dumped Li Yi with a bottle, "Do you know... I The unclear relationship with the elves..."

Li Yi nodded and sat beside Qi Tian, ​​watching the stars in the sky and said: "Seeing this...you want to help them as much as possible, but you have to do your duty... these two The choice makes you caught in the middle, it's a dilemma..."

"Yeah...After she died, I made an oath to stop hurting any elves..." Qitian pours a bite of pain. "But, I still broke my oath these days... No matter what it is, my hands are still stained with elven blood!"

"Is that the elf woman?" Li Yi interjected suddenly and asked, "The one on Luoxia Cliff..."

Qi Tian nodded, not too much to tell Li Yi about the elf woman, and instead talked about the elves he had kept: "Actually, like the two elves just now, there are twenty-one, I will take them Formed into a guard, only responsible for the security of the military department, they are not allowed to go out and walk around on weekdays, and the guards are only responsible for night posts..."

"They... are so arrogant..." Li Yi said, tearing open the cover of the wine can and took a sip. "I look down on the troops stationed in the southwest..."

"Elf... has always been an arrogant race..." Qi Tian sighed and patted Li Yi's shoulder, "but I am not worried about these... I killed a lot of elves this time, but... These elves who follow me have not even revealed a bit of sorrow! I am worried that they have regarded themselves as real humans..."

"Is there anything wrong? But there is also a possibility that a decree issued by elf elders... does not allow elves to go to Xinqin without permission." Li Yi said.

"How do you know? Did Liu Chang tell you?" Qi Tian asked with raised eyebrows.

"Uh... yes, he... is also an elf..." Li Yi replied a little embarrassedly.

Qi Tian shrugged, not thinking: "I didn't see him when I came back, I thought he was dead in battle... It turned out to be an elf... Ha ha, how, look at you, is it uncomfortable?"

"At first, I had some good feelings towards him, but I didn't expect...he actually..." Li Yi thought of Liu Chang's apologetic face, and his heart burst into flames.

"Did you know that he was an elf?" Qi Tian saw Li Yi nodded and said, "Perhaps, he also has indescribable pain!"

"Well... he is not a pure-blood elf, but a hybrid of dark elf and light elf, and he has been in Xinqin for many years. His feelings for humans are much heavier than those for elves..." Li Yi drunk fiercely, "Yes, your task you accounted for, we are a failure...We haven't had time to kill the elves..."

Qitian nodded and said: "It's okay, according to the decree of the elf elders you said, even if they don't die now, they will be executed if they return to the west of the mainland..."

"Now let's talk about the military merits of this big rift battle!" Qi Tian smiled at Li Yi, "Centurion Li Yi..."

Li Yi returned to the house with a dull expression, but she had already blossomed in her heart.

"Centurion... Centurion! Centurion Li Yi! What a loud title..." Li Yi said with a naughty smile on his face, like a flower on his face.

You must know that the rank promotion system of Xinqin is very strict. The ordinary soldiers want to be promoted to officers, that is, the first-level captains. The commander-in-chief of the ten-man squad, and the promotion of the commander-in-chief is almost to an astonishing level.

For example, if a soldier wants to be promoted to ten captains and needs to kill a hundred enemies, then a ten captain who wants to be promoted to a captain needs to kill a thousand enemies himself. Such a condition, even if it is During the war years, it was difficult for anyone to survive to meet such harsh conditions.

In fact, the conditions for the commander-in-chief to be promoted to the centurion are much harder than for us.

It was because of the status of the royal family, coupled with the bandits who led the team to wipe out the hundred people, made a great contribution to the peace and stability around the new city, and made a reputation. This allowed the military to upgrade Li Yi to The commander-in-chief, but now, only by showing the power of mystery through the mysterious consciousness attached to Qitian, he was promoted to be a centurion by Qitian!

You know, at the southwest border, Qi Tian, ​​the commander-in-chief of the celestial army, not only has the absolute power to kill and kill, but also has the ability to directly appoint and promote the ranks of the soldiers under the army!

Even, the promotion of Li Yi as a centurion is such a big thing that you don’t have to inform the military!

Li Yi was more excited and more ashamed, but more and more ashamed-after all, this battle is false. Although he had tried his best to fight at the time, he did not rely on his own power to block the elf army in the big gap as he said. Outside.

But to think about it, the fat man with a big nerve still hummed a little song, sitting at the table and wiping his equipment by the light of the oil lamp on the table.

"Brother Li Yi...Early!" Xu Wen's voice came from behind Li Yi. Li Yi turned around and continued to wipe his equipment.

"Little Xu Wenna! How about, after a sleep, almost recovered?" Li Yi took off his helmet, carefully wiped every corner of the helmet brightly, blowing Blow-really bright!

"Well... it's just a little hungry..." Xu Wen smiled embarrassedly and sat beside Li Yi. "How long have we slept?"

"I'm hungry..." Speaking of stomach, Li Yi's stomach gurgled again, and he smiled, "Go to the cafeteria when you're hungry...No, forget it, don't go! Do it yourself! "

Saying that Li Yi waved his mind and made two steaming barbecues, handed Xu Wen one piece, took another piece and chewed it up, and said vaguely: "I guess we slept all day... …"

"One day!" Xu Wenli, who had just taken a bite of the barbecue, jumped up. "Hurry, we haven't finished our business yet!"

Li Yi stuffed the barbecue into his mouth and swallowed it three times, then looked at Xu Wen strangely: "What's the matter? So urgent?"

"Send meat to troops stationed everywhere!" Xu Wen said, pulling Li Yi's hand and going outside. "Now Sister Gu Lei is in a coma, and Brother Liu Chang... only us two, it's almost too late. Now!"

"What's this and what..." Li Yi fainted, "We don't need to do food delivery anymore! Now all the thousands of teams are concentrated around Lian Yucheng. If they need meat, they will go by themselves. Take it!"

Xu Wen slowly let go of Li Yi's hand, his shoulders were shaking, and from time to time he could not cover the sobbing sound that could not be covered: "Brother Li Yi, you said... Is Brother Liu Chang really dead?"

"Dead? Who said?" Li Yi was even stranger.

"What? Brother Liu Chang is not dead?!" Xu Wen turned around immediately, with tears still on his face. "But, why did he not come back with us? I didn't see Brother Liu Chang, I thought, Thought he had..."

Li Yi laughed and patted Xu Wen's shoulder and said, "I thought he hung up? Of course not... He, uh, he... he had something to return to his hometown... Uh, first he met his dad, and then... …That's it!"

Li Yi Zhi Zhi Wu Wu made a lie, compared to cheating those unfamiliar commanders, deceiving Xu Wen, his own partner, still makes it difficult for Li Yi to "speak," and indiscriminately made a lie to fool Xu Wen. In the past, it was better to make this soft-hearted boy feel better.

After talking, Li Yi just wiped a cold sweat from his forehead, and heard a good male voice from outside the house. He said with a laugh: "Li Yi, Li Yi, don't always say bad things when I am away. Anyway, I am also your friend, and I will be angry if I always say bad things about me..."

Xu Wen was overjoyed, turned and rushed to the door, shouting with a smile: "Liu Chang..."

Li Yi came to the courtyard with frowning, looking at the man who was more than a woman in front of her eyes, and twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Fuck... Master I thought I had thrown you away forever. You still haunt me like a reptile..."

Liu Chang smiled cheekily: "Isn't this enough to let go of your brother..."

"Brother, you fart!" Li Yi heard the words "brother" and he was covered with hair, and he sipped on the ground fiercely. "I don't have any quibbles, you should save yourself...!"

After a bit of laughter, Liu Chang suddenly said righteously: "Li Yi, I will come back this time... Can I talk to you alone?"

Li Yi raised an eyebrow: "Is there anything that can't be said clearly?"

"Apart from the wall, with ears..." Liu Chang pouted at the cafeteria. Obviously, the true identities of the two sentries had been seen by him. "Go!"

Li Yi nodded, patted Xu Wen on the shoulder, and said, "I'll talk to you Liu Chang brother, take good care of the house, and I will come back soon!" As he said, he grabbed Liu Chang's collar and pedaled, Flying away from the city wall by the wind.

Li Yi took Liu Chang to fall outside the city, to see no one around, and then looked at Liu Changdao with his arms around his chest: "Something, let's talk!"

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