Anyway, Qitian has now been dazed by hundreds of ** elves around him. The most terrible thing is that among the hundreds of wind elves, there are only a few males, most of them are females.

Qitian’s heart is beating continuously, and he can only calm down his heartbeat by meditating on the name of the person in his heart, but when he opens his eyes again and sees the fragrant scene, his heart always accelerates indisputably. Beating speed.

Qitian could only close his eyes tightly.

He could hear the sound of Feng Zi barefoot stepping on the ground, slowly approaching himself, or he could hear the elves around him whispering about his figure, and from time to time there was a cry of exclamation from the crowd.

Even the roar of the roar spurred by the sword in the air was clear!

"when"! Qi Tian's hands firmly clamped the oncoming blade, and the corner of his mouth said with a smile: "Elf, although I closed my eyes, this does not mean that I really panicked... Such a scene, closed eyes Isn't it enough?"

Said, kicked with lightning, and accurately kicked on the belly of Feng Zi in front of him. In the pain of the opponent, he quickly hit the handle on the back of the blade with his hands. Then, Feng Zi's hands could no longer hold the big knife in his hand. With his fingers loose, the big knife fell firmly into Qi Tian's hand.

Qi Tian flipped the blade, placed the big knife on Feng Zi's neck, and smiled with closed eyes: "Now, but I won..."

Although the winning ticket is in hand, Qitian still dare not open his eyes, fearing that he will be lost again by the ** around him, not to mention the wind purple that looks like his lover in front of him.

However, there are some things that cannot be known without the eyes.

Just like praying to heaven now, except that he only touched the opponent when he kicked on Feng Zi's stomach. Until now, he has only confirmed his position by his hearing.

It wasn't until he was attacked by Feng Zi from behind that he knew that it wasn't Feng Zi that was mounted on the sword.

It is a wind with a strange shape and a stable rotation!

Feng Zi entered the "burst" state after stepping forward to pray to the sky. She became a pure wind and she could better control the power of the wind, so that the sound and the feeling on the blade will be Qitian cheated the past.

Using the wind to wind up the sword to attack Qitian, and using the wind to hold Qitian’s blade at the right height, and bring his voice to Qitian’s ear, making him mistakenly believe that Feng Zi is still in him. Front.

Unexpectedly, the real Feng Zi has slipped behind Qi Tian.

Gently clicked on the back of Qi Tian.

The dragon's front paws held an irregular fog ball, and the heavy armor soldiers approached it step by step, but Li Yi stood still and closed his eyes in disregard.

"He' should be using mind-study, but his creations are a bit strange..." The dragon sucked his mouth and looked puzzled at Dynanau, but saw his face. I have the same doubts as myself, "Dana Black, you are the first to wake up among the gods. Why, even you can't see what he wants to do? Is it not that the following human beings invented during our sleep s things?"

Dai Naihe shook his head, his delicate brows frowned together: "I have never seen this water-like thing he made, the structure of this thing is unheard of by me... sorry, dragon, I I really can't see..."

The dragon nodded and said: "This is not to blame you. Human imagination and creativity are unmatched by Wanqu elves. For thousands of years, they have always made something that interests don't want Forget, the gods are actually from humans..."

"Yes, dragon..." Dana responded with a black jaw.

"Now, let us see how much surprise this magical race can bring us..." The long body swings, and the dragon slowly pushes out the fog ball in his claws, standing still in front of him, quietly Suspended.

Within the fog ball, Li Yizheng is trying to visualize the things in his mind, and sweat beads are constantly leaking from his forehead. Obviously, he is not easy now.

"One part of concentrated nitric acid, three parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid... seems to be like this..." A colorless liquid appeared on Li Yi's left hand, constantly blowing white smoke in the air, while his right hand At the same time, a large pool of colorless liquid with white smoke also appeared. If you did not look closely, you thought Li Yi had the same things on her hands.

But Li Yi knows that these two kinds of strong corrosive liquids he knows, although they look similar, but their composition is different.

There was a strong pungent smell in the air.

Li Yi frowned, slowly leaning the two pools of liquid on his hands together.

The two pools of colorless liquid slowly merged in the air, regardless of each other, and constantly rotated under the drive of Li Yi's spiritual power, sometimes clockwise and sometimes counterclockwise. The mixed liquid quickly turned yellow and made Li Yi's palm feel a little hot.

You're done! Li Yi opened his eyes and looked at the yellow liquid suspended in his hand quietly. The yellow gas rising from the liquid brought a more pungent smell. Li Yi quickly held his breath.

The smell in this yellow gas is highly toxic! Li Yi looked excitedly at the yellow liquid in his hand and knew that he had succeeded.

According to the method taught by the chemistry teacher in his memory, he finally matched the legendary "king water"!

One part of concentrated nitric acid and three parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, after being mixed together, will produce the legendary super corrosive "repellent water"! At the time, Li Yi only heard a little in class, and now he tried it out based on his memory, and it turned out to be a liquid that conformed to the various characteristics of "Jing Shui"!

Seeing that his "secret weapon" had been completed, Li Yi hurriedly threw his hand to the former martial arts chief who was constantly approaching him. The beach "king water" was rolling in the air, and the smoke along the way drifted into a yellow arc line.

This "king water" must be used now! Li Yi’s chemistry teacher once said that, although I don’t know why, Li Yi is still very obedient to use the produced liquid directly...

A yellow "water" "crack" similar to a certain liquid was shot on the armor of the former martial arts chief, and a large white smoke suddenly appeared.

The heavy armor of his whole body creaked under the erosion of the "Jing Shui", moaning constantly. The chemical heat generated by the heavy armor burned his body protected by the armor, and the thermal conductivity of the metal finally took effect under the action of strong acid.

"Hum! Are you not afraid of spell damage... I am not a spell, but a real chemistry. I don't believe in the legendary science and can't handle you, a guy with developed limbs and a simple mind!" Li Yi haha ​​big Laugh, happy watching your mind creation works again.

Since fighting with this former martial arts chief wearing heavy armor, Li Yi has been deflated, and the special fighting methods that he has been proud of have also repeatedly failed under his opponents, making Li Yi's mood depressed.

Plus the **** dragon is always tampering with the rules! Li Yi thought that I had to confront him head-on! Humph! Do you see Master's power now? See if you still have it!

The former martial arts chief scratched the burned part of his body, and the hissing in his mouth never stopped. From time to time, he popped out one or two vicious elf swear words. Unfortunately, Li Yi couldn't understand it at all.

Li Yi smiled at the former martial arts chief and began to take off his heavy armor, and threw it aside. The armor, which appeared to be strong, has now turned into broken copper and iron. A huge gap extends from the head of the armor down to the thigh of the armor, and a gap also appears on the armor.

The smoke dissipated, and a half-body was severely burned, and a male elf with fleshy skin appeared in front of Li Yi.

His hair is a yellowish color that Li Yi has never seen before, but Li Yi knows that he is an elf of the Tu nationality. .

But now, this elf looks really miserable.

The neat tights that had been penetrated into the heavy armor had been largely corroded by the "repellent water", and some of the clothes under him draped on him, which could only serve a little shame. His sturdy and handsome face is now half-human and half-ghost. The skin on his right face has been corroded and most of his skin is exposed, and his jaws are exposed, which makes him very scary.

The body on his right also lacked a good piece of meat, and the "repellent water" that had penetrated into the armor went down along his body, and also left an indelible wound on his body.

His right leg was obviously lame, and a deep bone wound appeared on his leg, but he still walked toward Li Yi step by step, and his sword was never dropped.

Such a serious injury...he can still stand up? ! He could even drag the obviously heavy sword to me? ! There was a trace of fear in Li Yi's heart.

Can't those revolutionary martyrs in memory do that?

The former martial arts chief kept talking in some elven language that Li Yi could not understand, but judging by the solemn expression on his face, it should be the kind of words that prayed and praised the gods.

Such a person... can he really win him? Li Yi couldn't help but feel guilty.

He knew that a person with an extremely pious belief would never lose to others in front of his beliefs, nor would he be knocked down by physical pain casually. Such a person, Li Yi It is really unsure of victory!

"If you don't pass the test, you will die here..." Li Yi remembered what the dragon once told himself, and his heart sank and he settled down.

Without defeating him, I would have to die! Li Yi said to himself in silence, so, no matter what, he had to topple him! In addition to the ability of his weapon to break the spell, he has taken off his heavy armor that can defend against spell attacks. In this way, if I attack with all my strength, I should still have a chance!

In his heart, Li Yi immediately began to act.

The opponent's speed was not fast, Li Yi drove full horsepower, and fought with the former martial arts chief.

Don't you run fast, then I will play guerrilla warfare with you at speed!

Li Yi brandished his sword and shield and quickly rushed to the side of the former martial arts chief. A fierce sword was cut on the wound on the opponent's leg. When the opponent swept the sword and slashed towards himself, he quickly avoided it. On the other side of the opponent's body, he pushed to the former martial arts chief through his shield.

The wound on the right leg of the former martial artist was enlarged by Li Yi's fierce sword. The blood was flowing horizontally, and the right leg suddenly became soft. At the same time, Li Yi pushed it on the left side of the body, and the whole person was lost. Balance and fall towards the right.

But when he was about to fall, Li Yi appeared on his right side again, avoiding the left hand grabbed by the former martial arts chief, with a hook on his toe and kicking on his cheek.

The former martial arts master cried out, and the wound that was enlarged by Li Yi's foot suddenly spurted blood, and splashed the blood of Li Yi's foot.

The former martial arts chief was tormented by pain, but the firm belief has been supporting him, not letting himself succumb to the pain in the body, he kept supporting his hands and praised the gods constantly, his eyes gradually revealed A touch of yellow!

Li Yi kept waving his sword on his body to create wounds, and was always vigilant to prevent his opponent's counterattack before he died. But this elf's ** is too strong, Li Yi swinging his sword down can only cause a deep wound on his body!

Li Yi can only wait for the other party to shed all his blood to win the victory of this trial-the battle of fanatics has always been endless, Li Yi has no way to let the other party admit defeat.

But just after Li Yi cut down dozens of swords, the opponent's body gradually radiated a faint yellow light, and Li Yi's full blow of the heavy sword was knocked on the opponent's body, and there was a golden tie. After Ming, Li Yi's sword-bearing hand was bounced away, and the tiger's mouth was a bit numb, and the other party's body did not show any wounds!

The other person's skin has turned into a rock-like shape, exuding a faint yellow light. He slowly stood up from the ground, the fanaticism in his eyes burning wildly, and he looked at Li Yi with a fanatical and confident look.

I rely on! I even forgot that he can "break"! Li Yi was shocked and knew what he had neglected.

An elf that can explode will not fall down without exhausting its strength! Although the guy in front of him was seriously injured, and the state of "eruption" was not complete, Li Yi had already struggled to fight with the other party without "eruption". Now the other party has entered the "eruption" state...

Li Yi felt that his strength was really weak...

If you don't win, you will die! Li Yi constantly warned himself in his heart, while constantly inspiring himself. The opponent is just an elf, and even if it is an "outbreak", there must be some way to defeat him!

Li Yi thought about it, smiled, and looked up at the former martial arts chief.

"Although I don’t know your name, your faith really admires me! There is really no way, I don’t want to die, and I won’t let you kill me now... so I’m sorry, you go Good death!" Li Yi smiled and looked at the yellow body that kept approaching him, and said lightly.

A black and continuously rotating round hole suddenly appeared in Li Yi's hands, and a powerful force kept pulling the former martial arts chief towards the black hole.

Li Yi frowned, and increased the suction force of the black hole.

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