Pang Hu looked at Yan Lin vigilantly and followed.

Yan Lin shrugged and wanted to keep up, but Lan pulled him at this time and said the long-awaited question in his heart: "Yan Lin, according to your eyes, Liu Chang can really be able to ' Erupted?"

"Of course, after all, although the blood vessels in his veins are not pure Guangzu blood vessels, but both of his blood vessels are Wanqu, as long as it is Wanqu, then only after the first'burst' in his adult life , He can "burst" in any situation he wants!" Yan Lin whispered, "but now Liu Chang's situation is very strange, you should also feel that his "burst" attribute is only light energy one Kind, but there is another kind of blood flowing in his body, it is impossible to guarantee that the second kind of "burst" will not appear!"

"So, at least the tribe should be able to accept him..." Lan Youyou said.

"I'm not sure about this," Yan Lin seemed to remember something, with sadness in his eyes. "Intermarriage is strictly prohibited among the tribes of Wanqu. You also know that Liu Chang, a mixed-blood Wanqu, wants to be accepted by the Guang tribe. It's really difficult! Unless..."

"Unless he can merge two different forces in the body like a wind clan to become a new force and create a new tribe!" Lan sighed and said, "Even if it is so, then he can only get all Recognized by the tribal leader, the Guang clan will not regard him as his clan."

Yan Lin looked at Lan's sad face and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything comforting anymore-in fact, we [country novels] aren't don't want to accept me, don't you? Isn't it afraid that our son, Liu Chang?

Yan Lin shook his head, throwing away the troubles in his head, and walked to Li Yi.

"Li Yi, how did you win?" Yan Lin asked again.

Li Yi said with a smirk: "You call me Li Yi! My friends call me that."

"Answer me!" Yan Lin roared in a low voice, the ** in his eyes flashing for knowledge.

Li Yi is still stupid with laughter. It’s not that he doesn’t want to tell Yan Lin. It’s really shameful to say that he didn’t win the contest with his true ability. If he wants to say it, is it shameful to throw it into the Central Mountains? Go west?

Although he kept silent, did Yan Lin's unique vision be vegetarian? Under observation, the unnaturalness on Li Yi's face, the blush that emerged on Ling's face because of embarrassment, Pang Hu's blank look, everything was under his eyes, and he secretly analyzed it in his heart, and naturally understood a lot.

But the question is, how did the girl who had been banned from casting spells during Li Yi's fight help Li Yi?

In fact, Li Yi has already guessed some, from the shadow that flew out of Liu Chang, to the shadow that Ling lost to track Yan Lin and Lan. Once these two shadows are connected, the answer will come out naturally!

Ling must have controlled the shadow that was originally used for tracking, breaking Liu Chang's transformation, and then saved himself!

Ling was a little embarrassed by Yan Lin's hot eyes and said with a blush, "Actually... it's me!"

Yan Lin pretended to have an expression of sudden enlightenment, and quickly asked: "So, how do you... uh, how do you do it?"

"Actually, Liu Chang's state is a "burst" of elves? But I don't know how, the power he released is not very pure, and he was originally a dark contractor, but how can he break out of the light department? What about energy?” Ling explained, “So I think that he is both a dark contractor and can use the “burst” of light energy, then he must be a light-dark hybrid elf! This kind of hybrid makes him only burst Half of the original power, and the light energy and the dark energy are naturally opposite, the burst of light energy will definitely conflict with his original dark energy, but the light energy temporarily suppresses the dark energy, so that he The power in the body is unbalanced, which led to his'burst'!"

"And to solve this situation, it is only necessary to add a little dark energy to the balance of the two powers to restore the balance of energy in his body and make his "burst" end early!" Lan did not know when it came Among the people, took the words and said.

Ling nodded: "That's it. Li Yi, do you remember the shadow we lost? Because I am a contractor of the Dark Department, that shadow is also pure dark energy, although I can't cast spells while you are fighting. , But the spell that was already cast can still be controlled. I found the shadow and controlled it to penetrate into Liu Chang’s body and restore the energy balance in his body, so his state ended early..."

Although Li Yi had already guessed seven, seven, eight, eight, but he never said it, and now Jing Ling explained this, Li Yi's fat face was buried in his chest, and he was embarrassed to raise his head again.

Thick-skinned, thick-skinned, but even thick-skinned, a big man still needs a woman to save at a critical moment, this, what is this!

Yan Lin showed a satisfied smile on his face, and finally the intense curiosity in his heart was finally satisfied, so he no longer asked anything, but Lan frowned and said, "Okay, the trouble is over, now we are honest. We are the leaders of the robbers, and you are the people sent by the new Qin gangsters... Yu Gong, we are on the opposite side, we are private, we are still somehow aware, this is the case..."

"Can you just leave it?" Li Yi said with a smile. "To be honest, these robbers are too abominable. You should disband as soon as possible, otherwise if Xinqin sends a large army to encircle and suppress you, it will be in trouble." !"

But I didn't want Li Yi to say this, Yan Lin and Lan's face changed immediately, staring at them with cold eyes, Yan Lin said with a deep voice: "No! We have planned this operation for a long time, we can't give up halfway! More What’s more, you are new Qin people, and you will naturally speak for your country, but have you ever thought about our feelings about the Wanqu people? Qin’s tyranny and politics have invaded us many times! How many Wanqu children were taken into slavery by him! It's not because of the acquaintance we met, I've already split you humans who captive Wanqu slaves!..."

"No! You are wrong!" Li Yi interrupted Yan Lin's excited words and said lightly, "Don't think that I am the emperor of Xinqin and think that I will think about Xinqin! I'm not Atlanti at all. People in the world! It’s not because my dad is the son of King Qin, and I can’t be the emperor’s grandson. I don’t have any sense of belonging to this **** country! And, I never keep elf slaves!

"I always do things according to my own preferences!" Li Yizheng said, "I will not betray people I know, even if we stand on the opposite side, I will not! I just advise you to call such a bandit thing It’s not good, I can ignore it, but what about Xin Qin? King Qin? What’s more, what do these evil gangsters have done, don’t you know? Is the crime committed by King Qin should be repaid by the people? I? I brought people out to rob the gangsters, not because of any Lauch order, but because I really don’t want to see the people suffer, so I want to destroy the wolves in the wilderness one by one!

"Calling these robbers, I don't care what you want to do, as long as you don't harass the lives of the people, I don't care about anything, but if I find that your robbers come out to burn and rob-

"I will never let you go!" Li Yi popped the last sentence out of his mouth.

Yan Lin shook his head and embraced his chest with both hands: "Why do I believe you? Why do you believe you don't keep Wanqu slaves, and why do you believe you won't stand idly by?"

"On my own, I am also Wanqu. I know Li Yi best, I can prove it!" Just when Li Yi was about to speak, Ling stood up and broke his identity.

Li Yiji looked straight at him-you're dead! You are a dark elf! Dark elves are the enemy of other race elves!

Yan Lin laughed and sneered: "You are also Wanqu? Then these black-haired and yellow-skinned robbers are also Wanqu..."

wrong! Unless the other party is-"You, you are a dark elf!" Lan opened his eyes wide and looked at Ling in surprise.

Ling nodded and wanted to speak, but Lan did not give her any chance. Various vicious words popped out of her small mouth one by one: "Dirty and ugly reptile! Evil race! Wanqu Shame! The darkness that doesn’t dare to appear under the light... How dare you...

"Appeared in front of the great Guangzu!" Lan Jian shouted, and the whole body began to emit a dazzling light!

Yan Lin had a bad secret in his heart, and Lan even got out of control in this situation, and unconsciously entered a state of "burst"!

Ling didn't know that as soon as she exposed her identity, she caused such a big reaction, which made her look at Li Yi in a panic.

The fat man flattened his mouth and said with a bitter face: "I rely on! I told you not to reveal your identity. Now that is all right, the negotiations have basically broken down, either fighting or fleeing, only these two paths... Go back and let your sister Gu pick you up!"

Then he gestured to Pang Hu and took a defensive posture with him.

Just like what happened in Liu Chang's body just now, Lan is now shining with dazzling light, and the whole person seems to be a person composed of light. However, Lan's "burst" is obviously more pure than Liu Chang's. Not only is she shining on her body, her body seems to be completely replaced by light. In the eyes of everyone, she has transformed into a dazzling light group !

The cold and emotionless words came out of the light group: "Dirty and mean dark elves! Appearing in front of the light will be the biggest mistake you have made in your life!"

The light is vast, it seems that all darkness is nowhere to escape from this light! Although the white light emitted by the light group that Lan turned into was very bright, it was not as dazzling as Liu Chang. Everyone present in the light did not have any discomfort. The only person affected was Ling alone.

Lan intentionally or unintentionally focused his attention on Ling. Under the light, the dark elf as a dark contractor would sting all over because of the energy of two dead enemies. The confrontation between light and darkness has already begun!

Ling trembles and keeps her teeth in a standing position, but the dark energy that exists in her body from time to time turbulently confronts the light energy coming from the face, and constantly has light energy that wants to penetrate her body, but always It was driven by her own energy. During this confrontation, Ling Hun felt pain all over her body. This tingling sensation afflicted Ling and wanted her to succumb all the time.

Ling was soon forced to the limit. This light-dark confrontation was obviously lost, but if he concedes, then the opponent will definitely take the chase and won't give himself any chance! Li Yi is currently lacking in mental power, and there is certainly no way to help him out. Pang Hu is needless to say, how can a warrior blend into the battle of a contractor, he can only rely on himself!

Just when Ling wanted to use one of his secret methods, Li Yi moved.

I saw him take off his helmet and put it on Ling's head.

Suddenly, the situation on the court immediately reversed!

Ling wearing a Li Yi helmet is like a human-shaped black hole. All the light energy invading Ling is swallowed silently. Lan Yue tried hard to spray the light to Ling, and the more joy Ling absorbed!

All the light energy absorbed by Ling turns around at Li Yi's helmet, and it is magically converted into pure dark energy, which absorbs the conversion while confronting the incoming light energy.

Ling's crisis was instantly relieved.

Although the general contractor cannot store pure energy in the body, Ling is different. Once she is a dark elf, she has a perfect fit for the dark energy.

In the second place, she is also a senior contract teacher. The contract spell is consistent with her own race. After years of using the dark contract technique, she has accumulated a lot of contract energy in the body.

And the energy left in Ling's body can play a big role when she usually casts spells, allowing her to more easily cast dark contract, and the time required is greatly reduced.

Lan's confrontation with Ling Ling greatly consumed the dark energy in Ling's body, which made Ling's ability to cast spells for a long time in the future not as good as before, but after Li Yi put Ling on his helmet, the situation was different.

Li Yi’s helmet is also one of the contract equipment, which is dark in nature. What Li Yi does not know is that the benefits of this contract equipment are not limited to being able to allow the Nianist to perform the contract technique. For the contractor of the corresponding attribute, the contract equipment The benefits are also great. Under Li Yi's emergency medical treatment, when Ling accidentally hit Ling and put on a "dark helmet" with the same attributes as her, Ling's disadvantage was quickly recovered.

Lang, who was transformed into a light group, felt pressure. If she had originally sent light energy to Ling, then the situation now is that Ling is constantly absorbing her light energy.

Even without the deliberate output of yourself, the huge energy gathered after the "burst" was absorbed by Ling Qi, and I couldn’t stop it!

Lan started to panic.

Her voice trembled a little: "Bold people of darkness! How dare you...absorb the great light indiscriminately!"

Yan Lin heard some clues from Lan's tone, and he knew that the situation on the court was clear. In the pure fighting of the two contractors, there was no room for the samurai to intervene. If the samurai without any spell-casting ability is not clear, The vortex of energy involved in the process of the contractor’s fighting method, even if he has high martial arts strength, it will also be stirred up into scum!

He is really weak now!

Yan Lin's heart flashed a little helplessly from time to time. Although he also had some prejudices about the dark elves, he was not as big as the light clan elves-as can be seen from the names of their clan, the two are opposite to light and dark The tribes of the attribute, the hatred and prejudice among them are naturally very deep.

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