And Li Yi is very wise to imagine that if he is really rash and unknowingly rushes to the battlefield of the war with the Warcraft cultivator, then he is likely to become that poor failure. By. Because in Li Yi's opinion, even if the cultivators of the Warcraft family are even stupid, it is impossible to attack a Manling tribe, even a strong man with supreme realm strength will not be sent. If that is the case, then they Even if it is the number of powerful World of Warcraft sent over, is it not just to die? [Tida novel].

If this is the case, then that is to say, in fact, every time the cultivators of the Warcraft family attacked the wilderness tribe, they must have been a very fierce battle. So at this time, Li Yi had to prepare for himself before the war. After all, knowing oneself and knowing the other can only be effective.

While waiting for other Chicheng practitioners to gather at Li Yi, Li Yi suddenly thought of a problem. After thinking about it, Li Yi smiled and said to Immortal Kirin: "Kirin, I will ask you a question."

Hearing Li Yi saying this, Xian Qilin thought Li Yi thought of an important question, so he immediately said to Li Yi: "Well, okay, just ask any questions."

"Oh." Li Yi was so rare to see the embarrassed expression that Xian Qilin promised. Seeing Li Yi's reaction, Xian Qilin couldn't help but wonder. Because Xian Qilin really couldn't understand why Li Yi seemed to be ill at this time.

In desperation, Xian Qilin had to continue to ask: "Li Yi, what is your problem, you are asking, do you still think I can't answer you?"

Seeing the appearance of Immortal Unicorn now, Li Yi immediately suppressed his laughter, and then said to Immortal Unicorn: "Oh, I suddenly remembered a problem. This time it was the cultivators of the Warcraft family who attacked the wild tribe. In fact, this is the race between humans and the Warcraft family. But as a strong man of the Xian Qilin family, who will you help in this kind of war?"

Hearing Li Yi asking this question, Xian Qilin immediately fell into contemplation. Because Li Yi's question is really very smart. I have to say that Li Yi's joke was actually a bit embarrassing when talking to Xian Qilin. Although knowing that Li Yi asked this is nothing more than a joke, but after hearing it, Xian Qilin was really embarrassed and fell into silence.

Seeing the appearance of the fairy unicorn, Li Yi reacted. Perhaps this question would touch the taboo of the fairy unicorn. But this cannot blame Li Yi. After all, Li Yi and Xian Qilin have been fighting side by side for many years. I don't know how many **** battles they have. The friendship between them is really not understandable to everyone. Moreover, because they have teamed up for too many years, in fact, Li Yi often regards Xian Qilin as his own kind. After all, although the Kirin family is a family of gods and beasts, even a guy like Li Yi has never seen any other Kirin gods and beasts besides the fairy Kirin in such a long life. Thinking of this, sometimes Li Yi also thinks very spoof. So where did the fairy unicorn, which has fought against himself for so many years, come out of it? Is it that it jumped out of the stone?

However, Li Yi just dared to think about it. After all, no matter how good the relationship was, Li Yi knew that he could not make such a joke with Xian Qilin. But this time, Li Yi made a joke with Xian Qilin because he was bored, but Xian Qilin suddenly fell into silence, which made Li Yi very embarrassed.

And just when Li Yi was about to ask about the situation of Xian Qilin, Xian Qilin took the initiative to say: "To be honest, after I came to the fairy realm, I learned from you that a strong man like Zong Zu , And also know that there are many strong Warcraft in the fairy world, I am really excited. After all, I am a Warcraft family, and a unicorn beast, although I don’t know who my parents are, But from the moment I became aware, I knew that as a beast, I actually had the duty to guard Warcraft. After all, our beast family has such a powerful racial talent, and we must have corresponding responsibilities.

God is fair, and endowing you with powerful power naturally entails corresponding responsibilities. But I know that for the sake of our future events, it is impossible to help the cultivators of the Warcraft family to fight against the strong human beings in the fairy world. Even if it is a real fight, you must be on the side of human cultivators, after all, we now need the protection of these human cultivators. But if I don't help the cultivators of the Warcraft family, I really can't bear it. So before I came here, I became an adult, you know, I don’t like to be an adult, but in order not to cause you more trouble in my life here, but also to make myself feel more at ease, so I will do this. "

Listening to Xian Qilin's words, Li Yi couldn't help being silent. Because Li Yi knew that the return of Xian Qilin must be like this. After all, Li Yi and Xian Qilin are already too familiar. Including Wolf and Tony who are now closed, and Alice. The friendship between them has not known what to describe.

It is no longer enough to share death with the same life. After all, although they are not the same life, they really died together. Such a situation, even if the average person wants to experience, it is impossible. Because even if they have the courage to die together, the question is who can resurrect them.

Being able to achieve such strong players as Li Yi and Wolfe, there is not much between the whole world.

Li Yi was also very upset when he saw that Xian Qilin had fallen into a deep depression because of a joke. Because Li Yi knew that it was all because of his talkativeness, so Xian Qilin is now very contradictory and painful. After all, this problem has been haunting the fairy unicorn for a long time. If Li Yi hadn’t mentioned it before, maybe everyone’s heart wouldn’t say it, and this matter might pass away, but now Li Yi has broken this matter after all. So now that Xian Qilin's mood is so low, Li Yi naturally has to find ways to adjust it.

After thinking hard for a long time, Li Yi finally thought of a good way.

I saw Li Yi suddenly raised his head, then looked at the silent fairy Qilin, and said, "Kirin, I suddenly thought of a good way."

Seeing Li Yi become like this again, Xian Qilin didn't have much emotion at this time. So after hearing Li Yi's words, Xian Qilin just said coldly: "What do you think of it?"

"Oh, the method is very simple. Are you just a contradiction and can't fight for the cultivators of the Warcraft family? Then I can think of a way to solve it. Isn't it ok. Your identity of Warcraft is undoubted, no matter what strength it is The strong look at you and don’t think of you as a human cultivator. So with your identity, it’s not difficult to find the Zongzu in the wilderness. The outer periphery of the wilderness is A psychedelic circle, I told you before. I was caught in the psychedelic circle that time, so I will encounter the Zongzu. After that, Zongzu walked out when he sent me out of the psychedelic circle. It’s the body method of the magic circle that is not hidden from me at all, so in fact, even if there is no cultivator of the Warcraft family to lead the way, I will definitely be able to enter the core area of ​​the wild land. Waiting for me to teach that body method Here you are, and after you have learned, you will find the Zongzu in the wilderness. Show your thoughts and say that you want to join the Warcraft cultivator camp to help the Warcraft cultivator fight. If they believe you, this is good. , You can naturally let your thoughts comfort a lot, but if they don’t believe you, they can also tell my name to Zongzu. Ha ha, don’t laugh, then Zengzu wanted to win me over for them at the beginning. A group of cultivators sell their lives, but if you let him know my relationship with the guys in the spirit world, he will definitely not look for me again. But the problem now is that he does not know, Zong Zu is still waiting for me News, see if I want to join the Warcraft camp. So if you go in the past and say you want to join, as your unicorn beast, they will definitely not have reason to refuse you." Looking at the fairy unicorn, Li Yi smiled and said his thoughts.

Hearing this idea proposed by Li Yi, Xian Qilin really wanted to scold Li Yi's bad idea. Because if Xian Qilin really joined the Warcraft camp, wouldn't it mean that Xian Qilin would fight Li Yi in the future. And when Wolff, Tony and Alice have closed their doors, Xian Qilin will also be against these guys. Such a situation, Xian Qilin has never experienced it yet. They have always fought side by side and have never become enemies.

So when Li Yi just finished speaking, Xian Qilin's face became even more ugly.

And seeing Xian Qilin with such a complexion, Li Yi had already expected it before. After all, if the identities of Li Yi and Xian Qilin are reversed now, then Li Yi will certainly not accept his proposal in the first place. After all, he is an enemy of his comrades who have fought alongside him for many years. Such a thing is not willing to accept Li Yi.

What's more, Li Yi also knows that in the eyes of Xian Qilin, these powerful monsters in the fairy world are not considered to be the same kind. Because in fact, it can be regarded as the same kind of fairy unicorn, and only unicorn can.

However, since Li Yi had such a suggestion, he naturally had his own ideas, so after seeing Xian Qilin silent again, Li Yi said with a smile: "I haven't finished speaking yet, you shut up again. When I said Finished, and then you said yes or no."

Since Li Yi has said so, Xian Qilin can't refuse Li Yi's face naturally. So after Li Yi finished speaking, Xian Qilin lazily said: "Well, then you will introduce what you want to do with this suggestion. If I can really accept it, I will definitely not refuse even if I go to the chase. But, if you are kidding again, Li Yi, don’t blame me for being rude. With your current strength, I still have no problem in tidying you up."

In fact, when hearing Xian Qilin's words, Li Yi knew that Xian Qilin must not have much anger now. After all, at least Xian Qilin can still joke, which proves that Xian Qilin is still not angry.

But no matter what, Li Yi can't joke with Xian Qilin anymore. Because if I annoy Xian Qilin again, God knows whether Xian Qilin will really teach himself once. Although Li Yi is not taboo when dealing with other strong players with the highest strength of Guiyuan Realm, Xian Qilin is different. At this time, Li Yi said that nothing could defeat the fairy unicorn.

However, Li Yi is not afraid that Xian Qilin will act on himself, but Li Yi is really afraid that if he makes any joke, he will make Xian Qilin really angry. So after listening to the fairy unicorn, Li Yi also smiled and said to the fairy unicorn: "You also know that we have just arrived in the fairy world, although after a few years of exploration, now the situation in the fairy world It’s a lot to know. But all the news we know now is definitely much different from the real situation in the fairy world. There are too many secrets in the fairy world. Although these secrets may not be too much for us It’s useful, but it’s definitely not a bad thing to know more. I sent Rhys back to the main city of Chicheng before, just to let him help us to learn something we didn’t know before. But if the light is in Chicheng, it’s impossible to know. There are too many things. For example, before, if it was not because of you and I were chased by the powerful man of the Qingcheng’s supreme realm, I wouldn’t be able to stray into the psychedelic circle of the wild land, and it’s impossible afterwards. I learned so many things from Zongzu's mouth. Not only did I know the ambitions of the cultivators of the Warcraft family, but also I knew that in the war that year, there was the intervention of the cultivators of the spirit world. Although these news It’s not very important news, but I believe that as long as we can know more and more, then we can definitely get many unexpected benefits, do you think?"

Hearing Li Yi say this, Xian Qilin can almost now understand what Li Yi wants to express. Obviously, after Li Yi helped Rais to advance to the supreme realm strength, facing Rais who wanted to be loyal to Li Yi, if Li Yi chose to agree, then it would certainly be impossible for Regis to repent. But what is surprising is that Li Yi rejected the loyalty of Lacey at that time. Li Yi can't think that Lacey's strength is not enough, because even in the fairy world, the power of the supreme realm is not everywhere. Even in the spirit realm, the strongest in the realm of supremacy is already a real strongman.

But Li Yi just refused, and the reason for the refusal turned out to be that Li Yi hoped that Rice could return to the main city of Chicheng to help Li Yi explore what he wanted to know. But what is even more hateful is that even Li Yi does not know what he really wants to know. The current situation is that as long as it is the secret story of the fairy world that Li Yi does not know, then Li Yi wants to know all. Even Xian Qilin, one of Li Yi's closest comrades-in-arms, couldn't understand at this time why Li Yi wanted this.

However, Li Yi himself knew that he did this by nothing more than knowing more things, so he could infer some hidden feelings in the fairy world. Li Yi would like to know how the strong men in the spirit world found the cultivators of the spirit world, and why the cultivators of the spirit world would be willing to be the fellows of the spirit world. Sell ​​your life. Also, according to Zongzu, the fairy world is a world opened up by Tongtianshu. Although this statement is very unrealistic, it is not an unacceptable statement. When the fairy world first appeared, all the indigenous people here were Warcraft cultivators, and all the human cultivators in the fairy world appeared to appear in the fairy world overnight. Since this is the case, how did these human cultivators come here? And where did they come from? These are what Li Yi wants to know.

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