The living room of the Evolution Research Institute, the atmosphere is quite strange at this time.

Lu Yu and Kaido sat on one side of the table, their subordinates staring at each other, and the two looked at each other like this, and neither of them spoke first.

Earlier today, Kaido brought people from the rabbit bowl to the capital of flowers, and at first Lu Yu thought that he was looking for trouble, but after the meeting, Kaido did not do as he thought, but said that he wanted to talk to him properly.

That’s why they can do it together calmly now.

But this guy just looked at him and didn’t speak since he sat down, making Lu Yu very speechless.

“Do you want to sit here with me and look at each other for a day? Say, what the hell is going on? It can’t be that my brain was hammered out. ”

In the end, Lu Yu couldn’t help but speak first, he really didn’t want to waste time here with Kaido.

Isn’t it fragrant to have this effort to study biological genes?

“What do you think about Roger becoming One Piece?”

Ignoring Lu Yu’s sarcasm, Kaido finally said the first words.

“Huh? That’s what you’re going to tell me? ”

Lu Yu looked at Kaido with an idiotic look and said, “Your brain show is funny, don’t tell me that even you are interested in the title of One Piece, what is the use of that thing?”

I really didn’t expect that the reason why Kaido found himself was to say that Roger became One Piece, so what does that have to do with him?

A useless false title, except for the recognition of some brain-dead pirates, has no effect at all, even if it is given to Lu Yu as him.

One Piece King One Piece, after all, is not a thief, what is the glory of being the king of thieves, even if you want to be a king, you have to be the king of the world.

“You don’t care about the title of One Piece?”

Kaido was slightly surprised, didn’t they pirates desperately rush to the sea in order to one day become the king of the sea? How could Lu Yu have an expression of disgust.

In addition to being stunned, Kaido ignored Lu Yu’s words that scolded him for his head show.

But Kaido’s neglect does not mean that his men ignore it, and Ember stands up to protect the dignity of the boss.

“Lu Yu, it’s best for you to be polite when talking to our big brother Kaido, have you forgotten who slept in bed for three days last time?”

This sentence undoubtedly said Lu Yu’s sore spot, and his eyes looked at Ember faintly.

“Lord Lu Yu, do you need me to kill him?”

An unusually cold and hoarse voice came from the crowd behind Lu Yu, which made people involuntarily look over.

“Who are you? Dare to tell me that…”

It wasn’t Tiger Roar and Ghost Mantis who spoke, Ember thought it was just a little minions of the Evolution House, but when he saw the face of the person who spoke, the face under the Ember mask was completely frozen.

“No, you are Fukuroku, the leader of the Imperial Court? How did you become this ghost? ”

Quinn recognized the identity of the person who spoke after looking carefully, he had previously investigated the information of important people in Wano Country, and everyone’s appearance was remembered in his mind.

Although the Fulu Shou in front of him was completely different from what he saw before, with some minor physical features, he still recognized him.

But it was only when he recognized him that he was shocked, because the current Fulu Shou changed did not look like a human at all.

The eyes became the vertical pupils of snakes, the surface of the skin was covered with layers of dark snake scales, and the height was much taller than before, comparable to himself, his hands had long and sharp claws, and more importantly, just getting close to him could feel the cold aura emanating from him.

“A new type of life that uses humans as carriers? No, this guy is obviously integrated into snake genes, could it be that Lu Yu fused the genes of beasts into human bodies? But even that wouldn’t be much stronger. ”

Kaido frowned and observed Fulu for a while, then dismissed the idea.

Because from Fulu Shou, Kaido can feel that he is more than a little stronger, and it is impossible to simply integrate snake genes.

“Fulu Shou? Oblivious… The Fulu Shou you know is dead, and now I am the new human evolutionary Fulu Shou of the House of Evolution. ”

Lu Yu’s experiment was successful after all, but it was also accompanied by shortcomings.

That is, after the human body is integrated into the energy of the Devil Fruit, there is a high chance that the appearance and personality will change greatly compared to the original.

For example, people with a gentle personality will become irritable and irritable after integrating into energy, and they are timid and afraid of killing in a daze, and Lu Yu cannot control this transformation.

It’s just that these are trivial things compared to gaining power.

When you get something, you always give something, after all, white is shameful. (crazy hints).

Quinn stopped talking, although he didn’t care much about his appearance, but it was unacceptable for him to change himself into a person like Fulu Shou.

“No need, I believe there will be a chance for me to communicate with this Mr. Ember in the future.”

Taking his gaze off Ember, Lu Yu stood up from his seat and said to Kaido: “If you came to me just to tell me about the boring thing that Roger became One Piece, then I won’t accompany you, I have more important things to do than this.”

In the past few days, Lu Yu is ready to go to the empty island to capture the empty island snake back, and by the way, see if the thunder fruit is on the empty island.

For the Thunder Fruit, which was said to have the strongest attack system, Lu Yu was slightly interested in it, and he didn’t mind using it if he could, or rewarding it to his subordinates later.

“One more thing.”

Kaido stopped Lu Yu, who was about to leave: “My people have received news that Roger’s pirate group may arrive in the country of Wano recently, and if it is true, then the war will soon start again.”


If memory serves, Lu Yu remembered that Roger disbanded the Pirates and turned himself in when he became One Piece for about a year, and if Kaido didn’t say it, he would have forgotten about it.

“It’s true, it’s all people who are going to die, and they have to cause trouble for people.”

Lu Yu scolded in his heart.

(various requests).

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