Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 658: First battle!

"Successful... succeeded!!"

Danji, who had just shattered the enemy, was shaking his hands slightly, and his voice was even more incredible.

In front of him was the flaming body remains, and the cold touch of the trigger was still clearly visible.

Danji didn't seem to be able to accept the fact that he actually killed an enemy.

"D1! Don't be in a daze! Keep up with S1's actions! The battle is not over yet!"

Lei Mingkai's voice awakened Dan Ji from a somewhat fluttering state.

"Ah! Yes!"

Regardless of Olga and Eugene's reaction, Danji seems to have accepted Lei Mingkai's command.

Looking at the mobile engineers following Lei Mingkai's instructions and following the TK-53 driven by Sinoe, Olga's face was indeed a bit ugly, but in the end he admitted that Lei Mingkai's command did have some tricks.

"Honorable guest. Can you really command us to win this battle? This battle that treats us as abandoned sons?"

The meaning of Olga's words is obvious.

Lei Mingkai smiled.

"Abandoned son? This is not necessarily the case. Isn't it? Captain Olga, didn't you also keep a hand?"

The words of Jifeng hidden by the two made Eugene very confused.

"Hey! Olga, what the **** are you doing? Just make a decision! Galalhorn seems to have increased his strength!"

Olga looked back and saw that Galalhorn had indeed put the reserve team into this battle.

Then, the decision is then exhaled.

"Then, honorable guest! The third team, including me, please!"

"Okay! K1, come forward! S1, lead your men to follow around K1 and provide cover!"

Olga is so acquainted, Lei Mingkai will naturally not let this king chess piece on the chessboard become an abandoned piece!

In the next second, two TK-53s painted in white and blue respectively rushed out from behind the CGS gate and rushed across the battlefield with high-speed maneuvers moving left and right.

"Oh? It's just right! B1, A1! Your task is to do your best to rush into the enemy's formation and make a big fuss."

Lei Mingkai looked at the two mobile engineers in the dust and said loudly.

"Huh? Is that person? Is he commanding us?"

Among the blue TK-53, Zhaohong looked at his code name in surprise.

"I don't know! But Olga said, listen to him, then I will follow his command!"

Compared to Zhaohong who was puzzled, San Riyue was much more crisp.

Now that Lei Mingkai gave him an order to attack freely, everything was done according to San Riyue's own ideas.

As a result, a lightning-fast white figure swiftly shuttled back and forth among Galalhorn’s NK-17, and every time it approached to almost zero distance, it was the moment when this white TK-53 30mm machine gun roared. .

"Da da da da!"

In the roar of the machine gun, the huge, thickly armored NK-17 was harvested wantonly by the white TK-53 driven by Mikazuki, like fragile paper.

On the other side, Zhaohong's blue TK-53 is the same.

In that unwilling to lag behind San Riyue Wushuang momentum, Zhaohong also adopted the same offensive strategy.

Speed ​​up the movement, shorten the distance, and then explode the NK-17 on the spot in a very short, or even zero distance.

"Very good! San Riyue and Zhaohong rushed in!"

Olga saw the appearance of Mikazuki and Akira, and the situation on the entire battlefield suddenly reversed.

Moreover, at the moment when the situation turned around, several red flare bombs suddenly rose into the air from behind the CGS base, as if they were telling everyone on the battlefield a certain signal.

As these red signal bombs rose to the highest altitude, the NK-17 force that was attacking the CGS base really began to split into two groups.

It seemed that he didn't want to let anyone in this base go.

"No! Don't be too happy! Captain Olga."

Lei Mingkai expected the separation of the NK-17 troops, but the real highlight is behind.

The originally one-sided combat situation turned around in an instant. This made Ores, who was entrusted by Connor Conard, the head of the Mars branch of Galalhorn, and wanted to show off in front of his former officers. For dissatisfaction.

Originally, Oris was extremely contemptuous of his former chief and now his subordinate Kronk Chant's stodgy contempt. Therefore, under this great opportunity, this entrusted commander can't wait to use facts on the spot. · Chant's stale face slapped hard.

"It's useless! It's useless! It's useless! It's enough!"

Watching the mobile engineers and infantry’s offensive frustrated, they drove their favorite aircraft, Commander Graz, from the Galalhorn Mars branch on the other side of the battlefield, tore through the billowing smoke, and rushed to the area. Under the hillside where you are fighting.

"Trash! Trash! It's all a bunch of trash! It's just such a dilapidated base, and it took so much time! All members of the mobile engineer team will have to cut their salaries!!"

The grumpy voice was played without reservation by the external sound equipment.

Coupled with the sense of oppression brought by the huge mobile suit that was several times larger than the mobile engineer, everyone on Olga's side responded differently.

Some shocked,

Some doubts,

But more often, they crawled back into the cockpit of the mobile engineer without a word, preparing for a more intense, but also more dangerous battle.

"Lux! Go!"

In the previous battle between mobile engineers, Lei Mingkai didn't have any ideas to blend in.

Now, as the protagonist of this offensive and defensive battle has already appeared, Lei Mingkai has to take the initiative to attack.

Otherwise, Olga, who had just admitted his command, might have made a slight comment.

Even Eugene, a rebel who has been rioting all day long, clamored for words to shut himself up.

If this happened, Lei Mingkai's old face might have nowhere to hang on.


Lacus knew the situation Lei Mingkai was facing, so the TK-53 drove it down the hill first and headed straight for the Graz Commander.

The roar of the TK-53 engine and the flying dust were instantly caught by the Gratz Commander-type radar.

The reminder that represented the enemy's attack also made Oris, who was cursing his own soldier, looked over.

"What?! Just a mobile engineer dare to come and attack?!"

Oulis stared at the mobile engineer rushing down from the mountain, feeling a great deal of contempt, but at the same time, an unknown fire rose from his heart.

"Die me!!"

Amidst the violent clamor, Commander Graz raised his 120mm rifle against the TK-53, which was halfway up the mountain, and fired three in a row.




As soon as the scream of shells tearing the air across the air, a series of three explosions suddenly covered half of the mountainside.

The dust that was blown up high and the hot and pungent explosive atmosphere arbitrarily hit the noses of Olga and Eugene who had not been able to keep up.

Seeing that it was a terrible attack that could make a mountainside beyond recognition with a simple three-shot, Eugene was stunned on the spot.

"What's a joke? How can we be able to beat MS just by relying on us shabby mobile engineers?"

The explosion sounded away. As the CGS side was shocked by the three-shot burst of Commander Graz, Cronk Chant and Ain Dalton, who were ordered to follow Oris behind him, drove their Graz respectively. Came behind the commander-type Graz.

"Oulis! Why shoot! Our purpose is..."

"Shut up! Kronk! If you want to complete the task, then the work of recycling will be left to you! I'm suffocating now! Don't push me! Kronk! Now, I am the commander! "

Oris yelled at Kronk, even using the name of a commander to suppress Kronk.

Kronk, who was privately called by Oris, closed his mouth as expected.

"Ain! So are you! Don't hinder me!"

After several rounds of reprimanding Kronk and Ain, the Commander Graz of Orix raised the 120mm rifle in his hand again.

The goal is still halfway up the mountain.

No matter how bad Oris was, he didn't feel the possibility of hitting the enemy with the attack launched by his Commander Graz in the shooting just now.

Even if the mountainside has been submerged by violent bombing.

"how is this possible?"

In front of him was that slowly moving, without the pinnacle to lock the target, Oulis' brows gradually frowned.


Suddenly, in the smoke that gradually dissipated, there was a sound that seemed to be an explosion.

Attracted everyone's attention.


At the moment when everyone's eyes converged on the burst of gunpowder smoke that was about to dissipate, a figure broke through the air.

It's a mobile engineer!

At the moment this figure appeared, the faces of Olga and others suddenly became exciting.

no doubt.


From the recognition signal of the radar,

This mobile engineer rushed out of the gunpowder was the mobile engineer piloted by Lei Mingkai and Lux!


Did not lose his life under the commander-type attack of Graz!

Instead, they reappeared in front of Olga and others in almost intact condition.


After the TK-53 mobile engineer rushed out of the huge crater fell heavily to the ground, at the moment when the buffer device just took effect, it exploded at its own speed and launched an attack again toward the Graz commander type.

"K1, S1, B1, A1, the battle plan has been transmitted to your terminal! Follow the plan! B1, follow me!"

In the rolling dust, Lei Mingkai and Lux's mobile engineers rushed straight to the Commander Graz.

"Quick! Keep up! It's just a few mobile suits! We still have a chance!"

After Olga glanced at the plan sent by Lei Mingkai, he had to admit that from the perspective of tactical arrangements, Lei Mingkai's plan was more comprehensive than his own vision, and it was more targeted and more likely to succeed.


The hard-talking San Riyue Yi heard Olga say this, rushed up on the spot, and quickly followed Lei Mingkai's footsteps.

Seeing the dust raised again and the mobile engineers rushing over, Oulis' anger soared to new heights on the spot.

The raging anger finally ignited Orix's sanity.


The neighing of the 120mm rifle sounded again.

But it did not smash the locked target, just blasted huge mud pits near the target.



Although it can avoid most of the attacks of the 120mm rifle, the shock wave caused by the bullets it fires is difficult to avoid.

In the cockpit that was constantly shaking and groaning under the shock wave of the explosion from time to time, Lacus gritted her teeth slightly, but there was nothing wrong with her hand movements, making this TK-53 incarnate into the explosion frenzy to swim unimpeded. The fish rushed flexibly and quickly to the vicinity of Commander Graz.

"Da da da!"

At the moment when the distance between the two was shortened, Lei Mingkai, who was in control of the fire control, pulled the trigger on the spot and bombarded Commander Graz’s heel at close range with bullets from the 30mm machine gun equipped with TK-53. And key joints such as knees.

Lei Mingkai knew very well that the 30mm machine gun of the TK-53 could not penetrate Graz's armor at all. Therefore, to control the victory of this battle, he needed some skills!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The bombardment of the 30mm machine gun continued to set off bursts of explosions on the knees and heels of the Commander Graz, which also made Oulis see Lei Mingkai's intentions on the spot.


Even if he had seen through Lei Mingkai's intentions, he could not explode the mobile engineer driven by Lux on the spot in a short time.

"Play with little cleverness! It's just some humble bugs! What's the use in facing my Graz!"

As mentioned earlier, the frantic clamor of Oulis has already been spread throughout the battlefield by the sound external equipment.

"It's noisy! This man."

Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​did not make any response to this, but their actions were seen by San Riyue.

"That's it. I see!"

After a little observation, San Riyue had already understood Lei Mingkai and Lux's intentions when he saw a crack in the knee of Commander Graz.

MS is not invincible.

It just depends on personal courage, skill, and luck.


In addition to the first two, the latter is in the hands of Lei Mingkai.

"Da da!"

In the chasing of the cat and the mouse, or the mouse and the cat, Graz's commander-like movements suddenly stiffened, and then a harsh scream sounded.


The MS that brought tremendous pressure suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, he collapsed inexplicably.


With the sound of the heavy MS crashing to the ground was stunned, Cronk was stunned, and Ain was even more stunned.

However, Lei Mingkai remained calm.

Because Graz's fall was already in his calculations.

"Three days and moons! Attack Graz's cockpit!! Hurry!"

The moment the order fell, the white TK-53 tore through the billowing smoke and raised the 30MM machine gun to the neck of the Commander Graz-it was not protected by the thick armor, but it was not counted as being covered by a layer. The cockpit, protected by the armored protective layer, was a crazy shot.

"Da da da da da da da!"

In the light and dark flames, one after another bullets set off a terrifying metal jet, dragging Oris, who instinctively raised his arms and protected himself, into the boundless darkness.

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