Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 648: Yakin's post-day talks

When the brilliance of stars from 149.6 million kilometers away appeared from the back of the earth, scattered in the silver-white funnel-shaped colonial satellite group in the L5 universe, a supply fleet that had set off from the earth earlier slowly Arrived at the universe where a great war had just ended.

Yakin Duwei.

The battle that took place half a month ago is still vivid.

Whether it is the breath of war, the MS remaining in this universe, the remains of battleships, and even the remains that can be seen vaguely in this piece of wreckage, they all tell the humans who came to this battlefield a fact.


This is the result of human beings!

Moreover, in the face of this result, there should have been the most important existence.

Even if it was destroyed, the countless wreckage it should have left should become a sign that people should be alert to after the war of Yakin Duvy.


It was this sign that suddenly disappeared in full view on the eve of the end of the war.

What was left was the scar that straddled the void and tore a hole in this pitch-black space.

It was a scar about a hundred kilometers long and several kilometers wide at its widest point.

"X1 is unknown."

This is the tentative name used by the top scientific research team in human society after the war.

No one knows what this scar that tears the void is all about.

The only thing I know is the process of this scar.

That happened at the end of the Yakin Duvy War. Genesis, under the madness of Zaft’s rebellious Lau Lu Kruze, squeezed all the energy it possessed in an overloaded manner, and squeezed everything on the planet in one fell swoop. Life is obliterated.

In this critical moment of crisis,

In the moment when the Three Ships Alliance and the Eighth Fleet were powerless,

A giant lion with pure white radiance like flames all over its body, resisted the last madness of Genesis, and erased Genesis's existence from this world in the next moment.

Then, at the original location of Genesis, this void scar was born, which was called the "X1 Unknown Phenomenon".

A bright yellow space transport ship broke away from the transport fleet that came to the L5 universe, and slowly flew towards the scar.

To be precise, the target of this bright yellow transport ship, which is particularly eye-catching and does not act with the transport fleet, is not the scar, but the space research station that is staying in front of the scar nearly a thousand kilometers away.

This is an arrangement from .S.D.

The predecessor of this space research station was the Troy Space Station of S.D.

The Troy Space Station, which was originally established based on the development of cutting-edge technologies in deep space, was invited by the Earth Alliance and the joint name after the Yakin Duvy War, inviting S.D to consider the rift that made Genesis disappear to the greatest extent.

Therefore, Dr. Serenei, who participated in the entire process of the Yakin Duwei battle and witnessed the birth of this "X1 Unidentified Phenomenon" scar, also became the general person in charge of this project.

This time, the arrival of this bright yellow transport ship was in response to Serene’s commission to complete the mission of transporting some of the key equipment in the S.D headquarters left by Dr. Serene to the Troy Space Station.

"Channels 113, 82. Correct! Troy Space Station, NEWHOME asks to enter the port!"

The always lazy professor is very serious at this moment.

No matter how lazy and neurotic her usual style is, in the face of the scar that traverses the void, as a researcher, she inadvertently restored her original rigorous style.

"This is the Troy Space Station! The entry permit is approved, please follow the instructions and enter Port 3!"

The entry permit from the Troy Space Station was passed quickly.

After arranging everything, the professor transferred the driving rights of NEWHOME to the intelligent AI named GG.

Then, the professor looked at the father and daughter who had been sitting in the guest seat.

"Your Excellency. We are about to reach the Troy Space Station. Please prepare for landing."

Following the professor's prompt, the blond man, who had been closing his eyes and rested, slowly opened his eyes.

First, he looked through the porthole and paused for a while on the scar that could still be clearly seen even on the earth, then looked at the professor and slowly nodded towards her.

"Excuse me! Professor."

The professor waved his hand in disapproval.

For her, taking the father and daughter into space is just a breeze.

Although, it is a bit tricky in the itinerary, but this does not require her to act.

What she needs to do is to send the father and daughter to the Troy Space Station and then safely send them back to Earth.

"This is just a small matter. It's just that, I don't know what your opinion of the X1 unknown phenomenon? You know, this scar is being discussed in every corner of the earth now."

The professor's words made the blond middle-aged man's eyes narrow slightly, and then he sighed again.

"I don't know. All I know is that when this scar was born, my daughter also disappeared."


At the moment when the blond middle-aged man was showing grief, the little girl who had been sitting quietly next to her sensibly reached out and held the blond middle-aged man's left hand.

"My sister will be fine. Besides, isn't my brother accompanying my sister?"

Although the little girl's comfort seemed clumsy, it made the blond middle-aged person feel warmer.

He raised his right hand, patted the little girl's hand, and nodded:

"Yeah! No matter what, at least by Lacus's side, Kai is with her."

"Yes! I believe my brother and sister will come back."

The little girl felt that her father's mood seemed to improve, and she couldn't help showing a trace of joy.

The smile that was the same undoubtedly as Lacus when she was a child made the blonde middle-aged man feel a little lost.


His biological daughter, Lacus Klein, has disappeared during the Yakin Duvy battle.

But beside him, there was also Keliya Klein, the sister whom Lacus had taken in and was admitted by him.

The professor sees the interaction between the father and daughter, but he doesn't say anything.

From the moment the recycling house and Lei Mingkai came into contact, the position of the recycling house began to undergo subtle changes.

Even if the current recycling house is still standing in a neutral position and shuttles between the Earth-Moon system, in the eyes of some people, the recycling house is already linked to someone.

The scenery outside the porthole has been transformed from the endless space into walls made of steel, and the busy scenery of maintenance personnel in protective clothing shuttled through the dock.


There was a slight vibration sound, which was the sound of the fixed mechanical arm fixing NEWHOME.

"We have arrived at our destination! Your Excellency. Now, I'm going to assist Luo and them to unload the cargo. For the next trip, GG will assist the two of them to disembark."

The professor's voice fell, and the body was the intelligent AI of George, the first publicly existing adjuster in human history-GG immediately appeared in front of the father and daughter.

"Well, it's time to work!"

A few minutes later, the group of people waiting outside saw the father and daughter walking down from NEWHOME.

"Your Excellency Sars, I've been waiting! I'm Andy, the Deputy Secretary of Defense for the Troy Space Station."

The man who said this stepped forward to introduce himself, and both smiled tacitly.

"I'm Alediano Sass. Nice to meet you! Your Excellency Andy."

Andy is not someone, but Andy Baltfield, the desert tiger who disappeared after Akin Duvy's First World War.

The man he greeted was Hegel Klein who had taken refuge in Scandinavia before the war.

The two men from the same camp did not expect to meet in this Trojan space station under disguised identities under such a coincidence.

Baltfield nodded slightly at the little girl who was following Sigel, and then looked at Sigel.

"Not much gossip. Our side is ready. I wonder if you are ready?"

Sigel sighed slightly.

"Let's go!"

"Then, please come with me!"

Speechless all the way.

The two people who are also staying in this Troy space station under false identities do not want to contact each other too much.

Because, on the Troy space station at this time, in addition to the original crew of .S.D, there are also people from the Earth Union who joined as a joint observation mission.

If there is a slight mistake, I am afraid that the true identity will be recognized by others.

Of course.

This is not a very dangerous thing for Balterfield and even for Higel.

After all, when the Joint Observer Group was formed, the ring surrounding the atrium, which was hidden behind the scenes, began to move.

Under the control of Yemengarde, the members of the Joint Observer Group are more or less connected by the Klein faction, while the members of the Earth United side are simply more.

As long as the personnel on the Earth United side are properly arranged, these people will not have any impact on the operation of the Troy Space Station, and even less will they meet with Balterfield, Higel, and others.

Therefore, the current Troy Space Station is undoubtedly the same as the darkness under the lights.

Passing through the passages, under the leadership of Baltfield, Sigel and his daughter came to a strictly protected laboratory.

This is the laboratory used by Dr. Serenei, the person in charge of the X1 Unidentified Phenomenon Project.

"Your Excellency, waiting a long time!"

Seeing the pair of father and daughter who walked in, Sereni nodded slightly, and then sent a letter properly protected by a glass cover to Sigel.

"Your Excellency! This is the letter Miss Lacus left to you before she disappeared! Now, we will return it to the original owner."

"The letter that Lux left before she disappeared?"

Sigel keenly caught a key word.

Among the information that Sigel received, Lacus was missing during the battle of Yakin Duvy.

At this moment, Sereni claimed that Lux had disappeared.

Suspicious, Sigel looked at Baltfield.

If Lacus really disappeared, then Baltfield, who was the captain of the Eternal at the time, must be the first witness.

Balterfield didn't explain, but turned around to lock the door, raised his arm, and pressed a button on the watch before speaking about the battle, about the moment before Genesis disappeared.

While the giant lion exuding pure white flames was standing in front of Genesis, a scene that shocked Baltfield happened to Lacus floating on the side of the porthole.

The girl who sang a song she had never sung before gently held the slightly shiny pendant. In the light of the pendant, the girl's figure seemed to be a little illusory, and a little vague.

When Baltfield and Aisha could see clearly, the girl's feet had become transparent for some time, and even disappeared completely before their eyes.

In horror, Aisha plucked up her courage, took off her headset, and tried to fly to the side of the porthole to hold Lacus.

As a result, Aisha's right hand passed through the girl's body, and did not touch any part of the girl's body at all.

The only thing that gave a clear sense of contact was the cold porthole.

"how come?"

Aisha shrank subconsciously, but was stabilized by Battlefield from behind.

"Your Royal Highness. Are you leaving?"

The Desert Tiger glanced at the pure white giant lion rushing towards Genesis, and then placed his gaze on Luxe whose figure gradually became transparent.

Upon hearing this, Lacus turned her head, looked at Balterfield, looked at Aisha, looked at Martin, and looked at the people on the bridge, showing an apologetic smile.

"Sorry! Guys, I have to go now. Otherwise, Kay will get lost on that side."

"that side?"

This is the speech left by the moment Lacus disappeared on the Eternal.

Not only did Baltfield and others feel puzzled, but it also puzzled Serenei, who was subsequently responsible for the entire X1 unknown phenomenon.

"Your Excellency. We still don't know for the time being what Miss Lux is talking about? However, after we conducted several targeted detections recently, we finally made some discoveries."

Sereni was not surprised by Sigel's doubts, and straightforwardly led the topic to the scar.


Sigel frowned slightly, but still handed over the right to speak to Sereni.

"72 hours ago, we tried to release three batches of detectors to approach the crack. Judging from the data obtained by these detectors, the opposite of the crack is probably a world we have never touched before."

"The world? Is it the second planet with civilization? Or is it a galaxy?"

Sigel frowned deeply, using as much knowledge as possible to understand what Sereni was saying.

It is a pity that Sereni did not approve of Sigel's speculation.

On the contrary, even the Troy Space Station, which is at the forefront of the exploration and research of this rift, has not come to a conclusion late, and is still arguing about multiple possibilities.

"Now, we don't know! The only thing we know is that on the other side of this rift, maybe it is the world we never imagined."

"So, did Sister Lux and Brother Lei Mingkai just travel?"

When the adults were distressed by the meaning hidden behind the crack, the little girl who had been quiet suddenly said so.

Although it was unintentional, it made Sigel and Baltfield stunned.

"Hahaha! The little lady is really humorous! Maybe, it might be true!"

"Really? It would be great if so."

Siegel sighed and subconsciously looked at the huge cracks that appeared from time to time outside the porthole as the artificial gravity ring of the Troy space station rotated.


When the war-spread space returned to silence again, the far north of the earth was once again covered by the white snow.

Since the beginning of the Obe war, the Aub refugees who were evacuated to various friendly countries have also faced varying degrees of tests.

However, the Asuka family who were divided into Scandinavia's Ober refugee camp are much luckier.

There is not only a sufficient supply of materials allocated by the SARS family, but also temporary work arranged by Scandinavian officials to earn salaries.

Although these salaries are much lower than when they were working in Orb, it is the best situation now that the war has just subsided and all industries are waiting to be developed.

"Good morning, viewers! Today we have a special program to broadcast. I believe that when viewers look up to the sky, they will be able to see a huge crack across the starry sky. Today, we will proceed with its origin and existence. Some discussion. Please listen to the audience..."


As soon as the sound came, the bread that had already been baked also bounced, and then was picked up by the teenager who was watching the screen, and took a bite in his mouth.

Although he didn't apply any sauce, the boy didn't care at all.

Because, his attention at the moment has already been put on the TV.

"Today, we are fortunate to have Dr. Cereni from S.D. to introduce us to the origin of this crack that appeared in the starry sky. Applause please..."

As the applause sounded, the sound of the door opening also came.

"Brother! Haven't you eaten breakfast yet? We are going to be late! If you go late, the supplies will be taken away!"

As the charming voice sounded, a young girl with her hair tied into braids also walked briskly to the boy's side.

Then, after looking back at the TV and confirming that it was not what he was paying attention to, he pushed the boy hard.

"Aren't you leaving? Brother! We're going to be late! Today's material is Mom's favorite tomato salad!!! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The girl kept pushing the teenager who was watching the content on TV.

In desperation, the boy sighed.

"Okay! Let's go! Now! Mayo. We still have a lot of time!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! It's a long time! Today is my mother's birthday!"

Mayo's mark gave the boy a halt and almost made Mayo bump into him.

"Hey! Real Asuka, what do you want to do! Just say it if you don't want to get your salary!!"

Before Mayo scolded a few words, the boy ran out of sight.

Only the words from the wind are left.

"Mayo! I'm leaving now! Who is is the pig!"

"Hey!! Brother!! You shameless!!"

As a result, when Mayo, who was gasping for breath, finally came to the place where the material team was, she did not find the real Asuka.

"Where did this foolish brother go?"

Mayu looked left and right, with a look of doubt on his face.

As everyone knows, Zhen Asuka, who left first, was stopped by a car earlier.

"True Asuka. Fortunately! This is the first time we met, and maybe the last time we met. You can call me Yemengarde! I am the same as you! Both are people who are favored by lions!"

"The lion...the person who cares for...?!"

In an instant, Zhen Asuka's mind recalled the pure white figure that he had seen on TV just now.

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