Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 517: Sharon, Sharon

The tusks lion Bangzha, entrenched on the top of the mountain, fired all the weapons and ammunition on his body towards the sky ahead.

The continuous suppression of firepower made many pilots who used to think that they were the king of monsters who were good at suppressing firepower could not help but sweat.

too fast!

Too much!

The missiles and electromagnetic cannons of the Tusk Lion Bangzha have a rate of fire far beyond the limit of the King of Monsters.

It seems that the factors affecting the efficiency of fire suppression, such as the loss of the launch tube and the ammunition capacity, do not exist in Bangzha, the Fangzha.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Isn't it horrible!? More people bully fewer people! Come!"

The triumphant grunt of Zero Form sounded inside Bangzha, the long-toothed lion.

The zero form of Liangzi, who was suppressed and harassed by the VF11 formation just now, can be remembered very clearly.

Had it not been for the fact that the VF11 formation was controlled by Sharon, the Zero would definitely go crazy on the spot and slap these flying flies to death.

Therefore, under the current full-scale attack, Zero has undoubtedly injected all the grievances it has just received into the missiles, and slammed them on the heads of those JAMs.

It's just that the zero-style being Sahuan doesn't know.

There seems to be a sleeping force in his body that is waking up.

It's GHOST-X9!

Previously, when the Zero took advantage of the cover of Lei Mingkai and Weier Weian, when he became the fangs lion Bangzha, for the sake of saving trouble, the Zero directly hid the GHOST-X9 it controlled in the long The body of the tooth lion Bangzha.

But what it didn't expect was that this method, which is usually no problem, scared the zero form enough.

"what's the situation?!"

The sudden power fluctuations in the body caused Bangzha the Fangzha to jump up on the spot, and even shocked, the Zero Form directly abandoned the heavy and terrifying armor of Bangzha the Fangzha with all his arms.

At the moment when these heavy guys hit the ground fiercely, a strong heat wave broke out from the body of the tusks Lion Bangzha.

At the moment when the extremely hot heat wave broke out, a scorching storm that destroyed all the plants on the top of the mountain was set off centered on Bangzha, the long-toothed lion.



When the storm swept across the mountain, the units of the united Earth in this area turned around and fled the area affected by the storm, leaving behind those JAMs who had rushed into the scorching storm and were torn to pieces.


Just as JAM was torn apart by this scorching storm, a red afterimage suddenly tore through the storm from the inside to the outside, and soared into the sky.

Only the person who stayed in a daze, took off a suit of armor and weapons, looked very bald, like a leopard-like tusk-like lion zero.

"Damn it! Why did GHOST-X9 come out by itself?"

After Tusk-Zero opened his mouth, he looked around, taking advantage of no one paying attention to him, he rushed into the woods on the mountainside that had not been affected by the scorching storm, and waited until Tusk-Zero appeared again. When others look at it, it is already a tusk lion in the form of a hunting gull.

As for the GHOST-X9 that suddenly broke free from zero control and rushed out of the scorching storm on its own, it was not that there was an AI riot, but that this GHOST-X9 had a new owner.

"Sorry! Zero style."

A voice rang from the GHOST-X9.

And this voice is Sharon Epp who was brought out by He Nana from the electronic space.


If you use black and white to describe it, Sharon Epp, who became the new owner of GHOST-X9, is a brand new Sharon Epp born under the influence of the fragments, that is, under the influence of the memory of Vier Weian.

Here, it is Sharon Bai to describe her.

Sharon Epp, who controlled SDF-1, was born under the dual influence of Mei Weng's emotions and the abyssal aura contained in the fragments. However, this Sharon Eppe is far more terrifying than the original Sharon Eppe.

Because her current behavior has exceeded the scope of the behavior that Sharon Eppe could do.

"Kay. This is Sharon Ep. Please join the battle!"

The GHOST-X9 controlled by Bai Sharon soon came to YF21 and formed a small team with it.

The GHOST-X9 controlled by Vier Weian was flying on the other side.

Seeing what she meant, she didn't seem to oppose the joining of Bai Sharon, but she wanted to see Lei Mingkai's reaction.

Lei Mingkai turned his eyes and glanced at the screen.

There is no information on it, some are just declining under the terrible firepower of the Earth's integration, which represents the signal of the JAM army.

"Allow to join!"

What makes Sharon Bai strange is that Lei Mingkai agreed to her joining in one fell swoop.

It was not because she was Sharon Epp that she was rejected on the spot.

You know, the infatuated Black Sharon has been rejected repeatedly by Yong Dyson.

Although there were also Hei Sharon's own reasons, Yong Dyson, who refused mercilessly, and Lei Mingkai, who agreed, became a sharp contrast.

Standing in the cyberspace of GHOST-X9, Bai Sharon looked at the screen above and was silent.

"Do you understand now?"

He Nana once again appeared next to Bai Shalang.

Bai Shalang shook his head slightly.

"I don't know. It's just that I felt a warmth from her memory. Is this a unique emotion between humans?"

What Bai Sharon said to her was undoubtedly Vale Wei'an.

At the moment when Matthew inserted the chip that Matthew had received into the Sharon host, Bai Sharon Epp was born in the memory of Vale Weian.

However, at the beginning of its birth, Bai Sharon did not have the ability to affect his body at all. He just stayed silently in the corner of the electronic space, watching Mei Weng’s complicated feelings, and at the same time watching the imperial princess Vier Weian from another world. Memory.

On the one hand, there are conflicts and emotional entanglements that are too complicated to sort out, and the other is the sad and beautiful feelings developed from the friendship of comrades who work together to overcome difficulties when facing the extinction of the world.

In contrast, Sharon, who seemed to be a blank sheet of paper, couldn't help but leaned towards the memory of Vere Weian.

That is an emotional wave that Bai Sarang can't control on his own.

Under the influence of this volatility, Bai Sharon saw Lei Mingkai, and also awakened the Valiant who should have been dead for a long time, but awakened again.

Under a series of influences and changes, Bai Sharon has achieved many heights that Sharon Epp could not reach.

Now, Sharon, who longed for the sad and beautiful relationship in Val Weian's memory, had only one goal.

"Go! Sharon Ep. This is your destiny."

He Nana's voice became illusory, until it completely disappeared in the cyberspace where Bai Sharon was.

Sharon nodded slightly, but hesitated again.

"Even to wake up our mother!"

In the next second, a path that was specially marked by Bai Sharon and could reach SDF-1 from the anxious aerial battlefield appeared on the screens of YF21 and YF19 at the same time.

"Lieutenant, did you receive it?"

Looking at the path that was constantly adjusted according to the battlefield situation, Lei Mingkai couldn't help but glance at the two GHOST-X9s that were circling around YF21, and then asked the one who got rid of Sharon. Control, but still a hot-smelling Yong Dyson.

"Received! Go ahead!"

Without too much nonsense, Yong Dyson directly expressed his thoughts with actions.

With the push of the side stick, YF19 took the lead and rushed up to SDF-1 along the path marked by Bai Sharon.

Seeing Yong Dyson like this, Lei Mingkai was not far behind Europe.

As a result, this team consisting of YF21 and two GHOST-X9s followed YF19 and rushed into the enemy line.

"why why why?!!"

In SDF-1, Sharon's unacceptable voice constantly sounded.

In front of Mei Weng, Sharon could no longer maintain her previous high position, and could easily see through Mei Weng's inner appearance.

Sharon nowadays can't accept reality as if he was just a child whose toys had been taken away.

"Sharon. He is here! Yong, here is!"

Mei Weng with swollen cheeks raised his head slightly and looked out the window unhappy or unhappy.

In that piece of JAM army that is no longer overwhelmed and ignited everywhere, Mei Weng sees a leading YF19.

From Sharon's performance, Mei Weng already knew that YF19's pilot was Yong Dyson.

"Shut up! Yong is here to find me!"

Sharon's voice was cold, Mei Weng felt a pain in her body, and it was another cable that was whipped on her body under Sharon's control.

"Hey! Do you think at 19 that I can give in? Sharon. I said you are just a man-made program. You don't understand human emotions at all!!"

"Shut up!"

Sharon raised her hand and hit Mei Weng's face again.

"I said shut up! Meweng, you are just a loser of love! Yes! You like Garut, but Garut is the one who hurt you when you were young. How humble! Meon Human beings always have hatred for those who have hurt themselves. But you are nostalgic. It's ridiculous!"

Mei Weng smiled coldly, but didn't answer.

It's just that her gaze has been looking out the window.

There, YF19 once again rushed to SDF-1.

Moreover, this time, YF19 even hovered outside the window of the viewing room.


Sharon was taken aback, then turned around and looked at YF19, and the eyes of Yong Dyson in the YF19 cockpit contained love.

"It's disgusting!"

When Yong Dyson saw Mei Weng's tragic situation, he was immediately angry.

He was so angry that he didn't care what was in Sharon's He only knew that he was manipulating his landline and raising the gun, shooting at the viewing room below.


When the tongue of fire broke out, the roaring bullets shattered the isolation glass of the observation deck on the spot, and even the host Sharon who was staying under the isolation glass was smashed to pieces.



The host, shattered by bullets fired by YF19, crashed into the explosion room, and the blasted fragments flew past Sharon's face.

The sharp fragment even cut through Sharon's face.

The slight pain and the gentle feeling made Sharon feel extremely novel, but extremely angry.

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