Machine Lion Roar

: Chapter 479: Entering the Palace

The steel giant with a violet badge on his shoulders continuously fired at the buildings on both sides of the road while the city was advancing.

   This is not because there are enemies lurking in the buildings on both sides of the road, but because the roads nearby are already occupied by the turbulent flow of people.

   In order to prevent the road to the palace from being occupied by these turbulent people, the twins, who had no feeling for Visser, resolutely adopted this undoubtedly violent demolition method.

   Of course, these buildings were not demolished by Gemini violently for no reason, but in a sense, they would also have the impact of blocking the flow of people.

   In the cockpit of the Lionheart Knight, Ethelam looked worriedly at the buildings on both sides of the road that were constantly being destroyed by the Lionheart Knights of the Twins. She knew that there was no other way.

   If the Lionheart Rider driven by the twins is blocked by the people of Visser who are controlled by the voice, I am afraid that what will be shown in front of Ethelam is a **** killing.

   When she first saw the twins, her instinct had already told her that the twins in front of her were not kind, but they looked very delicate, but in fact they were twin killers who did not blink.

   "Your Royal Highness. Your lord is coming to join us. Please sit still!"

   Xia Yufang's voice didn't have any ups and downs, but Ethelam secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   Lei Mingkai came over.

   At the same time, it also proved that there should have been good progress on the palace side.

   Above the city, the Flame Sword overlooks the city below.

Even if the flames and fallen angels have just made such a great movement, even the palace square has become devastated and dilapidated. The huge deep pit is more like a wound that cannot be healed, and it will be seen. The eyes of this scene sting deeply.

   "Probably the population of this city already. Gee!"

   The white cat looked down at the display screen under the driver's seat and said hummingly.

   "Hmm. There shouldn't be any obstacles over the factory area."

   The population around the royal capital is constantly moving towards this piece of concentration under the temptation of that song.

   Even if Lei Mingkai and Avalon tried to stop the flow of people, they could not stop the population of less than one million people.

   In front of them, buildings collapsed in the artillery fire.

   The soot that rises up high is also extremely conspicuous in this war-torn city.

   The light wing streamed across the city, and slowly landed in front of the lionheart rider of the twins.

   "Xia Yufang, Xia Yulan, and Princess Ateliam, are you all right?"

   With the arrival of the Flame Sword, Lei Mingkai's voice also reached the ears of Gemini and Ethelam through the communication channel.

   "Yes, my lord! Except for some obstacles from controlled citizens on the way, overall it went well."

   "Very good! Keep up! This city has no power to hinder the flight of the Lionheart."

   Under Lei Mingkai’s announcement, among the three pairs of light wings spread out, three figures rose into the sky.

   When the Lionheart Knight flew over the city, Ethelam saw the devastated and dazzling pit on the Palace Square at a glance.

   "That... is that a trace of the previous battle?"

   The battle between the Flame Sword and the Fallen Angel is mostly in mid-air, so it can be seen clearly in most locations in this city. The only difference is that apart from Avalon, the other people who entered the city knew nothing about the devastation of the Palace Square.

   "Hmm. I'm sorry! The enemy is very strong. I can only do my best."

   "No. Because it is a battle, there is no way. It is inevitable."

   Ateliam held his hands tightly in front of his chest, and his eyes were filled with the deep pit that was gradually being dyed red by the crimson flowing all over the floor.

   No need to explain,

   There is no need to confess,

   Ateliam already knew how fierce the battle was just now.

   is so intense that even the flow of people coming from all directions can only become victims of the battle, becoming a part of the dazzling red that gradually converges in the deep pit.

   "Knight Commander. We must end this battle as soon as possible, can we?"

   Ateliam bit his lip, raised his gaze and looked at the screen in front of him, staring at Lei Mingkai’s head and asked.

   "As you wish! Your Royal Highness. We are here for this!"

   Lei Mingkai responded to Ethelam’s request very simply.

   At this moment, the gate of the palace is near.

   Next, Lei Mingkai covered Ethelam into the palace, seized control of the city, and ended the battle.

In the shaking, the small rubble slowly slid down the broken wall, and fell towards the bottom of the huge cavity below, until it hit the iron giant lying quietly at the bottom, only a few rays of afterglow illuminated Body.


   The dull sound reverberated in this hollow, disturbing the sound of the water flowing from top to bottom for a few minutes.

   "Step on, step on."

   The sound of high heels stepping in the puddle suddenly sounded, and it was getting closer and closer.

   Until a fiery red woman walked out of the darkness and stood beside the steel giant lying at the bottom of the hollow.

   "It's so miserable! Leonard. Why don't you listen to my advice! Your fallen angel has not yet adapted to that weapon."

  The miserable appearance of the steel giant reflected in the eyes of the fiery red woman.

   those tattered shoulders,

   the brain that no longer exists,

   and the scars all over her body are telling the woman a fact.

   This machine has already reached the end of its destiny.

   "I am impatient!"

   The broken cockpit door opened with a difficult creak.

   Leonard appeared in front of the fiery red woman with a humiliated face.

   His beautiful silver hair became messy, and his pure hair color was dyed with some engine oil, and it looked slightly messy.

   Other than that, his left forehead seemed to be knocked.

   A shocking blood stain went all the way down his left forehead, occupying most of Leonard's face.

   "For the price of the impatient, I think you have eaten enough. Leonard. If you calm down, just follow me! This unit, just put it here!"

   The fiery red woman glanced at Leonard, who was embarrassed but calm, and nodded slowly.


   Leonard did not agree to the request of the fiery red woman, but looked at the top of the hollow, the dome gradually occupied by gunpowder.

   "Someone has bought time for us."

   The fiery red woman smiled lightly, then turned and left, immersed in the darkness again, not caring whether Leonard would follow.

   The dashing back made Leonard shook his head, and walked out of the fallen angel that could no longer be activated.

   Then, standing next to the fallen angel, Leonard reached out his hand and touched his forehead, which he could no longer feel much pain. After taking a look at the blood stain on his hand, he raised his head and looked at the hole that the fallen angel had smashed into his head.

   "Knight! There will be a period later!"

   Suddenly, Lei Mingkai looked at the palace with some doubts.

   "Did you find anything? Kay."

   stood up, and the white cat, who was about to enter the palace, looked back at Lei Mingkai with zero doubt.

   "No. It just doesn't feel right."

   Lei Mingkai shook his head, and then stopped the Flame Sword in front of the palace gate.

   "AL. Perform vigilance mode. Cooperate with Gemini to perform vigilance tasks. Are you sure?"

   Lei Mingkai asked AL while unfastening his seat belt.

   This time after AL joined Lei Mingkai's subordinates, it was the first time to perform an autonomous mission.

  Although Lei Mingkai has a certain grasp of intelligence, to be on the safe side, Lei Ming began to decide to let him cooperate with Gemini's actions.

   "Definitely! Knight Commander! Please feel relieved to perform the task!"

  AL's answer is yes.

   "Hmm. Please!"

As the cockpit opened, the White Cat Zero also jumped onto Lei Mingkai’s shoulders, and walked down from the Flame Sword together with Xia Yufang, who had sent Ethelam to the gate of the palace. .

   "Knight Commander···"

Suddenly, before Ethelam and Lei Mingkai could say a word, a violent roar sounded from the palace behind without warning, and, among the roar, a purple-red iron armor The cavalry appeared like a whirlwind, and fell heavily in the deep pit that had been occupied by the crimson blood.

   Under the force of the impact, blood red from the sky soared into the sky, and then poured down towards the surroundings.


   Lei Mingkai stretched out his hand and pulled Ethelam into his arms and protected him.

At the same time, the white cat lying on Lei Mingkai’s shoulders blinked with zero eyes, and opened a protective cover to protect Lei Mingkai and Ethelam, so that the red blood that poured down was blocked. outside.


   In the rain of blood, Gemini's reaction is very patrolling.

   Xia Yulan first drove her own body, holding the gun in front of the enemy, to buy a little time for her sister Xia Yufang to return to the body.

   Under its cover, Xia Yufang, who returned to the body smoothly, sent a signal and said on the communication channel:

   "Knight Commander. Leave it to us here! Please proceed as planned!"

   "I see! AL, cooperate with Xia Yufang and Xia Yulan to attack!"

   Lei Mingkai responded and issued another order to AL.

   "Understood! Knight commander. Now start the combat mission! Please take action as soon as possible according to the original plan!"

   Under the control of AL, the Flame Sword quickly rushed to the Lionheart Knight driven by the Gemini, and quickly deployed the radiant light shield to provide cover for the Gemini's next battle.

   Under the radiant light shield of the Flame Sword, there are twin Lionheart Knights who are ready to meet in the blink of an eye.

   "His Royal Highness Princess Ethelam, are you okay?"

   "No, I'm fine. Knight commander."

   Ateliam, who was protected by Lei Mingkai again, shook his head slightly, raised his head subconsciously, looked over Lei Mingkai's shoulder, and looked into the dazzling depth.

   "Dios Curry?! How come?"

   In the **** rain that gradually stopped, it was the Dios Curry that was killed by Lei Mingkai not long ago.

   "No. It is not Dios Curry on the moon base. It is Dios Curry made in Mars."

   Lei Mingkai shook his head and briefly mentioned the information Fiana sent back.

   This may be a well-prepared plan.

   I am afraid that on this crimson planet, there are some people who would conceive a plan like this.

   If the orbital knight on the moon base fails and retreats to Mars, how can he supplement his combat power in a short period of time?


   This is not like the plan that Weisser would have imagined.

   Facing the armored cavalry equipped with an ALDNOAH reactor with a variety of strange abilities, the Earth United Army's resistance is weak.

   Therefore, the person who made this plan must be someone else.


   This is no longer important.

   "Let’s act now! I'll leave it to them here."

   Every minute counts.

   Lei Mingkai pulled Ethelam up and rushed directly into the palace gate. In the shadow of the palace gate, the white cat Zero jumped up from Lei Mingkai's shoulder, and once again became the wild lion that Ethelam was very familiar with.

   "Come on! Kay! Princess Ethelam."

It’s just that Lei Mingkai and Ethelam, who rushed into the palace at high speed, didn’t expect that at the moment when Ethelam looked up from Lei Mingkai’s arms to the Martian version of Dios Curry, Her delicate face was clearly seen by the people sitting in the cockpit of Dioscuri.

  In an instant, the delicate and familiar face in front of him made the pilot who was half of his face covered by the black and red mask hold his head and howled in pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!

   "No!! That...that is Princess Athelam!! I...I can't..."

   Under the stimulation of that familiar face, endless pain appeared from the depths of his mind, wantonly attacking the pilot's nerves, and repeatedly hitting the pilot's memory over and over again.

   That delicate face,

   That familiar figure,

   and the soft golden hair that he misses,

   All this, everything tells him a fact.


   is attacking the one he loves deeply.

"Do not!!!"

   The painful howls echoed in the cockpit for a long At the same time, the painful howls also spread along the radio waves to a certain underground space in the deepest part of the palace.

   "Not good! Slein's consciousness has begun to recover!"

   Lemurina, sitting in a wheelchair, looked at the sharply fluctuating curve on the screen in front of her, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

   "Have you been stimulated? Your Royal Highness. It seems that the bond in your knight's heart is deeper than we thought."

   Leading Leonard, MISS.Q, who came back here again, glanced at the sharply fluctuating curve, and shook his head slightly.

   "Does that mean that the emperor sister has come?"

   Lei Mulina is very smart, and suddenly thought of the reason why her knight became such a look.

   "I'm afraid that's the case. The knight has already arrived. I believe he will find this side soon. MISS.Q, can the plan start?"

   Leonard glanced at Lemurina, then asked MISS.Q again.

   "It's already being done. However, it will take some time. I hope that the knight of Princess Remulina can buy us some time, right?"

   MISS.Q's gaze fell on the red button beside Lemurina.

The meaning of    is nothing more than to let Lemurina press this button.

   Let Slein, who has become a princess knight, buy more time.

  :. :

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