Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 345: Phantom of Hatred

Next to the scarred Lancelot stood a young girl and a huge snow-white lion.

   "Cut. You are embarrassed this time. Kay. Lancelot has been tossed like this by you."

   After watching Lancelot's injuries up and down for a few times, he was surprised.

  Lancelot has suffered such a serious injury for the first time since he became Lei Mingkai’s exclusive body. It also opened his eyes to Zero a bit. At the same time, he also got a chance to taunt Lei Mingkai.

   "If I were to come together, Lancelot wouldn't have to be so miserable. Now, can I still start it?"

  Zero-style stepped forward, turned around Lancelot, raised his huge paw and patted Lancelot's right foot.


  Unexpectedly, in such a shot of Type Zero, a small piece of armor fragment was photographed from Lancelot's right armor.

   "Hey! It's really choking."

  Zero looked down, raised his paw to catch it, threw the piece of armor into his mouth, and bit it.

   "Kay, can Lancelot still move? Do you want me to fix it?"

   Lei Mingkai, who stood on the side, shook his head slightly.

   "What do you mean? Can you continue to the beach in this state?"

   "Hmm. I still have to rely on me in the end!"

  Zero type hummed a few times, and in a burst of white light, it changed into a white cat form again, jumped into the cockpit, and began to integrate functions.

   "Brother. Can Lancelot still move?"

   Mila stood quietly on the side with worry on her face.

While the students of the formation high school were transferred, taking advantage of the chaos, the lion zero-style on which Mila was riding easily avoided everyone's sight, walked through the forest, and came here, and saw the whole body. Lancelot in scars.

   Mira, who almost thought that Lei Mingkai had an accident, began to worry about Lancelot's state after seeing Lei Mingkai safe and sound.

   "Hehe. It's okay. Lancelot won't be a problem. Look, isn't it all right?"

   Lei Mingkai smiled and pointed at Lancelot's feet.

   There, the tiny but clearly visible scars gradually healed, as if it was a life body healing its wounds by itself.

   "This, is this? Lancelot healed himself?"

  Mila frowned, and a sudden headache instantly occupied her head.

   She didn't know what was going on with this headache, she only knew that there seemed to be an unfamiliar consciousness that wanted to find out what happened to Lancelot at this moment.

   Driven by this consciousness, Mira looked at Lei Mingkai subconsciously, trying to learn the result from him.

   However, at this moment, Mira's face looked terrified.

   As long as he saw the fear on Mira's face, Lei Mingkai understood what was going on.

   "Sorry! Mira, I have to let you sleep for a while."

   After Lei Mingkai apologized full of apology, he knocked Mira out as soon as he raised his hand, as he had done to Chidori before.

   Facing Lancelot's performance at the moment, Mila, who is also a whisperer, also fell into the same reaction as Chidori.

   However, Mira’s reaction was much lighter than Chidori.

   You know, Chidori will be activated the whisperer's instinctive reaction the moment he sees Lancelot. And Mila, until now, witnessed Lancelot, who had repaired his injury under the zero-type functional integration, did not have a similar reaction.

   "What a mess! Kay! I am afraid it will take some time to completely repair Lancelot's injury. Now, what should I do? Should I stay in this place?"

   White Cat Zero's voice came from Lancelot, and it was clear that White Cat Zero would not wait to see the messy place where they are now.

   What's more, if you continue to stay here, you will inevitably be spotted by the enemies who come afterwards.

   "Let's go! I'm afraid someone is already waiting for us near the sea."

   Lei Mingkai picked up Mira, and with the help of White Cat Zero, returned to Lancelot's cockpit.

   Then, facing the slowly rising sun, Lancelot stretched out his wings and rose from the ground and flew towards the sea.

   Lancelot's departure does not mean that this battle-wounded forest has once again ushered in peace and peace.

On the contrary, the army of off-road vehicles and armored vehicles that followed followed all the way along the traces left by the previous poisonous vehicle, until the soldiers who got off the vehicle found that they were killed by Lei Mingkai in the wreckage of the poisonous cockpit. To Kowloon.

   Facing the dead Jiulong with bullet holes on his upper body, the soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

   Fortunately, a helicopter that dropped from the sky brought people who could let the soldiers know what they should do.

   "Tsk tsk. This movement is really loud!"

   Under the propeller of the helicopter that was gradually stopping, a man in a suit with a face covered with white foundation and a smiling face walked off the helicopter.


   Behind the man, a pair of girls with the same faces, and the only feature that can distinguish between the two is the length of the hair, also stepped out of the helicopter. Unlike the man, the pair of women, who knew they were twins at first glance, walked quickly to the side of the wreckage of the wrecked cockpit with shocked faces.

   Then, the surrounding air suddenly became extremely cold, causing the soldiers guarding next to the wreckage to subconsciously fight a cold war.

"It's really regrettable! I didn't expect the Lord Jiulong whom I had longed for so long to die in this battle. It really is the impermanence of fate! And you, the person closest to the Lord Jiulong, could not see his last side. It is a regrettable and sad thing."

The suddenly cold air made the soldiers afraid to take a breath, but the man in the suit with his face like a clown ignored the cold air, step by step with regret, walked to the wreckage, lowered his eyes and watched. To Jiulong, the hideous smile that remained on his lips until he died.

   "Teacher, I walked peacefully."

   Suddenly, the girl with long hair said in a cold voice.

   "Yes. Very peaceful. Then, we still have things to do."

   The voice of the girl with short hair is even colder.

   "Well, let's go!" The long-haired girl nodded, but looked back at the clown-like suit man.

   "Your Excellency rj. The teacher's body will trouble you. We have something to do!"

   It turns out that this clown-like suit man is actually called rj? !

   I don’t know, are this man named rj and the man who met rq before the same person?

   "Oh? Two beautiful ladies, do you want to avenge Lord Kowloon?"

  Rj looked at the long-haired girl.

   The eyes of the long-haired girl who has no emotions like an iceberg fluctuated slightly, but no one noticed the slightest abnormality.

   "Yes. This is the teacher's last wish."


   After the twin sisters boarded the plane again, the helicopter that was silent for a moment started its engine again, and rose to the sky amidst the roar, returning at full speed toward the air base when it came.

   Standing on the edge of the wreckage, the man named rj looked at the distant helicopter with a sigh.

   "The battle shrouded in hatred has once again appeared. Human beings always make the same mistakes. Jiulong Lord, do you think so?"

   At this point, Rj couldn't help lowering his head and looked at Jiulong's **** death smile.

   "Hehe. I am a little looking forward to having a chat with Lord Kowloon."

   The dark night will eventually go away.

   After experiencing this thrilling kidnapping incident, many students who were full of joy and yearning for a beautiful school trip to the blue sky and beach, finally returned to the formation under the **** of the mithril troops holding the name of the UN unit.


   After going back and forth like this, the school trip will naturally fall apart. Most of the students in Class 4 of Year 2 who were in distress did not find that among them, it seemed that there was one missing person.

   And this man is standing on the bridge of the Son of Danu lurking deep in the sea, looking at the screen in front of him with Theresa and Kalinin.

   "Uurz7, how do you feel? If you feel uncomfortable there, you can go back and rest first."

   A trace of concern flashed in Kalinin's eyes, and he looked at Sagara Sosuke and asked.

   Sagara Sosuke just shook his head and replied calmly, "Thank you for your kindness! Major. To me, this is just a small injury."

   "Minor injuries also need to rest. Sergeant Sagara." Teresa, who was very in favor of Kalinin's proposal, also agreed.

   Facing the pressure of the two bosses, even if he still had the idea of ​​insisting on staying on the bridge and watching, Sagara Sosuke finally chose to leave. After Sagara Sosuke left, Teresa turned the topic back to the topic.

   "Major Kalinin. What do you think of the command from the combat headquarters this time?"

   While completing the hostage rescue mission, the Son of Danu also received an encrypted order from the combat headquarters. The content is to ask the son of Danu to immediately provide rescue to Lei Mingkai who is still staying in the battlefield.

   Originally wanted to use the unclear situation as a reason, Teresa, who was observing for a while, was shocked by the satellite photos sent over later.

   A deep chasm straightly left a scar that could not be smoothed in a short time in the forest, and at the end of this scar, there were a series of devastations that seemed to have been bombarded by a terrifying number of heavy artillery.

no doubt.

   This is a battlefield photographed by satellites.

   Moreover, the location of this battlefield is near the air base where the hostage kidnapping incident was discovered.

   "Major. Did you read Sagara Sosuke's preliminary report?"

   Holding this satellite photo, Teresa asked the question in her mind.

   "Yes. Although I don't believe that the enemy who died in front of my eyes will come back to life, I do believe in Sergeant Sagara Sosuke."

   Kalinin stared at the main screen, and said his opinion every word.

   Through Sagara Sosuke’s words, Kalinin was also surprised when he learned that Jiulong had been resurrected from the dead.

"Really? But, there is no miracle of resurrection in this world. If you have to say yes, it is better to believe what happened when you killed Jiulong that year that you didn't know, which led to Jiulong. Survival!"

   said this, Teresa smiled slightly, and at the same time raised the satellite photo in her hand.

"However, now, maybe Kowloon is about to die. Normally speaking, it should not be possible for two **** to cause damage on this scale. However, whether it is intelligence or Saga Sukezuke The witness reports of the non-commissioned officers all prove a fact."

   Teresa thought about suitable vocabulary, and said slowly:

"In the confrontation between these two unfamiliar ass, there seems to be a power system that is unfamiliar to us changing the world. Although this power is very strange to us. Fortunately, this One of the forces seems to have good intentions towards our Mithril."

   Kalinin frowned, as if he had understood what Teresa meant.

   "Your colonel meant to carry out the command of the combat headquarters? You know, the son of Danu is our Mithril's strongest combat power."

"Although it is said, the other party is the only **** capable of flying autonomously known in the world at present. The value of such an existence is probably as good as that of the son of Danu." Teresa said. As he spoke, he showed a trace of reluctance.


   When Teresa's words and deeds seemed to be out of order, Kalinin coughed secretly to remind Teresa. Then Kalinin said slowly:

   "Your Excellency Colonel. You are serious. Everyone knows the value of the Son of Danu. Don't be scornful, Colonel. In addition, what kind of attitude does the Colonel think we should take to welcome the guests?"


   Theresa was taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent.

The satellite photos in   's hand undoubtedly reveal most of the opponent's combat power.

  Under the premise of this fact, Teresa could not think of being able to let the Son of Danu take the initiative when the two sides met for the first time.

   After a long time, Teresa finally made a decision.

   "Major, after letting the son of Danu float up, we will go to welcome the guests."

   "Yes! Your Excellency Colonel."

at the same time.

   Someone who is about to be the guest of the Son of Danu is flying a special machine fast over the cold soil. In addition, the roar of engines was almost The helicopter, like a dark cloud, joined forces to bite Lancelot's rear.

   In front of Lancelot, more than a dozen barbarians blocked the way.

   "Hey! Kay. You stabbed a hornet's nest!"

   The voice of the white cat zero-style gloating sounded constantly.

   "It's just that Jiulong was killed in advance. As for chasing after me like this? When did the sub-director of the kgb miss so much?"

   As soon as this spit came out, the mist in Lei Mingkai's mind was split by a flash of lightning.

   It’s not the kgb sub-director who is passionate! But someone else!

   Assuming that if someone close to Jiulong finds Jiulong who was shot and killed by Lei Mingkai, the first thing he will do, I am afraid it will be revenge.

   Coupled with the death of Kowloon and the attack on the air base, the sub-director will definitely send troops to chase Lei Mingkai.

   Even if it doesn’t come, people close to Kowloon will inevitably use some means to force the sub-director to nod.

   After searching through the memory carefully, Lei Mingkai seems to have found the answer.

   There are not many people who can have a close relationship with Jiulong, the murderous executioner.

   There are two in Lei Mingkai's memory.

   That is, Xia Yulan, Xia Yufang, the twin sisters.

  Roar of the machine lion

  Roar of the machine lion

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