Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 944 【0935】 Swallow

In two rounds of offense and defense, Lissandra had the advantage.

The combination of huge magic power, superb application skills, and nine seals with a very personal style make Lissandra look invincible in a one-on-one battle.

Even Kalya was clearly at a disadvantage when facing her, and it seemed that there was no way to break the situation at all - when he was lagging behind in all aspects, even if he wanted to seize an opportunity and make a desperate move, it seemed that it was impossible. Nothing is possible.

Under this situation, Kalya seemed to be planning to set off a Chaos Storm again, and what was different from last time was that with psychological preparation, Lissandra even planned to take the initiative to help.

You want to start a chaos storm, right?

Let me help you!

You don’t really think that you can have an advantage in the Forbidden Demon Field in the Eye of the Storm, do you?

The next moment, a chaotic storm mixed with gravel, snowflakes, wind and thunder began to sweep across the battlefield. The multiple forces tearing, destroying, and rolling quickly completely destroyed the magic balance of the environment. Located in the center of the eye of the storm, the Forbidden City The magic field finally appeared again.

But this time, Lissandra drew a warhammer well prepared and ran straight towards Kalya.

Come on, let’s challenge each other!

You wouldn't think that Lissandra, one of the three sisters, doesn't have her own unique skills, right?

Although he had been mentally prepared, Kalya was still a little embarrassed when he saw this scene. He did not take the initiative to greet him immediately, but opened his wings directly, as if he planned to hover in the sky twice first.

However, seeing Kalya soar into the sky, Lissandra, who was well prepared, simply hung the warhammer on her waist, then took out a short bow from nowhere, opened the bow and nocked an arrow, and aimed directly at Kalya.

Not to mention, her shooting was pretty accurate. If Kalya hadn't been flexible enough, she might have nailed him down with just two arrows...

It seems that even in the Forbidden Demon Field, Lissandra can still suppress Kalya. As long as there is no problem with her own energy system, Kalja has no good way to deal with her.

"The Frost Witch will not be defeated twice by the same trick." After many trials and confirmation that Kalya did not have any back-up tactics, Lissandra finally issued her own declaration of victory, "Now, Kalya of Shurima , I will give you a chance to surrender, surrender to me, and become a member of the Ice Bloodline, and you will regain the cold eternity——"

"Come on." Kalya interrupted her without hesitation, "I've had enough of eternity, and cold eternity is simply scarier than playing with sand forever. Your Excellency Frost Witch, do you really think you have won? Is it decided?"

"Why, you still want to use words to seduce me?" Lissandra snorted, "Karya, you are very talented, but you have lost the legendary power of ascension. You can never be my opponent now - —Look at those heroic Demacians, if you are willing to think about them, then embracing the ice will be your only choice."

"It turns out that the Frost Witch is such a thirsty person!" Kalya said in a tone of sudden realization, "That's really interesting. You don't want me to help you strengthen the seal under the Howling Abyss, do you?"

Lissandra didn't speak, because Kalya was right - with the passage of time, even the nine seals that are strong, combined with dreams, and perfectly seal the monitor from multiple dimensions, have become less so. Stable.

In this case, Lissandra really needed some new means to strengthen the ancient seal that sealed the watcher.

Originally, Lissandra wanted to kill Kalya directly because of the battle, but in the battle just now, she discovered Kalya's talent in sealing spells. Now that she is sure of winning, she plans to show her ambition. , let Kalya have a way out and let him strengthen the nine seals for himself.

"Your Excellency Lissandra, haven't you heard of the Darkborn?" Taking advantage of Lissandra's silence, Kalya continued, "Infected by the power of the void, he fell from the form of an ascended one. In the past , I was once one of the dark descendants."

Lissandra didn't know why.

She knew a little about the past of Shurima, but she was still looking at the flowers in the fog, and she knew only vaguely. However, she did know a lot about the Darkborn. It seemed that after the Ascended Ones fought head-on with the Void, they suffered from energy erosion and psychological degradation. And the posture that appears.

"Do you feel that dark descendants and ice blood are actually very similar?" Kalya chuckled and continued, "Introducing the power of the void to transform existing life... From this perspective, Your Excellency Lissandra is still He is really ahead of all of us!”


Hearing what Kalya said, Lissandra finally realized the problem.

Kalya seems to know a lot about the Ice Bloodline, and more importantly, he seems to know why he must create the Ice Bloodline!

How did he know?

Regarding the creation of the Ice Bloodline, no one should know about it now!

No, there are others who know, but Anivia has already sworn an oath, and he will not reveal it!

Realizing that things seemed to be a little out of control, and that there was a big gap between everything and what she imagined, Lissandra finally stopped thinking about persuading him to surrender. She once again stretched her bow and arrow, aiming to quickly deal with Kalya.

But it is a pity that Kalya's figure is very flexible. Even Lissandra's archery skills are not bad, but without the ability to use magic, there is still a big gap between bending a bow and shooting a vulture.

"Surprised, right?" While dodging Lissandra's slightly angry arrows, Kalya continued her heart-wrenching remarks with a smile, "Why have you tried your best to obscure history and completely destroy it with killing? It's buried in the long river of time, but I know everything you did?"


"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself." Kalya shook his head and said, "I would like to say hello to you, Egg Nivia."

"Egg Nevia?"

Lissandra was stunned for a moment, and then she felt a little enlightened. The next moment, she gritted her teeth and started trying to cast spells in the Forbidden Demon Realm - she couldn't let Kalya leave, and even if he detonated the Chaos Storm, he couldn't let him take the secret away. !

"Don't be excited. Now that I know all this, let's use the wisdom of the three sisters and think about why I want to duel with you, and why do I choose to repeat the same tricks?"

An ominous premonition appeared in Lissandra's heart.

"As a remnant of the Freljord, you must have heard the story of the Lund Python, right?" Although Lissandra pretended to detonate the Chaos Storm and die with herself, Kalya did not do anything. There was no rush, and there was even a bit of joy in his tone, "Although the Lund Python failed to defeat Volibear and fell in the battle of Five Fjords, its bloodline has been passed down - Coincidentally, I researched its bloodline and heritage.”

Alarm bells rang in Lissandra's heart, and she tried to recall all the legends about the Lund Python. The more she recalled, the more she felt that something was wrong.

"You must have tried to find the legacy of the Lund Python, because its devouring power can help you realize your desire to become a god. With the power of the Lund Python, you don't have to work hard to reconcile the mixed powers in your body." Kalya continued his story, "It was only after studying His power that I realized why He is called the Sky-devouring Python - yes, the reason why you can't find Him is that you might even think that He has been Volibear was devoured because his followers left the Freljord."

For the first time, Lissandra's face showed signs of emotion.

"I guess you have been seeking Volibear's power. In addition to revenge, you are also looking for Londo's devouring power, right?" Karya's tone gradually became more determined, "It's a pity that you He was not found, so he had to fight with the coalition forces at Fort Diver during a weak period of mixed strength."


Lissandra didn't speak, she just mobilized her astonishing magic power, fighting to suffer the backlash of power and detonating the chaotic storm around her.

"The purpose of the Forbidden Demon Field is not to be one-on-one with you." The person who holds the chance to win became Kalya. He spread his wings and looked down at the anxious Lissandra. "The Forbidden Demon Field is to create a stable environment. In this stable environment, the python will eat slowly..."

The next moment, the heart-stopping smell of blood began to spread, and the shadow of a giant python seemed to appear behind Kalya. After opening its mouth wide, it began to swallow up the turbulent energy of the chaotic storm as if eating.

Every time it swallows, the image becomes more solid. In Lissandra's magic perception, this giant python has a tendency to turn from virtual to real!

"If Lund is still here, he will definitely be full of gratitude to me." As Lissandra's expression became worse and worse, Kalya began her declaration of victory, "Although I failed to hang Volibear, I After helping Him devour you who defeated Volibear, He should be able to rest in peace!"

"In that case, then you and that reptile will be buried in this storm and thunder!" Under the critical situation, Lissandra finally no longer had any scruples and used all her strength to activate the thunder she obtained from Volibear. And the power of the storm, "Volibear can defeat that reptile, and with his power, I can do the same!"

As she spoke, Lissandra had entered the realm of Chaos Storm - here, she could finally cast spells again.

Even though casting the spell would cause backlash from the storm, at this moment, she had no more options. If she continued to stay in the Forbidden Demon Field and waited for the Lund Python to swallow everything, she would really be dead!

However, in Lissandra's horror, she suddenly discovered that the power she had plundered from Volibear was rapidly passing away at this time - as the Londo python devoured it, it was clear that she had used her spells to counterattack, and in Casting spells within the Chaos Storm, but why was Volibear's power also being taken away?

How is this possible? If Lund's power is really so strong, how could he be defeated by Volibear's minions in the first place? !

Just when Lissandra was stunned, Kalya seemed to finally be unable to hold on any longer, and finally laughed without any scruples.

"So, you believe it, right?"


Lissandra was a little confused.

Then she quickly figured out what was going on.

The chaotic storm gradually dissipated, and Lissandra found that she had deviated from the position where she had originally dueled with Kalya. Behind Kalya, the figure of the sky-swallowing python had also disappeared, replaced by three similar ones. Tall, but completely different in stature.

Ornn, Anivia, and Volibear, who is obviously much smaller.

Damn it, there is no Lund Python at all, Kalya has been lying to himself from the beginning!

At this moment, Lissandra had understood everything.


Kalya never wanted to defeat Lissandra one-on-one.

Summoning the Chaos Storm was not an attempt to repeat the same trick, but Kalya was trying to fish in troubled waters, cover up the arrival of the three Freljord demigods, and end the duel with good reason - under his temptation, Lissan Zhuo deviated from the scope of the duel. She took the initiative to leave the Demonic Forbidden Field and gave up the duel.

Moreover, although Kalya has also studied the blood power of the Lund Python, it is only academic research and does not mean that he can easily obtain the same devouring power.

The Lund Python that Lissandra saw was an illusion carefully sponsored by Kalya.

So, why is the dignified Frost Witch so easily deceived by illusions?

The main reason is that Lissandra herself is blind - although her magic perception is more sensitive than vision in many areas, in many cases, energy can also be simulated.

The form of Londo's python is an illusion simulated by pure elements. The smell of blood and negative energy erosion come from the blood magic of the dark descendants (thanks to Aatrox for his support here). As for the devouring power, it is actually Kalya's conscious mind. The earth calms the storm of chaos.

Using three completely different methods, Kalya successfully simulated the scene of Londo's giant python swallowing the Chaos Storm, making Lissandra believe it was true, and actively entered the area of ​​the Chaos Storm, fighting back the spell to mobilize Volibear's power.

And what Kalya wants is for Lissandra to do this.

As long as Lissandra enters the Chaos Storm, it means that she has voluntarily left the duel venue - she agreed to duel under the Frostguard Fortress. In front of the Frost Bridge, you took the initiative to get on the bridge. That is your violation. !

More importantly, using the Lund Python to trick Lissandra into mobilizing Volibear's power would allow the unlucky Immortal Thunder to take back some of his own power.

Yes, the arrival of the three Ornn brothers in the Howling Abyss was something Anivia had already agreed with Lux and Ashe.

They will not interfere in mortal wars, but they will take action in the subsequent battle with the void.

Of course, that's what they say, but if Lissandra uses Volibear's power in front of Volibear, can this big bear with a bad temper still watch happily?

Regarding the Lund Python, you can look back around Chapter 426 - Kalya did study its power, but only as a sample of demigods.

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