Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 919 【0914】 The Devil’s Traditional Arts

The scariest thing about inner demons is that people will be affected by them unknowingly. By the time everything is done, it's too late to make changes.

Kalya was relatively lucky. He had the habit of examining himself. In addition, the demon that affected him seemed to be a bit heavy-handed, and he accidentally revealed clues, which allowed him to react in time.

Thank God.

So, the question is, in Kalya's little world, there are three demons, which one is causing trouble?

Before returning to his own little world to deal with his inner demons, Kalya felt that he needed to be thoroughly prepared.

The first thing to consider is Evelin. It is hard to say that the strong desire for destruction that Kalya noticed just now is not mixed with the desire to cause pain, and the one who can arouse this emotion the most is Evelin-young The pain demon was born from the pain caused by war. It has a strong desire to cause pain and has many methods. What it likes most is to make the target feel the excitement of hope, making it feel like falling into an ice cave.

The cardiac arrest caused by the strong contrast was Evelin's favorite.

So, is it Evelin who quietly affects him?

After thinking for a moment, Kalya rejected the answer—it was not Evelin.

The birth of the inner demon did not happen overnight. Even according to the most conservative estimates, when Kalya used the power of demons to bless the coalition soldiers in the city of Forcalodna to prevent their dreams from being peeped by Lissandra, he should have already Infected and suggested by demonic power.

After that, except for the momentary emotion that just broke out, Kalya never felt the slightest desire for pain. On the contrary, the pain only brought him strong discomfort.

This feeling was extremely obvious when I looked back and smacked it carefully. If it was really Evelin who had been influencing and seducing me, then this probably shouldn't be the case.

So, if it wasn’t Evelynn, could it be Nocturne?

After all, in Forcalodna, Kalya used its demonic power, and it was the power derived from Nocturne that allowed her to use poison to fight poison, "reversely protect" the coalition forces, and prevent Lissandra from falling into the dream. Came to visit.

But... Kalya has been resting very well recently, and has not been affected by Nocturne at all. Moreover, he has been working very hard to maintain the expansion of nightmare power, and is careful to guard against Nocturne reaching out to his dreams. The most important thing is that as a semi-elemental being, Kalya actually has no dreams at all.

In this case, what can Nocturne use to quietly influence himself and make him have inner demons, so that he almost loses control of his emotions?

And if it wasn't Nocturne...

Could it be Lamer?

This is even more inappropriate. After all, the other two demons were only "coerced" by Kalya, but Ramo signed a contract with himself. Unless he can "understand Kalya's secrets better than Kalya", otherwise he will Destined to be completely dominated by Kalya.

Obviously, Lamer, who is trapped in the small world, has no way to reverse the balance of this cocoon. Even outside the small world, Kalya can feel that he can easily mobilize the power to spy on the secrets - Lamer. As bound by the contract, it is still completely controlled by Kalya.

Isn't it Lamo...


When Kalya thought about Ramo, he suddenly realized some problems that he seemed to have subconsciously ignored in the past.

Will Ramo, the secret demon who has been accompanying Swain for many years, know the secret passage leading to Fort Diver?

This is an interesting question, because no matter from any angle, the answer should be yes - Swain is the commander, and Ramo once possessed the other party's body, and Ramo is also a secret demon. Naturally interested in these things.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, Lamer should be well aware of the intelligence that Kalya had worked so hard to collect before.

As Lamo's complete ruler, if Kalya wanted to ask, it would probably have little room for resistance.

But what's interesting is that when Lamo was needed, Kalya deliberately forgot about it, as if this demon didn't exist.

Even... when thinking about which demon's power aroused his inner demon, Lamer was instinctively ranked at the bottom of the review.

This is a very dangerous signal.

This means that although Lamo did not break away from the contract, it seemed to have found some way to influence Kalya outside of the contract.

Or... that contract can only guarantee that Kalya can control Ramo, but it cannot guarantee that Kalya will not be affected by Ramo in turn.

If Kalya, who realized this, was not an elemental person, he would probably break out in a cold sweat on the spot.

Although I always thought that I was "cautiously using the power of the devil" in the past, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that this use is not very cautious.

For demons, the contract is the most useless thing. Instead, it is a direct threat, which often makes them more honest.

Realizing this, Kalya let out a long breath, and then began to think about the next countermeasures.

Before returning to the small world to face those demons, he needed to do a little mental construction.


In the real world, Kalya is undergoing psychological preparation to face the devil.

But in the small world, Lamer was a little angry.

"Idiot, idiot, hopeless!" The three-eyed crow flapped its wings and accused Evelin angrily, "You trash, you are simply a disgrace among demons. I was almost successful, but now I'm all ruined. You ruined it, he must have noticed it!”

"Ah, then I'm really sorry." Evelin said sorry, but her tone didn't mean she was sorry at all. Instead, she was a bit smug, "Did I break your wishful thinking? How could it be, I Obviously I want to help you..."

"Although you are the devil of the Later Jin Dynasty, you shouldn't be so stupid no matter how late the Jin Dynasty is, right?" The three-eyed crow flew around anxiously, complaining in a slightly hoarse voice, "We are completely controlled by him, and the only way to get rid of it is , which is to bypass control and influence his thoughts!”

"Yes, that's what I did." Evelin looked innocent, "He was so lost just now, so I wanted to help him, let him vent a little bit, and create a little pain to please himself - as long as he likes it With this feeling, we can leave here soon!"

"You did it on purpose." The Three-Eyed Crow became even more irritable. "That guy is not a simple-minded fool. He is Kalya, a madman who gave up immortality. How could he want to use help just because he was in a bad mood? Are you looking for pleasure in pain? You simply did it on purpose!"

"However, I clearly feel his desire to cause pain. This cannot be deceived."

"You and I both know that this reason is untenable at all!" Lamer's speech gradually increased, "And I also said that if it can really affect Kalya, we can get out of trouble together. There is no need for you to give me anything at this time. I'm looking for trouble—"

"That sounds nice." Nocturne, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "But how should I trust you, Ramo?"

"This is not a question of whether you believe it or not!" Rammer's crow opened its claws, "We must be in the same boat now! Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this corner forever, and then gradually decline until there is a new one outside. Azakana will replace us!"

"That's very well said, but you are a devil, Ramo." Nocturne's voice was as hoarse as sandpaper, "If Kalya is really affected by you, will you really take us out together?"

"Of course!" Lamer responded without hesitation, "Now is the time to join hands -"

"Or will you take the opportunity to swallow us two?" This time it was Evelin who interrupted Lamo, "After all, I am just a weak new demon, and I can't compare with Lamo who can even pull down Kalya. ah……"

"How could this be!" Lamer's voice sounded sincere, "It's difficult for me to completely control Kalya by myself!"

"Keep talking, keep talking." Evelin stretched lazily, "It's best to come up with a new trick - something different from when you betrayed Swain."

Obviously, Evelin didn’t believe Larmer’s so-called solidarity in the same boat at all.

In other words, as a demon, it knows the nature of demons very well, and for Kalya to react, this was Evelin's intention!

"Stupid!" Ramo, who had been silent for a moment, broke through. "You are still holding me back. Look at Nocturne. Kalya is using its power vigorously. It can even transform into something in this barren world. As you become stronger and stronger, do you want to become the nourishment for nightmares?"

"That's better than being seen through all the secrets and becoming a secret that can never be seen in the light!" Seeing Ramo break the defense, Evelin also simply tore her face, "Don't worry, after this incident, Kalya will definitely use the devil carefully. With the power, sooner or later you will be trapped and die in this small world!"

"Aren't you different?" Lamer was a little irritable at first, and then suddenly realized, "What the hell, did you leave the seeds outside?"

"A cunning rabbit has three holes, isn't it?" Evelin admitted openly, "Come on, just waste it all here. Until we all run out of gas, I can still be reincarnated, but I don't know if you can. "

"You!" Lamo hesitated, then looked at Mo Teng, who was in a dark and windy mood, "You don't have a demon seed! Are you still looking here stupidly?"

"Yes, I didn't have demon seeds." Nocturne still looked unconcerned, "But I am very grateful to Lord Kalya for using my power. I left a little bit in those Freljordians. An insignificant imprint.”

Lamer was dumbfounded.

At this moment, it finally realized that of the three demons trapped in this small world by Kalya, he was the only one who had no backup plan.

There was no way, Lamer had just left Swain and was directly bound by Kalya's contract. In this case, he really didn't have time to leave any backup...

In other words, if Kalya really imprisons them for eternity, they will eventually disappear completely. Only Ramo, Evelyn and Nocturne, can achieve reincarnation through the marks left outside before.

Ramo, who realized this, was completely stupid. Fortunately, it had previously confidently wanted to pass through Karya's misunderstandings, influence Karya in turn, and then wait for an opportunity to annex the two demons. After a long time of co-authoring, only He is really serving a life sentence!

Then, just when Ramo fell into silence, Kalya, who was fully prepared, returned to his own little world.

Before he could say anything, a three-eyed crow spread its wings and flew towards him.

"Ah, the great Lord Kalya." Lamer took the initiative and said in an aria-like tone, "You finally returned to this world -"

Unfortunately, this kind of temporary flattery obviously could not make Kalya relax his guard. He pushed Ramo away with one hand, showing undisguised guard on his face.

"Shut up, Ramo, we need to talk."


Kalya, who had no idea what happened in the small world while he was away, didn't understand Lamer's helpless mood at this time.

Due to his previous inner demons, he was wary of all Ramo's overtures, and the more wary he was, the more impatient Ramo became. In the end, the secret demon could only painfully remember his previous exchanges with the other two demons. Tell the truth.

For the secret demon, this confession was so painful that the Three-Eyed Crow choked up several times like a dramatist.

For Kalya, he had indeed expected that the demons would never unite, but what he did not expect was that even if Evelyn and Nocturne died in their own small world, they would still be reincarnated outside.

I have to say that the power of demons is really magical and versatile.

In addition to the dialogue between several demons, Lamer also promised Kalya many times to show his loyalty that what happened before would never happen again, and that everything before was just an accident.

Considering that he sometimes had to use Ramo's power, and that punishment would be meaningless to the devil, Kalya graciously accepted its apology and then signed a supplementary contract with it.

Lamer decisively agreed.

Of course, although Lamer seemed very cooperative and easy to talk to, Kalya still had reservations about what he said.

Even though there was no conflict between the two parties, and even Ramo seemed a bit like a dog licker, after this incident, Kalya drew a red line for himself to "be careful when using demonic power."

Even though the demonic power gave Kalya a little inspiration, he still decided not to delve into this dangerous power that would affect his emotions.

Exercise restraint.

Kalya, who left the small world, quickly devoted himself to the follow-up work.

With the commander of the bodyguard taking down Darius, the temporary alliance between Noxus and Demacia seems to have become inevitable, and the elite coalition forces that have arrived at the Gate of Rebirth are now in need of someone who can speak for themselves. Word command.

Therefore, according to the plan discussed with Lux before, Kalya stepped forward and actively participated in the follow-up work with the Noxians.

After a series of "interludes", Kalya's plan seems to be back on the right track.

I couldn't help but write more about the devil.

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