Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 895 【0892】 The Fun Man Kalya

With the arrival of Kalya, Lux's burden has been reduced a lot, and her condition has improved a lot.

It was also with the arrival of Kalya that, in addition to the outpost, the city of Fukarodna also assumed the additional task of being a frost dragon transformation base - the captured Frost Guard priests were brought over by Kalya to "recycle the waste" " has become the source of magic for the elemental dragons to transform their attributes.

Due to the collapse of faith, the whole process went very smoothly. The Frostguard priests played the role of batteries honestly, and the whole process went very smoothly without any additional resistance.

As the host of the ceremony, Kalya, who watched the entire process, couldn't help but marvel when he and Lux ​​confirmed the size of the Frost Dragon Legion and discussed the selection of commanders.

“That’s what you get when you pin everything on one person.”

"I always feel that there is something in your words, Teacher Kalya." Lux couldn't help rolling her eyes after hearing this, "I have always been against personality worship."

"Well said, but this thing can't be avoided just by opposing the attitude." Kalya shrugged, "Alarm bells are ringing, alarm bells are ringing!"

"The alarm bells in my office cannot be set off." Lux snorted, "New aristocracy, monopoly capitalism, Greater Demacianism, personality cultism, I have too many things to worry about..."

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight." Kalya happily sat in the chair and took out a list, "Look, these are the candidates for the Dragon Legion that I have drawn up - the conditions are clear The list already was pretty harsh, but the number of candidates still exceeded my expectations.”

"Ah? Are there so many candidates?" After taking the list and glancing at it briefly, Lux also showed an unexpected expression, "Talent of frost elemental magic, more than three years of experience in the air force, military rank of captain or above... hmm , isn’t this a bit too broad?”

"Actually, not at all." Kalya shook his head, "During the Northern Air Force, there were only five officers above the rank of captain in the entire Air Force system, excluding Ino. After the establishment of New Demacia, the Air Force was the only one There is no military branch to expand its establishment, so there are only eight people now."

"But there were seven people on the list you gave me."

"There's no way, they're all brothers from the same school, and they learned from Ino all the way. There's really no difference." Karya shrugged, showing a helpless look, "This can be regarded as a problem of systematic education, talent If there are too many, if you want to be selective in certain aspects, things will always become troublesome.”

Lux raised her head and narrowed her eyes at Kalya - she always felt that her teacher had become more lively after returning from this trip to Shurima, and she always seized every opportunity. Make fun of yourself.

"So, which one is it?" Realizing this, Lux simply put down the list, "You must have done some research, right?"

"From my personal point of view, I do have recommended targets." Kalya nodded, "The first one is the former deputy captain of the First Flying Squadron."

"Why isn't he the captain of the 1st Flying Squadron... Oh, I remembered, Xisilia is not an Archon."

"And her relationship with her dragon bird is surprisingly good." Kalya added, "If I hadn't heard that she was in love with a guy from the Forbidden Magic Stone project team, I might not have been able to help but feel some bad feelings. The association."

Lux was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the "bad association" that Karya mentioned might come from the elemental dragon that she had been in frequent contact with during this period, and finally couldn't help but rub her slightly bulging temples.

"Dear Teacher Kalya." She quickly signed a letter of appointment and smoothly left a line of words with obvious encouragement and expectations. Then she raised her head and looked at him with burning eyes. Called Kalya, "I think there seems to be something wrong with your state."

"Really?" Kalya tried to play dumb, "Maybe you are too gloomy?"

"Yes, and it's obvious." Lux's eyes narrowed, and she even looked at Karya carefully through her elemental vision without concealing it. "What are you hiding... Or maybe I have a little free time today." Time, do you want you to tell me about this trip to Shurima?"

"It's lackluster." Kalya sighed, "I sent that unfortunate Renekton back, walked around New Shurima City twice, and then went to the jungle of Ixtal, where the elemental giant in my memory These are the places that dragons like more."

"No, you must be hiding something again." Lux shook her head stubbornly, "There is nothing wrong with my mood anymore, Teacher Kalya, now we don't need to use jokes to ease the situation."

"Ha, little Lux doesn't need old Kalja to amuse her anymore." Kalja put on a very senile look, "Sure enough, am I completely out of date?"

At this moment, Lux couldn't help but clenched her fists.

"Okay, no more joking." Kalya waved his hand and finally said seriously, "Actually, this is mainly because the power of the devil used recently is a little too much, and I have to balance myself."

"Self... balance?" Lux obviously didn't quite understand what Kalya meant, "Did the power of the devil put any serious burden on you?"

"It's a burden, but not serious." Karya sat back on the chair again, "You know, if you want to isolate dreams, you need to use the power of nightmares."

Lux nodded.

"To mobilize the power of nightmares, you must experience those nightmares." Kalya said lightly, "Although to me, many people's nightmares are just mediocre... But to be honest, even if you just watched a bad one, Story, I would feel bad in a short period of time, and experiencing these nightmares also made me feel a little bad."

"So you're pursuing happiness?"

"I thought about introducing the pleasure demon before to achieve a balance." The first half of Kalya's words made Lux almost couldn't help but widen his eyes, but then he spread his hands helplessly, "But said To be honest, that demon is a bit too strong, and he has unbridled joy and happiness..."

Kalya did not continue speaking, but Lacus could keenly feel the lingering fear in her words.

It seems that what Kalya said is not false, he is very bad at dealing with the pleasure demon.

Well, maybe it’s because Teacher Kalya is a fun-loving person at heart?

"You are thinking of some rude things again." Kalya frowned, "Fun and happiness are different. The most important thing about fun being fun is that it is harmless and has a bottom line. .”

"How did you guess what I was thinking?" Lux became more and more confused, "I shouldn't have shown anything, right?"

"This is also a side effect of using too much demonic power." Kalya sighed, "Some people may like this ability to sense emotions, but in my opinion, it is really a bit painful."

"So you're going to do your best to have fun now to counteract the pain the nightmare has caused you?" Lux concluded, "It's not going to be easy."

"Remove the extra description of 'trying your best', and my sense of humor doesn't need to struggle so much." Kalya shook his head, "If one day you find that I start telling bad jokes that are not funny, then you must remind me , I might not be able to bear it in that state."

"cold joke?"

"Don't be too nervous, it shouldn't be to that point." Kalya waved his hand, "Anyway, just get used to it. I may indeed become a fun person during this period..."

"I'm fine." Seeing the direct showdown between Kalya and herself, Lux wasn't too worried. "To be honest, the ones who are really worried are Ashe and the Avarosans."


"I've already guessed your first pleasure."


"The Frost Dragon and Ernuk, what an impressive combination."

"You said this...this is indeed part of my fun."


Due to demonic influence, a "reliable karya" may become a "fun-loving karya" for a short period of time.

For Lux, this was an innocuous question. What she didn't tell Kalya was that in her heart, Kalya had always been an unabashedly fun-loving person - this was perfectly reflected in his Concern about students’ black history.

Lux believes that a person who has lived for thousands of years but can clearly remember the most embarrassing moments of every student cannot not be a fun-loving person in nature.

It's just that everything he endured in the past made Kalya put away that side and always show the most reliable part.

But now, because of the devil, he had to face his own heart in order to better control the power of nightmares.

Therefore, the Karya who became a fun person will not be much different from the original Karya.

But unfortunately, Lux's idea was wrong from the beginning.

In other words, her understanding of "fun" is too superficial.

After freeing himself, Kalya quickly transformed into a "social crusher" by virtue of his ability to change his body shape and mask patterns at will. Many mages, the Northern Expeditionary Army and even the Avarosan people felt that Kalya had a great influence on his students. Heavy love.

That's right, in order to have fun, Kalya expanded the targets of digging up black history from students to almost everyone he came into contact with - although he controlled the bottom line of fun very well, he did not cause any real social death. event, but for the object being discovered, this attention is still a bit too heavy.

Due to Kalya's amazing observation skills and insight into human nature, he can often find the little embarrassments that the target least wants to be discovered with just some simple observations, questions and discussions.

Then he would quietly write it down and wait for the perfect moment to make it public.

Just like the commander-in-chief of the newly established Frost Dragon Legion, Mr. Buller.

Since Kalya was previously responsible for selecting commanders, he naturally understood the experiences of all the candidates and heard some stories about them from different perspectives.

These stories not only include resumes, but also include little-known and innocuous little stories.

And Kalja took advantage of this very well.

Therefore, the new commander, Mr. Buller, heard the following conversation at the dinner after the first internal meeting after the establishment of the Frost Dragon Legion.

"To be honest, I always feel that the name Frost Dragon Legion is a bit wrong."

"Ah? Why do you say that?"

"Others are flying squadrons and Dragon Bird Knights, but we are the Dragon Legion, as if the dragon is the protagonist."

"It's a bit frustrating, but isn't it true?"

"Even if it is, it shouldn't be so direct. Maybe we can apply to change the name, even if it's more neutral, or more in line with the crowd..."

"Frozen Dragon Knights? It sounds okay, but the abbreviation is a bit like [junk]."

"If that's the case, then you might be able to apply to change the name to 'Roar, Ronde of Ice and Snow, and bring the eternal Order of Condensation to all the old enemies of Demacia.' The abbreviated result should be [Invincible Master]."

The person who said this sentence deliberately used the tone of an aria, as if a middle-school boy was reciting his own innocent poem.

Although most people don't know the person who said this, everyone is a member of the Frost Dragon Legion. This abbreviation is interesting enough. As a result, jokes about "Invincible Master" became widespread, and many people I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Captain Buller smiled gregariously.

But no one realizes that behind Captain Buller's gregarious smile, there is endless embarrassment - because the abbreviation just mentioned is [Invincible Division], and its full name is "Roar, Rondo of Ice and Snow, for all Derma" "Old Enemy in West Asia Brings the Eternal Condensation Knights" is the name of the society that Buller tried to establish fifteen years ago when he was still a student.

Buller, who was still in the second grade of middle school at the time, just thought the name was cool and had a great abbreviation.

But after many years, after someone repeated the name word for word, he felt that his palms began to sweat, and his toes couldn't help but clenched the soles of his boots.

Damn it, why would anyone know this?

Such a long string, no matter how you look at it, it’s not a coincidence, right?

So, he subconsciously looked at the person who spoke - the person in charge of the docking work at the Dharma Regulator.

Buller carefully tried to see the other person's expression clearly, but he only saw a mask and a pair of undisguised eyes full of expectation.

The next moment, the brave and fearless Mr. Buller lowered his head, held the knife and fork tightly with his trembling hands, and used all his strength to cut the Erniuk steak on the plate.

In contrast, Kalya, who had just finished telling a joke, showed a satisfied and comfortable expression.

Ah, I feel comfortable.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Demons and Emotions:

Demons born from emotions have a very clear perception of emotions, and using demonic power will enhance this perception.

It was too difficult for Kalya to counteract the pain of experiencing nightmares with bottomless pleasure, so he chose to have fun through other people's embarrassment.

Well, Kalya likes how others are embarrassed but dare not show it. This is his biggest bad taste.

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