Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 781 【0769】 Confidence in Negotiation

Although Kalya is good at teaching, it is impossible for the great elementalists who have learned the original axioms since childhood to master the magic analysis ability. Even if they can really figure out the magic transmission properties of these gravels, they will not be able to understand the magic transmission properties of these gravels. There is still no resistance to the magical sandstorm.

Spells can still get out of control.

Therefore, after realizing the seriousness of the problem, Qiyana simply found another way and took a different approach.

Since changes in the environment caused the spell to go out of control, I might as well not use the spell at all!

Abandon the spell model and directly use the purest energy to impact!

How will you respond to this situation?

Seeing Qiyana's movements, Kalya's expression became quite subtle.

It's not that he didn't expect Qiyana to react like this, but because he was really used to the reactions of these "spell barbarians" and completely guessed Qiyana's response plan.

Sure enough, he still flew bricks vigorously.

That's right, changes in the environment have little impact on this pure elemental impact. Pure elemental impact is also very simple to control. It is almost impossible for Kalya to gain control of the elemental impact.

But compared to the spell model, elemental impact can only be regarded as the "most primitive" magic.

Why do you need a model to cast a spell?

It's not that you have nothing to do and make things difficult for yourself, but it's because of an exquisite spell model that can maximize the use of magic power.

If you directly engage in elemental impact, no matter how much magic power is poured into it, the final effect of the spell will be quite limited!

Just like Qiyana is like now, even if she is infused with amazing magic power, Kalya only needs to summon a yellow sand barrier to easily eliminate the impact.

Qiyana, who discovered this problem, shut up decisively and tried to get close to Kalya and start a close combat.

Because she discovered that fortunately she was still shouting for the other party to see Ixtal's amazing talent. Without using the original axiom, the power of the amazing talent was almost as powerful as a fart. It was almost as powerful as a fart. How embarrassing, how embarrassing.

At the same time, the other two great elementalists also chose the most direct magic attack, and tried to get close to Kalya at the same time, trying to launch a flanking attack on him. Although they would not admit it with their mouths, they knew in their hearts that the man in front of them was A guy who doesn't want to show his true face may have amazing magical attainments. If he starts a spell contest at this time, he may be humiliating himself.

In this case, it is better to simply close the distance and start a melee battle!

There is nothing wrong with their thinking.

Kalya's melee combat is indeed the weakest link - even though he can teach Lux Shurima swordsmanship, if it is really used, Kalya's swordsmanship can only be described as being in a hurry.

Therefore, if a pincer attack can really be formed, Kalya will definitely be in a hurry.

But the problem is, Kalya is not stupid, how could he be easily attacked?

Seeing Qiyana and the other two great elementalists approaching him, Kalya did not hesitate at all, directly opened a pair of sand wings and took off on the spot.

Qiyana and the other three were instantly dumbfounded.

What's going on?

This guy is so similar to Kalya that he even has to learn how to fly?

Facing Kalya, who had air superiority, the three great elements looked at each other. They were not without the means and abilities of long-range attacks, but the problem was that their long-range attack abilities relied heavily on spellcasting. In this bad environment, The only spells they can use normally are the most primitive magic shock and elemental shock. Slightly more complex magic will get out of control in the sandstorm...

In contrast, Kalya, who was flying in mid-air, was like a fish in water. Although he could not fly high due to the restricted space barrier; he also could not fly fast because he had to cover Kieran who was performing a spell-casting ceremony behind him. This level of flying is more than enough to deal with the great elementalists whose spellcasting abilities have been greatly weakened.

He can even maintain his instructive state, using words to guide them to "analyze the environment" and teach them to crack their own sandstorms.

It's a pity that the more he follows the temptation, the more ferocious the faces of Qiyana and the three of them become. They are all the great elementalists. Don't we all have no face and want you to teach and have fun here like Teacher Enlightenment?

Fortunately, they were not embarrassed for too long, and other major elements also rushed to the scene one after another.

And as the great elementalists all joined the battle, the pressure faced by Kalya finally increased - when the number of enemies is large enough, even the simplest elemental impact is still troublesome enough if it continues continuously. .

Now Kalya is no longer an ascended person. After throwing away the immortal curse, he is just a "more experienced transcendent". In theory, these great elementalists can even be said to be at the same level as him. .

If their magic theoretical basis hadn't been so bad, and the simple magic superconducting environment caused their spells to go out of control, I'm afraid Kalya would have needed to flee in panic now.

Even if they can't solve the problem of the magic superconducting environment now, Kalya consumes an astonishing amount of magic power in order to deal with their elemental impact and magic power impact.

Not an ascended person, Kalya’s magic power is not abundant either!

Fortunately, although the battle was becoming more and more expensive, Kiran was finally ready - just when these great elementalists began to study impact volleys, and it became more and more difficult for Kalya to deal with it, from the past and the future Kieran finally appeared on the battlefield.

The moment he caught sight of Kieran from the corner of his eye, Kalya finally let out a long breath.

Finally here.

"It seems that you are not very easy to talk to in different timelines." He fell next to Kieran and folded his wings. "It took so long to summon them."

"So, you had a good time?" A very young-looking Kieran smiled and patted Kalya on the shoulder, "Not bad, leave it to me next -"

"Don't waste time." Midway through his words, Kieran, who seemed to be the oldest, interrupted him, "We still have things to do."

The next moment, Kieran spread his fingers.

An invisible shock centered on his palm and spread towards the great elementalists who still didn't know what happened. Wherever the shock wave went, everything was stagnant, even the gravel suspended in mid-air. No exception.

"Cool!" Young Kieran couldn't help but applaud his future self, "This is great, my time stasis is used really well."

No one paid attention to him, and all the other Kiran turned around with Kalya, went straight to the nearby Legacy of Kalya, and began to charge Malphite II.

The young Kieran was left looking carefully at his "own" work.

After counting his breaths, when he looked up, he realized that he seemed to have slipped away again.

Then, just when he hurried to Kalya's side and planned to help activate Malphite, Kalya handed out ten golden flakes like gold coins.

"The golden wheel stone slice is used to connect to Malphite's network. Find a safe place to install it."

"No problem." Young Kieran looked quite energetic, "Leave it to me - what do you think about putting it on their backs?"

"Okay, it's easy to repair." Kalya nodded and got back to work again, "Don't touch their magic circuit."

"Okay!" Young Kieran nodded first, then as if he realized something, he turned to look at his future self, "Wait, is it convenient for maintenance?"

Behind the future Kieran, a large clock marking the time of countless planes was running dizzyingly.

"Is this where I got the inspiration?" Young Kieran shrugged, "I don't know what I will think in the future. Don't I have to maintain this thing by myself and carry it on my back?"


Although young Kieran was a bit ADHD-like and lively, the subsequent activation of Malphite went smoothly.

Kiran from other time streams provided magic power, and Kalya performed magic power stabilization. Nine more Malphites were activated, and then linked by the Golden Wheel Stone to form a complete Malphite network.

And with the initial construction of Malphite's network, these naive stone men... seem to be a little smarter?

But it is a pity that judging from Kalya's basic tests, even if the Malphites are smart, their level of intelligence is quite limited. Although they can make some basic reactions without the need for an external control system, they obviously do not. Galio's IQ.

The reason for this situation is most likely related to the isolated environment of the restricted area.

"Hmm, a good research topic."

After silently remembering this, Kalya finally nodded towards Kiran.

Kieran breathed a sigh of relief and ended the ritual and dismissed his time projections - to be honest, using this magic ritual was really stressful for him, not because the ritual was complicated or required a lot of magic power, but because he It’s not easy to face your past self.

As a slice of Kieran's past, the past Kieran was quite a middle-class guy. Kieran himself felt inexplicably ashamed every time he saw him.

Especially in front of Kalya, considering that Kalya had seen himself like this before, his level of shame would be doubled...

Too bad.

If it weren't for maintaining the balance of time, Kieran wouldn't want to summon his past projection even to death.

Now that the ten Malphite activations have been completed, he can finally send away his middle-aged self - everything that follows can be left to Kalya.

Waving his hand to release the time stasis cast by his future self, Kieran took out a cup of tea from nowhere, then leaned on the knee of No. 1 Malphite and began to wait for Kalya's performance.


Time stagnation not only affects the body, but also affects the mind.

From the perspective of these great elementalists, their feeling is that "a group of white-haired old and young men appeared one moment, and the next moment they disappeared, replaced by a group of naive-looking stone men."

So...did those people turn into these stone men?

Besides, the nasty sandstorm had stopped, and the bastard with Kalya's face was looking at them with a smile.

"Amazing scenery!"

Without any hesitation, Qiyana was the first to take action.

Unfortunately, when the impact of explosions rushed in front of Kalya, behind him, a huge stone man rushed over and resisted the impact.

The huge and heavy monolithic body allows Malphite No. 1 to easily absorb the power contained in the impact. Just by stamping its feet, it can conduct energy that cannot be directly absorbed to the earth.

Jingcai Juejing is a good spell.

But unfortunately, the energy is too raw and concentrated, which is exactly what Malphite is good at dealing with.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana couldn't help but frown.

"Okay, the test ends here." Before she could take action again, Kalya waved her hand, "Unless you want to detonate the self-destruction system in the restricted area and blow up the entire Ixoken into the sky, Otherwise, the battle session will end here.”

"Ixtar will not negotiate with thieves who broke into the restricted area and insulted the Prince Regent." Qiyana waved the axiom arc, "Counting the time, the second batch of great elementalists will arrive soon. At this time, we will capture you without mercy. It can save you some trouble."

"Your Excellency Qiyana really can't see the situation clearly." Seeing that the other party was still arrogant, Kalya couldn't help but shook his head slightly, "In other words, you haven't discovered the key to the problem. Do you have to let me transform?" Will Ixtar be willing to accept reality only after all the legacy of Kalya is completed?"


Transform the legacy of Kalya?

Kalya's words made Qiyana's expression a little stiff. She subconsciously looked at the big stone man who had just eaten her surprise, and suddenly found that the lines on its body were very familiar.

The more I look at it, the more it looks like it’s from the Legacy of Kalya.


Qiyana's first reaction was that this cunning bastard was playing tricks again.

Unfortunately, when Kalya waved Malphite No. 1 out of the way and asked her to take a look at the hernia left on the ground after Malphite was activated, she was finally completely confused.

The Legacy of really activated?

As the tenth princess of the royal family, Qiyana is very aware of the importance of Kalya's legacy to Ixtal.

These black stones produced by the Legacy of Kalya are the key to maintaining the entire elemental gradient enchantment of Ixtal. Without the black stones provided by the Legacy of Kalya, Ixtal will lose the elemental gradient enchantment!

And once the elemental gradient enchantment fails...

It was a small matter for Ixtar to be exposed to the world.

The most important thing is that by then, most of the original axioms mastered by the Ixtal people will become invalid, and many plants that are demanding on the environment will quickly wither!

In addition, without the elemental gradient enchantment, the elemental dragons lingering in Ixtar will also choose to migrate. Without dragon dung, other crops that are not very dependent on the elemental gradient enchantment will also see a significant reduction in production...

Looking at the smiling Kalya in front of her, Qiyana felt her brain buzzing.

After a while, she finally took a deep breath.

"So, this...this Mr. Kalya." She gritted her teeth and forced a smile, "What do you want to talk to Ixtal?"

Luck has improved today.

Apart from a stye on the upper eyelid of my left eye, which was a bit painful, there was nothing more unlucky, thank God.

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