Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 60 The Current Situation in Changling Village

Miao'er has grown up and has her own opinions, but she is right. Last time I saw that the daughter-in-law who sold pork was two blocks away from us. If I go to exchange grain for money next time, they will not be able to guarantee it. No idea came up.

Yin Bowu is also worried time and time again. In the end, their family is too weak, so it is said that people are soft-spoken. If you have a little power, you don't have to worry about being suspected of having too much food.

That's the reason, but our family can only be here now.

Wei Shi sighed, if it was in the Duke of Yin's mansion, Miao'er's problem would not be a problem at all, they could just find a reason to help consume it.

It would be great if the King Xuan could be innocent, but unfortunately the situation in the DPRK is too deep.

Yin Bowu still holds a grudge in his heart, not to mention that the family business for a hundred years was destroyed by his own hands. Now that the whole family is implicated, he is actually more eager to return to Beijing than anyone else.

Isn't it agreed before? Our family only has hope when we live, so where are we now?

It is impossible to return to Beijing, Wei Shi does not want his man to worry about these impossible things.

Yeah, in fact, I can have you by my side in this life, I have no regrets in my death.

Yin Bowu stretched out his hand and pulled up the bun for Mrs. Wei, with warmth in his eyes.

No matter how bad his fortune is, God treats him well.

During the breakfast, Yin Miao still revealed to the family that Xiao Xuan gave her some silver money. She did not tell the whole story, only that Xiao Xuan asked Yunjiang Yunhe to take some personal belongings and gave her 10 taels of silver. .

Twelve taels? That's a lot. Liu said.

I'll go in and talk to him again. Don't worry about family expenses. He just needs to feel at ease and recuperate.

Yin Bowu was still very touched after hearing it. Even if the former emperor was in a difficult situation, he was unwilling to sit back and enjoy his achievements. He admired his style.

Yeah, last time they gave us all the jade pendants that they carried with us. With our family's current conditions, those are enough for his expenses for several years.

Yin Zhenghong also said.

Grandfather, Daddy, I have already told him about this, but since he said that Miao'er would be more at ease with him, Miao'er had to keep it first, and we will go to the county to give him more food in the future. It'll be fine.

Yin Miao ate the thick rice porridge, but luckily she only said 10 taels of silver. Last night, apart from those jade wares, the gold and silver ingots were 20 taels respectively. Rural people probably would not be able to save so much money in their lifetime. .

By the way, I heard people say that all the beggars in this county have become gangs. If you see someone with food, they will go to beg in swarms. You should be careful when you go to the county to buy things tomorrow.

Yin Chengyun also heard from several villagers who often go to the county to sell mountain goods. The more ordinary people who seem to have no money or power, the easier it is to beg.

How can this be, isn't it no different from a robber?

Yin Bowen asked in surprise after hearing this.

Looking back, I went to Sister-in-law Ma and asked her to teach me how to make wotou. Our white-faced buns are too eye-catching to eat.

Wei Shi's words comforted Yin Miao, at least the family now know how to hide their clumsiness.

Lizheng in Changling Village has been very busy recently. In addition to building walls and giving the villagers some defensive skills, he has not forgotten the cassava fields that he specially asked everyone to cultivate before.

Seeing that summer is about to begin, the spring rain this month still hasn't come. Fortunately, Yin Miao said that cassava is drought-resistant, so the cassava in the field was not affected too much and grew well after transplanting.

Grandpa Lizheng can let the character mountain see if there is any new cassava.

Yin Miao suggested standing next to the cassava field.

In the past few days, everyone is afraid to go up the mountain, because they are afraid that the bandits are still hiding in the mountain.

Wei Lizheng said.

Only then did Yin Miao understand why she didn't see anyone on the mountain in the morning. It turned out to be this reason.

It's okay, my family and I have been there several times, and there will be no bandits.

Because all the bandits are dead, Yin Miao thought to herself.

That's it, I'll let a few more people go to see it later, but in this drought, there may be very few things on the mountain.

Wei Lizheng always had a bad premonition in his heart. The crops in the fields were not growing well, but the price of food had been rising. Maybe this year would not be a peaceful year.

Grandpa Lizheng, is the tax official coming soon?

Yin Miao asked, in Nanxiao country, although their family does not have to pay the grain tax, they still have to pay the household tax. The difference is that the officials who pay the grain tax come to collect it in person, while the household tax only needs to be collected and paid by Li Zheng. Just go out.

That's right, the rain doesn't fall on time, and the tax must be paid on time every year, but girl Yin, don't worry, your family belongs to the next household, probably 500 yuan is enough. What worries me the most is those who have People who cultivate the land.

Wei Lizheng has a sad face, and he has to pay at least 5 buckets of grain per mu of land, which is tantamount to making the village worse.

Yin Miao was a little fortunate that they didn't get the arable land, but still said, Thank you Wei Lizheng for telling me that when I go back, I will ask my parents to collect it and see if I can collect 500 wen.

If it was left in the past, it would be suspicious for them to hand over 500 essays, but now that Yin Bowen has just started the school, and the neighbors all know that Wei and Zhen have taken over the embroidery work, so they will not be able to collect 500 essays. what was said.

When she walked back along the road, she found that many villagers had started to borrow food from each other. If they could not pay the food, they could only pay the money, which was too difficult for a poor village.

Hey, God doesn't let people live.

It doesn't matter if the harvest is short in the past year to make up for the silver. This year, if the silver is made up according to the market price, who can afford it...

The family is starving to death, and they are still guarding the five buckets of food and dare not touch it. When they hand in the food, they don't know what to do!


Yin Miao could only sigh helplessly when she heard the complaints of the villagers. At most, there are more than 80 buckets of grain in her space, and if one household has five buckets of grain, it will not help several households. Besides, their family is notoriously poor, and there is absolutely no reason to help the villagers.

Sister Miao.

Yin He's voice came from behind.

You weren't at Su Langzhong, why did you come out earlier? Yin Miao asked suspiciously.

Sister Miao, Su Langzhong asked me to tell our family, be careful that the things in the house are stolen. A thief broke into his house last night, and all the herbs in the courtyard were stolen.

Yin He said.

Why do you steal herbs? Su Wanfeng was the only one in the village.

Maybe it's sold elsewhere. Now the price of herbs has also risen. Fortunately, Granny Hua hid all the food in the kitchen, and the door lock of Su Langzhong's kitchen was also broken.

Yin He was very shocked. He thought that everyone in the village respected and appreciated Su Wanfeng, because Su Wanfeng often prescribed prescriptions without receiving money before, but now such a person is repaid with resentment, and he has been depressed for a whole day. When Su Wanfeng saw that he was in a bad mood, he let him come back first.

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