As a child, he must have been frightened.

Shi Heng thought like this, so he comforted himself: The government has always punished the mountain bandits harshly, everyone, please rest assured, when we find out, we will go and take down the mountain bandits, so that they will no longer play a role in the tiger.

Luo Dazhi was so excited by Shi Heng's words, he immediately knelt down and couldn't help thanking him.

Seeing that the remaining officers and soldiers were about to take away the three comatose people on the ground, Zhen shi stood up tremblingly and pointed to the two horses not far away and said:

Sir, when the bandit came, he rode three horses, but one horse was frightened and ran away in the fight just now, and the remaining two were tied to the tree by us. Why don't we confiscate them.

When Shi Heng came, he didn't bring any extra horses. At this time, he happened to be worrying about how to bring back the three strong men. When he heard that the bandit had brought horses, he immediately asked people to lead the two horses not far away. come over.

The things of the mountain bandits are going to be confiscated. Thank you for keeping these two horses. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can go to the county government and find me Shi Chau.

Shi Heng felt that these good people were simply too simple and kind, and that he was able to catch the mountain bandits was one of his achievements, even if he promised them to a few people.

Zhen Shi nodded, if they could, they didn't want to go to him at all.

The three mountain bandits were tied and hung on their horses. Only then did Shi Heng notice that the faces of the three were beaten into pig heads, and the nail prints that scratched the skin looked extremely miserable.

My lord, I think the rest are women and children. Who beat up the three of them like this?

Saying goodbye to the villagers of Changling Village, one of Shi Heng's deputy asked curiously.

It seems that it is the result of the joint resistance of many people. Maybe these three people are too stupid to underestimate the enemy, so they ended up like this.

Shi Heng deduced that, after seeing the scene just now, only this inference is the most likely.

The deputy nodded, if the villagers showed weakness first and then fought back, it was indeed possible to subdue the three.

A storm passed, and Luo Dazhi remembered who saved their lives today.

Girl, you are so good at your skills, thanks to you today!

Luo Dazhi led Luo Xiaobao to Yin Miao. Every time he went to the county, Luo Xiaobao liked to follow him. He never thought that they would meet bandits today. Yin Miao kept it safe.

Thanks to Uncle Luo for reporting to the official. Yin Miao said.

The third wife quickly arranged her hair after the officers and soldiers left. Although their faces looked a little dirty, they were all smiling at the moment.

There is a place for people to rest on the way to the county, where we can rest for a while.

Although Luo Dazhi didn't know why the third wife was so happy, he still suggested it.

Okay, then I'll trouble the Luo brothers to lead the way. Wei Shi said after relocating Brother Han on the mule cart.

Of course they were happy, just before those officials came, Yin Miao collected three purses from the three, and each purse contained at least half a bag of broken silver and copper plates, among which the money from the bearded body. There was even a whole ingot of silver in the bag!

It was too late to count how much silver they had in total, but in any case, their family was one step closer to starving to death.

Yin Miao did not expect such an unexpected harvest, so that she was excited when the group arrived at the resting place on the outskirts of the county.

Miao'er, can those things be put away? I heard that there are many people in the county, so don't lose them.

Zhen Shi reminded in a low voice.

Don't worry, second aunt, it's guaranteed not to be lost.

Yin Miao smiled charmingly, but she put the purse into the space.

The resting place in the suburbs is in a thatched pavilion under the woods by the roadside, and there is a well next to it, where people can fetch water by themselves. Due to the delay on the road, the group did not dare to stay for too long, waiting for the third wife. After cleaning herself, she continued to walk towards the gate of the county town.

Unlike the secluded Changling Village, Changling County is quite lively, but most of the people are dressed in sackcloth and sackcloth, and the patches on their bodies are also slapped on, which is different from the liveliness in the capital.

Let's gather here in an hour and a half. I'll leave the mule cart here. If you come back first, wait here.

Luo Dazhi said to several people.

The security in the county is generally good, and since Wei and Zhen have been there once, they also know where the grain store is, so he is not worried.

There are Lauro brothers, we will be back in an hour and a half.

Zhen said.

One and a half hours was three hours, Yin Miao felt that they still had enough time, so the family did not act according to the plan.

They first went to the tailor shop with Mrs Wei and Zhen to hand in the needlework they had embroidered these days. The owner of the tailor shop squinted at the needlework they took out, and couldn't help but admire the two of them with admiration.

This kind of embroidery is rare. Are you two locals?

The owner of the tailor shop looked slightly younger than Yin Zhenghong. Originally, he had no hope for these two new faces, but the needlework they handed in surprised him.

To be honest, we came from the capital, but we should settle in Changling Village for a long time in the future. If the boss has any work, he can rest assured that he can do it to us.

Mrs Zhen replied, Mrs Wei kept nodding her head.

It just so happens that I have a few deals on hand, it depends on whether the two of you are willing to take it...

Yin Miao stood at the door and listened to the conversation between the tailor shop owner and Wei Shi, and did not go in to disturb too much.

Not far from the door, there was a craftsman who set up a stall selling hand-woven bamboo baskets. The bamboo baskets looked very sturdy. She immediately took Zhang to buy one.

Yin Miao was most interested in the privacy of this bamboo basket, which proved to be very useful.

After Wei and Zhen both received the work, the group went to buy oil lamps, salt, oil, and a few ordinary clothes of coarse cloth. These things were placed in bamboo baskets and could not be seen from the outside.

Wei Shi also wanted to buy some more beautiful clothes from the girl's family for her daughter, but Yin Miao refused.

Mother, wait a few days before buying it. Yin Miao said, she felt that she was not used to wearing those cumbersome long skirts. Although these coarse clothes were a bit stiffer, they were easy to move around.

Wei Shi had to sigh, and helplessly rubbed the top of Yin Miao's head.

Finally, he arrived at the shop that sold grain. There were all kinds of grain in the shop. Yin Miao found that there was no flour, but granular wheat.

The shopkeeper, how do you sell this rice? Mrs. Zhang asked, pointing to the most obvious large pot, and there was a big rice on the pot.

I don't know if you want to buy a bucket? Or a stone? The shopkeeper of the grain shop is only a weak age, wearing a gray-blue shirt, the whole person looks both quick and shrewd.

A fight? One stone?

Yin Miao tried to recall from her memory, but found that there was no such information in her original memory.

What if we want a stone? Mr. Zhang asked.

One stone of rice is 800 wen. The other party replied.

Isn't it 700 last time? Wei Shi frowned, she remembered that they came to this shop last time.

A few of you came here from the village, right? The price of food has risen recently, and our shop has the cheapest price. The man said with a smile.

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