Loyang Jin

Chapter 346 Reunion 1

Three months later.

A girl in light green palace clothes walked to the palace gate in a hurry and gave the palace guard a badge to leave the palace: "I am Ling Jingshu from the side of the empress Xianfei. I am leaving the palace today on the order of the empress." ”

The guard guarding the gate checked his waist badge and then opened the palace gate.

The heavy palace door slowly opened, and the dazzling sunlight shone on the girl's white and rosy cheeks. Her eyes were like stars, and her beauty was breathtaking. The guards guarding the door seemed to be looking intently, but in fact, the corner of their eyes fell on her.

Behind the girl, there were two palace maids in palace clothes. One of them was tall and plain-looking. The other one was fair and delicate, with a look of excitement on his face.

This group of people is none other than Ling Jingshu's master and servant.

"Miss, the carriage is waiting over there!" After staying in the palace for a whole year, Bai Yu finally got the chance to leave the palace. Bai Yu was so excited that he almost lost his voice: "Let's go there quickly! We need one or two more to go back to Ling Mansion." It’s time!”

Ling Jingshu looked calm and composed, but her steps quickened unconsciously.


She entered the palace in the first lunar month, and now it is the last day of the twelfth lunar month, which is indeed a whole year. She can finally leave the palace and return to Ling Mansion! It’s time to see relatives reunited after a long absence!

Thinking of Ling Xiao and Ling Jingyan, Ling Jingshu's steps became more and more brisk.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun looked at each other and smiled, then hurriedly followed.

These past few months have been the most comfortable and enjoyable period that Ling Jingshu has lived since entering the palace.

Needless to say, Concubine Wei Xian treated her well, and most of the other people in Lingbo Palace were also kind and friendly. She usually helps Concubine Wei Xian with palace affairs, and is also a very respectable female official in the palace. Even those concubines who had their eyes high above their heads were extremely polite when meeting her and rarely made things difficult for her.

The emperor has been recuperating in the Zichen Palace. She has never entered the Zichen Palace for several months, and has no chance to show her face in front of the emperor. This is a good thing for her.

The emperor's grandson was busy with political affairs. Although he entered the palace many times, he never came to Lingbo Hall. Intentionally or unintentionally, I avoided the opportunity to meet.

This also made Ling Jingshu secretly relieved.

King Yan still lives in Zichen Palace and takes care of the emperor every day. He also gained a good reputation of filial piety both inside and outside the court.

In the past, there were some gossips making fun of King Yan, but now they all turned into praises.

However, these have nothing to do with Ling Jingshu.

What she hated most was Empress Xu and Princess Changping. Now that both of them had received their due end, the resentment and resentment in her heart had also subsided. As for King Yan's ambition and the fight between him and the emperor's grandson, she couldn't get involved and didn't care.

Dealing with the Lu family is not something that happens overnight. She was in the palace and couldn't help herself, so her desire for revenge was suppressed in her heart.

Every few days, Wei Yan would come to Lingbo Hall to see Concubine Wei Xian under the pretext of diagnosing her Ping'an pulse. The two of them could only get together for about half an hour at a time, but it was enough to comfort a pair of lovers.

Concubine Wei Xian was the most considerate. Before Wei Yan or Ling Jingshu opened their mouths, she took the initiative to ask Ling Jingshu to leave the palace and return to Ling Mansion for a day. Due to the rules of the palace, you must return to the palace before the palace gate closes, and you are not allowed to spend the night outside the palace. Excluding the time spent traveling back and forth, it’s half a day.

On New Year's Eve, Ling Jingshu got up before dawn and left the palace early.

More than an hour later.

The carriage is almost at the gate of Ling Mansion.

Ling Jingshu was originally full of joy, but now she became a little worried and nervous. Subconsciously, he touched the hairpin on his head and asked Bai Yu softly: "Bai Yu, look at me. Is there anything wrong with me?"

This is probably the so-called timidity of being close to home.

Bai Yu looked at Ling Jingshu carefully and said with a smile: "Miss, don't be nervous. You look very good. There is nothing wrong with her."

The young lady has been living peacefully and comfortably these days, with a rosy complexion and a smile in her eyes, looking very good.

Ling Jingshu hummed, exhaled a long breath, and then calmed down.

The carriage stopped.

Qiaoyun went to knock on the door. The concierge opened the side door and was startled when he saw it was Qiaoyun. Looking back, a carriage with the palace logo suddenly came into view.

The porter looked happy, and without waiting for Qiaoyun to say anything, he raised his voice and said, "Miss Jingshu is back from the palace. Come on, hurry up and tell the master and his wife the good news."

Immediately, a young boy with nimble legs and feet responded and ran to report.

Ling Jingshu listened to the sounds outside the carriage, and her suppressed emotions became uncontrollably excited.

She's really back!

"Bai Yu, get off the carriage with me." Ling Jingshu's voice was trembling.

Bai Yu exclaimed, helped Ling Jingshu get out of the carriage, and walked to the door.

Soon, a young man ran over quickly, shouting "A Shu" as he ran.

When they arrived in front of them, before they had time to see each other's appearance clearly, they desperately pulled her into his arms. Choking with sobs, she said: "Ah Shu, you are finally back! Ah Shu..."

Ling Jingshu's eyes were hot and her voice was choked with sobs: "Axiao, it's me. I'm back to see you. Come on, let me see if you have grown taller after not seeing each other for so long."

As he said that, he stepped back slightly and looked at Ling Xiao carefully.

The two are twin siblings. They were about the same size and had similar looks.

After not seeing each other for a year, Ling Xiao has grown much taller, half a head taller than Ling Jingshu. The childishness on his face has also been wiped away, his face is handsome and his eyes are firm.

Ling Xiao has grown up!

In the year she left, he had grown into a teenager!

Ling Xiao was also looking at Ling Jingshu eagerly, and when he saw that her face was rosy, her complexion was extremely beautiful, and she was even better than before, he felt a little relieved.

It seems that Ah Shu did not suffer much in the palace.

"Ah Shu, Ah Shu!" Another familiar voice sounded. Before the voice could settle down, Ling Jingyan's face appeared in front of her with a face full of surprise.

"Cousin Yan!"

Seeing the familiar face, the suppressed excitement in Ling Jingshu's heart surged out. She held Ling Jingyan's hand with tears in her eyes: "I'm back. I'm back to see you."

Ling Jingyan cried and laughed excitedly: "You heartless person, you have been gone for a whole year. I don't think of any way to send some news back in the palace. We miss you and miss you every day, and we don't know how you lived in the palace." How about it. Now I finally know I’m back!”

While talking, Ling Ji and Jiang also came together.

Next came Uncle Ling and Mrs. Sun.

The strange thing is that Master Ling has disappeared.

Ling Jingshu had no time to ask about Fifth Master Ling, so she hurriedly stepped forward to meet everyone one by one.

Mrs. Sun wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, smiled and said, "It's rare for Ah Shu to come back, so don't stand at the door. Go in and talk quickly."

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