Loyang Jin

Chapter 289 Love 3

These words were indescribably pleasant to Princess Changping's ears.

Princess Changping's face flashed with a pleasant smile: "Do you really think so? Speaking of which, I am a few years older than him, and I have a consort. It is indeed unreasonable to fall in love with him anymore."

Look at what you said against your will.

If he really felt that it was unreasonable, he wouldn't make a fuss about making peace with Prince Consort Xu!

Ling Jingshu sneered in her heart, and the smile on her face became gentler: "How could your Highness think so? Your Highness has a beautiful face, noble status, and deserves the company of the most handsome and talented man in the world. Cousin from the Lu family must also be in love with Your Highness in his heart, but it's just in the way. I don’t dare to reveal my identity.”

Princess Changping felt extremely comfortable and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so good at talking. Every sentence you said touched my heart."

She is a majestic princess of the Zhou Dynasty! Her status is unparalleled, her appearance is beautiful and charming, and no man can escape her charm.

This Lu Hong has been avoiding her since he had a one-night stand with her years ago. It really annoyed her.

Of course, with her temperament, she will never give up easily if she likes a man, and will always find ways to make him surrender under her skirt.

At a moment's notice, Lu Hong's second uncle Lu Ping came over knowingly and agreed that Lu Hong would willingly come to the princess mansion to "accompany" her.

I don’t know what method Lu Ping used, but Lu Hong did come several times later.

Every time it was at night, I would come here in a hurry, and after a romantic night, I would leave in a hurry before dawn.

This kind of "infidelity" that cannot be seen in the light is particularly exciting and exciting. She also gradually realized that she had completely lost interest in those docile male favorites. All he could think about was to completely conquer Lu Hong's heart.

I just hate that this Lu Hong is so incomprehensible. I come reluctantly every time and never want to stay longer.

The more he behaves like this, the more she can't stop.

After living for twenty-one years, she suddenly found that she had met the man she truly loved. She was no longer satisfied with a casual marriage, she wanted to call him her consort and stay with him for the rest of her life.

Once this idea comes to mind, it is like a seed falling into the soil, quickly taking root and sprouting.

She had someone send a message to Lupin, giving some hints. Lu Ping was indeed very shrewd, and he immediately saw through her thoughts, and quickly had someone send a reply.

As long as she reconciles with Xu's consort and calls Lu Hong as their consort, the Lu family will definitely let Lu Hong marry her happily.

This reply also gave her confidence. As long as the Lu family has this thought, Lu Hong's little awkwardness is nothing. He was destined to be her consort!

Now that she had made up her mind, she began to think about how to reconcile with Xu Qian. Xu Qian's coward is nothing, and the Xu family doesn't dare to do anything. The most important thing is the mother's attitude. As long as the queen mother is willing to nod, the matter will be more than half settled.

She came full of confidence, but she didn't expect to be scolded and disgraced.

The queen mother pointed at her nose and cursed angrily: "Changping, just be the daughter-in-law of the Xu family. I am too lazy to care about how many male pets you want to raise. However, if you dare to think about divorce again, I will Break your legs!"

Thinking of this, the smile on Princess Changping's face suddenly disappeared. She couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said dejectedly: "The queen mother doesn't agree at all! Even if Ahong and I are in love, there is nothing we can do."

Love each other... These four words are really disgusting when applied to Princess Changping and Lu Hong.

Ling Jingshu suppressed the coldness in her heart and comforted her softly: "Your Highness, don't worry. The Queen is His Highness's mother. There is no mother in the world who doesn't love her daughter. The Queen has not turned around for a while. Wait. As time goes by, I will figure it out.”

Princess Changping was used to being arrogant and did not think it was shameful to divorce her husband and marry another. Ling Jingshu's words were in line with her thoughts, and she immediately felt like a confidant.

"You're right." Princess Changping's eyes regained her luster: "One day, Queen Mother will know that my decision is the right one."

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but feel her heart move when she thought of the poor consort Xu who fell from his horse and died in his previous life.

Did Consort Xu really die accidentally that year?

Or, while Princess Changping and Lu Hong were having an affair, they had murderous intentions towards the eyesore Prince Consort Xu?

If it had been used to add fuel to the flames, would this have happened earlier?

If Princess Changping really had murderous intentions towards Xu's consort, the Xu family would find out and cause a stir. Princess Changping's already poor reputation will become even more tarnished...

Even if it causes trouble for the Lu family and Queen Xu and her son, it is still good.

Ling Jingshu secretly made up her mind and said casually: "I heard that the Queen loves Consort Xu very much! Your Highness is determined to reconcile with Consort Xu. If the Queen refuses to agree, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Your Highness to get his wish."

Isn't it?

When Princess Changping thought of Prince Consort Xu, she felt suffocated and snorted heavily: "My mother is devoted to the Xu family, and she treats this nephew better than she treats me, my biological daughter."

Princess Changping keeps a male favorite openly, and Prince Consort Xu wears cuckolds one after another, which has long become a joke among everyone.

Queen Xu knew that her nephew had been wronged, so she had to treat her nephew better in terms of face.

Ling Jingshu said with a smile: "Your Highness said that, but I don't agree with it. The Queen is nice to Xu Consort on the surface, and it is for Your Highness's sake, so as to prevent the Xu family from being angry and spreading rumors. Without the support of the Queen, Your Highness would not be living like this now. Relaxed and at ease.”

This makes sense.

Princess Changping nodded.

After all, keeping a male favorite is not a glorious thing. If it wasn't for Empress Xu, how could the Xu family be willing to swallow such cowardice?

"Even if His Highness is impulsive and does something wrong, the Queen will not be really angry with His Highness." Ling Jingshu said with a smile, and every word was meaningful: "It is natural for a mother and daughter to have deep love. When it matters, How can a nephew be as important as a daughter?"

Princess Changping nodded again.

yes! Even if she did something wrong, the queen mother would be angry for a moment at most, and would never really fall out with her because of that wimp Xu Qian...


An idea suddenly passed through my mind!

Princess Changping didn't know what she thought of, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Ling Jingshu looked at Princess Changping's brilliant eyes and sneered quietly in her heart.

Princess Changping's mind was not right, and with a little push, she might have thought of a good way to "solve" this problem.

No matter what happens next, it is Princess Changping's own decision and has nothing to do with her.

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