Loyang Jin

Chapter 167 Countermeasures

"No matter how domineering King Yan is, he cannot forcefully marry the daughter of the Ling family."

Uncle Ling stroked his beard and a light flashed in his eyes: "The Empress has been busy choosing a concubine for King Yan recently. With the family background of our Ling family, the Empress will never consider letting Ah Shu be the main concubine. At least she will have to wait until Only after King Yan gets married will he agree to accept Ah Shu into the palace."

"After all, we still have enough time to plan and deal with this matter!"

As Uncle Ling spoke, he stood up and paced: "First of all, we must send the letter to Dingzhou as soon as possible. Mother is too old to travel around, so let the fifth brother come to the capital. With the fifth brother here, he can be fair and honorable. The earth has made a marriage arrangement for Ah Shu.”

"Then, secretly go to see His Highness Taisun. Reveal His Highness Prince Yan's interest in Ah Shu. As long as His Highness Taisun is interested in Ah Shu, he will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. As long as he is the first to make a decision with His Highness Taisun Regarding the marriage, no matter how domineering and arrogant King Yan is, there is nothing he can do about it."

At the end of the day, Uncle Ling was already very proud and confident.

Sun's tightly frowned brows relaxed, and she praised with a smile: "Master is wise! After I found out about this, I was in a panic for a long time. After hearing what Master said, I suddenly felt confident again."

Uncle Ling smiled proudly: "You are a housewife, and you can't help but panic when things happen. Okay, let's talk about the gossip later. I will go to the study now and write a letter to the fifth brother."

He said he was relaxed, but in fact, Uncle Ling was very anxious in his heart.

Mrs. Sun immediately said: "I will give you my ink brushing."

Uncle Ling and his wife, Sun and his wife, stayed up all night discussing countermeasures.

Ling Jingshu, who always remained calm in front of others, was actually full of worries.

After dinner, I gave Ah Xiao some medicine and put ointment on his eyes again. After finishing all this work, Ling Jingshu urged Ling Xiao to rest early.

"Ah Shu, what should I do if King Yan keeps pestering you?"

Ling Xiao was thinking about what happened during the day, and said with a worried look on his face: "This King Yan seems to be easy-going and approachable, but in fact he is very domineering. You can see it from the fact that he invited us to be guests of King Yan's Mansion today. If it hadn't been for the imperial doctor Wei, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape easily today if we're drunk."

Ah Xiao has really grown up!

He was not fooled by King Yan's appearance, and was keenly aware of King Yan's shrewdness.

Ling Jingshu didn't want Ling Xiao to worry about herself, so she deliberately responded lightly: "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Ling Xiao frowned: "Ah Shu, this is not a trivial matter. It concerns your reputation and your life. If King Yan takes advantage of his power and wants to marry you by force, all he needs is a decree from the Queen granting marriage. When the time comes, I can't escape even if I want to..."


In her previous life, Queen Xu issued a secret decree to kill her. With Queen Xu's love for King Yan, if King Yan insisted on marrying her, it would not be difficult to ask for a decree from the Phoenix.

The emperor's grandson is proud by nature and disdains forcing others to do things. King Yan is different...

"Axiao, I have thought of what you said." Ling Jingshu whispered: "Today I asked my cousin sister-in-law to tell my eldest aunt about King Yan, just because I was waiting for my eldest uncle and aunt to come up with countermeasures for me."

Uncle Ling was devoted to the East Palace and never wanted anything to do with the Ling family and King Yan. We will definitely try our best to resolve this matter.

Ling Xiao thought for a while and finally felt relieved: "I hope uncle can come up with a good idea."

After a pause, he sighed again: "In the end, it's me who got you into trouble. If you hadn't come to the capital with me, you wouldn't have encountered so much trouble."

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and said pointedly: "Maybe if I stay in Dingzhou, I will have more troubles."

Ling Xiao was stunned. Before he could think about the meaning of this sentence, Ling Jingshu stood up and said, "It's been a busy day today, so you should go to bed early! I'm also sleepy and tired, so I have to go back to the house to rest. "

There was a lot of weariness in his voice.

Ling Xiao was heartbroken and said hurriedly: "Go back and rest quickly. It's not too late to talk to you tomorrow if you have anything to say."

The weather was hot and dry, but after taking a shower, I finally felt a little cooler.

Ling Jingshu was used to going to bed early and getting up early on weekdays, but today she was lying in bed without feeling sleepy.

The events of the day flashed through my mind. The emperor's grandson's implicit confession, her tactful rejection, and her subsequent surrender. I wonder if the emperor's grandson is willing to accept it... King Yan's sudden appearance and strong invitation make his intentions clear. We must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible...

There is also Imperial Physician Wei.

The subtlety between the four eyes, the seeming protection...

She must be overthinking everything! Dr. Wei is not a womanizer. She suffers from a strange disease and has no plans to marry again in her life. The two of them should not have any interaction except for treating Ah Xiao.

Ling Jingshu stared at the tent ceiling silently, her heart rising and falling and unable to calm down for a long time.

Turning over, he pushed away the chaotic thoughts in his mind and forced himself to fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took before I fell asleep.

The next day, at dawn, a servant of the Ling Mansion hurried out of the side door.

This servant was ordered by Uncle Ling to deliver family letters to Dingzhou as soon as possible. Uncle Ling also specially ordered that the family letter must be handed over to Mrs. Ling in person, and that the letter must be brought back to the capital.

Mrs. Sun kept the matter of sending home letters back to Dingzhou secret for the time being and did not tell Ling Jingshu and her sister.

Just two days after the servant who delivered the letter left, Mrs. Sun received a letter from Dingzhou.

Sun was startled at first, but quickly reacted. It will take at least ten days for the latest letter from home to be sent to Dingzhou. This should be the reply to the last letter from home.

Mrs. Sun couldn't control her anxiety. Before Uncle Ling returned home, she opened the family letter and started reading it.

After a quick glance, Sun's face quietly darkened.

Mrs. Ling didn't say much in the letter, but only vaguely hinted that Ling Jingshu was suffering from a strange disease and could not get close to any man. Until the disease is cured, let’s put the marriage aside for the time being...

Mrs. Ling's reaction was quite expected by Mrs. Sun.

But now things have changed, and there is an incident involving King Yan. This trouble must be solved as soon as possible. I only hope that after receiving the latest letter from home, Mrs. Ling can figure this out and let Fifth Master Ling come to the capital as soon as possible...

"Mrs. Qizhen, Miss Jiu and Master Xiao are here to pay their respects."

The maid's report interrupted Sun's thoughts.

Sun quickly folded the letter and stuffed it into the envelope. In a hurry, she couldn't think of where to hide it, so she simply stood up, put the envelope on the chair, and sat on it.

As soon as we sat down, sister and brother Ling Jingshu arrived.

The two siblings paid their respects to Mrs. Sun as usual.

Ms. Sun sat on the chair without moving, but her smile was particularly cordial: "Why don't you two, sister and brother, get some sleep and come so early?"

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