Loyang Jin

Chapter 142: Reserved?

Wei Jieyu is a member of Queen Xu's faction, and Imperial Doctor Wei also belongs to the mother-son camp of Queen Xu.

King Yan did not continue to make things difficult. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, and gently changed the topic: "The Imperial Physician Wei has to return to the palace to resume his life, so I will not disturb you and take up your time."

Imperial Physician Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he bowed and left.

As soon as Imperial Physician Wei left, Ling Jingshu excused herself to the Emperor Taisun: "Your Highness, our sister and brother came to visit us today, and there was a lot of trouble. Now that A Xiao has finished the injection, it's time for us to return home."

The emperor's grandson was obviously not happy to see King Yan pestering him, so he simply nodded: "That's fine."


His Highness King Yan was not happy anymore.

He rushed to the Prince's Mansion, and before he could even say a few words to the beauty, Ling Jingshu was in such a hurry to leave. The emperor's grandson also looked like he was not happy to see him stay any longer, which really made him lose face:

"Ah Yao, this is your fault. We are guests, and it's almost noon. At this time, we should leave the Ling brothers and sisters to have lunch before leaving! Could it be that the great grandson is self-conscious about his identity and does not want to compromise on friendship? generation?"

...Speaking of all kinds of crooked theories, it is indeed the notoriously difficult King Yan.

The emperor's grandson glanced at King Yan and asked with a smile: "Then what should I do according to the wishes of the sixth uncle?"

King Yan waved his hand carelessly: "That's all! Today I will take charge of your duties on your behalf. Let Ling's family have lunch before leaving. The emperor's brother and his wife are very busy, so there is no need to disturb them with this little thing. Let's go. Let’s cook some delicious food in the kitchen and bring it to this courtyard. I have nothing to do, so I’ll just stay and have lunch together today.”

Emperor Taisun: "..."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

She wanted to take back her words.

The thickness of King Yan's skin is simply unfathomable and cannot be inferred using common sense.

What's even more disgusting is that King Yan is a generation older than the emperor's grandson, so he has the upper hand in everything he speaks. The Emperor Taisun's naturally cold and solemn face was of little use to His Highness, Prince Yan.

Ling Jingshu simply said nothing.

Since I couldn't refuse, what could I do if I just had lunch and left.

Since she wants revenge, Princess Changping and King Yan cannot avoid her. No matter how disgusted or resentful you feel in your heart, you have to endure it.

The emperor's grandson was not someone to be manipulated by others. He quickly reacted: "Men and women are not close to each other. Since the sixth uncle wants to stay for dinner, it is inconvenient for him to sit at the same table with the female members of the Ling family. I have nothing to do at noon. Just have a few drinks with Uncle Sixth Emperor."

Speaking of the last sentence, there was a hint of cold provocation.

No matter how shrewd and profound he is on weekdays, he is still a fifteen-year-old boy, and there are always times when his blood surges up and he acts impulsively.

King Yan's eyes flashed and he nodded, accepting the challenge.

At this moment, Ling Jingyan, who was waiting impatiently in the guest room, ran out: "A Shu, what are you waiting for? Why haven't you..."

The rest of the words were swallowed up in the shock of seeing King Yan.

Why is he here? !

Ling Jingyan's whole body was trembling slightly. She knew she should calm down and step forward to salute, but she couldn't control herself at all. A pair of bright eyes stared at King Yan dreamingly.

How can a girl's unforgettable love be broken by just saying so?

Even though she was as lively as usual these days, even though she never mentioned it, there was still the shadow of King Yan in her heart.

"Cousin Yan," Ling Jingshu saw that Ling Jingyan looked strange, and walked forward without thinking, and shook Ling Jingyan's hand vigorously: "His Royal Highness Taisun and His Highness Prince Yan were passing by here, so they stopped by to take a look. Why don't you salute quickly. "

Ling Jingyan's violently beating heart finally calmed down a little. She calmed down and stepped forward to salute: "Little girl Ling Jingyan, I have met His Highness King Yan and His Highness the Grand Sun."

King Yan glanced at the pretty Ling Jingyan casually, but still didn't have much impression of her, and said casually: "That's all, get down!"

Ling Jingyan stood up to thank her, but she didn't know what to feel in her heart.

King Yan's voice rang in his ears again: "Where is Mr. Ling? I will go and see him now."

Ling Jingyan was startled and looked at Ling Jingshu subconsciously.

Which song is King Yan singing? Why are you going to see Ling Xiao anyway?

Ling Jingshu had no time to explain, quickly adjusted her mood, and responded softly: "A Xiao is in the guest room. Please come with me, Your Highness."

Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingyan led the way, followed closely by King Yan and the Emperor's Grandson.

The emperor's grandson was restrained and self-possessed. His eyes glanced at Ling Jingshu's graceful back and quickly looked away.

King Yan had no intention of restraining himself, and stared at Ling Jingshu's figure with unscrupulous eyes. Admire her slender waist and the graceful way she walks. The more I watch it, the more I like it.

The emperor's grandson caught a glimpse of King Yan's actions from the corner of his eye. He couldn't help frowning and reminded in a low voice: "Uncle Sixth Emperor, there are differences between men and women, so you should be more reserved."

The intention is so obvious that even a blind person can see it.

Prince Yan was as tall as the grandson of the emperor, so he had no use for his squinting eyes, so he twitched the corners of his lips with a half-smile, and said leisurely: "My fair lady, a gentleman is so jealous. She is reserved all day long, and the girl in the picture is attracted by others. What if it’s taken away?”

Emperor Taisun: "..."

After Ling Xiao applied the acupuncture, his head still hurt and he was sitting down to rest. Mr. Jiang sat aside to accompany him.

Hearing the footsteps, Jiang raised his head reflexively.

Jiang was also surprised when she saw the two teenagers behind Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingyan. However, her response was much better than Ling Jingyan's. She calmed down almost immediately and stepped forward with a smile to greet him.

Ling Xiao was quite surprised when he heard King Yan's name.

This is the Prince's Mansion, why is King Yan here?

Moreover, they only had a one-time relationship with King Yan and were not familiar with him at all. King Yan came here specially to see him, right?

"Axiao," Ling Jingshu's familiar voice rang in her ears: "His Royal Highness, King Yan, heard that Dr. Wei was treating your eye disease, so he came here to visit you. Why don't you thank His Highness quickly?"

Did you really come to see him? !

Ling Xiao stood up in confusion, walked forward under the guidance of Ling Jingshu, and saluted King Yan: "Thank you, His Highness, King Yan for coming to visit."

"Why are you being so polite? Come on and avoid being polite."

King Yan was unexpectedly warm and took the initiative to help Ling Xiao, then he put his hand on Ling Xiao's shoulders and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he just received the injection, and his face looks quite pale. However, the medical skills of Imperial Physician Wei are... Excellent. If he says he can cure your eyes, he will."

Before Ling Xiao could react, he said enthusiastically: "If you are short of any rare medicinal materials, just tell me. There are plenty of medicinal materials in the palace. I will go to the palace to find them."

Ling Xiao: "..."

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