After the promotional video was played, there was no sound from both the audience present and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even Tang Ze asked if he was satisfied, but not many people responded.

The projection that fully shows the high-tech, and the promotional video that shows the high-tech, is simply a perfect match.

Especially the ripples driven by the ball of light when speaking, people can see it in a trance, as if they have crossed it.

Even Luo Wendong, who was standing in the control room, looked at the incomparably real ball of light, and had a momentary doubt.

"Is this really the promo we made?"

Flat and three-dimensional are simply two styles, and Tang Ze is also bold, they have not yet decided on a follow-up publicity plan, he actually released the promotional video like this.

The audience was stunned for only a few seconds, and soon came to their senses and shouted loudly.

"Not satisfied!!"

"Not satisfied, it turned out to be a new game out, bad review !!"

"Ahhhh, the promotional video is out, will there be fewer game releases? Get out of the game! The

noise of the audience was overwhelming towards Tang Ze.

Who will be satisfied?

Who can be satisfied?

A promotional video that can arouse everyone's interest, TM is not out yet!

Do you want to choke them players?

PDD is holding the microphone at the moment, naturally he can't miss this opportunity and quickly asked.

"When is Double Star expected to come out?"

"Hmm..... Probably three months later. Tang

Ze's words made the voice of the audience on the field even more noisy, and even the live broadcast room showed an explosive trend.

"I depend, I'm going to wait three months to play this game? That is, after 90 days?

"The rope and sack in my hand are about to move, can I tie Tang Thief to the small black room to play games?"

"Aaaaah! You did it on purpose, after showing us the trailer, we were interested, but it was just three months..."

There was a wail in the live broadcast room.

PDD also couldn't help but complain.

"This can't work, it's so slow, you want to, we players don't want to!"


The players on the podium also looked at him and said in unison.



The audience in the audience was blessed at this moment, shouting in unison, and the effect even shook the roof above the venue.

In the face of the complaints of so many audiences, the staff present couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, although it was not them who were urged to change, but they always wanted to touch their gradually chilling heads.

Tang Ze is thinking on his face, and he can calmly sell in front of countless audiences, which makes people hate their teeth.

Just when the players on the field gradually became agitated, thinking about whether to tie people with sacks, he finally spoke.

"Since everyone wants our game to go live sooner, let's advance to a month later, and the game will go live."

"Please pay more attention to it at that time."

As soon as his words fell, there was a cheer in the venue.

Waiting a month is heaven compared to waiting three months!

Under the ups and downs of the mood, most of the audience couldn't help but cheer.

Only the colleagues around Tang Junyi silently complained.

"Isn't this a face-saving effect, first give an unacceptable condition, and then replace it with another expected condition, so that others can accept it."

"Gee, Tang Junyi, your nephew is really a little fox."

Hearing his colleague's words, Tang Junyi glanced over, but did not say anything, there was no expression on his face, only his right hand rubbed slightly.

The middle-aged man next to him glanced at his colleague unexpectedly, and his gaze seemed to say, 'He actually understands this'.

For the first time, he felt the urge to punch someone.

However, Luo Wendong in the background did not think so, thinking of the large size of the game, the many servers, maps, civilization configuration...

To finish it in a month, with their current manpower and workload, is outrageous!

Once again, his boss pushed his limits.

But now is not the time to make trouble, maybe Tang Ze has already made a decision.

He thought as he shouted into the walkie-talkie.

"Lighting, music preparation, host preparation, it's time to leave."

The backstage was busy, and the staff present did not stop and performed their duties.

Under the background music representing glory, Tang Ze and Miss Manners were the first to exit, and as soon as they entered the dark passage, they heard Luo Wendong's irritable voice in the intercom headset.

"Boss, didn't we say three months before? How come it's a month now? There's so much more to do....."

I'll fix it."

Tang Ze said it easily, after all, while he was thinking, the inorganic voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[Detected that the host has brought great mood swings to the player, and is now settled in advance.] The system settles from time to time.

【Current production point: 528390.】The

effect given by 100,000 people plus the audience in the live broadcast room is huge.

Why do you love to live, in addition to being happy yourself, not to make points?

The previous exchange of this 5D projection technology has made his production points about to bottom, and in the past few days, the competition has just been saved, and he has saved a wave of production points, which can naturally promise that the game will be made in advance.

While everyone had their own agendas, the game also came to an end.

Like entering the scene, there is a cutscene passage, but there is also a fast passage next to it that is convenient for those who do not want to feel the cutscene.

However, only those who were really in a hurry chose the fast track, and the rest walked through the passage that seemed to travel through time and space.

Feel in the game, walk through spring, summer, autumn and winter, walk through the wind and sunset, and finally say goodbye to your character.

Fan Xiaoguo stood at the door of the passage, looking at the doctor who waved at her, obviously it was a scene she had seen before, but this time, she showed a sincere smile, waved at the doctor, and then opened the door and walked out without hesitation.

Maybe the game is fun and the characters in it are real, but this game also made her realize that outside of the game, it is also life.

The sea of people is vast, and what they want to cherish is not only the relationship with the account, but also the friendship behind the account and the family affection that supports her.

Walking out of the aisle and briefly agreeing with his teammates to say goodbye in the game, Fan Xiaoguo happily pounced on his parents.

"Go! Go home! "


The competition of "Age of Mountains and Seas" came to an end, but the turmoil about this game did not end.

Videos of various competitions began to circulate on the Internet, and from time to time they would rush to the popularity of video websites.

#原来电竞比赛是这样的, long insight #

#5D投影技术用于游戏比赛, is it overkill? #

#燃爆全场, click in to see the wonderful moments of the

game## "Double Star" promotional video exposed, interstellar games plus high-tech technology, perfect match#

One by one hot topics rushed straight to all topic areas, suppressed other games in the game area, and even had a tendency to expand outward.

At this point, many players have discovered this treasure.

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