After planting rice seedlings on the first day, He Yu saw that his classmates were depressed and lacked energy.

In order to encourage the students' ambition, they should not be afraid of difficulties and complete the planting tasks as soon as possible so that they can return to school.

He Yu suggested to Principal Gao:"I want to publish a newsletter in the name of the student union. I will be the editor-in-chief, edit, and typeset. I will remove a classmate to help with the printing. The director of political education, Mr. Zhang, will be responsible for reviewing it.

The monitors of each class will be responsible. Provide manuscripts and vigorously commend the good people and good deeds of each class.

One publication is published every day, called the"rush to plant and rush to plant news". The accountant of each production team provides the daily planting progress of each class in our school and creates a planting progress result. The table was published on the front page. What do you think?"

"Your suggestion is great. You are smart, capable and can use your brain. I strongly support it. Then you can move into the temporary office of the school department.

He Yu continued:"Thank you principal for the compliment. I just want to encourage the students to be more ambitious and strive for half a month's task, which can be completed in ten days."

Teacher Zhang and I convened a meeting with the monitors of each class to discussIn order to prepare this newsletter, you can also encourage all students to actively contribute and put their names when logging out.

At the end of planting, good manuscripts can be selected, certificates issued, and commendations given."

"good! That's it. I've decided to arrange for Teacher Zhang to cooperate with you. I hope you can develop your own characteristics and produce a decent express report."Principal Gao said happily

"Well, I will immediately call the monitors of each class to have a meeting to mobilize and make arrangements."

He Yu and Teacher Zhang immediately summoned the monitors of each class to the school's temporary office for a meeting. Everyone heard that in order to boost the ambitions of the students, commend good people and good deeds, they completed the planting tasks ahead of schedule and returned to school as soon as possible.

In order to run a newsletter in the name of the student union, everyone Expressed active support.

At the meeting, only Weihua remained silent, and He Yu did not want to think about him. Anyway, he had his own way to deal with him.

He Yu went deep into the fields, planting rice with his classmates while understanding their thoughts and various situations. and difficulties, so as to report to the school leaders.

He also directly interviewed good people and good deeds, and cooperated with each class in writing and submitting articles. After a day of hard work, he never expected that dozens of manuscripts were collected.

After his selection , revision, and review by Teacher Zhang. He mentioned the title of the journal in cursive script, carefully typeset it, and printed it overnight.

The first copy, 8k large, three sheets in total, six pages of the express, met with the students the next morning.

The subject matter is diverse and the content is extensive, including reports, prose, poetry, and allegro.

Everyone rushes to read it, especially the front page, the progress ranking list of per capita insertion area of ​​each class, which is the most attractive.

He Yu's class The progress ranked last.

Everyone felt strange and discussed enthusiastically:

‘Our class has always been among the best in agricultural support activities. This time, we ranked last in terms of placement progress, which completely ruined our class’s reputation.’

‘Not only did we lose the name of our class, but Teacher Wang’s face was also lost.’

‘We didn't know He Yu was going to do this, and he didn't tell us, otherwise we wouldn't be in the bottom of the list if we didn't interfere, play, or make trouble at the same time."


Wang Yanan was not interested in this newspaper at first. When he heard the classmates talking about him finding He Yu, he originally wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it, he couldn't do it. He suppressed his anger and asked He Yu:"How did you do it? Who made this progress?" Reported to you?"

"It was given to me by the accountant of the production team."He Yu couldn't bear to answer.

"Haven't you heard that the progress of each class should be ranked in the newspaper? Isn't this a surprise attack?"Wang Yanan asked

"I already explained it at each class monitor meeting, but Weihua didn't report it to you?"He Yu knew that Weihua was not interested in his arrangements.


When Wang Yanan heard what He Yu said, he originally wanted to blame Weihua severely.

But, how could you point at He Yu in front of him?

Instead, he asked He Yu:"You know this situation, why don't you want to do something to change it?"

"After I calculated the average planting area per person in each class, I saw that our class ranked last. I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat.

I originally wanted to do something, but Principal Gao took me over to take a look. I just can't start."

Originally, Principal Gao had not read the statistics, but only saw them after the newspaper was printed.

He Yu saw that his class ranked last in progress, and he began to feel ashamed. He was ashamed of this class. Face, and shame on himself.

But when I think about it, it must be Weihua who did not turn a deaf ear to what he arranged and explained at the squad leader meeting. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t change it, he will make a fool of himself for a while, and let the classmates and Wang Yanan blame him. , pursue him and see what his fate will be like!

It’s true:

The newspaper had good intentions, but Weihua ignored it.

The planting progress was delayed, making Yanan sad and angry.

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