Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 77 Ziqiao’s secret trick

Nan Feng looked at the confused Zi Qiao and felt secretly proud.

Nanfeng Little Classroom has started: How should we change a scumbag?

The simplest way is to make them evaporate, so that they change from solid to gaseous state.

The vast majority of scum are not worthy of being changed or saved. Please put aside the plot to help others, abandon the sunk costs, and respect the fate of scum.

But if you are really stuck in thinking like Nanfeng for various reasons and are willing to go to great lengths to change someone, then don't try to persuade him unless he really accepts other people's opinions with an open mind.

Remember, don't try to convince him.

In this modern information society, no matter whether you are a good person or a bad person, as long as you are an adult, you have your own complete set of behavioral logic and three views.

This set of behavioral logic and three views may not be mature or correct, but since it can be implemented by a person, it means that it has been deeply ingrained in that person.

If you forcefully use your own reasoning to convince him, he will only drag you into an endless debate. By then, even if you have the skills, you will not be able to use them.

People just want to use their own set of fallacies to argue with you. Even if you know that what he said is wrong, you can still press your head and force him to agree that what you said is right?

And even if you try your best to win the debate, it won't be of much use. Even if he admits that what you said is right, so what?

The farthest distance in this world is the distance between knowing and doing.

We all know from childhood that we should study hard, not be addicted to games, exercise, go to bed early and get up early, and don’t fall in love early when we are studying...

Teachers and parents have read these great principles countless times since they were young. How many people can do them?

There are even many children who have developed a rebellious mentality because of these nagging truths. In the end, they know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the tiger mountains.

The truth is of course correct, but pure truth cannot change even a child, let alone an adult.

So, never try to convince a person to change him.

Nanfeng has done quite well in this regard.

If he had followed Zi Qiao and started arguing with Zi Qiao on topics such as "Is there true love in this world? Is true love hard to find?", even if he could win the argument, Zi Qiao should still pick up girls and break up.

As Nanfeng said just now, Zi Qiao's ex-girlfriends taught Zi Qiao step by step what love is, but they couldn't make him turn back.

Why does Nanfeng think that he can make Ziqiao cry bitterly and vow to change his ways and be a new person by relying on some so-called principles?

The author of "Pujie" doesn't write novels like this.

Nan Feng himself has been deeply changed. He knows very well that no one person in this world can change another person.

Every person who needs to change is like a crooked tree. He must first cut off the crooked branches and then slowly straighten the tree so that the tree can be straight and straight.

Change is inherently painful, and it is precisely because of pain that people force themselves to change.

Only by using painful lessons from reality to attack Ziqiao's long-established fallacies, making him regret, and making him begin to doubt his deeply believed three views, then the biological instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages will naturally guide him to another path. Walk the road.

This is the critical moment when outsiders like them really play a role, that is, to guide him onto the right path to prevent him from wandering around on other paths.

Yifei, Meijia, and the four major sects taught Zi Qiao extremely painful lessons in these two short days, and made an indelible contribution to destroying Zi Qiao's three views.

As for guidance, Nanfeng can only worry more about it.

Nanfeng thought as he picked up the lemonade and drank it.


Nanfeng spurted out a mouthful of water.

Damn, I was so proud just now that I didn’t notice clearly and got Cheng Ziqiao’s lemon ginger soup.

"How's it going? Have you figured it out?" Nanfeng saw that the heat was almost done and was about to light some Joe.

Zi Qiao shook his head helplessly: "I haven't figured out many things yet, except for one thing.

"I seem to like this place a little bit."

Nan Feng teased: "You just like it a little bit?"

Zi Qiao waved his hand feebly: "Okay, okay, I like this place very much."

Although the people in the love apartment all have various problems and shortcomings, Yifei is violent, Nanfeng is petty, Guangu is a stubborn donkey, Xiaoxian is narcissistic and bitchy, and curry sauce is often used when he wakes up at night. All the food in the refrigerator has been eaten...

But what kind of person is he, Lu Ziqiao? Lu Bu is among men, and Red Rabbit is among horses. A hero among heroes, Lu Bu among Lu Bu.

Of course I can tolerate the flaws of these all kinds of people and condescend to be friends with them.

Who told me, Lu Ziqiao, to be kind-hearted?

[Okay, okay, now that you’ve spoken your mind, there’s no need to lie to yourself. 】

[Although the people in the love apartment have all kinds of problems and shortcomings, apart from home, this is the first time there is such a place where I feel that I am needed...]

【Being loved. 】

Ziqiao had never understood why Meijia was so determined to take root in the love apartment. It wasn't until he lowered his head that he realized that he was deeply rooted in this soil called friendship.

A bird without legs may still be able to spread its wings and fly, but a rooted tree can hardly leave the soil that nourishes itself.

"Then have you thought about how to face everyone after you recover?" Nanfeng asked.

"I didn't think about it, how about..." Zi Qiao rolled his eyes, wanting to repeat his old trick.

"You can't pretend to be sick all your life." Nanfeng directly rejected Zi Qiao's idea.

"Then what can I do."

Zi Qiao was leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed and scratching his head. Apart from picking up girls and lying to others, he could think of eight ways to solve the problem from five angles in three seconds.

But when he encounters a difficult problem that he is not good at, Zi Qiao's usual method is either to shirk responsibility and fish in troubled waters, or to use the thirty-six strategies to take advantage of the situation.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As long as I run fast enough, worries and sorrows cannot catch up with me.

However, in this situation, he had no choice but to shirk responsibility. It was a ploy to leave, but he didn't want to leave.

Could it be...

Is this really the only last resort?

What he did to the bottom of the box was truly shocking, and his last resort made us cry ghosts and gods! ! !

However, although this strategy has immediate results, it has endless consequences and must not be used lightly until a life or death situation arises.

Unexpectedly, I, Mr. Lu, would end up at this critical moment of life and death.

Zi Qiao's eyes were firm, and his face showed a fearless expression as if he were bravely dying.

He stood up and uttered two words firmly under Nanfeng's surprised gaze.


[Yes, this is the ultimate trick among the thirty-six tactics. It is the last trick that must not be used easily until the moment of life or death. 】

【Acknowledge the thief as your father! 】

Nanfeng thought that he had a clear mind, and there was nothing he dared not think about.

But Zi Qiao's operation of standing up and calling his adoptive father still made him completely confused.

Even if Nanfeng imagined several possible reactions from Zi Qiao, none of them would involve him calling him daddy.




Ziqiao looked at Nanfeng with a sullen face and clasped his fists with his hands and said, "Bu has been living half his life, and he only regrets that he has never met his master. If he doesn't give up, Bu is willing to worship him as his adoptive father."

"I just ask my adoptive father to save me and show the child a clear path."

How could [recognizing thieves as fathers] be Zi Qiao's trick? Even if he was as sophisticated as Nan Feng, he knew that Zi Qiao was just a shameless fool, but in the end, he was still a little confused when he called him "adopted father".

What boy can refuse his good brother calling him "adopted father" one after another.

Doesn’t the seniority level go up now?

What a good brother, this is obviously my great eldest son.

Men's vanity was instantly lifted to the sky by Quiet Joe.

Of course, this is also because although Zi Qiao usually doesn't have much dignity, the word "adopted father" has never been heard from him.

Otherwise, this last resort must not be used easily until the moment of life and death.

Not to mention having multiple fathers for no reason, calling one adoptive father too many times will make the name "adopted father" worthless.

But we have reached a critical moment of life and death, so just call us foster father.

Anyway, I am Lu Bu.

Save it for a useful life and wait for the right time.

Let me get through this life-and-death situation, and I won't let you, a little boy from the south, be so proud!

Zi Qiao could only comfort himself in this way.

"It's actually not difficult to point out a clear path." Nanfeng said slowly, "It's just that my shoulders are a little sore."

"Father, your shoulders are sore. My son, please give me a massage." Zi Qiao rubbed Nan Feng's shoulders and legs very flatteringly, looking like a dog-legger.

"Okay, okay, just sit there."

Nanfeng was a thin-skinned person. Although he wanted to tease Qiao for a while, he didn't really intend to treat him as a big boy who would rub his shoulders and beat his legs.

"Of course there is a clear path."

Nan Feng met Zi Qiao's expectant eyes and said honestly: "As long as you find a place where everyone is here, toast everyone a glass of wine honestly, admit your mistake, and talk about your true thoughts during this period, This matter is over.”

Zi Qiao felt like he was struck by lightning: "Just, is it that simple? Just toast and apologize and that's it?"

"It's been almost two days since you were caught by Yifei the night before yesterday, and we haven't seen anyone apologize to us for such a simple matter." Nanfeng rolled his eyes.

Zi Qiao still couldn't believe it: "But I have brought so much trouble to everyone, and they can forgive me as long as I apologize?"

"if not?"

"What can an apology change? If you just apologize for doing something wrong, why do you need the police?"

Zi Qiao couldn't understand. The best result he expected in his mind was the level of difficulty of going up the mountain of swords and under the sea of ​​fire. In the end, Nanfeng told himself lightly, in fact, you just need to admit your mistake honestly?

Is this reasonable?

Nanfeng sat upright: "Ziqiao, listen to me.

“Many times, mistakes cannot be made up for with a simple apology, but all repairs start with an apology.

"You haven't even offered the most basic apology, so how can we expect you to do anything to make amends?"

"Yes, you have caused us a lot of trouble. When we are walking on the road, some good uncles and aunts may stop us and ask about you. There may be people from the four major sects monitoring us to find out your movements.

"But these little troubles won't chill us. What really chills us is that you didn't say you were apologizing from the beginning to the end. You didn't even say a word to express it."

Nanfeng's voice had a unique charm. It seemed that these words were not coming from his mouth, but a wisp of breeze whispering softly into Ziqiao's ears, hitting Ziqiao's ears word by word. Heart.

The emotion of regret grew in my heart again, but this time the emotion was stronger than before, like a landslide and a tsunami, like the earth and the sky falling apart.

The same words, using different voices, different tones, even small changes in speaking speed and the final sound of each word can produce completely different effects. This is what Nanfeng is best at.

This is the unique blessing of the south wind, and it is also the natural sound of the south wind.

"You haven't apologized for chatting up with Yu Mo because you have a girlfriend, and you haven't said sorry to Yifeimeijia. Teacher Zeng, Guan Gu, and Curry Sauce blocked it for you. Those ex-girlfriends didn't see you mention it last night. A word of thanks.

"We treat you as a patient and cannot bear to bother you with these things, but it does not mean that you can really feel at ease and pretend that nothing happened.

"And you think besides apologizing, you want money but you don't have money, you want sex and you're afraid of getting sick, what else can people do to you?

“You apologize first and express your attitude, and then everyone can express theirs.

"At times, you are scolded and you endure, and you are punished. How can we really make things difficult for you?"

Nan Feng hugged Zi Qiao gently, and his voice changed from the gentle breeze before to as quiet and gentle as flowing water.

"Besides, it's just a minor trouble. Except for Teacher Zeng who was almost ruined by you, nothing else is a big deal.

"Don't always remember the trouble you have caused everyone. You have helped everyone a lot in the past three months. You took the responsibility for Lisa's matter. You also reduced Curry's rent a lot, and you also Confiscated water and electricity.

"You have been helping Guan Gu promote his new comics, and you have also helped Yifei with his mediation work...

"Ziqiao, no matter whether it is good or bad, everyone sees what you do.

“Help each other and give each other trouble, that’s what friends are.

"This is the love apartment."

As Nan Feng finished what he was about to say, the only sounds left in the living room were the melodious melody of the record player and Zi Qiao's violent heartbeat.

"South Wind." Ziqiao's hoarse voice seemed to have something new growing in it.

"It's really that simple."

"It's really that simple. You can give it a try. After all, apologizing will not be worse than not apologizing."

Then Ziqiao's hoarse cry came from the whole place.

"Then my foster father is called me for nothing?"

"It's not for nothing. Didn't you receive a scolding from your father and feel your father's love again?"

The 4000-word chapter is here, thank you for your support.

Ziqiao's transformation cannot be accomplished overnight, so let him start with the simplest admission of his mistakes.

Pigeon took a nap and then secretly went to buy cakes.

thank you all again

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