Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 72 Dough Rolling Mobilization

Yifei was very angry, very angry.

A ball of anger burned in her heart, but she couldn't figure out why she was angry.

Was it because Zeng Xiaoxian mocked her dough-making skills, or was it because this bitch dared to use her hands after using the toilet to taint her unfinished delicacies, or maybe... Zeng Xiaoxian's too harsh laughter just now.

What's the matter? I'm young, beautiful, with a good figure, a well-off family, and a high degree of education.

The male teachers in school who want to chase me line up all the way from my office to the entrance of the university. Even if you, Zeng Xiaoxian, are blind and cannot appreciate my charm, you won't laugh so loudly.

Yifei was very angry, but she couldn't settle the score with Zeng Xiaoxian because of this matter.

There are many reasons to deal with someone, but you can't deal with a man just because he doesn't have a crush on you, right?

This is too cheap.

I was worried that I had no reason to deal with Zeng Xiaoxian, but he came to his door to beat me, so don't blame me for being harsh.

Just when Yifei wanted to settle old and new grudges with Zeng Xiaoxian, the door of 3601 opened.

It wasn't until everyone said a series of "Oh my God" that Hu Yifei realized how ambiguous her and Zeng Xiaoxian's current posture was.

"It's not what you think. Please listen to my explanation..." Yifei explained anxiously.

"No need to explain, a strong life does not need to be explained." Meijia held the lollipop in her mouth and handed it to Yifei with a knowing look.

No need to explain anything!

And Meijia, why are you so skilled at driving with your eyes!

"It's really not what you think, I'm just anxious..."

Yu Mo looked troubled: "Yifei, I know that many girls our age are anxious to get out of singles, but you can't force yourself on you, it's against the law."

Yu Mo didn't expect that Yifei, who always said that she was not in a hurry to fall in love, would be so horny.

We are still no longer good sisters. It’s okay to hide this kind of thing from others, but she actually hid it from me.


Yifei was both angry and funny: "Which of your eyes saw my overlord cocking his bow?"


Everyone watched Yifei pressing on Xiaoxian with their eyes open.

Moreover, Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian, who can force each other to recognize each other just by listening to their names?

If you didn't force him, could it be that he forced you?

Let’s not talk about whether Zeng Xiaoxian has the courage. Even if he has the courage, he doesn’t have the ability.

Not to mention that what they saw was Yifei on top of Xiaoxian with a sinister smile on her face. Even if everyone opened the door and saw Xiaoxian on top of Yifei with a lewd smile on her face, no one would have thought that it was Xiaoxian who was there. Force Yifei.

At most, I thought that the two of them might have some special hobbies.

"Sister, although you are twenty-six this year, there is no need to be so anxious." Zhan Bo hesitated, and finally decided to respect his sister's choice, "Forget it, Teacher Zeng, just be Teacher Zeng, you are happy That’s good.”

Zeng Xiao Xian:? ? ?

"Zhan Bo, what do you mean? Who are you looking down on? What does it mean that there is no need to be so anxious? What does it mean that Teacher Zeng is just Teacher Zeng?"

"Am I bad? Am I so unworthy of your sister?"

Hu Yi Fei:"……"

Very good, suddenly I feel there is no need to continue explaining.

Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to stand up and argue for his honor, but Yifei's feet firmly stepped on his wrists, making him unable to move.

Yifei stared at Zeng Xiaoxian in shame.

What you said is an unfortunate thing that only adds to the chaos!

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

At first, looking at this posture, I thought it was Yifei who forced Zeng Xiaoxian, but after listening to Xiaoxian's words, after a long time, it turned out that these two people are true love.

That's okay, young men and women are just having sex.

So everyone looked at each other, smiled, and closed the door politely.

The door was opened again the moment it was closed, and Zhan Bo rushed in. Looking at the man and woman who were not ready to separate, his heart was like a thousand horses galloping past.

This, this, this, in broad daylight, the universe is clear, how dignified is it!

What if someone sees this?

It is simply unsightly!

Zhanbo used the fastest speed in his life...

The curtains in the living room were closed.

This way I won't be afraid of being seen by outsiders, Zhan Bo thought.

Meijia and Curry Sauce also rushed in and pulled Zhanbo out, muttering comforting words such as: "It's going to rain, my sister wants to get married, just let her be."

The door of 3601 was closed again, leaving only Meijia's concern echoing throughout the living room.

"You guys keep going, keep's a bit cold tonight, and the sofa cover is a bit dirty. It's best to get something to cushion it and cover it."

Everything happened so fast. By the time Yifei and Xiaoxian reacted, they didn't know where they had gone.

"Zeng! Xiao! Xian!" Yifei was completely angry, "Look at the good things you've caused!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard this. How could he confuse right and wrong like this?

"It's none of my business. I'm the one lying down there. I was forced by you, okay?"

Hu Yifei was unreasonable: "If you hadn't provoked me first, would there have been so many things?"

"I never thought that you would be like taking gunpowder today. You'd be on fire at the drop of a hat."

The two of them were arguing among themselves, unaware that the words between them had become ambiguous due to the ambiguous scene just now.

There were whispers outside the door.

Hu Yifei hinted to Zeng Xiaoxian to shut up with her eyes, and she tiptoed to the door with a rolling pin in hand.

Yifei suddenly pulled the door open. Except for Nanfeng, who didn't need to eavesdrop at all, the other men and women who were sticking behind the door to eavesdrop instantly lost their balance and fell to the ground.

"Yifei, we, we just want to hear if there is anything else we can help you with."

Hu Yifei's eyes were gentle, and she said in an artificial tone that seemed to be boring to death: "It's just a good time that you haven't left, I really need you for something.

"Can you just sit on the sofa, don't say a word, and listen to my explanation honestly.

"May I?"

Looking at the rolling pin that had been broken into two parts in Yifei's hand, everyone was frightened, and each one answered faster than the other.


"In short, that's how it is. There's nothing messy like you think. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded: "I understand."

Ever since they saw the broken rolling pin, they decided that whatever Yifei said was right.

Nan Feng sat aside and smiled indifferently, but was glared at by Hu Yifei.

With Nanfeng's hearing, he could clearly hear everything, but he was holding back and making no sound.

This is a deliberate attempt to have fun with oneself.

"Okay, it's all your fault. If I hadn't explained to you for a long time, my noodles would have been rolled out long ago."

Yifei hurriedly ran back to the dining table to prepare to roll the dough, but she looked at her empty hands and didn't react for a moment: "Hey, where's my rolling pin?

"Where's my rolling pin?"

Everyone pointed to the body of the rolling pin that had been chopped in half on the ground.

"Damn, I was too excited just now and couldn't control my strength." Yifei cursed in a low voice, "What should I do if I don't have a rolling pin now?"

"I think the most important thing now is not whether there is a rolling pin or not." Guangu pushed up his glasses and raised a piece of noodles that was larger than Zeng Xiaoxian's index finger.

"Is this the dough you rolled out with a rolling pin?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"Don't you think it's a little thicker?"

"It's thick enough." Yifei said, "Don't Shaanxi also have trouser belt noodles? They are as wide as trouser belts. People in Shaanxi also eat well."

As a foodie, Curry Sauce couldn't bear to listen: "But the trouser belt noodles are only as wide as the trouser belt, and not as thick as the trouser belt.

"Sister Yifei, the trouser belt noodles won't get stuck in your throat when you eat them. The noodles you rolled out feel like they're filling your entire esophagus."

"I think it's okay." Yifei was still quibbling, "Although it's a little thick, it should still be swallowable given its diameter."

Zhan Bo looked at the things on the table that he didn't know whether to describe as noodles or dough, and felt a little trembling in his heart: "I'm just worried that I can't swallow this thing and not pull it out."

"If you can't pull it out, get some selu." Yifei looked at Zhanbo angrily.

Others said I would forget it, and you wouldn’t give your sister any face.

Meijia, who is experienced in cooking, reminded: “Yifei, the noodles will expand to some extent if they absorb water.

"When this bowl of noodles is cooked, I think it will be even bigger, and no one will be able to swallow it.

"Honestly, don't you... know how to roll dough?"

Yifei hesitated: "I don't have any. My cooking skills are very good. I'm just a little noodle maker..."

Her eyes started to wander and her hands and feet were unnatural. After a long time, she gave up on herself and nodded and admitted: "Okay, okay, I really don't know how to roll noodles, not to mention kneading, even kneading is something I only learned today.

"Although I have tried very hard to follow those tutorials, I still haven't learned how to roll the dough. Seeing that I was running out of time, I thought it would be okay to make the dough a little thicker.

"I admit, I am the cooking idiot you have always said. Now you are satisfied."

Everyone laughed.

"If you had said so earlier, you would have been so stubborn." Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

Meijia rolled up her sleeves and walked to the kitchen to wash her hands: "Isn't it just that you don't know how to roll noodles? Why are you condemning your cooking skills to death?

"Southerners eat very little noodles, and even fewer know how to roll their own noodles. What's so embarrassing about this."

Wan Yu agreed: "That's right, even a chef wouldn't dare to say that he can cook every cuisine and every dish. It doesn't matter if he can't roll noodles."

Meijia washed her hands and hugged Yifei gently: "Okay, it's okay if you don't know how to roll dough. You can learn from me. In reality, you can learn much faster with someone teaching you than watching videos online."

Sekiya took off his glasses: "It's time for everyone to see my amazing noodle-making skills, Sekiya."

Yifei lowered her head. She wanted to learn from it, but she had been too tough just for the sake of face. Now she was asked to learn from him, and she really couldn't lose face.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Hu Yifei who wanted to learn but was afraid of losing face and shook his head and chuckled. He also rolled up his sleeves and prepared to wash his hands: "Meijia, anyway, if you teach one, you are teaching, and if you teach two, you are teaching. Why don't you teach me too? I will definitely be better than This idiot Yifei learns quickly."

Zeng Xiaoxian's words perfectly stimulated Yifei's competitive spirit. She raised her head, her eyes filled with the fire of winning: "You want to compete with me?"

"Yes, don't you dare?"

"It's a competition, who is afraid of whom?" Yifei rolled up her sleeves again and prepared for a big fight, "Mika, you have to teach me well and don't be partial. This time I want to convince this bitch!"

She still didn't believe it. She had been following the video for a long time, could she still be no better than Zeng Xiaoxian?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Wan Yu raised her hand and asked to join the competition: "I have never tried rolling noodles before. I want to learn too."

Curry sauce is also ready to join in the fun: "I want to join in, and when I learn how to do it, I can roll out the noodles myself."

"Okay, today I, Hu Yifei, will prove my super talent in cooking, hahaha..." Unknowingly, Yifei's self-confidence returned.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Hu Yifei, who was raising his head and laughing wildly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Although the laughter is a bit breathtaking, but...

But this is Hu Yifei.

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