Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 69 Princess, please get in the car

Just when Zhan Bo wanted to continue explaining, Wan Yu ran over pushing a trolley.

"Zhanbo, can you help me find out which brand of pepper is better?

"Hey, Nan Feng, Yu Mo, are you guys coming to the supermarket too?"

Wanyu greeted warmly.

"Yes." Nanfeng looked at the various spices in the cart. He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at the moment, so he asked something that he would immediately regret.

"Have all the spices in 3601 been used up?"

"Yes, the remaining pepper, Sichuan pepper, pepper and other spices at home were all soaked in water and drank by Qiao. Sister Yifei asked us to go out and buy some more."

south wind:? ? ?

Yumo:? ? ?

Did you soak them all in water and drink them all?


What did Zi Qiao finish drinking? ! !

Who's finished the peppercorns? ! !

With Nanfeng's hearing, he even doubted whether he heard it wrong.

The best he could do if he got sick was to eat some instant noodles, fried chicken, and barbecue, and Yifei would have to talk about it for a long time.

It's good for Fruit-bearing Joe. Is he no longer satisfied with eating food and finally extending his claws to spices?

This is too outrageous.

Yu Mo was originally helping Zhan Bo choose an iron pot, but Wan Yu's words made her hand shake in shock. The already heavy iron pot fell directly from Yu Mo's hand and hit her toes heavily. .


Yu Mo screamed out in pain, her whole body went limp and she was about to fall to the side.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Nan Feng stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Yu Mo's slender waist.

There is no 360-degree rotation like in idol dramas, no affectionate gaze between a man and a woman, and it goes directly to the climax of the background music.

Nothing at all.

Because Yu Mo was standing on the left hand side of Nanfeng, Nanfeng could only subconsciously stretch out his left hand.

As a result, the inertia of Yumo's fall was too great, and Nanfeng's left hand was not strong enough.

She could only fall flat on her butt.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

Nanfeng quickly picked up Yu Mo with his right hand, held her shoulders and leaned her entire body towards him.

"it's okay no problem."

Yu Mo raised his right foot that was hit high. After calming down for a while, he tentatively touched the ground with the toes of his right foot.

"Hiss..." Yu Mo fell on Nan Feng.

This time Nan Feng finally hugged Yu Mo tightly to prevent her from falling again.

"It's okay, it's okay, just my toe was stubbed, it's nothing serious."

As he spoke, Yu Mo landed on the heel of his right foot and stood up unsteadily.

"Are you really okay?" Wan Yu was a little worried, "Will the bones be hurt by this blow?"

Yu Mo smiled and said: "It's just a big iron pot. It's not that exaggerated. At most, my toes will be swollen for a few days."

She called to Wanyu: "Stop talking about this now, hurry up and continue talking about nonsense. What happened again?"

Nanfeng said speechlessly: "You are in such a miserable state now, and you are still thinking about gossip?"


"What do you know? Gossip is a woman's nature!" Yu Mo glanced at Nanfeng and grinned at him like a young animal.

It's a pity that this cub is a panda cub. It looks fierce but not fierce, but a bit silly and cute.

Anyway, Nan Feng looked quite happy.

"Wanyu, please ignore him and speak quickly." Yu Mo continued to urge.

Although Wan Yu was worried about whether Yu Mo's toes would be broken because of her words, seeing that Yu Mo looked careless, she could only suppress her worries.

"It's a long story, and it starts with the four major factions besieging the love apartment...these four major factions."

Zhan Bo interrupted Wan Yu: "I have told Nanfeng and Sister Yumo about the four major factions' siege of the love apartment, and now I only have to say about Zi Qiao."

Wan Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, it is easy to explain.

"Didn't we all go to 3602 at that time? There were only two people left in 3601, Meijia and Ziqiao.

"Meijia saw that Zi Qiao's cough was really bad, so she planned to give Zi Qiao a large dose of Cold Cold Granule and squeeze it down, and then take him to the hospital for treatment after the four major sects stopped making noise.

"As a result, Meijia was in a hurry to go to the toilet, so she shouted to Zi Qiao, who was dazed and sick on the sofa, to drink the cold spirit that Meijia had put in the bowl.

"Then Zi Qiao got up in a daze and walked to the kitchen. He took the bowl of spices left after we applied the bacon and soaked it in water as a cold medicine."

Nan Feng was stunned for a long time, and then he remembered that the color of Ganmao Ling Granules was indeed similar to the color of pepper powder.

If a sick person is dizzy, he or she may see things wrongly.

"Wait a minute?" Yu Mo still didn't quite understand. "Those spices, peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns all smell so strong. How could Zi Qiao not smell anything after running the boiled water and drink it directly?"

Nan Feng sighed and rubbed his blocked nose.

He, who is also a patient, explained: “People with severe colds have a blocked nose and nothing tastes good in their mouths.

"For someone like Ziqiao, who didn't take any medicine or injections early in the morning, was chased around the apartment, was worried, and was sweating all over, his condition will probably get worse.

"I guess he was already confused at that time, let alone spices soaked in water. Even if I took out a glass of pure lemon juice from my refrigerator and handed it to him, he would drink it down in one gulp."

Yu Mo nodded: "So that's it."

Suddenly Yu Mo realized something: "Spicy and irritating things like spices should not be touched during a cold. He soaked them in water and filled a whole bowl. Isn't that right?"

Zhan Bo sighed: "Yes, by the time Meijia came out of the toilet, Zi Qiao was already coughing so hard that it felt like she was about to cough up her entire lungs.

"Meijia's tears fell like pearls one by one on the spot. She hugged Ziqiao and cried loudly, not caring about the pot for cooking noodles.

"So not only did we lose our spice, but we also lost our pot."

Nan Feng and Yu Mo looked at each other, and Yu Mo didn't know whether to be curious or sigh for a moment: "We are both sick, so why do we feel that the difficulty there is so much more difficult than ours."

Nan Feng disagreed: "I used to enjoy the blessings of being a scumbag, so don't blame me for being chased and killed now that I'm sick."

He sneered and sneered, but in the end he didn't say anything more serious.

If Nanfeng was asked to rank the wrong things he thought he had done in his life, then the incident of letting Zi Qiao pretend to be a priest when he was in a coma would definitely rank third.

The second most important thing is to become a sincere good friend with this rotten person.

"So how is Ziqiao doing now?" Nanfeng snorted coldly, and finally asked with concern.

"Guangu Curry has taken the two of them to the hospital in disguise. There should be no more problems." Zhan Bo replied.

When Nanfeng heard the word "should", he suddenly had a headache.

I really hope there won't be any more problems.

Yu Mo originally thought that he was quite unlucky today.

I was taking care of a patient, and someone sprayed water on his chest twice, making the whole set of clothes wet.

After listening to some gossip, my foot was hit by an iron pot and I also fell on my buttocks.

As a result, after learning what happened to others throughout the day, Yu Mo's heart instantly became balanced.

Sure enough, only comparison can make people feel happy.

After explaining what happened all day today, Zhan Bo said: "Nanfeng, Sister Yumo, you continue to have a good time in the supermarket.

"My sister is still waiting for the iron pot and seasonings. We have to take the first step after finishing the selection."

"Okay." Yu Mo pointed to the big pot that hurt him, "The pot has been selected for you. This is the pot. The material is good and the surface of the pot is very smooth. The small bottom of the pot spreads the fire quickly and there is still fuel.

"And I guarantee with my swollen and sore toes that the quality of this pot is absolutely fine."

That's true, I'm afraid even if Yu Mo's bones are broken, this pot may not be broken.

Zhan Bo picked up the big pot, led Wan Yu and waved goodbye to the two of them.

Seeing Zhan Bo and Wan Yu disappear around the corner, Yu Mo turned to ask Nanfeng: "Then we still have to go to the cooked food area to buy food?"

Nan Feng nodded: “Buy, not only do we have to buy, but we also want to buy more.

"Not only do I need to buy food for the afternoon, but I also need to buy food for tonight."

Yu Mo smiled: "It seems that you don't quite believe that Yifei can make the clear soup noodles you want to eat?"

Nanfeng explained: "Whether you believe it or not is another matter, but there are only two people in our apartment who can cook.

“One is currently developing clear soup noodles, but I don’t know if it will be successful.

“The other one is with Zi Qiao in the hospital now.

"Even if Yifei really makes that bowl of noodles, at this point, can she still make enough noodles for all of us?

"I can't eat noodles while all of you are hungry and order takeout, right?"

Yu Mo raised his head and looked at this person who seemed to have never known him before: "You are quite attentive. Why haven't you been so attentive before when you led me to fool around?"

"I have never tried the things I took you to do at that time. I couldn't be careful even if I wanted to."

Nanfeng looked at the woman swaying beside him, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should help her or not.

"Can you still leave in this situation?"

"It should be fine." Yu Mo tried to land on his heels. Except for his posture being a little inelegant and walking a little slowly, there was no problem.

"Of course, it would be better if someone would carry me or hold me."

Yu Mo's eyes were as charming as silk, and as a big sister, she began to tease her little brother inappropriately.

Nanfeng frowned, as if he was really thinking about the feasibility of these two actions.

"Let you think about it, do you really want it?

"Hug Hug back, thinking of good things."

Yu Mo chuckled and said: "This princess can walk and jump on her own, so there is no need to find a bodyguard to guard me. Besides, you are still sick... wait a minute, where are you going to take me!"

Nanfeng suddenly helped Yu Mo walk to the nearest wall to stand still. He simply said: "You just stand here and hold on to the wall. Stand firm and wait for me to come back."

As he said that, he ran further and further away under Yu Mo's surprised gaze.

"Asshole! You should have told me in advance what you were going to do. What do you mean by turning around and running away like this?"

Yu Mo stamped his foot angrily.

Well, that’s right, I stamped my right foot.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Yu Mo held the wall with one hand and covered his raised right leg with the other hand. The pain was so painful that he almost shed tears.

"Damn Nanfeng, stupid Nanfeng, you just left me for no reason, and you said you'd wait for you to come back,

"You tell me how long I have to wait.

"Do you want to wait another four hundred and seventy-five days?"

Yu Mo whispered, complained, cursed, and finally sighed helplessly.

She gritted her teeth and counted silently in her mind: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."


"Four hundred and seventy-one, four hundred and seventy-two, four hundred and seventy-three."

Yu Mo stood on tiptoes and looked around, trying to find that familiar figure.

"Four hundred and seventy-four...four hundred and seventy-four, you bastard!"

If her hand that was clinging to the wall had claws like Wolverine, it would probably have scratched a deep claw mark on the wall by now.

"Four hundred and seventy..."


In the noisy supermarket, a voice whispered softly in Yu Mo's ears like a breeze. She turned around suddenly, and Nanfeng appeared at the corner pushing an oversized trolley.

Four hundred and seventy...five.

Nanfeng, you bastard!

You really just came back with this number!

asshole! asshole!

Yu Mo cursed fiercely in his heart, wishing he could tear him alive.

Nanfeng trotted up to Yu Mo, pushing an oversized trolley that could only be used by supermarket staff when transporting goods.

He smiled and joked: "Why are you smiling so happily when you see me coming back?

"Look at you, you can't even smile from ear to ear."

"south wind."


"You bastard!"


Nanfeng couldn't understand why Yu Mo scolded him for no reason, and he couldn't even understand why someone scolded someone while laughing.

But that shouldn't matter.

He proudly showed off the extra large trolley he borrowed, and then made a gentleman's salute to Yu Mo.

"Princess, please get in the car."

Yu Mo laughed so hard that tears almost came out: "Which princess got on the trolley?"

Nanfeng smiled and said nothing, but stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

Yu Mo tightened the tail of her white skirt with both hands.

Nanfeng bent down, exerted force with his right hand, and used his left arm as a support, trying not to let the injured left hand and forearm exert force, and carried Yu Mo into the trolley with a princess hug.

It seems that even if my hand is injured, I can still hold it as a princess.

Nanfeng was a little proud, smiling like a proud cat.

But Yu Mo only felt that Nanfeng's hug was too strong.

It was because of such exertion that I even let myself sit in the trolley...

Still feeling dizzy.

"Hello, Miss Qin Yumo, driver Chu Nanfeng is happy to serve you. What is your destination?"

Nan Feng held the cart tightly and winked at Yu Mo.

At that moment, Yu Mo felt that the two of them had returned to those six novel and interesting nights.

At that time, I was waiting in the bar every day.

Waiting for this driver to lead you into a dark and bright future in the early morning night.

“Can I choose to walk around this supermarket three times before heading to the deli section of my destination?”

"Of course it's no problem to take a detour." Nan Feng raised the corner of his mouth.

"But you have to pay more."

Yu Mo snapped his fingers and pointed forward.

"Set off!"

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