Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 65 The stunningly handsome Zeng Xiaoxian

Compared to the tortured Guan Gu, Zeng Xiaoxian's mental state at this time was actually very good.

Long before the group of women started searching as if no one else was around, he was huddled in the corner of the living room with Curry Sauce, who was dizzy from being squeezed.

Of course, Zi Qiao's ex-girlfriends also saw the two of them, but at a glance where Zeng Xiaoxian and Curry Sauce were squatting, they knew that there could be no one else hiding. Zeng Xiaoxian's attitude was like you just leave us alone, so they naturally I chose to ignore this small corner.

After all, three idiots in this world who can believe in the existence of something like Ant-Man are already a lot.

The two of them were squatting like this, watching Zi Qiao's dozen or so ex-girlfriends making 3602 mad.

Zeng Xiaoxian admired this group of curvy and beautiful beauties, and touched his chin with a curious look on his face: "How do you think Zi Qiao managed to have so many ex-girlfriends, none of whom are ugly?"

"It's normal. If a scumbag doesn't care about your good looks, good figure, soft voice and soft body, he will be easily pushed over.

"Are you still trying to be smart, diligent, thrifty, and resourceful?"

Curry sauce reveals the essence of a scumbag in one sentence.

"That's right." Xiaoxian nodded, with a hint of jealousy in his tone: "This bastard Lu Ziqiao is a real fucking bastard!"

"I always feel like your tone is not criticizing his moral corruption, but complaining that he doesn't even teach his brothers how to do it even though he has such skills."

Curry Sauce muttered: "You must not imitate Brother Ziqiao, otherwise Sister Yifei will definitely beat you to death."

Zeng Xiaoxian spoke righteously: "That's nonsense, am I this kind of person?"

"...Besides, at my age, it's okay to learn some dating skills with girls. I won't change girlfriends faster than I change clothes like Zi Qiao." He muttered in a low voice.

He is still single at his age, and his parents are getting a lot of calls urging him to get married.

Curry Sauce looked down upon Zi Qiao's crooked ways: "Teacher Zeng, can't you have a down-to-earth discussion?"

"I think so too, who will talk to me?"

"Sister Yifei, aren't you two a perfect match?"

"...Curry, I want to fall in love, not seek death."

The two of them were chatting with each other, and a reckless beauty staggered and almost knocked over the big potted plant next to them.

Curry Sauce quickly stabilized the potted plant and glanced resentfully at the beautiful woman who walked away regardless.

"Why are these people like this?"

"Calm down."

Zeng Xiaoxian comforted him: "Think about it, if you had a boyfriend and ended up being trashed.

"Then one day you find his address on the Internet, and you also know that he is a real scumbag with at least one ex-girlfriend. What will you do?"

"Maybe... I'll pretend I'm blind and cry on my pillow all night."

Curry Sauce suddenly understood: "Teacher Zeng, I understand, you are trying to tell me to have empathy. They are already in such a miserable state, we need to be more understanding and considerate of them, right?"

"That's right!"

Zeng Xiaoxian continued to ask: "If the victim of the problem just now was Hu Yifei, what would she do?"

"That guy, Brother Qiao, is dead. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, Sister Fei will hunt him down."

"Now you understand." Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands, "If you think about it again, should your ex-girlfriend who comes to settle accounts with Zi Qiao have a personality more like you or like Hu Yifei?"

Now I completely understand curry sauce.

Zeng Xiaoxian earnestly educated Curry Sauce: "There are already a lot of miserable people in this world, just like we are forced to squat here and shiver, isn't it miserable?

"Why don't you see them being understanding and considerate of us, and returning to their places after searching for things?

"And no matter how miserable they are, this is not something they can just use to harm other unrelated people for a great and upright reason."

Zeng Xiaoxian became more and more excited as he talked: "If you are a scumbag, you can turn other people's public suites up and down like a royal guard. If you are a scumbag, can you search someone's apartment arbitrarily like a bandit?" A stranger's body?

“Just because they are victims, they can ignore the harm they cause to others?

"Is there still a king's law? Is there still a law?"

As Zeng Xiaoxian's tone became higher and higher, the entire 3602 fell into a dead silence. Only then did Xiaoxian notice that everyone in the suite had unknowingly focused their eyes on him because of his overly excited tone.

"Then... how about you just pretend that I didn't say anything?" Seeing Zi Qiao's ex-girlfriends staring at him eagerly, Xiao Xian was instantly frightened.

"No, since you are so good at speaking, then speak more." A girl who looked very arrogant and overbearing said arrogantly.

Zeng Xiaoxian said flatteringly: "Since you want me to say more, I will say it.

"Actually, I am the host of an emotional radio program "Your Moon My Heart".

“All beauties, it’s really not good to see you trapped in love.

"Would you like to try talking to me, a professional?"

The domineering girl sneered: "Haha, your moon, my heart, what rubbish radio program, I have never heard of it."

Zeng Xiaoxian was so angry that his teeth itched.

Another beauty who seemed to be difficult to get along with immediately said: "That's right, a rubbish host of a rubbish radio show that I have never heard of. Why should he accuse us?"

As soon as these two people started, the living room became noisy again.

"Yes, it's not like we broke in without a reason. We came here to teach that scumbag a lesson and to eliminate harm to women in the world."

"I've been looking for Lu Xiaobu for so long but I still can't find him. He must have been hidden somewhere by these people. He must be an accomplice of the scumbag. Before we even bothered him, he actually accused us. .”

"The scumbag's accomplice may also be a scumbag."

"Then if we teach him a lesson, does it count as eliminating harm for the people?"

"Teach him a lesson, and then force him to find out where Xiaobu is."

"Just teaching him a lesson is too easy for him. How can such a scumbag be a host and lead the audience to bad things? We must report him."

"Yes, if we report him, we have to make him publicly apologize to us on his crappy show."

Suddenly, the ex-girlfriends became excited and they all started to accuse Zeng Xiaoxian.

Teaching, questioning, reporting, forcing an apology, a set of process planning flows seamlessly.

Of course, not all ex-girlfriends are like this, but the number of girls with normal views is too small compared to the entire group of ex-girlfriends.

So their voices arguing for Zeng Xiaoxian and their advice not to get excited were lost in the passionate accusations of others.

Curry Sauce tugged at the corner of Zeng Xiaoxian's clothes and whispered, "Teacher Zeng, why don't you run away first."

Zeng Xiaoxian was so angry that he laughed instead.

run? Why should I run? What do I owe them? !

Besides, is running useful?

They all plan to go to the radio station to report me and ruin my job. If I run away, I will become their grandson!

Zeng Xiaoxian was so angry that his face turned red and his whole body trembled.

He originally wanted to wait until these ex-girlfriends had finished venting and then reason with them.

As a result, Xiaoxian himself understood a truth so deeply.

No matter what legitimate reasons or excuses are used for violence, violence is violence and there is no justice.

And if you don't choose to stop it at the first time, but instead act like yourself, waiting for them to vent their anger before speaking nicely.

Then you will find that violence will eventually become an unstoppable wave.

Zeng Xiaoxian was very angry, angry, and annoyed.

It’s not just that he was framed as a scumbag and his show was looked down upon.

What's even more outrageous is that they actually want to go to the radio station to report him and make him lose his job. They also want to apologize in public, completely confirming their reputation as a scumbag.

You need to know that you will have an audition tomorrow night. Once the audition is successful, you can become the TV host of your dreams.

Xiaoxian is just one step away from realizing the value and dream of his life, just this last day.

Even Zeng Xiaoxian was not sure whether this was his only chance in this life.

If you miss this opportunity, you may never be able to appear on camera again.

For the success of this final audition, both Xiaoxian himself and his friends have sacrificed a lot.

In order to prepare for this final audition, I had to read the script over and over again every morning when I came back from get off work early in the morning. I memorized the script, memorized the script, read the script, and strived to perfect every word, pronunciation, and speaking speed and rhythm.

Xiaoxian could hardly remember how many nights he had not had a good rest.

Nan Feng also worked hard for his own audition. He lent himself a professional camera, provided psychological counseling, and helped him read scripts. He used his extraordinary talent in voice to point out his shortcomings over and over again and pointed out his progress. direction.

A person with such a bad memory as Nanfeng could almost memorize his own script, not to mention that he still remembered his audition even when he was sick.

There are also curry sauce and Guangu.

It was obviously a good rest time on Saturday, but they worked hard without any reward. They accompanied themselves to find the feeling of the camera over and over again, encouraging themselves not to be nervous and relax.

Turns out you actually want it.

You actually want to destroy my job and career, and ruin my dreams and life!

Then don't blame me for fighting against you.

I even dare to criticize Hu Yifei, who are you guys?

"Shut up!"

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted, and he alone suppressed the noise in the living room.

Don't you just want me to say a little more? Then I will tell you more!

But since I am asked to speak, I can only have my voice in this place.

Because I, Zeng Xiaoxian, am the host.

I should be the only leader on this stage!

Zeng Xiaoxian slowly stood up, step by step from a half-crouched body to a head held high.

Under his fierce aura, even the most unreasonable person was frightened for a moment and did not dare to speak out.

He walked step by step to the center of the living room, looking down at Zi Qiao's ex-girlfriends who formed a half circle in front of him.

"Who taught you to be so unscrupulous in other people's homes, ignore the owner of the home, and rummage through the cabinets just to find someone who you can't be sure is here."

"Who taught you to be so lawless in other people's residences, ignore the owner of the residence, and search him up and down against his will?"

"Who told you to be so lawless in other people's homes, ignore the owners of the homes, talk nonsense, and make up nonsense, because your baseless guesses are going to ruin someone's life?"

"Look me straight in the eye and answer me!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes widened in anger, and the accumulated anger completely exploded.

"Why are you so mean? Do you know..." The coquettish and overbearing girl spoke out at the beginning.

However, Zeng Xiaoxian caught her movement with his peripheral vision, turned around and looked directly at her, interrupting her speech.

"Do you know that it is illegal to break into a house and steal property?"

What if there is zero chance of being able to respond to emergencies?

Then don't let emergencies happen.

Control everything at your own pace, or let the entire stage move at your own pace.

This is Zeng Xiaoxian's most lacking ability to control the field as a host, and Zeng Xiaoxian, who was in a desperate situation, finally figured it out.

I'm the host, so everything has to go at my own pace.

I am not engaging in a debate with you today, nor am I conducting an interview with you, nor am I here to interact with you.

I'm here to scold you today!

Then why should I let you speak? Why should I let you speak?

"When did we break into the house? When..." As soon as another beautiful woman who was difficult to get along with spoke up, Zeng Xiaoxian also turned around and looked directly at her, interrupting the topic abruptly.

“Just like you can accuse me of being a scumbag without evidence, I can also accuse you of breaking into people’s houses and robbing property without evidence.

"No, I have evidence."

Zeng Xiaoxian pointed at the messy 3602: "You messed up the entire suite. Your fingerprints and footprints are everywhere. The cameras in the elevator should have evidence that you were preparing to come to 3602 with bad intentions. These are all physical evidence.

“As for the witness, I have it too.

"Is it, Guangu, curry?"

Sekiya and Curry looked horrified that they had seen a ghost, but they still nodded in hindsight: "Yes."

"Did you see that? If you think witnesses are not enough, all the tenants on the entire floor can testify for me."

"You are making false accusations..." Another ex-girlfriend spoke up, but was interrupted by the same fierce eyes.

"I'm learning from you." Zeng Xiaoxian said softly: "If you think about it carefully, you should know whether the process you just discussed can destroy a person?

"Then why do you think that this ruined person can do nothing but be ruined by you? Can't he destroy your life by breaking the jar?"

"Don't believe him, there are many of us, and..."

"I know there are many of you, but what's the use of having many people?

"Do you want to beat me? I will stand here and beat you. After you beat me, I will call the police directly. I don't even need a witness to directly prove that you broke into a house.

"By the way, although I don't hit women, my girlfriend is a black belt in Taekwondo and is the best fighter in the world. If you really want to attack her, she will send you to the hospital one by one in self-defense."

Zeng Xiaoxian gradually began to realize another characteristic of the host, telling lies without blinking an eye.

This made Curry and Sekiya look at each other with admiration. How could a person evolve to such an extent in an instant?

"Are you comparing it to public opinion? I have a TV station behind me. Our TV station has wanted to praise me for a long time, but has never found the opportunity. Now is the time. Only when there is controversy can there be popularity, and only when there is popularity can there be fame.

"When the time comes, I will have an entire TV station behind me to fight a public opinion war with you, and everyone on the TV station will thank you. Just this topic will be enough to feed our TV station traffic for a whole year!"

Zeng Xiaoxian started to talk nonsense, and he finally saw that for the few people in front of him, if you are weak, they will be strong, and if you are strong, they will be weak.

As long as you pull the flag better than they do, they won't be able to do anything to you.

"By the way, you can't beat me even if I litigate honestly. My friend's godmother is one of the most famous lawyers in the entire Magic City. Even if she is not good at this type of litigation, she can still help us introduce one. Barristers.

"I really don't understand what era we are in now, why are you still acting like you are just being weak?"

Xiaoxian said and turned to a girl who was secretly planning to ring her cell phone: "What's wrong? Are you planning to record? You should have told me earlier. If you want evidence, I want it too. Otherwise, I won't even know who you are if I sue you."

"Guangu, go to the bedroom and get the camera. They will record and videotape us. We are not afraid of speaking with real swords and guns and presenting evidence!"

"Curry, go ask Yifei to come over. If we can't talk about who is right and who is wrong today, no one can leave!"

"No need, you made such a big noise, how could we not come over and take a look." Yifei, Zhanbo and Wanyu didn't know when they had arrived at the door of 3602.

"There are many people who bully those who are small, and they have all bullied us in the love apartment. Let's see who dares!" Yifei said, taking out a telescopic swing stick, and then broke the stick in front of the ex-girlfriends. In half.

The stick fell to the ground, making a crisp sound of iron material.

This makes some ex-girlfriends who have other thoughts completely lose their minds.

"Sister Yifei, when did you come?" Curry Sauce happily ran to Yifei for protection, and her originally humble attitude suddenly gained confidence.

Yifei touched Curry Sauce's head and glanced meaningfully at Zeng Xiaoxian: "It started when someone said that he has a black belt in Taekwondo and is a super invincible, cute and beautiful girlfriend who can defeat all the best in the world."

Zeng Xiaoxian was embarrassed and almost failed.

Also, this super invincible and cute beauty shouldn’t have said it herself, right?

You are adding drama to yourself.

As Guangu carried the video recorder and started filming, Zeng Xiaoxian continued: "The video recorder is here now. Don't worry, this instrument is very professional. It is so professional that the court can easily judge whether the video has been tampered with. This is fair and just enough." Already?

"So now, don't worry about frame-up, don't worry about slander. I'll ask the question I just asked again.

"Who taught you to be so unscrupulous in other people's residences, ignore the owner of the residence, and rummage through the cabinets just to find someone who you can't be sure is here."

"Who taught you to be so lawless in other people's residences, ignore the owner of the residence, and search him up and down against his will?"

"Who told you to be so lawless in other people's homes, ignore the owners of the homes, talk nonsense, and make up nonsense, because your baseless guesses are going to ruin someone's life?"

"Look directly at me, please answer me with your own conscience, answer me!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the silent crowd and chuckled: "I really don't know what happened between you and Lu Xiaobu, but every grievance has its own debtor. If Lu Xiaobu owes you, go to Lu Xiaobu."

"If he cheats money, you can sue him for cheating money. If he cheats on sex, you can sue him for fraud. Even if you abuse him and accuse him online, as long as it is a true thing he has done, it is the price he deserves.

"But you can't go around here with the excuse of teaching Lu Xiaobu a lesson, otherwise what's the difference between you and him?"

Bang bang bang, thunderous applause.

The first ones to applaud were the Qingliu people in the ex-girlfriend group. They had always been in denial when they discussed breaking down the door. Later, when they were searching, they just sat on the sofa and looked at other people. Even in the end, they had been protective. Xiaoxian's reputation.

Their voices were so small that they were lost in the angry crowd.

Their voices were loud because they could only hear their own voices from beginning to end and were not affected by others.

Those Qingliu kept apologizing to Xiaoxian and the others.

"That's very well said." They smiled and nodded, "Although we are looking for an answer from Xiao Bu, and we don't know how it ended up like this, we can accept this answer now.

"I'm very sorry to disturb your life, we will help tidy up this suite.

"Also, I hope you can help us tell Xiao Bu to get out of here.

"We let him go, and we hope that one day he can let himself go."

Guangu also bowed to them. When he was being groped up and down by those three idiots just now, these girls helped to save him.

Xiaoxian smiled at Qingliu girl, then turned to look at the remaining girls: "What about you?"

"Tell me, what do you want us to do?" The power of the group is unstoppable when it is strong, but when it is weak, it can collapse in an instant.

As those few Qingliu girls switched sides and fought back, this menacing group finally surrendered.

"Apologise to the three of us, clean up the house, and I don't want to see a report on me or I'll follow your face on camera to find you."


After sending away the last ex-girlfriend of Zi Qiao, I looked at 3602 who had regained her tidiness.

Zeng Xiaoxian let out a long breath and sat down on the ground.

"Huh, I'm scared to death...I'm exhausted."

Hu Yifei looked at Zeng Xiaoxian blankly, with rare appreciation in her eyes.

"I can't tell, Zeng Xiaoxian, you actually have such a manly side."

"That's right." Zeng Xiaoxian shook his hair triumphantly and adjusted his hairstyle.

"How's it going? Is Brother Xian handsome today?"

Everyone gave him a thumbs up in unison.

"It's so handsome!"

It’s a super big chapter with 6000 words. I originally wanted to stop where Zeng Xiaoxian yelled to shut up, but in this case I was afraid that people would send me razor blades.

Please rest assured that although the author sometimes likes to write a bit depressing, I am really not a sadist.

The pairing of Zi Qiao and Mei Jia is more of a headache. The main reason is that if you want to change Zi Qiao's personality, you have to take your time. I always firmly believe that changing a scumbag can't just use candy, but also a hatchet. Use hatchet and candy together. efficient.

The hatchet cuts hard, but feeding him sugar will make it sweeter.

Also, the first order was in the early 300s, and the average order was around 250.

Thank you everyone.

The author has no talent and can only try to repay everyone with more words and better quality.

Please give me a lot of support and feedback, so that I can suppress the author's literary youth, hahaha.

Thank you chapters will also be released irregularly next week.

It is unlikely that the author will write nearly 10,000 words on Saturday and Sunday like today, but don’t worry, let’s continue on Monday.

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