Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 60 Not as good as

Chapter 60 Not as good as...

Nan Feng covered his chest and couldn't stop coughing. He forced himself to take deep breaths for several minutes before he stopped coughing.

Fortunately, the water temperature of the water dispenser was less than 100 degrees, and Nanfeng didn't drink the water that Yu Mo handed him in front of him immediately, so he didn't have any major problems.

As for Yu Mo, before she had time to feel sad about the collapse of her fantasy for a few seconds, she was burned by the hot water sprayed by Nanfeng towards her chest.

Yu Mo just opened her collar to fan herself to dissipate the heat, and then Nanfeng's violent coughs made her throw away all the sad emotions that had not yet been brewed in her heart.

No matter how important the fantasy is, can it be more important than the living person in front of you?

"Maybe I'm not very good at using the water dispenser in your home. I'll go get you another drink."

While Nan Feng was still coughing, Yu Mo didn't care about his shirt which was already soaked by his spit. She quickly got up and ran towards the water fountain, and quickly poured Nanfeng a glass of water.

"Don't worry, I changed the faucet of the water dispenser, and the water will definitely not be boiling this time."

south wind:"……"

This time Nanfeng was wary. Now he didn't have the courage to hold the handle of the water glass again and pour water down his throat without even looking at it.

He touched the water in the water glass lightly with the pads of his fingers.

Good news, what Yu Mo poured was indeed not boiling water.

Bad news, this glass of water is terrifyingly icy.

He sighed.

Nanfeng felt that Yifei was overly worried about him.

His illness might not get worse in time because of eating junk food like instant noodles, fried chicken and barbecue, and he would have to be tortured to death by Yu Mo, who is careless and chaotic.

"I remember that there are markings above the three faucets of this water dispenser, which one is for heating, which one is for normal temperature, and which one is for cooling, right?"

Hearing this, Yu Mo also touched the water, and then realized that what he poured was ice water.

She immediately explained embarrassedly: "Actually, my myopia is a little bit deep, and I usually wear contact lenses. It's just that I didn't remember to wear them when I got up today.

"It's okay, I'll pour you another glass of room temperature."


Nanfeng first mixed part of the ice water into the hot water, and then put the remaining ice water in his mouth to reduce the temperature of his tongue that was burned by the hot water.

He held up the cup of warm water that was finally mixed, and spread his other hand helplessly towards Yu Mo, as if to say.

"Look, it's that simple."

Of course, Yu Mo, who was concerned but confused, was embarrassed and angry, but soon she discovered that there was something wrong with the way Nan Feng looked at her.

She followed her gaze and looked down, only to see a wet spot on her chest. The water stains soaked through the clothes, making the already light and breathable fabric fit her slim and broad-minded figure even more closely.

The most terrible thing was that the collars on both sides that he had torn apart earlier were hanging loosely near the shoulder bones, completely unable to block the line of sight as the collars were supposed to do.

And looking inside through the open collar, you can see the snow-white plump...

Nan Feng was staring at Yu Mo who was about to open his heart with a strange look on his face. He wanted to remind him, but he was speechless for a while with a large mouthful of ice water in his mouth to relieve pain.

Spit out the ice water, it's unsightly.

Just swallow the ice water, then he will probably cough again.

Wait until the ice water is lukewarm before swallowing it. If Nanfeng is good at art, he can draw a sketch of Yu Mo in his mind.

Forget it, don’t look at anything inappropriate, don’t look at anything inappropriate.

Just when he wanted to turn his head and pretend he didn't see anything, he saw Yu Mo quickly lowered his head for a glance, and then raised his head with a look of embarrassment.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Yu Mo asked word for word.


How to answer this?

Not to mention that Nanfeng was speechless with ice water in his mouth, he couldn't answer this question even if he opened his mouth again.

Should I say that I look good? Still doesn’t look good?

Just when Nanfeng was thinking about swallowing his water and explaining it to Yu Mo, Yu Mo slapped him in shame.


Yu Mo's slap was very soft and light, but Nanfeng couldn't tell the strength of this slap in his panic.

Yu Mo's slap flashed over and directly knocked out the ice water in Nan Feng's mouth. The ice water spurted out, once again, accurately, accurately...

Once again, the exact same mistake was repeated.


Yu Mo screamed, and the skin on his chest that had just been scalded by hot water also welcomed the coldness that belonged to them like the tongue of the south wind.

"It's really not what you think. Please listen to my explanation..." Nanfeng spit out the ice water and was about to start explaining when he saw Yu Mo, whose chest was wet again, staring at him like a pervert. .

It seems that there is really no need to explain at this time.

Yu Mo first hurriedly arranged his wet collar, and then stared at Nanfeng fiercely: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry and get me a set of thicker and more neutral clothes. I want to take a shower."

"You want to take a shower? Here?"

"Otherwise?" Yu Mo said angrily, "My entire upper body is wet now. If I don't take a shower and change clothes, I will catch a cold like you.

"I don't want to take care of a patient and end up getting sick myself. When I get sick, I won't be so lucky to have others take care of me."

"Then what clothes do you want?"

"Of course it's yours, otherwise who else could it be?"

Yu Mo was so aggrieved that he almost picked up the water glass and threw it at Nan Feng: "I didn't bring any clothes when I came here, and the one I'm wearing now is from Yifei.

"You can't let me go to Yifei to get clothes while wearing a soaked top. If she misunderstands something then, I will just come to you with a knife and die together like Meijia last night!"

What Yu Mo said made sense, but Nanfeng still felt that something was wrong: "If you were wearing my clothes, they would still misunderstand you."

"Then wear your clothes and let's go to the women's clothing store and buy a new set of clothes from top to bottom. During this time, we can also stop by the supermarket to buy some things and come back to prepare lunch.

"We can't wait hungry all day just for Yifei's bowl of noodles in clear soup that we don't know whether it will be ready or not.


Yu Mo thought of a good way to vent her resentment. She blinked at Nanfeng, her eyes moving with a seductive charm: "Or you want to know my size, and then go to the women's clothing store by yourself. Buy a set for me?"

"I'll go get your clothes right away."

Nanfeng got up and walked towards the bedroom. Nanfeng, whose body temperature had risen due to illness, now felt like he was about to have a fever.

Yu Mo laughed loudly behind him, like a bad older sister who used her age advantage to continuously speak pornographically towards her young younger brother.

But soon, she stopped laughing.

Because Nanfeng went into the bedroom and took out two sets of clothes.

"This set is yours." Nanfeng handed the outermost set of clothes to Yu Mo, and then showed her another set of clothes, "This set is mine. How do you like it? Does it look good?"

"what do you mean?"

Yu Mo instantly felt that she was overplaying her hand, and she moved to the edge of the sofa with a fake smile.

Nanfeng curled up his lips and gave her a very seductive and warm smile: "I just remembered that I was sick last night and didn't take a shower.

"Besides, my head was covered in oil just now because you touched it. It would be really uncomfortable if I didn't wash it off."

"So what do you want to do?" Yu Mo asked warily.

"My thought was, since we all have to take showers and I'm still a patient, why not..."


Yu Mo held the cup on the coffee table tightly with one hand, thinking that as long as Nan Feng nodded, she would immediately pour a glass of water on Nan Feng's face, and then quickly escape from this pervert's den to find Yifei to teach him a lesson.

"Why don't you let me wash it first?

"Otherwise, when you finish washing, you still don't know if the water heater has hot water, and what if I get even more sick by then?"

Nan Feng finished what he said quickly, and while Yu Mo was still stunned, he hugged his own set of clothes and ran to the bathroom.

“These days, men and women are equal.

"But patients come first."

The low-pitched voice of the south wind came from the living room, and this voice had a bit of Zeng Xiaoxian's charm.

I told you to tease me with a pornographic accent.

Isn't it just a pornographic accent? Who can't? Even if I don't speak pornographically, I can still force you to move to the side of the sofa.

If you want to force me to run away in shame, then you have to practice for a few more years.

The cautious Nanfeng locked the bathroom door and started laughing heartily: "Hahahaha...cough cough cough..."

Yu Mo reacted now. Listening to Nanfeng's harsh laughter, she stood up angrily and shouted towards the bathroom.

"south wind!"

After thinking about it for a night, the heroine has basically been decided. After all, if I write one more emotional line now, I can write it, but it will be too tiring.

Moreover, the author doesn’t like stock trading. The author’s love stories are either one-on-one pure love, or one-to-many love.

All I can say is that the order of appearance is important.

So thank you all for your support. Your friend Hongshu Ge is still overcoming difficulties one after another on the way to writing.

I hope the final ending will not slap the author in the face, but will be a happy ending of love and warmth.

Finally, please read it, recommend it, collect it, vote for me, please.

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