Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 38 Picking up girls in progress

The beauty who called herself Harley Quinn only narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard Zi Qiao's compliment, as if she wanted to see through him some shadows that only existed in her memory.

In the end, she just shook her head lightly: "Glib tongue."

"If a man talks slickly to you, it's obviously his problem. But if all men are willing to talk slickly to you, then you should consider curbing your charm."

Zi Qiao blinked at her: "You know, whether it's a bar or a party, in a place like a bar, alcohol is always just the catalyst, and only beauty is the addictive poison."

"Since you know it's poison, you should stay far away instead of approaching like you."

"On the contrary, I like to drink poison to quench my thirst." Zi Qiao took out the tools he had prepared in advance, "To be honest, I am a new love profiler, and I am currently collecting a series of emotional stories to enrich my profile. With your writing ability, I think your story must be quite unexpected.”

"Profiler?" The beauty became interested, "Is that the kind of profession that specializes in analyzing criminal cases and then profiling the characteristics of the criminal?"

"You are talking about a criminal profiler. I am a love profiler. I specialize in helping couples analyze the psychological profile of their relationship. Of course, you can also think that we profilers are all colleagues. In essence, we They are all striving to maximize human happiness.”

"To maximize human happiness, according to what you say, doesn't it mean that all professions are peers?"

"Isn't it? The essence of profession is that human beings are working. As for what exactly they are working on...anyway, everyone is basically working blindly, there is no difference."

The beautiful woman watched his performance quietly, but she unconsciously drank a little faster.

"Let's get back to the topic. What a profession like mine needs most is to collect a variety of emotional stories to get common templates and personality cases." Zi Qiao casually said. In fact, he didn't even have the profession of a love profiler. I don’t know if it exists or not, but this does not affect his ability to pick up girls.

In fact, as long as the occupation and hobby activities you make up are sufficiently unpopular, the kind that normal people have never heard of, and then you use some high-sounding terms, no matter how you say it, they will only think that you are rare and weird. , and naturally become interested in your career or hobby.

What you have to do at this time is to find a way to slowly transfer her curiosity about your career to you, which is more than half of the success.

"That's why I love being in bars. The faces of the young men and women in the bar are full of stories, especially you, Miss Harley Quinn."

The beauty in the red dress played with her curly hair self-deprecatingly: "That doesn't sound like a good thing."

Zi Qiao asked the bar staff to bring a bottle of red wine. He gently tapped the cork of the red wine bottle, and then pushed the bottle of wine to the side of the beauty in the red dress.

"Life is so long, don't rush to a conclusion. You never know whether something bad will turn into a good thing. For example, everything you encountered before may seem like a bad thing, but today you got a bottle of good wine and met a person. A handsome guy with a great sense of humor.”

She chuckled: "How can anyone say that he is a handsome guy with a sense of humor?"

"Then you have met today." Zi Qiao handed over the wine opener, "How about you tell me your story first or let me profile you first to prove my ability?"

The beauty in the red dress made a gesture of invitation.

Taken the bait.

Zi Qiao smiled proudly inwardly. This kind of low-level language trap is actually like when you go to a breakfast restaurant to eat noodles and the boss asks you whether you want to add sausage or eggs.

It seems to give you a choice, but in fact it is quietly guiding your thinking. No matter who you are, you will subconsciously think about whether you should choose sausage or eggs. However, in fact, you could have added nothing.

And the most ingenious thing about this language trap is that even if the other party jumps out of your trap and gives you a straight-up no answer, you have just failed to achieve your goal, and it is far from being considered a failure.

Because you just gave her a choice.

So Zi Qiao carefully looked at the beauty in the red dress in front of him: "First of all, you must have been a fat person before. Now... you are single, living alone, engaged in cosmetics-related industries, and earning a lot of money.

“I must have something serious to do here today, and I’m waiting for a female friend now.

"Am i right?"

The beauty in the red dress didn't respond immediately. She just opened the bottle of red wine with a wine opener and filled their empty glasses.

"Cheers, Mr. Lu Bu, you are very professional."

The two of them drank the cup, and Zi Qiao asked curiously: "You don't want to know how I saw it?"

"I do, but I know that even if I don't say anything, you will definitely tell me." The beauty in the red dress smiled brightly and charmingly, "Actually, instead of calling you Lu Bu, you might as well change your name to Sima Zhao."

"If all passers-by are as smart as you, then I will definitely change my name overnight." Zi Qiao moved slightly closer to the beauty, "Even if you don't want to satisfy your curiosity, you must let me satisfy it. Let me express my desire."

The beauty in the red dress said nothing, just looked at Zi Qiao with a smile while drinking.

If a girl doesn't explicitly say no, she just acquiesces.

"Let's start with the fat guy. You still have some traces of your sudden weight loss, and the size of this red dress is slightly inappropriate. To be precise, it's one size too big. Fat guys generally prefer to wear looser clothes. clothes."

"You are engaged in the cosmetics-related industry because the makeup you put on today does not match the smell of the cosmetics on your body. Your red dress today is very new, and the bag next to you does not seem to have any traces of spilled cosmetics, so you should be engaged in a field with frequent contact. Cosmetic work.

"Finally, it's your business today. You just bought your dress and your hair was just curled. You won't be able to do this makeup look for more than an hour today.

“If you had specially dressed up to come to the bar to hunt for women today, you wouldn’t have sat here quietly drinking alone without even looking at the handsome guy in the bar.

"The direction you look up most often is the door of the bar. You should be waiting for someone. There is no nervousness, no shyness, no expectation, no anxiety in your eyes. It can be said that there is nothing. The most important thing is that you have never taken it out of your bag. Looking in the mirror, I want to touch up my makeup, lipstick or something.

"You must be waiting for someone who is very familiar with you, so familiar that you don't need too much image in front of her. Obviously the person you are waiting for does not need to dress up to attend, but in the end, you dress up like this... you Isn’t your friend going to introduce you to someone?”

[In the inner world, Lu Ziqiao pointed at the blackboard with a pointer: Do you envy my reasoning ability? Today I will tell you the ultimate secret of reasoning. 】

[That is, read more, think more, think more, and compare. As long as you meet more people, you will find that girls are actually the same. 】

[Of course, the most important thing is that you dare to say it. To put it bluntly, reasoning is just guessing based on existing clues. Since it is a guess, one day it will be wrong. 】

[Speak confidently and boldly, just like me now, so what if I am wrong? Could it still affect my ability to pick up girls? 】

[If Plan A doesn’t work, just switch to Plan B. As long as you dare to think and speak, you will be able to become a detective one day! 】

The beauty in the red dress listened to Zi Qiao's words with great interest: "You seem to be more like a detective than a profiler."

"What a coincidence, I used to be a detective and became a love profiler." Zi Qiao was talking nonsense without telling the truth. "It's just that the detective industry is not easy to do these days. Instead of helping rich wives catch mistresses every day, why not?" Be a love profiler and help those confused young couples.

"Besides, isn't the profession of profiler just about making inferences based on existing things? Essentially, I don't think I'm changing careers, I can only say I'm on a regular basis."

"But you haven't told me how you figured out that I'm single."

"Well... of course it's just a guess."

Lu Ziqiao raised his glass: "To be precise, I hope you will live alone."

The plot of picking up girls is extremely difficult to write, and it feels very weird. Sure enough, if you don't have this diamond, you shouldn't take this porcelain job. It's really embarrassing for me, a bachelor, to write about Neptune picking up girls. I still like to write about pure love.

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