Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 16 Appearances of All Living Beings

In Xiao Nanguo's private room, Nanfeng and others tried their best to coax Wanyu.

Even Guan Gu Qingqi, who was still confused and confused about the situation, was using his half-baked Chinese to help smooth things over, and Wanyu slowly calmed down.

In fact, Wan Yu didn't dislike the existence of love counselors. She asked herself if it were her, her friends or relatives who wanted to pursue a girl, she would also help with advice.

However, the love strategist can come up with ideas, but you can't be discovered.

Especially when you look at so many military advisors standing densely on the balcony, you will probably lose your temper.

Wan Yu looked at Lu Zhanbo, who looked reserved next to him and had not said a few words until now, and there was still some lingering anger in her heart.

Weren't you good at talking just now? Now without the support of the military advisers behind you, you can't even say a word to coax the little girl?

If you could say a few more words, I wouldn't be able to use Po Xia Donkey's advice, saving everyone the time of persuasion.


"Okay, there's no need to say any more, I'm not angry anymore." Wan Yu said with a smile at the dinner table, which meant that the matter was over on the surface.

As for whether they have passed it in private, I'm afraid even Wan Yu herself doesn't know.

"Okay, now that Wanyu is no longer angry, we should do something serious."

Nanfeng, who was treating the guests, raised his wine glass and signaled to everyone: "The main purpose of our dinner here today is to welcome our new tenants in 3602..."

Suddenly, Nan Feng felt dizzy, and the world was turned upside down, and he almost couldn't hold the wine glass.

"Nanfeng, what's wrong?" Everyone saw Nanfeng holding up the wine glass. He suddenly froze in mid-sentence and asked in confusion.

"...It's okay, it's just that I forgot his name for a moment, I'm sorry."

"Okay." Yifei, as the eldest sister here (self-proclaimed), stood up and raised her glass: "Guan Gujun, everyone has introduced themselves to each other just now, so from now on everyone will be neighbors on the same floor. Yes, we should help each other and take care of each other.

"Then, everyone raises a toast and welcome Mr. Guangu to stay in Love Apartment 3602."

Sekiya was flattered and held up the wine glass: "Thank you very much."

Sekiya really didn't expect that everyone in the apartment he stayed in would be so enthusiastic. It was so passionate (passionate).

"Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses.

"Cheers!" Nan Feng's hands were trembling slightly.

The wine glasses filled with wheat-colored liquid alternate and collide under the bright lights, reflecting a fascinating and beautiful arc under the lights.

After each crisp collision, there is the gurgling sound of wine flowing from the bottom of the bottle into the cup, accompanied from time to time by the cheers and applause of the crowd.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone was somewhat restrained due to the previous incident, but now they have completely let go as soon as the alcohol hits them.

Nanfeng leaned on the seat quietly, his eyes a little tired, but his expression was extremely relaxed.

His sight seemed to transcend the barrier between the lights and the box, and spread to far, far away places in the horizon. However, Nanfeng finally brought his gaze back and looked at his friends around him with a happy and warm look.

Around the small round table, Yifei seemed a little preoccupied. The drunk Zeng Xiaoxian was shamelessly moving himself towards Yifei, wanting to show Yifei his happy eyebrow dance.

Yifei desperately refused, but the drunk Zeng Xiaoxian was not only frighteningly strong, but also not afraid of pain. The groggy Yifei couldn't think of a way to deal with Zeng Xiaoxian for a while, so the bored Yifei could only pick up the wine glass and watch the even more boring eyebrow dance.

Zhan Bo and Wanyu looked like they had completely settled their differences. The two innocent people started to talk even more freely after getting drunk, from Transformers to special photography films, from special photography films to Three Hundred Tang Poems. , and then talk about tongue twisters from three hundred Tang poems...

Now they have begun to talk about the boring question of whether the article written by an Internet article writer named Hongshu Ge is a piece of shit.

The newly arrived Sekiya-kun is chatting with Curry Sauce with gusto. Since Curry Sauce is only sixteen years old, she can only drink orange juice at the wine table due to everyone's unanimous decision. However, for her, the feast in front of her is definitely more important than the wine. is attractive.

At this time, the drunk Sekiya was boasting about his father Kenjiro Sekiya, calling him the greatest chef in Japan. Curry sauce listening to Sekiya talking about the production process of Japanese food was like watching a food show while eating. It's Gaga eating.

Of course, she also acted as Guan Gu's Chinese teacher in the process, correcting his Chinese usage. This may be the only thing Curry Sauce can teach Guan Gu.

It can only be said that these two people are purely tools for each other.

It can be said that Meijia is completely drunk now. Just now she was yelling "handsome guy, beautiful girl, party, you all get high." and other nonsense.

Fortunately, the soundproofing measures in Xiao Nanguo's private room have always been very good, otherwise people outside would not have thought they were having a party without clothes if word spread.

Fortunately, Zi Qiao has a good drinking capacity and stopped Mei Jia in time. Now Meijia is lying drunkenly in Ziqiao's arms. Her mood changes as fast as a movie queen. One second she was giggling in Ziqiao's ear, and the next second she started yelling at Ziqiao. Now Meijia is acting like Like a child, Zi Qiao wants to accompany her to watch the meteor shower.

Nanfeng was not surprised by Meijia's condition. What really surprised him was Ziqiao's reaction. Whether it was Meijia's acting out or being unreasonable, Ziqiao, who was slightly drunk, showed amazing gentleness and patience in the process.

Ziqiao just held Meijia in his arms, his eyes filled with tranquility and concentration that were completely different from usual, as if he was holding his whole world in his arms.

A smile appeared on Nanfeng's lips unconsciously. He picked up the wine glass, which contained ice-cold lemonade.

He had no interest in drinking in the first place. After the car accident, he never drank at all because of the blood in his brain. But now Nanfeng felt that he was drunk.

He looked at the living beings on the wine table. Maybe when they woke up tomorrow morning, many of them would put on the masks that had just been removed by alcohol and hide their true selves again for the sake of life.

But so what?

"There is wine today and you will be drunk today, and you will be worried tomorrow." Nanfeng said in a low and inaudible voice.

"Cheers, everyone."

Yifei's mouth was dry and she had a splitting headache.

She walked out of the bedroom to look for water, but she had finished all the drinking water in the suite. She had a headache and didn't bother to boil water and wait for it to cool down.

She walked to the balcony, hoping to take advantage of the cold wind in the early morning to wake herself up, and in the blink of an eye she saw the bright lights of 3603.

3603 is a suite for Nanfeng alone, and the balcony is of course also a balcony for Nanfeng alone.

For Yifei, installing a swing chair on the balcony on the 6th floor is obviously an extremely dangerous and irresponsible act. However, Nanfeng, who has always been indifferent to many things, has a certain attitude in this matter. Unusual persistence.

Fortunately, the safety of this swing chair is indeed very guaranteed. As long as Nanfeng doesn't suddenly want to let go of his hand at the highest point and fly freely, it is unlikely to cause problems.

But what Yifei is afraid of is that Nanfeng suddenly can't think about it... exactly like his father.

Nanfeng was sitting on his comfortable swing chair, holding his laptop in his arms and operating it.

Nanfeng's hearing, like his voice, is the most perverted among perverts.

Yifei has practiced martial arts since she was a child and has never slacked off for a moment, but even if she deliberately hides her figure, she has never escaped Nanfeng's ears.

Of course this time was no exception. As soon as Yifei walked to the balcony, Nanfeng had already raised his head and locked onto her.

Nanfeng waved his hand and signaled Yifei to come over.

Yifei immediately planned to climb over two balconies in a row, but Nanfeng stopped her in advance and told her to go through the main entrance obediently.

It was okay to go to the balcony during the day, but at night it was dark and she drank so much, so she dared to go to the balcony.

For a moment, Nanfeng couldn't figure out who the two of them were. They seemed to be the more desperate.

"What are you busy with so late?" Yifei opened the ajar door of 3603. Nanfeng was still leaning on his swing chair without raising his head.

“While improving the plan for the development of dubbing studios’ all-network platform, now dubbing studios can no longer just focus on dubbing.

"In recent years, the development of the Internet has changed day by day, but no matter how the Internet trend changes, there is nothing wrong with letting the studio take root first to seize a favorable position, and then make corresponding adjustments according to the specific situation in the future."

"One step at a time, step by step, I have an idea."

Yifei then asked: "Is there anything to drink at home? I'm so thirsty."

"There is still some hot milk in the kitchen, and there is hot water in the water dispenser. The hangover medicine is in the medicine box in the drawer on the left side of the coffee table under the balcony.

"If you're hungry, there are a lot of sandwiches in the refrigerator. It tastes best if you heat them in the microwave for three minutes over medium heat. Remember to put them on a porcelain plate and use cloth gloves when taking them out."

"That's it." Hu Yifei drank a glass of warm water first, and then opened the refrigerator. The things in the refrigerator were neatly arranged, including the sauces next to the door, the iced lemonade on the bottom, and the various fruits in the fruit basket in the middle. , and the densely packed box of sandwiches on top.

"Why is there still this old thing in your refrigerator?"

"What else?" Nanfeng continued typing on his notebook, "I can't cook. Even though there is a dishwasher, it's still very troublesome to wash dishes. If you order takeout or a sandwich, I really can't tell which one is healthier."

"I asked you to come over and have dinner with us, but you weren't happy..."

"Forget it. Little Senior Sister, even my old man can't eat your food. He says it tastes worse than tree bark during famine times."

"That was before. My cooking skills are much better now than before."

"It took you more than ten years to evolve from the food that can poison people to the egg fried rice that you can barely eat now. When you can cook a big meal in ten years, I will be happy to eat your cooking."

"It took ten years before you were willing to eat from me. Why do you think about good things every day?" Hu Yifei laughed angrily and dared to question my cooking skills. Who would be willing to cook for you one day?

"It is indeed a beautiful thing. After all, I may not be alive in ten years." Nanfeng replied with an indifferent expression.

Yifei's expression was frozen: "I didn't mean that."

She walked to the balcony. The wide swing chair was enough to accommodate three or four people. Yifei sat on the other side of the swing to comfort Nanfeng and said, "Didn't the doctor say during the last review that the congestion in your brain has not continued to spread? , this is good news.”

"It's not spreading, and it's not getting better, so I have to carry this bomb with me for the rest of my life, and I don't know if it will explode or when it will explode?"

Nan Feng smiled and said, "Then I might as well jump off the building like my father and be done with it."

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